Hermitcraft Livestream 14/08/19

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[Music] and we're live on twitch.tv slash Asuma we got bananas in chap from I love cats towel bar Sassoon avoid Big Poppa House say Lee Bailey crispy rice PC SEP golden at TNT MSD 14 and Tyler riser thank you for the banana speech the bananas mean that we're live here on the switched on the TV slushie assume I think I need to turn down the the volume for the follow sound people keep commenting on that lately maybe it maybe something happened it got reset Sri Ashley just do that right now I'm right I'm like writing it onto my notes and I'm thinking when we just go in and change it for once also I want to keep I want to keep looking at yeah I want to keep saying hello peep spree stream music today we're slipknot with a near Oh 40 don't know if I'm pronouncing it correctly probably my favorite song off of their new record if you like to go and check it out the not back with a brand new record I'm doing a terrible job terrible job of figuring out how to lower the volume right now I will find it I'll find it it's oh god they change the menu great thanks thanks for changing the menu follows there we go this is how I had it I'm doing stuff sound volume let's just drop it 10% it was it 20 Save Changes so now the follow sounds should be a little bit lower we'll soon find out also peeps I think the Internet is being slow laying is happening I noticed I noticed that chat was moving very slow and we don't have as many viewers as usual so I don't know where's going wrong in what place but might be okay the viewercount just jumped up maybe my theory is incorrect I was going to say we have a quite a stream today which would be fine by me Reb so is his subscribing elder caribou Tyler pr1 nine nine seven four recent from five months Tyler Asya research ground for two months and gold and TNT MSD fourteen recent scrubbing for 32 months four to go for the emerald face in deedily totally indeed live diddily diddily totally let's let's head on down to the 1.14 no i don't need to drop anything off we'll pick anything up we're good to head over there I believe mbn is here we subscribe form up saying love watching your content ex keep creating jy underscore el4 subscribe Amazon Prime and dank train Tom has subscribed as well thank you ever so much everyone for your support as always I do appreciate it did you dices escaped yeah I died quite a few times today it was good fun dig straight down says human pitch stick we could play a game of dig straight down later on I'd like to jump straight into building and working on the project I've actually done a lot of stuff that I haven't shown on the video yet so when we get over here he'll soon there goes the boat is appearing again oh and also shooting together Paul yeah you're gonna see some stuff happening M mcgraves 349 reset scrub 2 months saying heyo glad to see your subscriber count' rising keep up the good work PS you've rekindled my spirit to play Minecraft everyone's spirit is getting rekindled for this game at the moment it seems Billman 68 thank you ever so much for the support dude I appreciate it yep the channel has just been growing astronomically it's it's really crazy I've just been enjoying it I've just been you know every time I look at the numbers I can I can smile go yes fantastic but you know I know what it's really about and I say all the time it's about the experience of doing it's about the journey not the destination the numbers you know they're meaningless if if you don't have a good time right and it just so happens that I'm having a really good time and maybe the numbers are helping a little bit that boost your mood you know your mind will be affected by that kind of stuff right but keep my feet on the ground keep doing what we do here you know and if we get there soon so be it I mean probably get there at some point but sooner the bed I'm grateful and I should probably turn off this redstone right here I I was here earlier today and I got completely and utterly bamboozled that won't no actually I want to do this differently I got completely and utterly bamboozled by a creeper but I swear this creeper had to have been invisible I was like I was hanging around here fighting off some zombies for ages and then I walked round the corner and then behind me creeper and I was like like I was here I was here for like a whole couple of minutes there's no way you could have snuck off on me I wonder if it were like invisible I don't know the invisible creepers have been a bug here and there I don't think that's the first time I had an issue with them in 1.14 I think right let's make sure we got lots of torches because we're gonna light up the place that we're gonna do we'll fly over the top in a minute and have a look at all the building that's been done as well actually I might have I might have shown all this in a video I can't remember if I was doing it after all before I recorded the final clip for the last episode hmm we'll see we've got an oasis in the air from demonic chicken five subscribers Amazon Prime and void jurist is here saying is there a reason I have to restart your stream when you switch from the pre stream to actually going live you know the only trick stream I have to do that wave in it happens every time I don't mind at all but figured I'll let you know for the sake of curiosity in troubleshooting do you know that yeah I guess I guess it used to happen to me maybe you're on an outdated browser if you update YouTube browser because it used to happen to me and then at one point it didn't just I'm talking years ago though right years ago so yeah one point it did then it didn't and basically Twitchell sort of or should sort of automatically refresh it for you because it knows what's going on that sounds like that isn't happening so maybe update the browser because it should refresh for you automatic automatic lis okay so all of this in here really does need a little bit of care because as you can see too many dark patches too many for my like in Auto magic leases KTR builds auto magically that's the word isn't it and the bird is the word Voyager s thank you so much for the cheers in bits dude I appreciate it we also got ttv xx did ox X crazy name there subscriber of Amazon Prime thank you so much for the Prime subscription will you ever join h6 em what a strange question Dan storms is literally today in my tweets that someone mentioned h6 em and I'd never heard of it before right over here we fly this is the other area where we could do some torches just around this ball you know it looks like someone else has made an effort as well over here so we'll just contribute watch some more torches I said this just the other stream didn't I this is why we need beacons that can stop Bob spawning be so nice just to set up an array of beacons and I have to worry about having torched BAM everywhere and we're out torches well makes it more how're you going today XS Amil t give al 17 I am going great thanks for asking it's a good day another another day is drifted by my goodness Mina they go by quickly it's almost scary it's almost scary but I made the next episode of hermit craft I think it was really good - really good fun if you saw this one then you might have an idea what's gonna happen in that one and it was awesome I really enjoyed it so be on the lookout for that it will come out Saturday I've got another video for you first day as well right I think that's this most this area pretty well covered then isn't it some darkness under here but I think most of stuffs been lit up it's a good idea to put some lights around redstone however thing of redstone is it stops mobs spawning on it so a lot of the time you don't need to do this but I'm invested in this area peeps we need to keep it tip-top the mini-game looks really neat says Minju thanks that's what I wanted to show you a second ago so let's do that so behind me over my shoulder there it is the whole thing is almost built as you can see we're missing a section on the ends I've been waiting for this cow to get back - movie hasn't yet I I don't think this sealant and line is like set in stone serious and when we build this thing out it's going to just come over this way a little bit that's what we'll be doing today we're going to start off though with some nether brick around the back here now we've invested a lot please don't be wasting my rockets computer game we've invested a lot of netherrack and stuff around the front but I feel like it's a little bit wasted on the back this has this nice kind of like view vantage point right you're over there you're looking across you see in this other game and the fire and I think that looks really cool I also had some ideas for making this look a little better I think it might be smart to break up some of the campfires and fire sort of group them together and then maybe make some more overgrown bits with nether warts in there as well so now here's an idea for later on in the stream right now though we're gonna grab our nether bricks we're probably gonna end up needing a lot okay so we've got some more there I'm gonna need nether brick stairs while we're here rockets core the sound of flapping flapping it's not really flapping is it the sound of flapping shocker box is over and over again nothing in there abuse what we need I could do a little bit of math here so three five seven nine eleven thirteen fifteen let's just say sixteen because there's four sections on either side I need two stacks of stairs I believe and that I would say is maps for the win has anyone ever said maps for the win before right let's now pop around the back and build a little bit of structure over there [Music] it's everyday chat as well also got a hot cup of tea here you know con forget to drink that dark monkey says is a fortnight dead yet you know I have these discussions on my streams about how we how we use language how we try and express ourselves I think when people say oh yeah that's the other thing we need to grab the red sounds done I think when people say this game is dead I think it's more like this game is dead to me and for some reason we always want to express outwards I catch myself doing it and I see people doing it in my comments quite often I get a comment from someone where they say something but they write it in a way where they say we or like everyone is a commonly used thing everyone thinks this is rubbish you know and it's I think it's people were just trying to say that they think their feelings extend beyond and a bigger man but it's like it's really don't know why I place those blocks there it's just really inaccurate and pointless in a way right to express things like that so for tonight can't die what what minecraft can't die doom can't die you know pong can't die lives on in our memory although those things won't last forever technically but let's not get let's not get that deep you know but if things become a part of the culture they become part of the fabric the ongoing output of humanity creating creating things together expressing ourselves you know one day if people aren't playing Minecraft they'll still be someone playing it probably me but minecraft will become a fabric of gaming it will become parts of it will become part of the culture you know like the things that it's brought to the world of gaming will live on like the idea of sandbox environments and block games are now probably gonna be here to stay but what's weird is that ten years on like no one's managed to fill the minecraft void no one's come along and done it bare yet we've got high telling the pipeline but we'll have to wait and see on that one I'm gonna grab some slaps cuz I had a little bit of a brain wave idea when I looked through those the other thing I wanted was the red sandstone it's over here see let's grab those and these and them and make sure a couple more are smelting because we might need a lot anyway let's have a look at chat as well because they do like this to be a conversation okay that's more than enough around the back we go again do you have a beard says blues wolf I'm growing it back