Hermitcraft 10: Fresh World Yet Again! | Episode 1

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Tango Tango Tango me G to be the reaper someone needs to put a soul sand block there so he can experience what it's like no right right who's talking first Mambo right oh have we started the last time that the world exploded oh um uh hello welcome to hcraft season 10 um it's really good to have you all here and uh we have uh some new people on the server should I announce those should should I point in their general direction is that a good idea let's all look at them let's all look at them there why are they two different places yeah completely separate ends uh so we've got out out out out put him out got it I got it the season shame right that's a really bad start no one punched me I'm out what would happen if someone punched me right now yeah let's explain why that's relevant so this season we're going to be playing a brand new game of demise which is kind of like pseudo hardcore now obviously if you die in hardcore you you know your world ends that's not going to happen here but you do join the dead team but there's a little bit of a Twist this time so if you please don't don't cuz it will the game will end really quickly if you if you die your name will turn red and you become temporarily a Reaper and your job is to kill someone else who has not died yet okay and if you then if you succeed that as a Reaper you then join the dead team and you can you can rest easy the last person alive the very last person will res receive a very big important mystery gift that we all know but the audience won't know till later and I think everyone desperately wants the prize okay very special so the key thing here is it must be a non PVP kill you've got to get creative with it that doesn't mean that you can't punch someone off a cliff or whatever but it just can't be go up to them and whack them with a sword cuz that sucks so that's the game try and stay alive for as long as possible people right I want dips some first food I'm I'm about to die over here I don't want to be the fa how many are you on let's go we I heard heard all right let's do this well hello everyone how you doing we are back with a brand new hermitcraft season for the third time for both Jim and I and we are no longer the newbies anymore SK and Joel have joined us the brand new hermitcraft season 10 and that is mighty exciting we're no longer the Fresh Faces we we have been replaced with a brand new couple so that is absolutely amazing make sure to welcome them to the server but we're back off in the starter stuff again we have to go punch some trees dig some holes in the ground make some starter bases that are totally not stter bases by a lot of people's standards so it's fine I don't know where to start except for punching a tree so that's exactly what we'll do and we'll figure it out as we go you can't tell me that someone has already started to make a villager farm there is no way let's make me Ser some wooden tools to get started now shant IOP maybe get ourselves acquainted with a little bit of stone TOS as well if we do that straight away let's not linger on that wood oo coal I like that brilliant there we go nice and easy bam and Bam and I think we're off to a good start right where's the nearest Food Source because I'm kind of struggling out here I think I found my food source beautiful hello good to see you little fishies I'm sorry but you're going to get in my gar the ironic part is I don't actually like fish in real life o I just get a Cod head oh look I'm green oh perfect start or is that a salmon no no wait no wait no I'm a salmon it's a I don't have a c it's close enough I've been staring into this furnace for 84 years as a stack of fish cooks and its only up to 38 this is how I spend my time on hemocraft Staring at furnaces cooking fish how rtic I stare into the fish's eyes as that number takes up by one with each fish cooked to a beautiful wonderful Gade dish for my lovely hcraft belly down into the eyes of the fish what am I even saying right now dear ly L you know just in case you guys wanted slow for hit craft you know this is a 53 minute recording right now that I'm obviously going to cut down and I've all I've done is I've smelted some fish absolutely top-notch hammercraft beads right now to be fair I've just been face planting some grass for a little while trying to figure out what on Earth I'm doing because I'm not used to having this Mass massive alien trrain for almost 2 years and I'll suddenly be back to nothing again am I having a start of season crisis maybe we have a stack of fish that is Hope Oh that boosted me so many levels that's hopefully going to last me a little while we are sorted now we can run around like headless chickens and everything is going to be hunky dory what does that even mean what does hunky dory mean I don't even know at this point well first things first though we have a cherry blossom biome not that I really have any particular plans to build with Cherrywood however I should really be looking into it because it's that new fan dangled