Hermitcraft 7 | Ep.19: THE BUTTON & KERALIS LOGISTICS!

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back i'm kiralis and this is hermitcraft season 7 episode 19 i believe so just back like this like that relax and enjoy and if you guys do enjoy this make sure you leave a like on this video and if you do so thank you very very very much so ladies and gentlemen thank you so much once again for the amazing and fantastic support on this series you guys are breathtaking so thank you thank you and thank you previous episode we've made about this is this is my bot it does not serve any purpose besides being about it is the sam skip hofel kartofel and hopefully one day we will make use of it because the space on the inside is is humongous i mean just look at the sheer size of this and yeah we kind of need to drain the hull because now we have fishes swimming inside of it but uh like if we drain this like there's there's space there is definitely space where we can use for something and not sure what but it kind of looks majestic on the inside oh my face i'm alive but for today's episode first things first also there's a new game look look at the mice there's a new gaming sound so we need to check that out but i've cleared off uh clear off a little bit of this land i spoke to beef and he's like yeah you can take it so i'm like okay loki because what i need i do need like a shack some type of shack where i can have what you're gonna call it like some type of some type of simple contraptions like one for maybe concrete one for cobblestone stone like redstone yeah a little bit like semi-redstone contraptions and i don't really have any space for that over here now so i'm thinking like maybe a shack on this side extend this road going into that shack and everything is gonna be perfect so what i'm gonna be doing we're gonna be clearing off this land and for some reason i find this very satisfying to watch when other people do it so we're gonna have a little time lapse we're gonna be using a fantastic lamp and pretty much just uh just clear this off with some jazzy tunes so [Music] okay so ladies and gentlemen we have a clearing and this kind of took far longer than i expected and it's not even done yet i was like i need to remove this but then then i saw beaver's place i mean i i can't i can't i can't go further because i mean can you just imagine those happy beach girls and then cranes in the distance ship containers smoke and smog no we can't we can't oh my face oh this is nice that that is amazing daddy like oh this is awesome like your fishing eyes from the from a fishing trip right oh poor chicken i love it though but uh but yeah so the main plan is to not go further than this and then maybe hide away that with some scenery maybe some trees and bushes so they don't really see the the ugliness over here but i mean this is a harbor area it is supposed to be ugly right but my main plan for the shack is i'm going to be using one material which i kind of dislike and that is that is bricks i'm not a big fan of bricks i don't know why uh but but i'm still gonna be using it because obviously harbor region brick buildings i mean that is kind of fitting so what i'm planning to do is we're gonna be doing a little combination let's see here let's get some polish inside and let's get i don't have any but i can i guess make some unless i do so and let's do so let's get those as well so i mean that is that is a nice combination uh you might be but but but is it but it's really though and i'm like yeah it might be so this would be the bottom part right and then we could have bricks and on all the corners we would have endocytes and but you might be potatoes that is kind of poopy well it might be but then we can incorporate some stairs brick stairs you know you could also do we could even this is thanks to bubbles because bubbles is amazing builder don't i have any i thought i had there we go some granites we can even incorporate that in between somewhere above because obviously let me see here if i would do this this and a scene over the bubbles place something like that you know like in a small scale this looks terrible but a big scale i think this would look really really nice like trust me i know what i'm doing no i'm not but uh let's let's give this a go first things first i'm gonna grind a little bit of concrete to make the road uh i guess to begin with and then we'll see where this takes us um by the way by the way you might be oh no it's gonna be bullying again i'm like yeah i'm sorry i like building okay building is my kind of my fourth hey maybe not could you call the forte i like buildings so leave crawls alone let me just grind some some greek conquers for the roads and then we're gonna get back with another time lapse so you might be no no no one more time lapses yes so i have been doing some thinking not thinking thinking you know what i mean so first i was definitely not afraid and most likely not a petrified either but i was like trying to do like a factory building over here but that might not be as suiting not so close to the like the main harbor with the ships and such so i was like hey let's do like a corrales logistics company having a few trucks containers maybe some small trucks some forklifts and such that might look really snazzy here and we might even have too much space for the task but we can always tear from it back or landscape it back i guess the only thing is now that we're gonna figure out where we're gonna take this road out and i don't wanna destroy this beautiful band because i love it to bits [Music] so ladies and gentlemen behind me we have a platform or a canvas to paint all those happy trees and happy accidents i guess and i'm not really sure i'm happy with the bend but for the moment you will have to do and i have been thinking about adding a crane on this side because i know people gonna be upset about customer corrales how are the containers gonna get off the ships and i mean this guy has like those lifty arms so i guess uh that is that is a way to go we can maybe just accept ships which which which has those but maybe we're going