again see I used to have a viking beard then I shaved it off and had an identity crisis true story I think lavas gonna come out of this one here oh I can see it dripping so I've remembered the structure well so you see that that feels like that's the way it should go now here it will come level so does it still look interesting I think we might have to chip out a few blocks and add some structure we're obviously going to make the redstone needs some rewiring by doing it like that but then I think the problem here is is that they're level with one another so maybe the waiter goes to bring it out another drop so all those blocks that place they're gonna get removed cat says I remember that identity crisis I have lived for it I was there when he had an identity crisis it was so funny though like like it really did just all of a sudden bring my mood down I was like what have I done and and then I literally had to lay down and put my head in a pillow and just be like oh this doesn't feel right but then I step back and I examined and I was like this is what is this ego like the mind is a strange place like how I've become so attached to hair that's just growing on my body why does it mean so much to me you know what is this really about I'm not sure I've got all sorts freshness our cats cats you mean you actually went through the same thing got ya thought you might have meant that let's go sleep in our beds sleep away than that tear freeze is tear latch dah we got at every subscriber quickly before the phantoms come and get me mister to cookie man has subscribed tear free thank you ever so much for your tear free subscription as a tear free subscriber you can head over to assume avoid calm left-hand side of your screen you can click on get white list it and then you can hook up twitch and get white listed on our let's play minecraft together server which has been updated to 1.14 which I'm really looking forward to when we got a sub bomb rolling in here as well as a crunk crease it's grown for two months in a row well it's time for me to sit my tea isn't it so hey Bailey is here gifting subs five of them thank you ever so much Haley Bailey for your generosity and supporting the community here the quirky quark has been gifted a sub and I brings you up to free mumps also missed gam but Theodore our gash nurse for DMT and ho-ho yourself your names are being read out in chat because you are now subscribers feel free to send a love heart over to hey lee Bailey we also got a noise in here from heavy metal miner who's here for donations saying greetings from good old germany and love your stream perfect to enjoy after my work hours rock on thank you so much dude I appreciate it I hope you're entertained today this is some crime drinking time I can't believe it I can't believe what I'm seeing my goodness me we've got another sub bomb coming in here J free bus all that reminds me that reminds me of site but I'll come back soon assailant J free bus 2010 is here gifting subs to diabeetus free Jordan 94 Lee Derek 55 cool guy 765 oh he got just in it got no numbers on the end I'm gonna add some in it got six seven two nine one seven four three genes don't know what that means made it up J bus thank you ever so much for supporting the community very kind of you to do that appreciate your gift in the subs we also got nut to tak box goodness me subscribe me of Amazon Prime and mixes spittle lick wow what a name Reese absque ran for two months in a row saying cool work exhale of the mini-game game glad you enjoying it we've got to get it up and running soon I really want to get on top of it which is probably what I'm gonna do in the next one right I think all those gifted sub noises are coming for in the air drums now hit that dirt countless is crack lizard now why would I hit that dirt counter we're on a roll today we ain't doing no dubs we doing good we doing good so I think I can start to rip out I'm gonna have to repair my shovel rip out some of this get a feel for how this is gonna look I mean I don't have to rebuild all this redstone right so we'll just start tearing it out now that actually goes a little bit further BAM you also missed the junaid donation Susan Linda Jarman so I've read that one out from heavy metal miner I read that one out thank you again heavy metal miner and lost people saying looking chat old pythons in chat - says X please don't sleep for a few nights trying to get zombie villagers ah okay is that what's written in chat are they puffins online okay sorry Python as you might as you might be able to tell fall in a hole and slightly distracted okay so we can't sleep we will probably retreat inside our game during the night time and do some redstone stuff in there so that's all the people in chats they're saying read chat we're talking about got yeah you know it might have been helpful to say read minecraft chat because then I would have known what chat you're talking about so we got code man X subscribing of Amazon Prime code man X thank you ever so much for the subscription I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy in the stream so how does this look beeps I think it looks alright remember we're not going for much we definitely have to add detail in this bit but I think we'll get away with another brick I think we're going to get away with it how we must put the blocks down here bow toxic two three four has subscribe vamps and prime Botox it thank you have so much for your Prime subscription by the way we've got one thousand viewers tuning in today I appreciate y'all tuning in I hope you're enjoying yourselves if you haven't hit the follow over and be sure to do so I noticed we're a thousand follows away from a milestone that milestone was 200,000 followers crazy crazy these number games they write and then isn't wait it's that gonna be lava it should be lava is what it is what it should be but it's not what is that a red dog thing isn't it but it's wrong love that Jess sorry wait Joe fita two nine eight two subscribe thousand Brian and GSP k77 says read all the chats read all of them open discord read every server you're in goodness me okay I'm reading a message from Miss kau by the way because you reminded me okay took talking to a scout cuz there's a build that I want to do that's real well you know what is this build we talked about it a minute ago didn't we so yeah for the backside and you know just filling in the space that really don't look so bad if you ask me I'm not a fan of having flat walls but there's a time and a place for them and when you you got some like low maintenance not really used or trafficked area that's the time to put in stuff like this and so I think we will we will persist persistence that's the word of word of the day a new segment on my stream one of the day today's word is dub reap the chat says Ryan Games live now and now it's probably just a troll you see now it's just a troll Oh remand fish glad you enjoy the music Block III really enjoyed the last one though right you know when I do the music blog it's about writing and get it out of my system and not every thing that I write there is going to be you know my best but I don't aim to do my best I deign to do it consistently and I aim to try and improve every time and you don't always do that but I thats just a strategy that works for me I really think trying to be a perfectionist I watched this video by I think the name of the channel is the something brothers and it's just one guy on there now but anyway he talks about how as a creator when you create you have the vision and then you have what you end up with and you can spend a heck of a lot of time working on the final few percentages you know so once you hit like eighty percent quality on a video to get the rest of it together to get up to 90 percent that can be almost double the amount of work triples sometimes and he was talking about how you should just you know a lot of the time get to your 80% and keep going because you'll improve and you know over time your your 80 percents will look like 90 percent or whatever and that really struck a nerve of me and that principle I think I've best applied on my music blog but anyway it just so happened the last one that I wrote I really felt like the right kind of words came together and that's because as I was writing it it kind of clicked that that record really does sound like a mix of two soundtracks I'm very fond of the Diablo 2 soundtrack and the Starcraft soundtrack if you're a fan of those as well you should probably go check out that record it's by a hex and craft and it's different from their other stuff I know that feeling we're making music the mixing and mastering could take hours is tau bar mmm if I look if I look back on how I wrote music I don't think I could apply the same principle to it because music just works very differently in my heads or at least retro actively when I used to write it I tend okay and don't sleep it's not even near night yet and I've come to the bed for some reason just that I have it I won't sleep peeps thanks for the reminder crate crafter are and Zuzu free six TV subscribe of Amazon Prime thank you ever so much peeps I appreciate it thank you support when I wrote music a lot of the time it was just an ongoing like groove that you get into you get into the space where you're like I want to express or want to get stuff out of me and you just play the guitar play the drums you write stuff on the keyboard and then I just compile it and quite often but not no not that often but every now and then it would be like everything would just come out of me and I just write write write write write and I remember having like a party at mine once and then I ended up just sitting at the computer for like 6 hours of it like way into the morning and I just did nothing but write cuz this song just kept coming out on me and it's like one of my favorites as well and that's so different from the 80 to 90% boy it's just like it just happens but you have to keep flexing that muscle and keep getting those little things down and then it happens and the song comes out here that's that's what making music is like let's I'm just doing a bit of a waffle at the moment on I let's we're trying to tidy stuff up we need to compact this redstone I need to finish doing some building over here I guess I can put in more of these blocks we need to grab some lava and put it on those outsides as well just got a little bit on focus there read the chats as Ryan's games this chap repair your shovel now in capital letters gap sky I want you to repeat you know I'm I'm not gonna repair it right now I'm gonna wait oh I'm gonna wait a minute before a repair it just to spite you don't worry about the shovel peeps don't worry it's not worth getting bothered about is it it's not worth worth getting bothered about could you for a little quartz in the nether AK for at variation yes over here we definitely could well we're getting to that we're gonna go over this build over and over just continuously working on its different aspects you know I think I'd also like to build up more of the nether brick because I'm waffling I think I'm just like getting petrol II distracted by myself if that makes sense so one thing I think that is gonna need is like a cushion of nether brick to go around the outside so when we build that side oh cool I saw a chat I saw a chat out of the corner my and the first thing I thought was is someone else sleeping it's not my fault yeah somehow I just got distracted over here when we got to this bit organ music why are you listening to organ music as soma I don't understand what's with this organ music oh geez let's listen to the organ music you know for me making music is only easy if I start off with something that sounds good and then I expand on it I often have difficulties coming up starting with a good many melodies there's Mon sac I would that sounds positive like you start somewhere good and it goes somewhere good I would take the pressure off yourself like it sounds like maybe if you're like the way you you say that it only works when you start somewhere good that I mean that works