wood that's totally been out for a little while and I've barely built with it at all but that's cool good to know that's there you know what I want I want a mangrove swamp cuz I want to make a sniffer Farm as one of the first things that I do this season because I know my last one was super effective so I kind of want to do that again this season but nice and early on so that we can actually utilize building with those really gorgeous plants in the base it's going to be my little humble Farm Beginnings all that kind of good jazz maybe make a wheat farm to go with it but I want colors that kind of match the sniffers o Spruce Wood I like some Spruce Wood grab myself some Birch saplings we've already got some Oak which is beautiful grab ourselves some of those beautiful beautiful Spruce saplings best wood ever by the way oh jungle good that's yet another wood we can add to our collection absolutely gorgeous the falling Petals of the cherry blossom trees will never get old wonderful I'll take all these while I'm at it thank you very much grab these cherry blossom saplings thank you and be on my way you I feel like all the other Herms are doing something interesting for the beginning episodes and here I am just trying to find trees I'm sure that's also ring content alongside my fish Journey I'm such a great content creator sweet sweet jungle is now been acquired thank you ooh now that's a pretty cool Mountain I have no IDE is that are they actually like holes or they just not render in properly because that okay no it it did have to render them but that's still looks kind of cool look at that one thing to note while I running around here trying to find myself a mangrove swamp is is that I believe we've actually added some recipes for the blocks that are intended to come out in 1.21 such as like the tough blocks the other bricks themselves the autoc crafter as well there's just a few little tidbits here and there that you might see before the new before the uh upcoming update actually comes to the server so that's pretty nice we get to experiment with a few of those new blocks this season a little bit early than usual through the use of a data pack or mod or whatever it is I think it's a data pack that allows us to get access to those so that is super cool and I'm looking forward to experimenting with those in a build oh Acacia yes nice all right only two left to go dark oak and Mangrove honestly Mangrove is the most important one to me but I love it Savannah tree is down two more to go beautiful one thing to note here for this season is we also have a border this time because the next update is pretty much going to be coming while this season is running so we want to make sure that we do have some new chunks to Freshly generate when that inevita happens so you can't go south for now South is a noo Zone there better not be mang gr over that way I'm going to be so sad if there is o wait I saw a mushroom I saw a little tiny mushroom top come on I know I saw you I don't know why I'm putting on this accent there we goes a mushroom is that dark oak we got dark oak dark oak dark oak hey dark oak there we go all right so there quite a lot of actually wood pretty accessible not that far from a spawn beautiful saplings you're mine thank you all right well how about we start running around like solo headless chickens for now and see if we can find some some people to talk to have a bit of a chat we've been solo for quite a lot of this on episode one when there are so many people online it's absolutely Bonkers I think a lot of people have been mining while I've been looking for trees um see if we can find some people have a bit of chat because this season I definitely want to be more collaborative and you know what with the starter base I would love to based right next to somebody I I'm not afraid of uh being near somebody else I'm not afraid of occupying the same space B and I think it's a fun little challenge to kind of see how we can work together in a similar area so I wouldn't mind finding a buddy to kind of get ourselves started in that format for this season we just got to find out where everybody is I see a Tango over there I'm going to go say hi I've been spotted he won't see me if I'm if I'm in the grass he won't he won't notice I'm here oh I freak it dang it I'm not hearing you you I broke my disguise mate I saw you lurking in the weeds there no you didn't I'm not a how are you pe I'm good man I've been searching for trees for the last hour because that's very enjoyable that's telling you that's how you play game yeah I did the co-op caving thing and now I'm just like lost I don't even know where anyone is or what's happening so I'm just kind of exploring oh no okay I feel that I absolutely feel that I've been lost the whole session though how you caving go what' you what' you come up with did you win well nothing so far cuz it's being divvied up but it was pretty pathetic given the people that were mining you guys are mining for like an hour you telling me you came out it was 90 minutes and I think there's like 18 iron and some sticks or something yeah