to build a crane on this side and at this stage it might be as the swedes call it cookie on cookie cockapocky because it might look a little bit too much having the crane and the logistics center and dead and this but on the other hand i do i don't want to spend my whole season building like an industrial harbor and as i feel so bad about those beachgoers man they're going to be in the path of destruction i guess we'll see where this takes us and now i'm gonna sleep and in the morning we start crafting [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we have a shape and love it hate it it is uh i guess debatable i'm not sure i love it yet but from this point on is adding details and making it a little bit more interesting so what i'm thinking is that we're going to bring out let's see let's just grab this we're going to bring out a wall going like that and then we're gonna have that turning with pretty much the same layout like a little like loading uh loading bay thingy but that's gonna be in a bigger building in the back just to kind of get different like elevations and depths of the build otherwise it's going to look really flat but i guess it does fit the harbor region [Music] um what do you guys think about this like i think i think i like it it is definitely growing on me like it is tricky because we're using like what is it like five materials or something and yeah it might look a little bit plain but like i'm not professional pressure builder in minecraft by any means but this is the beauty of it like as soon as you start adding like a dip to the builds it just i don't know it just brings it to life okay it might look a little bit like a swiss cheese at this stage hey hey don't you guys worry so what i'm thinking over here since i can't really move that mound because otherwise it's going to be sad beef noises on the on the on the horizon maybe all we could do here is have like a diagonal building just keep it more interesting and on that far end let me just look at the mouse from here i'm alive and on this side over here since i'm not going to be destroying that well kind i am because of the bulldozer but uh but i'm gonna not gonna be touching that maybe we can have like a small uh small office building and in the future having a road to the back then looping around that somehow and maybe even have a few train tracks going like a pointless project say yes yes indeed but it's my pointless and i love it so let's do and let's do the diagonal building and see how that looks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] me oh my oh my ladies and gentlemen we have a shape of something and you know what i think i like it i do think i like it however there might just be too much brick i'm not really sure and uh yeah that pattern not really sure about that like the the holes in the bricks but you might is it done no no no no no no no no no so here we're gonna have like a little reception office uh building uh and on the inside yeah there's no inside uh there's not really that much left it's pretty much just the back wall and i'm not really sure how we're going to have it yet so i haven't really touched it at all i just can't stop myself like he's like looking to my eyes nothing but my eyes and i'm like i need to look at your eyes can you can can you please no dude no no no not like this not like this come on fight me doesn't sound like that guy who's this guy who's who fights who makes sound oh no [Music] gotcha so so yeah i'm not really sure how we're going to have the back wall yet but uh we need to take this out and then we're going to have all the machinery like the space on this side is just insane i'm not really sure about those windows either but for the moment they will be here to stay and then we have the diagonal building which yeah we just need to dig that away uh beefers hello hello like i'm kidding i'm getting closer and closer to beef but this is gonna be like as far as i go so i'm not going to be going closer than that and yes let me just here now like now we are decent it's decent decent space i guess that is going to be like the fart as far as i go and for the beachgoers and the tourists over here like it's hardly noticeable no no no they ain't gonna see anything we're gonna hide it away with trees and bushes and everything's gonna be just perfect so now what i'm gonna do you've been watching a lot of time lapses and i really hope you guys enjoy the time lapses but i'm gonna do a little bit of decoration and just roughen up this little area over here and and then we're gonna see how it looks and hopefully i got time because i do want to play the button game as well and i also want to go to the sound check out look look at my bookie and just check out town but if i get time we're going to get the crane up and running as well but first is first look into my nothing but my eyes let's get some some decoration anna not decoration i guess details [Music] uh [Music] hey ladies and gentlemen do i love this game i adore this game is this done no no no no no no you guys don't have to let me know what you guys think about this so far but um i'm i'm semi happy with it okay uh we do need the crane maybe a few containers over here and i've i've made a logo i've i've made i've made a logo and this is supposed to be ice and and this beautiful mouth but but i don't know like we need a better logo than that this was just like a like a one-minute job so we might tweak this uh i do like the white traders uh or maybe adding more color splashes to this place i don't know if you guys come up with a design please do tweet the design to me alright it's gonna be a link for my twitter in the description below this video also forklifts this is based of a design by spazza i'm gonna link that in description however it is tweaked and modified for my liking and this is how they look you can even like look at this you can even yes oh my face there we go i love it is it necessary no but it looks kind of cool and yeah we did add a little bit of like this kind of this over here that the wool thingy is supposed to be like a patch up job uh like like a repair