so I take the pressure off yourself and maybe just jam a little bit cuz for me I'd say it's kind of similar in a way it's like once I've got the good thing going that's usually what ends up becoming a song but it just starts with a kind of letting go a little bit I guess oh don't do that one just yet like just just having a jam and enjoying it I do really miss it like constantly I mean I always talk about when all of this slows down and I'll do music I just can't believe like it's picking up pace now I'm like when does this thing end like I love in it but I have another plan you know stop subscribing on you stop watching the videos X wants to play his guitar goodness me you lot goodness me cornerman just plays guitar wonderful.i is smart has subscribed with Amazon Prime is smart what an amazing message what an amazing username they gave so much for the subscription I like it I is smart I am in communication with this cow so now that we know what we're doing over here it's free free free and then we're gonna have the nether act so I can show him how far out this would come 1 2 3 1 2 3 and roughly hmm let's see that that's probably gonna be a flat wall so if we use that as a guideline we're probably looking at wrapping here wrapping like we're dropping rhymes and then underneath like that so if that's going to be like the wall dropping down then we're over by that many blocks let me get a vantage point and I'll send a scale screenshot about I'll make this line a bit bigger so it's kind of clear you know Oh Oh and it will it be one more block oh I think it's one more block because this has to be moved again it's one more block than that okay right hopefully we'll hear back from a scale but we can focus on the rest of it for now Crete beat minecraft noise right there you forgot to stick another brick in the part of the wall one block further away I think I've ran out was the problem rather than forgetting I do like this alga music yeah we were talking about like writing music and stuff do love it I'd really do love it g-man in chat is suggesting elements are for learning yet learning tabs tablet chuff which is different from score schools all your like you know classic fancy notes and lines that kind of looks complicated but if you learn tablature it takes notes and turns them into numbers on your fret boards and that's a really good way to learn so you think the thing we've like starting out on an instrument is there are so many good tips you could get as a beginner it's just depends you ask really see dora has subscribed bands and prime ceodore i think you have so much for your Prime subscription I appreciate it hope you're enjoying the stream see if you start playing from tabs it doesn't tell you much about technique doesn't tell you about like positioning or like correct picking technique or anything like that but you can still you know figure out and learn and if that's fun that's always good I think so let's grab some cut red sandstone and some of those and go pattern up one of the walls now can we also make nether bricks with our supplies we have no the bricks but that won't be a lot with it I'm gonna use up some of these slabs you know you know the perfectionist in me is always like don't use slabs then the wall will be partially made of slabs and then I'm like that silly don't get hung up on that don't get hung up on that tech to teak is Jiri subscribing for free month's tech to teak thank you so much be a free months of support I do appreciate it hope you're entertained hope you having a good time hanging out relaxing Max and ain't too taxing over here let's let's see so the lower down it goes I guess the thing is hmm I don't know what to do here let's just let's just do something rather than nothing so do you know just rubber band I think this rubber banded which shouldn't happen actually should happen at all [Music] don't feel like that really does or says anything if that what I might do in fact what I will probably do we will to get back in there and pick up those blocks beeps Carl MD spawn what if we do that so we come over here we have a row of one and then it goes down onto three that goes on top and it's going to be that block there this one over here so it's not so flat now kind of works kind of works I think just about [Music] what does the rubber band play ex-what the rubber band the band that's made of rubber they sing their songs all day the band that made the rubber I don't know what to say now look at this it's got to be detailed all the way down to the bottom peeps no excuses proper structure right there that's what that's what really grinds my gears when you see like a structure floating on a couple of blocks I'm like oh oh don't be doing that our wrong spot it's nice to build with the smooth red sandstone we can meet right you know I was thinking we could make a red sandstone shop maybe that'd be a nice idea let's go get those blocks that are on the ground and while we're here rip out some of this because it's wrong there we go you do some torches over on this side as well couldn't we yeah so now all that stuff gets to come out right and let's keep going back round the other side you should add the sand plus red dye makes red sand customer spaces necrotic I don't know if we discussed it or not but I wouldn't just add it would be a group discussion oh yes that's the other thing so over here cuz the wall is bigger we'll do that and then there and then also there so we need to get more of these so they're like every other block that kind of thing cat says I saw a peanut stand heard a rubber band I saw a needle that winked its eye that very cryptic very cryptic I think I need some of these blocks I also have too much of this don't I too much way too much okely-dokely there we go I can't stand a half truck tree with floating leaves as heavy-metal miner yes they're the worst aren't they always got to get rid of those do right feeling good about this cool maybe we should work on this structure here a little bit as well now that we know we're going to put the netherrack wrap on it because we've got to build this over at the other end so one of the things we could do is play a little bit of the mirrored game and have that go up again think that might work then this would all be flat like so although didn't I say about the netherrack hmmm what to do here tonight can I put lava in it I think I can so yeah of course I can so I don't know what its gonna the walls gonna look like behind it am I am I out of the smooth stuff no there it is but if we extend that across then that's fine build up there and then we have our netherrack however I can't help but feel this would look nicer if the nether AK started and wrap around the corner don't really know that was it like Eva what's this background music very fitting says your boy it's written on the screen we're listening to some Lord Leviticus one of my favorites Thaksin Ike says green is making a Flores love a minigame as well you have competition there'll be two different games you know I ain't sir bavitz like I think he even said in his video his was kind of different there's always room for more minigames okay and that's one two three four five and then we're out those there we go so I think this could work I really do we're missing the stare she's not sure I actually like the way that is this bit is here's all but I think it needs the shape so we'll go with that did X spot anyone yet so simps no no far away from that far away so we need some nother brick and we have no the bricks but I get the feeling we're gonna run out of these fast cool entrance is weirdy but it's cooled isn't it yeah I agree I might be slightly biased but I agree okay here's where the slabs come in yeah that's gonna work out isn't it of course it is right James IV says I'm ready to see your scales mini-game I think we all are at this point I'm excited to play at least let's go put you there this one goes over here and would have that there so this is where it ends actually and we'll probably put in those chiseled things again won't we right only makes sense so there was one there so that means here we did we didn't miss a beat and we got a noise in the year it's cheers and bits being thrown my way from Penn ago six or Penna goose X should I say let's get rid of this funky funky bunch of blocks right here you know they're very wonky looking saying starting to like the look at it starring starting to like the look you telling me didn't like the look at this minigame from day one oh my goodness me I have failed I have failed I'm only missing me yeah I keep up the great work thank you so much Penn I guess I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy the stream and hope you didn't but you your username too much there you know play your minigames to see any there might be some of that we're gonna play dig straight down later as well aren't we right there we go that is some good tea although it's too cold now I'm not gonna drinking him off but there you go right then so over here I guess if we just start to actually build up the bits that need building up the rest might fall oh if I ran out of those blocks again the rest might fall into place I was saying Duke straight down would be a great time to remap W&S says hasty gear I don't know really because you press spacebar I mean no I don't think it'd make any sense I was I was anticipating suggestions and one of them would be to play greens Elektra course I'll let you figure that one out for yourself oh I did have a bunch well silly me yeah anyway I wasn't expecting that as a suggestion but I did think about it and it was like well I mean you standing in a Hulk so you're not even moving anyway so it seems kind of pointless to do that one okay I think this means all this is actually gonna work out when I don't have any slaps and I don't have any slaps however I've been taking the blocks that I've been smelling we are actually gonna run out of supplies for this build I can't believe it to be fair though it ended up being bigger than I thought it would that is my excuse it is a fair excuse all your games has hate sticky if I might have done that maybe that's why maybe that's why I've got no XP you know maybe one on one equals two maybe maybe many things let's go over here and place down some more blocks where's the chisel bun there you are I mean the hardest thing to do who would be to play ravages once is weirdly yeah ravages run would definitely be a weird one be a tough one even without a shadow of a doubt okay so we're gonna then take this and bring it across like so now it sort of looks good from up here but from down there it kind of probably won't right like what is this wall here gonna be are we just going to take those free blocks and fill in that space there is something but the what's missing is a wall obviously so that would go in there to hide the lava maybe the wall is glass I don't know what to do here I think I think glass will help oh do you not I'm gonna do let's take a page from this book let's go ahead and grab that which we've underutilized underutilized bring those out and then like that and then that'll be a window going all the way across and that'll finish it off I mean that's it I think we figured out that one let's go grab our box of glass can you try red sandstone walls I think it would look cool we're using red sandstone dude this is already turned stone right here oh do you mean the walls like the Shapley block I forgot about those well I was thinking we're gonna design something to make this building a little bit taller once we've finished tidying it up so we could consider using that yeah now what do I need I need two oh I remember how you make it now you do that that's more than enough well apparently already had loads how did how do I manage to do this over and over again constant dirt in any way we need glass [Music] and black was our color of choice and we have some but we'll probably need more did you finish adding the nether brain circuitry on the far wall the nether brain circuitry on the far wall what is that nether brain circuit I have no idea what that is not a clue okay then