HermitCraft 6: 135 | VILLAGER TNT CANNON

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of Herman craft season 6 today we are starting things off in well on the island but in a brand new building that I have been constructing or started to construct since the last episode welcome to the prison yep prison I am building a prison for these guys the last episode we finished up the vending machine over here and I gotta say I am super happy and satisfied with this thing I mean it is just it's just so fun to do village trading in this way so if I want my what was this depth Rider then Gerald will pop down and he will present me with the dip Strider I could this guy is not actually named though gerald I'm terribly sorry dude ok yeah so we select our trades and then we get them presented in our face and like I said I am really happy with how this thing works out but there is one slight thing that I kind of feel like that we are missing and that is villagers storage and I'm not talking about like chests storage and stuff like that we need that as well we definitely need that as well for the trades and the emeralds but I want to store villagers villagers that may not quite make it so for example this guy has a more expensive DEP store in a book this guy has I already have blast protection but as I as I as you unlock more villagers you may find villagers that are sort of still good but they doesn't they don't quite make the cut or you find villagers that are actually better than the ones that are already in the vending machine and in that scenario I want to have a holding place a storage room for the villagers to sit until I empty out a slot in the vending machine basically so that is what the prison is really weird why have I made it into prison well it basically just became a prison because of me building with gray and stone and trying to do a little bit of a different style for this build here and I really really like the feel of this so this is your standard trading hole say standard it's not fully standard but I use the same mechanic I did in my old trading system with a little bit of new techniques here so the villagers come on in on top and if there is an empty spot they will take the first empty spot mr. Mason you you will go into the prison so I can show everybody so that guy travels in there we have the import rail on the back and he should be going into the first cell yes and then we put down the workstation right here and then we can trade with him now as they popped through here they will land on this string which will detect it with the observer and will T flip-flop look a the rails so that next time someone travels in Disraeli shifted and he then goes down into the next one it's a pretty standard way to deal with villagers but the circuit is new to me I haven't designed it this way before and I really like it so I'm gonna have this on the other side there as well but the thing that is special with this is the drop down now if we come underneath this trading hall you can see that I have worked in some rails at the bottom and I can drop down and you can also see that there's there's been a few there's been a few tests going on here but I can drop down any villager onto this rail and then they travel onwards to their destination and this is where it gets a little bit complicated but in my opinion also super cool you see from within the prison I want to have some sort of dashboard and this is just a mock-up where I can press a button and it basically selects one of the vending machines so let's say that this is the library I press the button for the library that stays active and then any villager that I send down using these buttons will end up in the first available slot in the vending machine and if I want them in another vending machine that we're gonna build in the future I'd press the second button and a third button for the third vending machine and then I have the button on top which will send them to Emerald heaven and the idea I have for Emerald heaven I'm not kidding this one is this one is pretty unique pretty unique way of getting rid of villagers it includes TNT but we're gonna get to that a little bit later okay smell that Dave okay smell that smells like two hundred diamonds to me vending machine and trading hall now the idea of this also being a trading Hall is actually going to be rather important because there are certain villagers that I do not feel like we need a full vending machine with all their professions to get like for example a farmer III only generally genuinely just need one farmer for the golden carrot farm and or golden carrot trade I wouldn't need a vending machine for it so some of the villagers in here will be staying here forever and others will be moving on to a vending machine in the future and yeah that that's that's basically it it just adds another dimension to our whole storage thing it's it it's like I said it's a storage thing now the circuits for this trading rule is really really simple but quite elegant if you ask me we have string where they're gonna be standing on the feet and from there we place down some observers that are bringing that signal back and those observers are powering a sticky piston through a note block and the sticky pistons are pushing codons up quadrants because they are movable redstone sources yeah sources using comparators up here to pick up a signal from them and that's pretty much it so when the villager goes in the corner moves up outputs a signal to the comparator which then shifts the rail and then when the villager disappears it empowers the whole thing and the new villager can come into that rail now remember how me and mumbo are in full agreement that this is going to be very close our competition is gonna be very very close because we both want to make the best possible villager infrastructure of doom that there is well there I have a little bit of a decimal changer