job of the of the of the concrete or asphalt or whatever was i have one more forklift over here and i mean just envision this in the future like maybe even hiring a zombie clear over here so if you could come over here and make a little bit of like a like a scene with workers and such that would be kind of neat but yeah it is it it is a thing and then we have this a slopey down here so just in case it comes in like like a like a i don't know like like a truck without the possibility to to go into digital thingy over here they can just go down over here with the forklift and yeah it's a little bit steep but but it's minecraft all right and i did kind of kind of keep one thing for last because yes this is going to be annoying but at the same time satisfying you guys ready three two one i love the sound they made [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is a little bit like the most annoying sound in the world but at the same time wow wow we're not done yet you might be crossed this is a waste of anvils [Music] no it's not it is definitely not a waste of anvils this is this is what i live for making making handle sounds because cause who wouldn't is like music to my ears [Music] oh do i have do you know okay we like free but but uh but yeah that's gonna be added and it's going to be fixed in between episodes what i will do is like a small room here i will kind of patch this up as well uh over here we will add a little few letters like just in case you kind of fall down into that to the bay over here to the to the dark you can just go up with the lighter and whatnot all right pretend i like this i kinda do i think i do and over here i kept this this is actually a peninsula where me and an evil father so i was thinking maybe i'm gonna write a little statue over here and then even invite zombie cleo okay and i have me and evo fighting on the top of the statue thingy like the the podium of the statue you know what i mean right i think it's gonna look really nice but but anyways ladies and gentlemen you will have to let me know what you guys think about this we will be back here to check this out uh in in shaders later on today's episode but now let's head over and check out the button ladies and gentlemen behind me behold the button i watched this uh yesterday when dark was playing and he sat here all day so first first i think iskall pressed it then brian did it and then falsely did it like a sneaky job poor doc but somebody must have been fking here by the way but let's see debutant cyclops what is it the button is alive and has to be kept alive by being pressed the closer to diff the button is when you save it the higher rank you get signified by a colored belt put on your skin how does it work if you press the button the redstone lamps will fill back up and you get a colored piece of concrete this is your rank and you should then attach your rank belt to your skin belts are in zip on discord in announcement can i customize my belt yes it doesn't even have to be a belt it just has to be the right color do i get a price for saving it in the red nope but everyone will think you're awesome and purple bells will bow down to you did it change no should i laugh at the people who are lower rank than you yes 100 yes can i press it more than once yes but your belt corresponds to the most recent press meaning you could drop to a lower rank there is no grey belt that is not a rank any other questions just ask it's all fun and games but people with purple belts should be redekilled however you pronounce that long live the button bumbo mumbo and the thing is somebody somebody must have been afk over here because obviously this area needs to be loaded to work right and it's almost in the yellow and i only know one person who's got the yellow belt so far and that is the goat farter or maybe somebody else has it i'm really sure but i'm gonna be you know what i'm gonna be standing here nobody nobody puts the baby in the corner i want my yellow belts scary hairy lady i've heard noises footsteps to be precise but nobody's here nobody is here no no no no no close my eyes i mean my happy place go to happy place nope can't see anybody the yellow belt will be yours kerala's yes it will be pretend we don't see anybody pretend we don't hear anybody nobody's here okay maybe somebody who's that that okay that is jevin he's got the green belt no jeffy no no no not like this i ain't gonna fight ya i'm gonna pretend you don't exist go back and forth so jivin was like hey crawlers i ain't gonna snipe ya and i'm like oh really is that so like no hermits no hermes can be trusted during this game i repeat nobody can be trusted like look into my eyes nothing but my eyes nobody can be trusted during this game i don't even know why i want the button i just want the button i really want the button was there somebody up there there was somebody up there right no it's my my belt you can throw as many rockets as you want i i i don't care my eyes are on the button my eyes are on the button my mind is on the button my hand is on the button and i got big eyes i'm kind of like a third person as soon as it goes chi-ching is mine i've got the yellow belts got it did i win it i why why do i even want the belt i don't even know i just i just wanted who was that that was that was hypno ladies and gentlemen we've got the yellow belt and i'm happy and hands down i have no idea why i'm happy but i guess because it's yellow that's better than green and blue and purple and gray didn't exist i guess credit where credit is due this looks absolutely amazeballs yeshua amy boyd he has been a busy bee i'm not sure you guys uh seen it but this totally what is this this totally reminds me of the lego house in bilund denmark and that is such a magical place and this is a magical place and look at this brian has expanded in a raft oh my oh my it is okay still sand gravel golden carrots and i believe the name tags and then we have future stock here okay there's no stuck here seriously i said soon more stock soon more stuff coming soon more stock soon i'm not sure what it's going to have in those places but maybe