this thing has figured itself out and looks like we've got another glass so that's what we're gonna build over at the other end looks pretty swish if you ask me okay so let's get those slabs back in here and finish this off there we are sweet I'll still need a secret entrance to get in here of course someone says it looks like a face a little bit like stretched out eyes yeah you can face a fire a lot of things if you've got a line with circles either side right then so this all looking pretty swell it's looking dandy gee whiz and we got as far as over here right sort of this thing's ripping out some of that up there and a whole bunch of this as well yeah Mike comes down cool cool beans this bit here is it looks nice but it's wrong it's wrong what happened there what happened that complete fail complete fail do it again whoopsie yeah not sure what happened there at all would you rather have as much diamonds as you want or emeralds says geo pre knee if I had as many diamonds as I want can I just trade them for emeralds anyway I have plenty of emeralds that's for sure and I have plenty of diamonds so it's not really a problem all right let's get around here placing a few more of those I agree Green is probably the hardest to potato says fan of fans yeah I don't think I'm gonna go after green as well he's already been potatoes I have an idea of who I'm gonna go after but it depends it depends on a few things I also really have a method yet I haven't really thought about it too much there's a good significant chance of backfire happening which I really don't want I mean if there's some backfire yikes it's that correct that has two dots the other one didn't for some reason the air base has gotten out of control war they are two playing around with those aliens again [Music] what's the time there says Milly 261 the time is almost seven o'clock in a few minutes it will be seven that's the last of the nether a call over here and now we can like this after make it with safe and useful right when we torches that 29 torches for you why do you slap says simps it's just what I have lying around I've got lots of slabs so I'll use them up that is at least the plan oh yeah there's no exit now well apart from here I have more of those this is the only way out the only way out is up except top that way up because there's a roof above it just had a weird idea for a mini game like I had a vision of lots of players placing scaffolding and loads of scaffolding going up at once like if we tried to play king of the hill with scaffolding people punching out instantly you know it's constant gonna break but what if there could be some sort of mini game that involves actually trying to build up and maybe you got to gather the scaffold from somewhere and and then build it up so you can climb up and hmm I don't know my brain my brains tingling a little bit there of an idea but I don't think it's fully formed that's the way you make mini games you've got to look at mechanics inside of the game and then you've got to think about how you can gain the fire them right and that's usually what tends to make a decent game is that you've taken sank and created something cool out of it but you know sometimes that leads to a really good game if you find the right mechanic and explore it in the right kind of way yeah so that's that's pretty awesome that's it that's all all the back done we're not touching that until a scale gets back to me as you can see a little bit of work needs doing on the roof I think there's a couple of spots we need to put in some lava so let's go touch up the front side and then we'll play dig straight down and then we can come back to this and maybe do a teeny tiny bit more work on it so over here I don't think we have lava yet yeah there we go so we need two buckets of lava another two for those ones four in total X must be a million years old or Sosa's Horace how would that work I'm in imagine being a million years old there was a movie that I watched years and years ago I've watched it twice I think I love it I should probably watch it again sometime it's about a guy who actually lives for millions of years and and what's amazing about the movie is it's low-budget it's all shot in like I think the whole movies like just shot in one room and it's just people talking but he basically gathers like his friends and tells them like hey I'm moving on but I live forever and like and tells them all this stuff about the past and and just the way it's all done it's like you know what you could compare it to podcasts today you could say the power of podcasts today like it's got some of that magic in it it's like it's just gonna lock you into the conversation they talked about I forget what it's called are you talking about 12 Angry Men X greater tall wow what happened there was I'm missing a aisle the block would have been filled in just because I didn't really build it properly I guess it's I think the title of the movie is something like the man who or something man it's got man in it and it might have moon in it as well is it like the 2000 year old man I don't think that's the name of the title though the man from Earth says Tony oh pixee man from Earth that I think that might just be the name of the movie really like it really cool movie why don't we start talking about that anyway guess it just popped into my head all awesome I do enjoy joy movies as I've told you many times though I like I've really do just like dramas I like my favorites are always character development like story lines arcs I I'm not that big on exposition type movies you know which seem to be all the rage at the moment man on the Moon says Switzer may know it's man from Earth I think it really sounds like yet you started talking because someone said you must be a million years old yeah I guess it reminded me of the movie with the bloke who was released in the movie was billion years old we got a sub bomb noise in the air goodness me goodness me it's pony huh no one one eight seven six let's just place a couple more of those gifting subs thank you so much for supporting the community pony hunter I appreciate you doing that if you hear your name being read out loud you're now a sub feel free to throw a love heart to Pony Huntley you can do that because you know got the assume remotes scoured 777 Navy kuma free five nine slippery Smurfs ps4 Sylvester five six four and was I have no numbers on the end thank you ever so much I appreciate the support I hope you're enjoying the stream and yes he thanks to Pony hunter I'll say thanks to Pony Anna Thank You pony on are very kind of you to do that I appreciate your support in our community here with those gifted subs fan a fans my next video will come out tomorrow that's the the usual time which is sort of 3:15 BST that's kind of like my settled upload time at the moment I might experiment and change it again in the future right let's have a look so I'm not really going to touch too much more there now am I didn't I say we tidy up the front and then played DSD or maybe we'll do DSD first we got noises in the year from awesome DMD subscribe Amazon Prime and Magic Man 65 subscribe Amazon Prime as well thank you so much appreciate your support peeps and to all the people tuned in watching be sure to hit the follow button here on Twitch help me get to 200 thousand subs not no subs follows can anyone tell me how many were out at the moment I saw it earlier and it we were like just under 100 away no I don't sorry a thousand just under a thousand I don't really get a thousand followers in a stream usually about five to six hundred but then again lots of people have been subscribing on youtube so maybe people will come over from there and and follow over here Shaunda five is here Risa to come for three months Shawn five thank you ever so much for your free months of support fantastic okay so in these chests of the nether AK we can put the nether things and over there goes that over here goes this round and around round and around and around and around placing all the blocks right where did those lava where did those lava buckets go there they are right tidying up one two and three let's go in here one two three scaffolding to go in these ones and yeah we're good to go play a little bit of dig straight down how many diamonds was it to play it wasn't it free I think it's free diamonds apparently we need 684 followers to get there I would also people actually give it out five diamonds in fact lots of people will give me different numbers we also got negative panda here for 13 months in a row thank you have so much negative panda appreciate it hope you're enjoying it quite a lot away we probably won't hit it today then next stream which will be Friday maybe we'll hit it then let's go grab valuables in you go pop those in there right we're gonna go play dig straight down we could also make a thumbnail for the stream here couldn't wait Sun in the background is off-putting there we go that'll do okay so three rounds four four rounds have been played let's take off the old armor item locker is it let's go in here and payment scaffolding payment pickaxe fortune free dirt to leave oh yeah yeah got it alright peeps we're gonna settle spawning this bed first I'm a smartypants actually I'll spawn is set just over there so doesn't really matter does it I'm not a smartypants right first thing first thing is which one do we go for peeps so in chat you know right now tell me which one we should go for which one should it be should it be this one that one over there the weird-looking one the wonky one the one to the right no not that one the other one let me know in chat I love how people are using numbers top left bottom left top left that one see to the wonky one which one the top one the one to my right but I'm just wandering around I just wandering around by the barrel that's actually a pretty good description unfortunately there's two barrels we'll do this one by the barrel it is the of all the barrels this one is the closest we're doing this one then okay okay next strategy next strategy peeps there could be up to nine diamond door we're gonna we're gonna pick a number between two and eight okay what is it gonna be chat the number between two and eight knowing is not between two and eight Sims come on come on I'm seeing I'm seeing some eights I'm seeing some fours I'm seeing some double profit oh I see so we bail once who dealt allah we're going with that one I like that suggestion if we get ten diamonds we bail cuz we got fortune also I care so much about my eight golden Harris III I would cry if I lost those okay it's a chap you know the brightest minds have come together here the block near the barrel double your profits what a great way to play I like it thinking outside of the box you know I asked for a number you gave me a better suggestion so we have to double our profit and then we bail so once we have ten diamonds we bail I wreck in Lala and now we are digging straight down also we've got a noise in the air hello Daniel cipher is here over the nation saying don't read it out aloud I would except I don't understand I feel I feel like I totally don't understand that okay thank you for the nation dude I appreciate it but not sure what you want me to do what you mean okay so here we go this has got loads of other stuff in like I feel like this is the one that doesn't have ten diamonds in this is the one where you bail because you go I know it I literally know I literally just said it I literally just said it this is the one with all the other stuff no diamonds now didn't green guarantee at least one I'm sure it said at least one I'm sure of it this game is a con I did definitely not get one diamond back Oh 0 to 9 did he change it did he change it [Music] try again don't quits as Marilyn miner well if I play again no one else can play cos there'll be no more fortune axes so I would but on that note I think I'll actually leave that for someone else to play like Python who's not online we should let pi/4 know about the dig straight down game actually in fact maybe we could get them to come over here on stream shoot a message