here by placing the string at this height when I have a villager present first of all you can't see the string but second of all you don't have anything obstructing your trade in the version of mumbo has the string is right here and if I try and click the villager in this general area I can't I simply can't I'm just I'm just hitting this string so I have to trade with this top head if you look very very closely you can see that the hitbox for that string is equal to a half slab or slab which means that I only get half the villager to trade with surely that could account for a decimal right but before I can finish this I actually need to head out on a little bit of a scavenger hunt so that's what we're gonna do next you see I am completely fully 100% out of smooth stone and cobblestone and I was considering buying myself some of those supplies over at the big rock incorporation in town but as you know we are rich now and we don't want to spend our diamonds on stone I don't want to spend my diamonds on cobblestone I know that Mambo is just gonna rub that in my face because he has a cobblestone generator and we don't but I bet you that around at hermit world there ought to be a lot of smooth and cobblestone in my previous projects that I've made so for my scavenger hunt I have scavenged all of the empty shell key boxes that I could find in my base and I'm a little bit shocked this is not a lot of shelter boxes this is not a lot of Talca boxes so I definitely need to go on an end bust raid pretty soon as well specifically since I would really like to someday finish the random game in the mini-game district I still need to fit the loot boxes and for that I'm gonna need a ton of chunky boxes but anyway right now the focus is to get stone and cobblestone through my old project I have not been here in so long I don't think I've been mining for approximately four months I've been doing some caving but I haven't really been mining it and I kind of miss it I love speed mine in Minecraft is one of the most satisfying things you can do right anyway let's see if I have any stone stockpiled in this order I don't know a single box cobblestone yes okay a full box of cobblestone oh I have a lot of lapis here okay that's I am bringing back because I am completely her lapis and that's very frustrating and if we fly up in the middle of the mine I do have some chests over there yes I may have some stone here from when I was building this place oh here we go yes this is what I want to see and there is a shell key box with smooth stone wow I'm so lucky that we check this place now that is yeah that is a really good start the mine provide and while we're in this general area if we fly over this way I have my mega ice farm which also may have some smooth stone in random chests like this a lot of chests so the entire ice form every single chests that are that are scattered around here provided me with 28 smooth stone that's really disappointing oh look at this cobblestone instead of full shell oh yes okay this is going great there is also this mystery box and a glass box oh my goodness our full box of glass I will bring you home as well so next up is the starter base which I haven't been in my underwater base for so long I've really loved this place I really loved our starter base this season this was a lot of fun but also quite limiting anyway do I have a what okay now this is clearly not my shulkie box I forgot about this guy so in total my starter base provided me with two stacks and 29 of smooth stone not the greatest the lab I have yeah I got a lot of junk everywhere so that's that's good news do I have any in my storage oh I got a shelf get books a smooth stone yes in my storage system that's great and then I've also found these laying around in chests that is fantastic oh the storage system so the lab definitely delivered and I gotta say I really miss having speed boost like I have right now this is fantastic okay next up I think we're gonna go to hermit ville and specifically siege of doom where I should have quite a bit of stone I mean this really deserves another look every now and again because this is just such a photograph of this place anyway do I have any smooth stone I wonder in my base here oh yeah this place is a giant mess I really don't like reading in this room if we're gonna do more products here I have to invest in a proper storage this place really hurts my face but there was two stacks of stone smooth stone and one stack and two pieces of cobblestone oh there's also some more smooth stone there yeah so I guess I guess we take that and then we get out of here there's a lot of useful materials here though so seeds of doom I have a few secret chests placed and if I remember correctly there is a chest storage over here yes look at how I broke the exact right blocks there and others gravel but we don't really after gravel at the moment it's there baby no oh here we go yes this is when I dug this out okay this place really delivered check this out this amount of smooth stone this amount of cobblestone and these stone breaks and I know we still haven't played siege of doom which is really sad I'm not gonna lie it's something I want to do all the time I just want to play this minigame but it turns out that it's extremely tough to get permits together at the same time and I've really want as many as possible to play this mini game so with all of that scavenging done let's head back to the island this feels really really good in total I'll say that this is a very big success we've got a full barrel we got a full shell key box and we got a little bit more smooth stone than that and then cobblestone we got this amount and then to full chunky boxes and I think I emptied everything by the way this this needs a proper cleanup this is probably getting worse than Korean storage system right now so now that I have all the materials hopefully required to finish this