it's pretty pathetic what is this H is this not hoc craft jeez man I would have to go caving after my ging has has anyone set up anything or claimed any areas like where's where's things happening I haven't seen anything honestly I've been wondering around everywhere just looking for trees and I have not seen any bases all I've seen is just looking for trees what what are you what why are you treeing what's trees what are trees did you just ask me what trees are are you why do you want trees have you been in decked out too long what is this day ball of fiery death above me beware the sun it might fall on you no I I I like to build you know I do that buildy thing so I like a lot of varant one of them I should probably start collecting some resources too yeah I'm only missing one wood type Mangrove and I need it I need oh if you have all the wood types you'll be everyone's favorite yeah oh exactly you I'm going to need I'm going to need aacha I need some aacha yeah aacha oh AAAA thought you going for a Tango Tango going for dance okay I've got a I've got a chaa I don't need it now you're going to set up a little operation and then I'll come by and we'll be best friends and I'll have something to trade for you oh okay well that works you want good do you want this here you should wear this just because oh yeah just because just because sounds good why not actually protection I love it I don't know what I'm doing s all righty I'm going to go look for cows or something I guess all right F enjoy your Mose oh cats oh it's a gray cat oh no I don't have any regular fish left oh you know what cuz like I look I'm just going to fill you guys in I have two cats in real life uh I got my little Olive and I got Nugget and Olive is a basically a gray Tabby in a way I don't exactly know what kind of cat she is but she's a gray cat and I feel like I need to tame that cat but I don't have any fish right now um I'm going to walk past whatever chaos is going on over there and uh just get myself some raw fish cuz I need that cat right cat I have fish where are you oh gosh wait the fact that there's so many people around here actually kind of makes me nervous where is this cat wait P is still not wearing any armor well you don't have to call me out like that false guys guys don't move she might not have seen us you thanks that's fine I feel it all exposed out of here it's all good don't just stareing laugh me like that if we don't move she won't attack guys what do you mean they they come I like do I cover myself with something I'm feeling all little nervous okay I'm going to go this way F there there you go this is terrifying tear me they're still looking at me I just saw a cat man well the cat's gone that's unfortunate we have missed the olive again wait never mind I found it hello there you are I see you I will T you and you will be mine my scroll is not working bear with me hey come on turn around I have fish for you please be my Olive please I just want my Olive very ominous that my ladies back I have a cat I have a kitty cat I have a kitty cat ol I live yay wait were they they laughing at me again made an enemy now for like if oh no I see her what I see her what is going on here do I need to know the context of the staring that I'm seeing right now what is happening she looking at me she's she's a dangerous being don't move just don't move it's go you'll fine if I just she's getting closer though if I just stare at you guys will that does that mean you won't move for the entire season ATT if you don't move are you sure I might do this I could sword up now FS there's some pretty good looking gear here that I could steal o look at this that is very true she she's very wise she sounds very wise thank you I have a cat too get you yeah oh you moved you moved false oh no you dangerous danger and I'm running danger running that's all right I've got I've got gear and a diamond sword you got a diamond sword then I you got cat yeah I do I've got a cat it's better than diamond sword cat do you like this diamond sword what what what what are you saying what what did you just say the cat wants to eat your head do you know that no he doesn't she actually she does not want to eat my head thank you big fish really big fish oh I forgot I'm wearing this didn't understand the context you planning to get gear anytime super what do you mean running around naked is the best feeling boss you don't need clothes oh yeah no no judgement here thank you I around naked feel what do you mean no judgment you guys L stared at me from the top of a hill two seconds ago I was feeling very exposed just looking just look I'm feeling very exposed bro you're walking out in the open world with a salmon head on you naked like what is there to not stare on I'm not naked if I've got a salmon head on my face would you like to join here you go I've got plenty more where it comes from oh don't worry we're already we're already in that part oh well where's your heads on then stop in your helmet there you go go there we go we need a theme song now a theme song salmon Bros salmon Bros does whatever salmon bro does uh