I don't think you series away [Music] okay silk touch what I feel like no I just cleared out my inventory a lot didn't I I'm not arresting anything [Music] potato time potato him all out of eat yeah I'm not gonna do that on a stream by the way oh this is an idea I had in my head a moment ago banners I just at one point I was like oh we could put banners on this thing and you know a good banner design requires going away and doing some research I'm not sure I'm not sure if I want to do that on string just because it can be a bit tedious but having some banners up in here and not sure where exactly they go that feels like a definite detail for this project anyway I said we would do the front and this won't take us very long because it's going to be really quite simple we're gonna put in groups of this we're gonna put in a few quarts or or that quarts or because I don't think we've got any others and we're not gonna put ominous banners in tonight and we're gonna reduce where the fire is in places so we're gonna try and cluster the fire together a bit more I think would be well I do want it to be spread out in one way because now because it's stopping mobs spawning I guess right let's make a little cluster here of warts I want a walk cluster no one's ever said that before I want warts where do I want them on my feet oh give me a microphone I'll say sighing silly I love this song by the way this is this is the song where I always say I love this song okay so we've got a little water stem there notice how it's not like random and spread out it's just a little thing going on so here's a spot where I think we've over done the campfire thing so let's get that out of there and now for my favorite bit of the song but of course all that couldn't we right so next little wart C bit I think this is again too many just here I'm gonna take this one away and let's put that in right our next little wart C bit I think we'll get here at the front and we'll expand on what's here already there you go look there's like a vein of salsa now going all the way across and maybe we don't plant it on every single one of them you know sometimes detail commit other there's Python I type in capital letters sometimes [Music] yeah there you go so we'll go or ghost will do this quickly then we'll go watch - play it okay I'm going to take out this one here and put in a little bit of course let's put a cluster quartz yeah let's watch - valence it effect got optimism okay last little cluster then we'll put here since there's already some soul sand yeah that looks good and then I think a little bit of quartz here maybe that works over on this side a little bit of quartz here as well I haven't used it all but we got other things to attend to all right and that I think should should help brilli okay so okay we're off from this guy someone donate your neck says fans of fans I we know we had the cheese and bits from Tyler oh yeah yeah with some cheese and bits as we established next time you play dig straight down in the stream you should do an eye break right when you hit the diamond people go crazy also I'm sorry for saying by the round no problem no it's great suggestion that's what I like Here I am being a goofball trolling all year and then someone comes up with a suggestion that works you know cuz I you know I was like which one the left one the right one while I was moving around you know while I was moving around peeps it's time for an eye break it's time to give your eyes a break from looking at your screen your computer your iPad your laptop whatever it is you're watching on this if you're watching this on a fridge fridges have a computers in them and screens now those high-tech fridges what are they up to this is the part of the stream where I look away from my screen because those doctors okay they keep banging on my door they go stop looking at your screen stop looking at yeah every every hour they recommend you get five minutes break from staring screen doesn't mean pull out your phone and check your notes Ari Oh graphics are not as good shut up look outside it's amazing it's some loud plastic bottle clanking isn't it right excuse me I told the doctors I'm not taking five minutes I'm back to it we're back peeps this is just to remind us just for you to do whenever you like you can do it now you do it some other time we've got noises in the air from Antonio and Karl bolts Bree subscribe for five months they gave so much of the support - is on his way I've got an amazing idea hey I think I see a Python right there I think I see a Python okay here we go peeps oh wow Oh fell down the rules the rules - or maybe already knows maybe already knows ex sickly-sweet sarcasm gives me diabetes by sickly-sweet sarcasm if there is saying about your microphone that is oddly soothing sis hi Steph that's what I haven't changed it it's it's not a it's not one of those condenser mics hex can you bench more than Hill mango he tweeted yes they did five by five hundred count inclined bench no sir I spoke to your mango about his deadlift in I think ill mango lifts heavy I don't lift heavy I I I think he knows that like where we at I don't lift heavy I'm all about large volume high-intensity workout lots of reps lots of sets but low weights and I did kind of want to take the heavy route a while back behind with my shoulder while I was sort of going in that direction so you know but yeah benching 100k I think the most like benched is let's see [Music] I'm having a hard time doing 50 I think about half half of that but I you know I do it on my home bench so I'm not gonna do anything heavy I don't have a spotter my my bench does have spotting built-in though so that's the thing oh yeah don't pick that that's probably obvious there we go you forgot to plug up your hole that's very true isn't it I will plug it up another AK then I guess the other people escaped maybe okay pythons going for it it's going for it go - oh I wish I had a cheetah zoom Kirov are now redstone okay here's where we troll him I'm not holding diamonds I'm not holding diamonds thus far the game it's just part of the game we could pressure - like if you keep going I'll give you a diamond let's do that if he if he pillars back up we'll give him another diamond - keep going I mean he's already got let's sweeten the deal he's already got one he's got two diamonds so he can break even he's gonna be more likely to pill a backup or which point I will give him diamonds - keep going I think you just got some diamonds that looks like diamonds to me I'm squinting Oh Piper my man you tried to swim in lava oh geez what have I done wait a minute that wouldn't bother I was thinking I could get five friends AIIMS but like they're dead in the lava oh what a buffoon oh wow GJ it's good fun that's good fun did Pythian say spawn there's there's a question ah jeez let's there is that empty [Music] we've got a noise in the air from em tone line or empty on line 72 subscribe Amazon Prime we got scar boiled reef subscribing for five months in a row wait is that we put in here oh I guess now don't be telling me how to crazy are we had a crazy full inventory I can't be dealing with this I tell you what the boats are staying here alright this service ain't free did I put glowstone as his hang on I'm going to I'm going to do a whoop see if I'm not careful a whoopsie Dipsy I will tell you what I can fit the rest of the stuff in my inventory anyway karna so I think I had 31 of those okay there it is right so those free things see I'd rather keep free things that are distinctive here cool all right let's go take this back to - you know he came and played the game he entertained us so at least we can do I we got a noise in the air from three hundred twenty three years thank you ever so much for your subscription dude an epic ninja fours subscribe Amazon Prime appreciate it keeps the same potato I'm not gonna potato although this would be an amazing opportunity wouldn't it it really would in fact that might just be oh now now now I'm thinking now I'm thinking hmm nah nah I don't know it might not be that simple anyway [Music] I'm trying to navigate down here without hitting the edges Oh like a pro there we go all the way to the end [Music] just do it as the max eater I'm not going to because it's it's not part of the continuity right oh what's going on over here haha they look well ominous because they didn't look like regular villages they're not they're from a different they're from a different time and place peeps what is your name what do you do oh you ain't got a workstation because you're in the nether oh oh this one as well okay pythons up to something let's go through this one here hex accidentally walks on a cult yeah kind of felt like that didn't it what is the potato says redstone it's the hot potato I've got the hot potato I've got to pass it on to someone else and give them a redstone redstone challenge I get a cook give them a redstone challenge got to give them some sort of challenge we got Joe Joe flies here doing the cheese throwing the bits saying what is your armor layouts can I take a screen shot my armor layout is this can have a mix of fire protection protection and that's it actually blast protection is another good one but that used to be on my chest plate and now I here we go yeah now I got wings I don't have blast protection on it don't know the Russian says what's this Concorde doing a protest Joe Joe thank you so much with the cheese and the bits we also got who canna Matata 1 1 2 2 subscribe Amazon Prime preciate it I hope you enjoyed the stream Radio D righty only diddily diddily oh I wonder if pythons gonna continue working on this area again that'll probably motivate me I haven't done much over here for a while I kind of stuck with this building and then the next thing I wanted to work on was kind of like coarse farm and I just fought it's not the most exciting thing but as we start to plug up all the other projects we do I'm hoping maybe we'll start working on that extremes there's gonna be a lot of digging so I'm probably gonna do sank underground and all of that all right let's drop in here hot potato idea they have to say my master serve assumer seven-times built into this speech hmm I mean I could I could say like pick an impression and do it I think that would be really fair actually rather than being like hey do it Yoda impression you know back to hermitcraft welcome you you know that kind of thing like ah I hit the wall they just picked their own one because then these then peeps compete every everyone can probably do like a impression or a voice so if you pick one that you want to do that you've you good at that's that's a good thing I think so an impression I think would be on the table but at the same time can I come up with something that's maybe a little bit more unexpected or some sort of in-game challenge that will make you go whoa how they gonna do that like I want to give them yeah a real challenge I guess a Red Dog do a rendang impression but it's wrong dad that was that there a minute ago was that there a minute I feel like that wasn't there a minute ago is someone here building that I just didn't notice today I was just oblivious what is going on in this area what is going on in this area let's go back over here a place is weird camera J says the Hermit that your hot potato has to crack one quintillion possible combination knock before start their episode yeah yeah whoo your challenges don't upload another video right I want to grab some leaves quickly and some bone meal and just do a pass on the back area throw down some bushes and bone meal not a crazy amount I don't have a crazy amount do I I could have gone and got something you got actually this is the battling I'll get some another time so one of the things I'm struggling with a little bit here is obviously we're gonna have a path leading up to there but like how does the nether axe stuff here and I feel like we might need a fence or some sort of separation like that will probably throw down bushes and bone meal in this area over here on this sides going around the back there so most of what we can do here is kind