build off I think we should do it in the form of a third-person time-lapse so in today's time lapse I thought I would speak a little bit about streaming streaming is something that I love to do and as most of you guys know I do stream over a twitch and the reason I'm not streaming on YouTube is simply because I am partnered with twitch and you're not allowed to stream on YouTube if you are partnered with which and since they partnered me first or whatever you know i-i've stuck stuck to their platform and I do really like twitch but I have been streaming it quite a lot lately from hermit craft which is something I'm super super happy about because in previous seasons of ARMA craft I found it really hard to balance what I stream and what I put in a video whereas now I've kind of changed my idea a little bit and now I sort of start with streaming something and then I have more of a summary version on YouTube here in my video so for example this prison most of it or all of it up till this time lapse was built in on live on a live stream on Twitch the other day and I had so much fun like there there are some weird redstone contraptions in this build that I had to work out live on camera and having the help of a thousand people sitting there and chat and telling me what to do can be both funny and and sometimes a little bit a little bit scary a little bit scary I'm not gonna lie but anyway so massive thank you to all of you and all of you as well who come over to my live streams it means the world to me and I will continue to do them over at twitch so if you don't want to miss them go and follow me on Twitch and hit the little heart button to get notifications so I gotta say I'm pretty happy with how this turned out interior-wise I changed up the floor here to go with this pattern instead and a big shout-out to one of my wonderful community members Kim and Jax for giving me that idea with mixing furnaces and this blast furnace yeah mixing the blast furnace and furnaces I think that looks it looks really cool looks like some kind of metal e grid thing and as you can see I've also put a bunch of villagers in here these are the guys that were chilling outside so as you can see all of this has been cleaned up and hopefully every single little thing down below is also cleaned up even though it looks a bit rubbish here I do have to make make it look a little bit better in the future but I have some villagers here and the reason for that is mostly so that I can demonstrate this thing now I don't want to lie I just spent five hours making this panel and I haven't tried it out yet but I think it should be working I think it should be working this is one of these things that should have taken me maybe thirty minutes but I just couldn't get it right I just couldn't get it right basically what it does is that it switches between these different rail paths and this is because we want to be sending them to different vending machines so if I select library that light should go on and hopefully that rail switches and then we'll just send a random one of these Ben is actually someone that I want let's send this guy in is this something that I would ever want protection for yeah actually that may be something that I've want in the future let's send this guy in because I have another glass protection so then what I do is I press this button he should be dropped down oh I forgot the part this rail oh no that's the simplest thing to to remember to do okay let's just pretend that that never happened so you will take the first rail down that is correct and he will end up all the way in there yep that is totally working oh that is awesome I don't have any other vending machines at the moment but let's just say that we want to send someone to the blacksmith and let's just give this a test with this guy right here so we press the button and every time we do this the cell opens up for a new villager to be put in but this guy should now be sent down the middle rail yeah look at that oh that is beautiful now to the naked eye you may just see three choices here library blacksmith and misc but there is a button up here and if I press this button I should disable all of the vending machines yep and now if I send someone away let's send this guy away he should be going to the fourth exit which is over there yep he went oh he went over there and then collided into another villager this looks to be a quite good randomizer you could if you had to detect the rail and two villagers bumping into each other you could possibly get a fairly random output anyway that takes them onto that rail and that's where they go if they travel to Emerald heaven which is where they travel when we don't want them when their trade is bad or if they farted and it really made a mess in the room every successful trading hall needs to have a disposal of villagers this is just like a requirement and I think if you don't do this we've already lost like every training hall needs to have an option to get rid of a villager maybe you find a better trade at one point or something like that or maybe you just get a villager with really bad trades and you've already locked him in specifically when we get into tools myths and that sort of stuff where we can't see their trades from the beginning and there are 50,000 million different ways of disposing of villagers the classic one in my old village a trading hole will say lava drop so simply they they went into minecart and they fell into lava and they died and that just reminded me of that one time when green used my villager training machine my old base and ended up in the lava because he thought that it was a rollercoaster yeah but because this is a villager build off and not just your ordinary trading hole set up I really wanted to come up with something that was different now this idea is still not gonna make green any more safe if anything is gonna make it him less safe