yeah all right uh let's cut this one short shall we but I probably should figure out what on Earth I'm actually doing and what everybody else is doing honestly do I build a starter base I don't know maybe I should gear up maybe I should go mining but I have a full inventory I don't know it's the starter thing who does starter stuff anymore right I just want to kind of go go around and meet everybody see what everybody's up to but I also do need to gear up that's quite important all right well you know what how about we kind of just stick some chest down for now we put all of this stuff in those chests and let's do ourselves a little bit of mining get ourselves some gear so we don't die pretty quickly and then hopefully by the time we come back up people have kind of established a little bit more and then we can kind of figure out who we get to be neighbors with I think that'll be pretty cool we're on a sunflower field spawn is just over Yonder just over the hill just a few clicks away okay and I think this is just a pretty good place to put our chest for now it kind of feels like it's somewhat Central so maybe uh we'll have plenty of interaction possibilities there so that's a good place to start gra ourselves some of these good torches chook down the bed set the spawn point shift the cat over a little bit so we can actually access the chest sit the cad down and let's go mining it's my first Iron I'm rich goody iron oh I grew up so fast don't I my pickaxe good good I'm totally not slow and late to the party my first Redstone is this the hcraft Redstone season for per probably not all righty we're officially out of torches I have been pretty much focusing on iron level in order for us to get us that initial gear instead of diamonds and honestly didn't come out too bad let's go get this stuff smelted smel this Bobby up I found a few extra pieces while I was on the way out beautiful and finally get some clothes on the salmon is wearing pants Oh brilliant I'm even more suited up now look at me go make myself a shield for good measure because that is the number one safety piece you want to have when you're playing Minecraft Survival and who needs an iron helmet when you have a salmon head but I'll keep it just in case I need it all right there we go we got a beautiful Foundation of tools to get us started and now we can kind of wander around the server a little bit more freely without having to worry so much all right we've gotten some trees we've been mining we're now a little bit suited off and you know what it's actually the next day because it was getting kind of late for me and and appell's got to sleep at some point you know anyway though just to kind of upd date you guys between the clips I decid to Chuck down my very first database doesn't it look amazing my little hum humble starter base the best hermitcraft starter base you can ever make it looks like someone else agrees I love your bulk bot Choice thank you they did not sign it though so I can't thank them properly but I do appreciate that and you know what maybe it's kind of time for us to move to a bit bit of the you know the next size base the next humble a base cuz we've got to have two of those cuz I'm looking around people have kind of started to establish some places now and it is a little bit secluded over here so I'm kind of going to think and see if we can kind of Bunker up next to somebody and get ourselves some neighbors who have we got no one I see a horse I see a cobblestone block is anybody down here hello hey there is some path blocks here they what if I follow these another portal here that's promising we want to talk about the tiny little cherry blossom mans for a second like you've got the big one I think that's over there somewhere with the the huge amount of trry blossoms that I was talking about earlier on in the episode with the cracks running through it but then you get the two little tiny ones here and a little bit down there this would be a cute cute place to build on I got to say this isn't quite the O brick road but it seems promising therefore I will follow it it leasts a civilization right those jungle trees weren't over there before was a sign Tango's area right there that's a Tango I've already seen Tango earlier today am I just destined to find the same people over and over again all righty well let's go say hi and see what's up because I do quite like that mound right there and Tango's right here that would mean we're a neighbor right it also does look like people are settling over on that mound over there so quite a lot of people in this area then let's just go see what's up ring ring is anybody home oh hi did I did I did I just scare you that wasn't my intention well maybe a little bit but that's okay everything's fine how are you what's up Pearl oh no I'm I'm going pretty well I was just making a little phone call cuz I would love oh you're over there I thought you were underground hi hi yes I'm I'm managing my little my little copper babies here my little copper so this is this where you're living was I right with those seeing those signs ear this is where