of done what I'm thinking though is that I want to add something around here I think the better one to go to is the second one let's grab will use the scaffolding to get in there that's what I'll do oh yeah we don't have an entrance we don't even have an entrance and yeah yeah there's that guy dude stop being a buck let's go grab some torches play scales minigames his golden Salem I wouldn't I mean first of all it's a multiplayer game but it's his game his redstone you know I'm not just gonna barge in and play it well it's ready it will get played and its girl be in charge of who plays it when ET forces how about they have to make their next video a musical that's a cool idea but I mean it could be pretty tough to do it well first of all doing a whole video as a musical may be a part of it could be musical I don't know that's an interesting idea but I like myself I would I would get if that if I had to do that I'd just be like I don't know if I got the time to do that like that's that's a lot of production so what I'm what I'm thinking is that I need a roof here for this middle bit but it doesn't have to be a closed roof but I can't really see a way to add something here that makes sense is that I make it's the structure thin ish do you think should we just leave it with open tops and call it finished because I can't really see a good way to make these middle bits here have a little slight extra I've still got to do some building down the end here leave it yeah yeah leaving it's probably a smile dear isn't it so all of this down here needs rebuilding is the other thing feel like I just like to take a break from this now we worked on it pretty much full stream but I also forgot on my list here it's just it's just like get resources is this the other stuff I need to do you could kill some livers I could do that couldn't I I could go kill some more but they really spread out and it takes ages to find them so as much as I'd like to I'm not really prepared for that when they make a new at home at Kraft they need to pretend it's seven one three episode of season six isn't that like one of the first ones of season six uploaded anyway I think I know what we'll do I know I'll do next that's let's tidy this some way then quickly know the blocks and campfires campfires go in the backpack ah there they are right and you get in there and that's is there any is there anything here I can take back with me that I don't need here anymore I think I'll leave it all I think I'll leave it all for now and I'm gonna need some Rockets on wrong one right let's rock it off out of here we're leaving the 1.14 area now and I can minimize my notes average Martinez Erie subscribe 13 months average Marlon thank you ever so much for 13 months of support I appreciate it hope you're enjoying the stream having a good time that's caught my eye what's going on there that wasn't there before was it what's inside this house what's so special is there a book and there's not a book on that thing right and we go it's Salomon's house oh okay got ya and it had been called and I wasn't aware things he'd catch him I like that bridge earlier Oh apparently salad salmon man has been taken to area 77 got you okay scoot row roasters area 77 at the same amount from the house there it is there it is the proof so who's going to area 51 on September 20 fa oh I got a feeling that's gonna end badly I really do I really hope not a lot of people go and not and no one gets hurt but I can't help but feel it's gonna be bad I'm already at area 51 says double hoses brilliant the cherry says I like living so no thanks there's not potato peeps there's the hot potato what are we doing what are we doing I need to grab some materials and I don't know if I have them lying around I will need some quartz but I probably got plenty of this let's grab that it's actually check our course if I see one of the things is I don't restock these very well very often and will probably be good to sort that out plenty there so when it get any quartz then we're gonna need like terra cotta and like concrete I think so concrete terracotta is brown also empty shocker box for another day another project interest in I'm just going to make someone's site with that one and I just need to pick up some more terracotta here wherever it is whoa I have a box I thought I had a box of terracotta maybe it's up here Oh looks like we're low on terracotta peeps let's see if we can make do of what's there right let's let's head off to the location [Music] when does this season finish his escape jxm XS unfortunately mate you didn't spam the question enough times if you disband it one or two more times I could have answered but that's the rules you know that's the rules when it comes to spamming you've got to spam it at least six or seven times wait four million viewers called this is Petri oh that's four million total right there that's not concurrent alright now in you go in you go baby back Danny is here we subscribing tear free for 16 months in a row saying 16 months I want my money back joke X have you ever thought about making the same type of farm as the kelp but for charcoal hmm so well I guess you'd get locks automatically funneled into something with a I would do that with bamboo right automatic tree farm bamboo farm ah we're here isn't the way out in the middle very good oh I like that I like that that's no Betty back Danny thank you ever so much for the way for the recent scription you got me thinking about that now did I miss a trick did you mean saying else not entirely sure that's fly over here for then this season has been amazing and I hope it don't end at any time soon since Barry dude I feel the same way I feel the very same way this is what we need so we need two colors we need like a 2-tone approach and then quartz this shouldn't be too difficult but it's is 7 blocks wide and how many blocks tall so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it's probably like including that 12 I think it's about 12 blocks tall so 7 and 12 are the two numbers that we need to remember here 7 and 12 yeah okay so let's start off with counting this one two three four five six seven cool so this thing will actually go kind of in line in the middle here and I think it makes sense maybe to make it out of the same material let's get a scaffold just here because we're gonna be jumping up and down around here a lot I think that's not the way I wanted it to go cool yeah that'll do we've got our two materials over here that I'm considering using so science haricot it being the one that we're dealing with there now I record I reckon a reddish color might be a good idea for the backdrop to the to the faun I think actually no we're gonna go with gray we need some contrast so let's go with gray and there maybe a reddish color behind it because we've got like red there I mean what is actually the most dominant color here apart from gray or should be to tone it with two types of gray we could put stone behind the court smooth stone I haven't ever used that's the lighter color no that's that's I antara Cotter is it I don't think I really use light gray on a building maybe we'll do that and let's see what light gray looks like with it which is that one it looks a bit too plasticky for my liking okay so all we've been raided two minutes ago oh I'm just so engrossed tip no thank you so much for rating dude welcome all the new peeps hope you're enjoying watching me ignore you hypno with the raid thank you so much dude I appreciate it also D dubs 1974 subscribe Amazon Prime thank you for your support appreciate it okay now I was thinking something like this where these things stack over each other right and then they go up in the middle where they meet so that goes all the way across to the other side the height is the same this goes all the way across there and then it goes upwards as well let's just build a little bit of on this side so I think we're looking at maybe it could kind of be staggered I don't know now this is just probably gonna have like an open gap and it's gonna start at this height here I'm seeing sin in my mind's eye use emerald blocks you know every blocks are terrible to pilfer if unfortunately I hope I hope Jasper would be up for tweaking some textures in the future I think there's no harm in making changes again emerald block will probably be the one at the top of the list for me I'm not sure what else I don't think there's really anything else that needs it'd be nice if they took on some vanilla tweaks ideas like sticky pistons having a unique texture on the side but they never seem to pick up on that stuff okay so so message for the new peeps from Hypno's stream be sure to hit the follow button if you like what you're seeing over here we're playing on the hermit craft server I extreme it regularly and we're getting close to 200 thousand followers as well so I'd appreciate it if you helped us get there we do have terracotta I'm gonna read I it because I'm lately alright you know the dyes be easy to farm let's read I it let's keep it simple you know keep it simple stupid that's what they say isn't it why they calling me stupid they're not very nice ok show you're not showing me what's craftable what's up what's up with that don't get it it keeps forgetting my recipes you know it's not you saying to offend it dreams oh yeah was I gonna try this oh yeah wasn't I not gonna use the dirt the dirt the dirt to diddle the dirt I think we'll go with this actually now I read I'd it I think that I end up looking pretty nice pretty swish pretty Fung Shui let's put in all of that so that is the plan right this thing has now got like a sign for the HRM Bowl stood on the top of it I think it's gonna look cool I've got to admit though from here they don't look all that great and I think would that help it look any better it does actually it just adds a little more shape so now I need to dye some of my red terracotta to cyan by the way thanks all the peeps it in the follow barn I can hear you but the noises in the air drum and all of that appreciate it how difficult was it to create vanilla tweaks is Jonas well for me I didn't really have to when I was when I was making vanilla tweaks textures it was pretty easy however the website they've got now is impressive I could never do something like that and there's lots of other cool features on there I don't think editing resource packs is terribly difficult we're putting together a website like vanilla tweaks is really impressive okay so we've got that that needs converting and we need to convert a bunch of this stuff but we can do it I like how abstract it looks this now bar is if it abstract isn't it and it fits in what's going on around here it's like another little mini tower in the area let's grab the courts next actually I'd like to start building the hrn so I think we're gonna use smooth for everything I think we use smooth last time didn't we smooth course we've got some of that line around quartz slab smooth quartz slab look we've got a nice little selection here so H R n reads top to bottom right so we start with the letter n we go up to there cuz on the other side would be different what I was saying earlier is that maybe maybe we could build it so the top isn't flat and then this is like actually let's give it a shot let's just build it so the top isn't flat let's do things a little bit different let's live on the dangerous side peeps all the dangerous world of building all that that roof isn't even you might fall off of it let's carve a look it's probably actually gonna look really funky but well we'll go there so the N just has the stairs going across the middle that's it heavy metal - has never skipped the grind never skip the grind unless the grind skips you you know that doesn't I thought that would sound clever but it sounds stupid well what did I expect okay so one there a little bit of this a little bit of that some over there somebody's some of them some of those that is the letter H no it's not the letter n we're going backwards H art you know I'm gonna have to fly over there and look at the letter R on I said don't want to get it wrong I