future stock i love it this kind of brings back memories because usually me and the family and this is new go to legoland in berlin once a year and this year well due to the pandemic that might not happen oh clever girl he made this instead are we even are we selling anything i haven't heard any prophets yet so maybe we haven't sold any pink such a nice color hey we made use of those beautiful llamas how do you do this what are they standing on this is clever this is really nice but let's check this out oh by the way somebody wrote that in the comment section uh from the previous episode that i should color them like the b colors like uh yellow and black and that is uh that is a nice idea don't actually happen but this over here though that is this gotta be scar it has to be scar it it's gotta be scar i have not yet watched this latest video but this this definitely looks like the works of of scar he's so good at it man look at that this is one of those fly eating plants who this that is scar i see i'm not sure what he's going to be selling over here but obviously i don't know maybe plants it's a beautiful botanical garden and nevertheless is there anything new no no oh my face no who done this beef oh this could oh this can only be one person hi matilda matilda matilda don't show your butt i'm i'm a kind person i will buy you for five diamond blocks i promise you you will be living with uh barack obama back it over my base i it's gonna be a better place you will roam the lands freely maybe not but i promise i'm gonna buy you all right i heard you love goats you're welcome goat farter ps it's tiger not attacker this is so evil oh man like beef did like a modern art installation in his garden and he he made a huge one and removed the llama head which by the way was beautiful and look at the tongue oh man can i go oh can i go inside no my face don't worry i'm alive do these do they still come out over here well hopefully yes that this is this is absolutely amazing and what is this diamond pile this is what i mean it's such a treat coming to the shopping district because there's so much new stuff electric booga booga booga prize pool oh i see electric booga booga uh participants cabi foreign green brian escala stress kerala's cleo impulse be false the goat farter hypnos car jeven joe schwammy void you can still sign up yeah i haven't even i don't think i will win i'm so far behind kind of feels like is there anything we have missed i don't want to miss stuff profits overhead oh yeah where's the boomers at i wonder if they've seen my thing over here because we need the ship to be blown ba-boom yeah historical shipwreck needs boom okay not my neighbor's fishing vessel he will be sad otherwise hopefully we can bring them over and go ba-boom and looky-looky at my boogie okay this is getting really out of hand over here we need what we could do maybe get one of those uh lecterns with a book and people can sign that instead and obviously i'm gonna take all those rivers we have over here and put it in the book as well but this what does it say had every book i was looking for and a reasonable price too 10 out of 10 will buy again will also recommend to all my friends too hypno well spank you hypno and you know what i don't think we're gonna change the profits today because i don't think there's two diamonds over here i don't think there's much profits at all who who buys an unbreaking book for one diamond only ladies and gentlemen i'm um i'm a simple man this looks so nice there's something about shaders eh oh that face is nice there's something about shaders like just seeing like the shadows drop and the colors just pop but like i mean just look at how vibrant and beautiful over there yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just a whole new game but i'm not going to be using the heroes too much this season mainly because it's going to be very framing here very soon because i'm adding so much detail and such so yeah but you guys will have to let me know what you think about this building so far we will make it better if you guys got tips tricks suggestions please do post them in the comment section is there a glitch in the matrix i'm gonna fix that because obviously this is kind of like a draft it is not done yet uh for obvious reasons because it's it's it's bigger than x than i expected it to be but uh oh scary hairy lady oh i see you over there let's let's make a round for it but in the next episode we're gonna build a crane somewhere over here uh just so we can have a crane going back and forth back and forth on the rails hopefully the boomers will come by and blow up the vessel and then we can maybe clear off a little bit of this peninsula well pretty much everything i guess and maybe even make a ship over here another one another one i mean pointless but hey it is what it is right and and yeah i kind of run out of time i really wanted to do the crane today just gonna tie it together but uh yeah this took so much so much time especially like just digging out the area but i really hope you guys enjoyed today's episode make sure you leave a like subscribe if you haven't and i am curious and i will see you guys in the next episode of hermitcraft but uh is this cookie on cookie cockapoo is this too much nah can never be too much detail right yeah no no i can see the balls from here because i'm a real boy i like it leave a like have a very nice day i am kiralis and i will see you guys in the next episode of hermitcraft ta-da my face there it is bye everybody
Channel: Keralis
Views: 634,277
Rating: 4.9762392 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft7, hermitcraft VII, keralis, hermitcraft 6, hermit craft, minecraft, minecraft base, family friendly, lets play, let's play, lets play minecraft, minecraft lp, hermit, minecraft house, keralis minecraft, keralis hermitcraft, keralis modern house, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft keralis, hermitcraft S7, season 7, minecraft port, minecraft harbor, part 19, episode 19
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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