you're basing yeah I think so I think I like this little Hill here by the water and everything oh it looks Qui what about you well I'm still looking right now I'm trying to apply to be somebody's neighbor because I want company and I really like collaborations and I'm seeing you here we got people over in the mountain over there so um there's a whole bunch of people over by the Cherry yeah would you like a neighbor I don't know if you have one already I would love to be pearly's neighbor that would make me so happy oh good cuz I set my application through telepathically I was hoping you got it yeah yeah yeah no uh haven't gotten it yet but we're good we're good absolutely where you want to live uh well I was actually walking past that mountain little Mound thing over there is that little mini Cherry biome there yeah is anybody living there yet is that all good I I mean not to my knowledge I think it works like I'm pretty much just going to build oh skeleton this seems like a very dangerous area you sure like I should I know I may need to reassess the danger protocols here yeah I'm just going to build like starter base down here and then I think going back in up on this hill behind me is is my Big Boy base eventually your big boy base here as well right next I think why not why not you know not why not I look I don't have a lot of plans my big boy B but I I can make things work you know all right all right okay so wait what so what kind of people have we got around here cuz you're here do you know of anybody else I think I think Etho might be back over here over here come come check this out this is a nice little area over here we got this beautiful Bay here yeah I know right I think building along this Cliff side is something somebody needs to do and I think you know there's there's jungle right there so you know where you can find Etho of course right in the jungle yeah he always likes the jungles to be honest I don't know where you th that well but I'm learning new things every day is that him oh oh is him there is that is it I just saw someone people on the tree is he online he's online I think that's his little is that him yeah let's go see him let's go see if that's him I'm going to go I'm going to go over there all righty e those life savings there he is hey oh wait hold on I got ding this hold on I must ding The Notebook I can't I can't do the note block and I'm thoroughly triggered what's going on you're muted or something oh I am muted oh my goodness I'm so good at this how embarrassing for you hi I was just saying it's not an O Block it's a jukebox oh that's why it wasn't working you've disguised it perfectly that makes total sense now okay well that's embarrassing top of it I can't see out no surprises it there go eo's in the jungle here is this is this where you're living I people never saw it coming but yeah shocker this this is great like we got a little we got our little neighborhood here the the the Pearly Etho Tango Trifecta here I'm excited yeah you don't mind me being fig out where you are Tango finally you're you're up over there right exactly that's me yeah and you've seen this Bay here the water is just incredible The Overlook is pretty nice Pearl where are you at are you at the cherry trees there or where so I kind of just popped over here uh this is all very sudden but I was looking at that little kind of Mound right across the the water there and thought that could be kind of cool to build on and then I face planted Tango so now here we are a okay it's just how it's going to work I guess this is how it's going to work I work with whatever so I don't I really don't mind as long as I have company and there seems to be a lot around here so I'm happy with that perfect I love it I'm excited so what do you guys all are you guys just like doing the diggy diggy or what's the plans right now what's the plans for today well I guess I need to make a house with a roof technically I made one it looks great it was made out of dirt but I need to make a better one I saw that I saw that one I commented on your lock pallet oh that was you I was wondering who that was yep it was me was amazing the interior design was so spacious yes thank you it houses me perfectly and keeps me safe and that's what a house should do I'm so excited we get to have some more interactions I'm very happy about this I know it's going to be good it's going to be good new neighbors neighb excellent that was a little bit easier than I actually expected it to be just follow the paths they they lead to civilization and honestly everyone kind of just wants to build right next to each other this season I feel like I think we all want to be pretty close and Compact and just build together so this works out the first thing I got to figure out though is what I'm going to do with this chunk of land like it's a cool chunk of land and honestly I don't really care where I'm building as long as I'm right next to people so it actually kind of just works out that I didn't mind this chunk of land as well as being right next to both Tango and Etho two people who I rarely collab with