should have taken notes H is gonna be easy at least so R to me looks like full block free slabs full block free slabs hatches balanced perfect in the middle of call I can do exactly that no problems do you think tank will come back to Minecraft in season seven says Joel and ass then I don't know yeah I think it's I think it's a season six thing though you know right like why do it again okay so yeah we need to go hmm slab yep also yep slab over here and slab there and one here that is an R I believe there is an R hidden below us and now we've got to build one here so this is the H we can put that there we can put this here and then I got to jump away and put one this is gonna go wrong peeps oh I can feel that let's jump onto that the H goes there who hrn yeah this is it's gonna work right here right so we gotta make up a whole bunch a light gray concrete powder let's grab that that light gray die gravel the sand the gravel of the sand the gravel and sand right stack of each don't know if it's enough we can always make more later thank you very much thank you very much let's go it's an orphan and head down to the beach Col Green says Carlos in chat cold cryin ah who likes my voice cracking voice it's so ridiculous I like it says fan of fans shall I do a whole stream like that you know jeez a whole stream what a voicecrack says the heater fan it's really easy to access I just realized it's like it's just Oh what happened there oh did we go for all of it oh goodness me that was quick what did I just see that is that is inconsistent inconsistent fix it immediately ah I can rest it I can die I can die a happy man now okay I've live a fulfilled life I corrected a bit of dirt let's do another stack that one by super-quick like it literally felt like a second and it was done because normally when I do this I'm not streaming and I'm like average Martin doesn't like the voice crack brilliant hey X did you see the new clip of wisecracks is read Sikkema I did I did watch the new wisecrack video what was it about I liked it I really like their videos they're terrific I really like the way they look at the world it was about streaming services because I've been watching a few things about streaming services lately we're about to have a streaming service boom about we may already be in it personally I think the whole streaming wars is just going to be bad for consumers I don't like the idea of having multiple streaming packages just because of the fractured nature of them they're all kind of like you know they're they're all their own different interface they're not like a different channel on a television I think what would be smarter is to have something like Netflix act as the middleman and and then you know like maybe even maybe even like streaming packages I don't really like this kind of stuff even though I'm suggesting it but like what if you got the Disney package added to Netflix something like that I mean that could have been a business model they approached but what what I think could have been done is they could have looked at Netflix more like it's the it's the the infrastructure and hit up a fair deal with them to put the content on Netflix but now everyone wants to have their own streaming platform and cut Netflix out and treat Netflix like it's a middleman which you could look at Netflix like it is but if Netflix is a middleman and not like a platform or a service how have you drawed it then it means we're going to end up like paying a lot basically like how Amazon does its is void rest now Amazon is competing as well Amazon is also doing streaming service not like how Amazon does it no I think this needs to be a little bit higher is kind of unthinking it feels like you should see the box at the bottom right so I think the way that will achieve that is probably hmm I think we're going to knock out the bottom two bits here ah ah this is gonna end up looking weird whatever I do so if we have that there and then I did it on this side I guess that doesn't technically need to be there and we got a crazy noise in the air it is an emerald face it's the one and only Eagle fam here for 37 months in a row my goodness me thank you have so much ego I appreciate your support crazy amount of mumps oh no oh no things are falling in the hoppers aren't they right now it all goes from one side to the other if I break that okay I think we've got everything eagle thank you so much for the support I appreciate it I hope you enjoy today's string it's been quite a lot of fun that's why I'm very productive as well now we got drop the micro-purchase JS I probably just butchered your name didn't I I'm gonna say drop the microphone that's what I expected it and say thank you ever so much for the support though I appreciate it hope you're enjoying the stream now why can't I have this why can't we have nice things there we go I'll take those blocks well in the name of redstone complexity is that that is a minecart station down there I think this is gonna work actually it's not quite what I expect it but I think it's gonna work let's go ahead and do that the question is do we want this double frame here I've got a feeling a lot even better if we didn't like what if we got rid of that as well does it look wonky does it look hot are we getting rid of this I think we're getting rid of this and we're getting rid of that and we're asking does it look good like that I think it does it's not what I expected but I think it looks good so we'll crack on that we got all we need to do this now it was a cool idea how it's gonna become a reality ha that's how I get my blocks back thank you block collecting service of doom as this can I would say you can HBO CBS stars and several others to Amazon Prime all right so you can get them for Amazon Prime system I did not know that hmm that's quite enticing right there if they've got HBO as well very enticing anyway this needs to be taller up the top there what is going on with the assume Eclipse channel says assume avoid nothing at the moment it's an idea it needs to be worked on things aren't gonna happen overnight with that all I'll reiterate for anyone who's watching you might want to be a part of that I I like what I'm looking for this is what I think is the best fit someone who watches a lot of the streams like some of the topical stuff that we talk about like maybe when we touch on topic like streaming and once to and you know I want whoever does this to have fun doing it you know basically find their favorite bits and like clip them but in a way where they'll edit it together so they might cut out a bit where I get interrupted and say you know thanks for X months or something you know like so for someone who's watching it outside of the stream it's a bit more fluid what's going on something like that what's the bottom one again n n goes down here so it would be someone who need you someone who's competent in watching the streams editing video together and understanding the whole kind of like which bits to put together and if someone out there wants to work with me on that I have a project for that but I've only spoken to a couple of people and I get the impression that it's going to take talking to quite a few people to find the right person this one's supposed to be the letter R isn't it okay so that's the top of the art there we go oh no didn't want to fall down so yeah anyway I'm trying to just expand the the content that I can create for my channel and not just expand but improve the quality for working with other people it's like that I want to kind of do now because I've always had a kind of do everything myself attitude and I see the limitations of that constantly and I just feel like I've hit a point where I wouldn't mind getting past those limitations and I'm always gonna need someone else's help but I've got some plans at some point I'll find some free time to create I think we need a bit of a bigger gap at the top there to create I'm gonna create like a jobs section on my website something like that with more detailed descriptions and how to get in touch that kind of stuff but I think one of the roles might be filled already I think I found my editor that's for sure right let's see right we've got noises in the year from a be actual subscribe bands and prime a be actual I appreciate it and hope you enjoy in the strength Thank You via subscription it's going to need a regular stream watcher that has the time to put into editing two hours of footage will take a fair bit when you think about it says taxi van well not really because you always got to think about production flow this is something that any creator needs to think about is what steps are you taking to create your product sometimes there might be something in editing software you wasn't aware that you could just do this thing and it makes your life so much easier your videos now take half the amount of time to edit and that's that's happened to me that's happened to other people as well where like us Hermits we often share advice and information we use in programs and you know we've been able to help each other and sometimes the result of that is you realize oh I was doing this wrong I can I can do it this way and it's faster and it achieves the same result so the way I would see it working if I were the one doing this which I am I'm the one talking right if I I mean maybe I could do this maybe there's a way I've always wanted to do this actually and I found a way to do it with OBS but it doesn't work on slobs but anyway let's say you're recording for two hours and there's gonna be moments where you're like oh I want to remember that for later I want to edit that I've got a proq I've got a plugin for obs that lets me put a timestamp into a file so I can go find that moment again now if I actually remember to press the button to add the timestamp that's a whole other question but on a stream what I could do is go all that was a good little conversation we just add let's make a note for later except I don't have the time to go edit my streams and all that stuff but someone watching could do the same thing all that little thing that X was talking about was pretty cool you know you're already watching the stream make it part of the process then then when you download the stream to edit later you already know you've already written your time stamps down see that's that's workflow that's being smart you're already watching it because you enjoy it that's why I'd want I wouldn't want to hire someone to just sit and watch it if they didn't understand me and my content right so you know it's part of what you're really doing you already watching it and you just taking notes then when you come to it later you had it a bit together it's funny this pops up if I was just talking about this in his last single-player an ex gave advice yeah if I was talking about using fraps and I think I've tried to tell him in the past you know like so some people well everyone you know uses whatever it is they use right and there's other information out there that you can just be completely unaware of and if you use fraps it's like you're using outdated software that uses your CPU to transcode there was a time when fraps was great you know it got a job done and to be fair you know sometimes you can look at and go and still gets the job done but what fraps is doing is it's using up the resources of your computer and it's it's offloading that from your game to encode the video if you've got a modern Intel processor I've got on my old computer an old one that had it built in you have built-in hardware for transcoding video this hardware is already in your system and it's designed to do the transcoding so it doesn't impact your computer game this is now known as like M vac and the video graphics cards have it built in and now there's like GeForce as well and like it's already there and in in the system when he when he was talking about his specs I was thinking I have a very said I had a very similar computer to that and it could do the recording without that lagging you know but it's just you know what do you know like I got lucky I found this information out