if he do you think that my rail systems are rollercoasters once again but hopefully he learned his lesson last time but I was thinking if we do something like this here so this is where the villagers would come out and then place down dispensers around like this fence post in the middle and fill this with water for those of you who are technical you've already figured this out but then we put T and T in these dispensers and now if we can get a villager to sit on that and power this we should send them flying we should send them flying very very very far up they will die from it but we should be able to see their body fly up okay now if I've done everything correct we should be able to send a villager over here that's connected to the death signal and they should then be pushed in and land on top of that birch fence post let's try this out I am terribly sorry about this but it is should be considered an honor to be the test subject of a new function in this wonderful villager setup let's see if he oh okay great I didn't actually catch it but you can see he is in position and if I press this button he should be flying but everything may also just blow up and explode and it may be bad things the minecart by the way should be over there somewhere in that hole yeah I just barely see the edge of it okay yeah let's just let's just give this a try I'm I'm I'm sorry dude oh this is the guy that loves died right okay yeah let's uh let's turn that off all the lights are off so he should be going to the right spot immediately yeah I mean protection for we got God armor we don't really need protection for at this moment in time I don't think it's a super rare trade either he goes there as well so we should have three villagers this time in the pit No one of them passed through what what I think if I slowed the villagers down slightly here that should definitely take care of that now all I got to do is try and get him back so three villagers in there let's give this a test again and step out of this place before anyone gets over the top sad about that I'm laughing at blowing up villagers like this remember that this is minecraft and these are just yeah entities in a video game now this thing of course also needs a design and I'm thinking of a chimney of sorts I've really liked chimneys and I actually added one over here as well that I had to break when doing the panel oh that was a nightmare I don't know why that was so hard to figure out for me but yeah I added one chimney there I have to rebuild a little bit we have chimneys over there and I just think chimneys are very cool and they look really industrial and that sort of stuff so I think we go with a little bit modified chimney that they fly out of and by the looks of things these guys were flying hundreds who blocks up so I think we can make this fairly tall without risking it without risking the villagers flying out of it I absolutely love mixing these two blocks together it's such a good mix it always feels to me like these guys are so curious too when I built some new structure they're like what is this thing doing here sounds like they're walking around inspecting it if you only knew if you only knew now I gotta say that really is starting to look like a dooms Tower I kind of know I kind of don't want the chimney on this now just because it looks a little bit weird to have two chimneys off each other like that I mean that's not the same thing because that's the same building but yeah anyway I feel like we definitely don't need to add can I do this yes we definitely need to add some smoke in here perfect absolutely perfect I love it right so let's give this a final test now that we have the whole structure built no lamps are lit so the Tower of Power the Tower of Power I like that the Tower of Power is active so let's send you over and you know what let's just send you as well and hopefully by slowing down the rail they get into the hole I just realized there is no way for us to tell at the moment we just have to press the button and see what happens please don't blow up please don't blow up yes that was only one village at all but that worked the other guy I assume is in that place where the other guys went yeah I have to fix that well he isn't here maybe he died from an explosion over here but anyway this is working it may need some tweaking but it is working but with all that done that's gonna do it for today ladies and gentlemen I really do hope that you've enjoyed I have had so much fun in this episode and we have doubt we've got so much done we got all of this person up basically a fully fledged our trading hall with a selector panel for the vending machines and the doom power tower the do power tower I think I keep changing the name of this thing every single time I look at it but anyway if you did enjoy the video do hit the like button down below and thank you ever so much for these suggestions of boxes in Sahara now in the last episode I wanted to leave it an episode so that you guys could have some time and think about it but I have got hundreds and hundreds of suggestions so we will come back to that hopefully in the next episode angry and it's also back to mystification which is great news in fact he's become a hippie which is a little bit weird but anyway thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have enjoyed like I said if you're brand new to the channel because it is subscribe in and I will see you dudes in the next episode
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Views: 497,110
Rating: 4.9672623 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, minecraft tnt cannon, tnt cannon 1.14, tnt cannon minecraft, villager tnt, tnt villager minecraft, iskall tnt cannon, iskall mumbo, villager build off, build off hermitcraft, hermitcraft build off
Id: 6HNsEP5F250
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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