because I looked in a particular place for it right and this is the sort of information that like we want to share with one another as create as I guess he's like where to get the good knowledge from but ethos Evo's more of a if it ain't broke don't try to fix it right actually I'm quite like that as well but I'm also like it ain't broke but can I make it work better sometimes which is what I did of all my OBS and slobs stuff when I started to learn more about it I don't see the problem is CPU versus GPU if the CPU is good enough then it's more about what you're used to sort of toxa BAM but not really like it's like it's like like imagine okay this is a really bad analogy but you could probably come up with a better one imagine you're using your television as a light right in your house and you're moving the television around you also watch the television but you move it around to light up the room when you're doing other stuff but you didn't realize that you could turn the lights on and all the rooms had light up it's like that like your computer has built-in hardware for the process you're doing but you're using outdated software to do it with your CPU so it takes resources away from your thing and and like you might think oh but now the GPUs doing it when the GPU has built-in hardware for it that hardware ain't doing anything when you're playing a game it's therefore transcoding the video you know so is your Intel processor it's got a thing built into it for doing that and I had two graphics card and the Intel processor on my old computer and all three of them could do the transcoding obviously I only do one at once but like it's really well supported stuff it's in all the hardware let's go yeah so we know those are in the right spot let's go grab some smooth quartz as well the quartz that is the smooth man what a waffle waffle Pedro says that's a cool analogy I think it worked didn't it the end the analogy kind of worked you got the point right you got the point where that another oh I hear groaning and moaning and the zombies and the dying and the death and the pythons on it I was comforting it's gone but everyone has a different system set up but works for you is different to other systems yeah but he told he said what his specs are so I know his computer can do it I know like is both the graphics card and CPU could taken care of like it's it's not it's not a that's not the issue here it's like now whatever I've explained myself several times now trust me I'm right okay we need to get a furnace over here don't we we need to start doing some smoky smell here I think I was talking generally not Evo right okay but even generally like my old CPU was like seven plus years old right there's probably around seven years old so it's a really old generation Intel it had it built in like they've been built in for like a long time now so anyone who's got a computer that's like five or six years old has probably got the same technology it's not it's not some spangly thing a little Phegley new thing it's like it's been there for ages but we were using fraps and perhaps is just you know old basically trust him he must be right I'm telling you it when it comes to using the transcoding stuff the end back on up on OBS it is it is the what you should be doing if you're recording video if you're using fraps you arches hampering the performance you know and maybe maybe what you're recording and maybe what fraps is using is insignificant and it doesn't really impact your game that's fine but when it does you know the yeah I think I think everyone's got the point by now I keep going on about it right so we need some smooth courts and some I think we need like a smoother to be built the one on this side no so we need a smooth court stairs man it's this thing got fortune on every time I break courts to this thing I feel like I don't get enough let's just do a little bit more xeu running up to fine I am not running ops fine up to fine actually lowers my framerate Believe It or Not check X 2 6 7 for encoding support for your processor slash GPU there's likely to find at least 2 mid to higher end models I'm not sure if that's what you should look for it's going to forget what it's called it's got a name in Intel it's got a technology name and if you want to use the transcoding I was talking about you do have to enable it and it can be a bit tricky you have to set up a false monitor on your computer to get it to run and I've got a feeling what you just described isn't actually it but it's part of the same technology and races assuming it's right since I remember you saying he's how his games ran worse when he ran fraps that's that's the point I was making that's because France is using your CPU whereas you could use different hardware in the system to just do it like that's what the hardware's job is right like it's not gonna take away from any other resource it does have you know some sort of negligible impact some whatever I can't even measure it on these computers what is the difference between quartz and smooth quartz oh yeah it doesn't have edges on the textures took them years to get that one fixed didn't it all right let's go put that there this here and like no that's it that's it okay yep don't need another one so we put the end at the bomb now it's just the H hate hate children H in hating is just saying stuff just stay in stuff on I just having a waffle made myself hungry whoopsie Daisy I've eaten so much food you know I wasn't going to talk about this until I've done it but I'm gonna do it I mentioned it the other day I was thinking about doing five five caves in five days actually that sounds like a do 25 in total so 5k every day for five days in a row haven't run properly in a couple of months and even longer off of my treadmill a couple of months ago started just sticking to the treadmill and before that even longer right but I've done it I've done four days in a row and my goodness me does it turn your metabolism up doing that my legs just hurt all day long it's amazing like the good kind of hurt like the soreness and and I got one more day to go what's weird is that when I did my first day my pace was faster than any running had done outside before then I better dit and the third day was not as good but still faster than they think of them before and then I better do it again today so when I go for a run tomorrow I'm not gonna try and better it again I am just going to pay attention to my body and just keep running and try and keep the pace up and hopefully I'll beat it again but yeah it's uh it's been really fun it gets easier every day it's just if for some reason it just goes quicker each time I do it so I think I'm gonna get proper back into running now because of that okay we need another slab the looks of it we need two slabs here don't wait so then I'll look at that just enough just enough left good stuff now the Huracan says my legs just hurt all day it's amazing to those of you that lift weights you'll understand it's a similar fit to feeling they call it Dom's delayed onset muscle soreness it's like it's like a warm ache and I guess I probably like it because I know it's like it's gains its its progress like that all of that is going to heal and repair and get stronger it's not injured it's you know just been used and it's gonna grow back stronger right that's how it works with pushing yourself like physically you know as long as you don't injure yourself most of the time if you're doing it right what you do comes back and your body goes I'm gonna repair myself and be able to do this stronger right or longer faster how do you want to look at it talus is around 7k a few days ago I started running half a year ago thanks to you awesome dude man keep at it keep at it 7k is great that's awesome and yeah I'm thinking I thinking I really liked our challenge myself and managed to do this what's next I think I'm going to mess about with after I cycle I'm gonna go for run and see how that feels and vice-versa do a run and then hop straight on the bike and see what that's like because I did cycle yesterday and he uses different parts of your legs so it doesn't bother you like I didn't bother me it was really quite weird because my legs have been all achy and saw and then I got on the bike and I thought I can do this how fast you run 5k well I was do 5.5 K by the way each day so it's a bit skewed but let me grab my phone I'll tell you my my times so by the way I don't really like aim to run fast this is just the place that I have I don't ever do like training to get faster I just tend to run opening my phone miles of Columbus kilometers not miles right let's pack this stuff away while we're often in somebody's summer dose Eminem let's have a look five point five kilometres pace was 4 to 9 km does it tell me total time that was today yesterday was 441 day before was 426 and 443 was Sunday but total time also this wasn't the best one today was it 429 and 426 so very nearly with today the best let's see if he'll give me a time someone's probably doing the math moving time 24 minutes and 53 so let's say 25 minutes for five and a half kilometres and apparently there was an elevation of 138 meters interesting oh cool this shows me like this truce we all have a source of stats now I'm getting slightly distracted unsurprisingly the first first kilometer was the fastest miles superior TSA's escape j XM s miles are not superior to plus miles the measurement that I just invented they're like miles but they're a little bit longer said about I mean the distance is the distance right you can just turn the kilometres into miles that's how much I ran you know because otherwise I could say I run 10,000 meters it sounds impressive but still just a distance isn't it right while so that on my inventory super tidy how did this happen moment he's never that tidy it's never that tidy anyway tomorrow morning I will finish my 5 5 and I will be very happy I ran love 10,000 elephants his duck Seban brilliant just brilliant 10,000 elephants crazy tell me I still got Rockets I still got Rockets ain't got ain't got those golden carats though check it out oh it fits in ever so old in it oh we need to do the top I'll do the top some 5 don't worry that won't get forgotten about I like it yeah that's good it's all good on the hood homie I'm gonna go stand on top of 5 pins building here we've got a noise in the ear from crank it crank it they gave so much resk rhyme dude I appreciate it I hope you enjoying the stream captain chief oh says what app using its called Strava I believed I believed this is also the one that exposed all those military bases for all the people running around in the military oh this site we could talk about all the day Terron you maybe that'll be a talking topic for next stream maybe someone let it into a video probably not yeah have you always enjoyed running says hakuna matata hakuna matata i didn't when I started but I knew I needed to do it and it really sucked for a long time but I must have been I think I got into a rhythm and I must have been starting to enjoy it and then I got my first taste of run as high and then I just like knew that I should keep doing this and it will get better P sees what we're gonna do today we're gonna raid a friend of mine and I'll ask that you join in the raids which will start in just a second it's a French channel but they're an old friend of mine so for anyone who can speak French maybe you'll enjoy a little bit of a pierre riffraff thank you ever so much for 11 months of support dude I appreciate it this is the end of the stream thank you to all the peeps who subscribe recent scram day the cheer as always I appreciate your support I'll be back on Friday and right now what I need you to do is hit that red button in chat let's go say hello to a friend of mine mr. a Pierre but I am off so thank you everyone I'll see you later bye bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 31,064
Rating: 4.5421686 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 26sec (7586 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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