as well so this is kind of a brand new experience of me this season which is awesome let's kind of see what we got to work with so we got the little Mound with a bunch of cherry trees on top but then you've got this little section off to the right hand side here which honestly is quite a nice natural slope curving up and around the land that kind of slowly reaches its way over to ethos and Tango side and I do want to be on a side that does face them directly so we can see each other and have that kind of natural interaction where we can just see each other working in the background and go from there oh there's another person over there on top of my Mound who's that is that is that a cup is that a cup could be a cup all right so we got it looks like we might have someone right over there with that pillar which is also nice we can see directly over that side we can see ether there we can see Tango over that side we come over here I think we can just see what's going on over by the Giant Cherry Blossom Mound which is great got ourselves some bees already beautiful and then if we look over towards spawn seems to be pillar over there and over this side there's another pillar there actually a couple of pillars going on so I think this is actually a really good location for us and I get to work with the beautiful grass color of the cherry blossom biome I quite like this it's a nice soft green all right I'm happy with this let's do it okay so first things first then now that we've established our general location I think we're going to have to go grab all of our stuff and move it over here so that we can kind of establish our place on the server and people know where we are going to be ourselves sadly I think this lovely little humble stter base does have to go because it's as much as it was complimented and cold lovely and beautiful it's a little bit of an eyes saw and we can open this space up to whoever wants to use this in the future if it's going to be which I expect it to be it's kind of nearby spawn so let's make this area nice and clean for them and get our stuff shuffled over making it official y the crafting B benches down we all know that is the official statement of a home once you do that even though this technically the second time I've done it but it's fine there we go beautiful what a fantastic start oh I didn't pick it all upop oh in we go grab the last bit Chuck it in our chests back at our new home and now I've got my official spot all right now what the now what is probably building a house but you know what I actually really still want Mangrove wood I've just getting an idea in my mind of wanting to build a house that is like the sniffers and I just I really need that Mangrove wood you know so we may have to go on a a little bit of a journey cuz as far as I've seen there is none in the immediate vicinity so we got to go and find one of those to start off before I actually fully get in a building but you know I'm going to cut a lot of that out cuz it's just just going to be me walk to a mangrove and then basically walking all the way back after wandering around for the it has come to my attention that the nearest Mangrove swamp that we have is behind the Southside border which I kind of had a feeling that could have possibly been the case but you know what I've been asking around and Jem says she has some mango poppy so we're going to have to go pay her a visit because I need those we got to get them we're got to find some kind of trade let's uh let's see what she might want for it is that a Jem I see oh my gosh okay there's a lot of people over there I'm feeling a little bit self-conscious I'm not going to lie that's really scary there's there's a lot of people I'm socially anxious you know I've been spotted I should probably come over hello there do you have a mangrove that I can trade I do oh wonderful thank you very much what would you like in return your life that quickly Pearl that was terrifying I was right to be scared comeing over here I want a bucket of tropical fish Pearl oh a singular bucket of tropical fish I have a head in fact it kind of looks like green but fantastic SC yours no I can get you a need I did actually need another one know do you want another two I can give you another two you can be the trip Sal yes thank you very much this is very important to my invention your invention what is what is your invention wonderful are you talking GR in it bucket of tropical fish bucket of tropical fish okay I'll go get your back at a tropical fish I'll be back in 10 business days I'm just you're in debt fish okay I'm in debt with fish why is it always fish dang it I'm literally eating fish I've got fish on my head I've got fish in front of me if anybody has okay well that was a pretty odd request but I got a mango fragil nice any right let's get to the bigger picture here the idea the plan the vision the goal at the very start of the episode if Edis Pearl has left it in I did talk about wanting to make a sniffer Farm because I really liked how my farm was working last season and maybe another Wheat Farm just the really basic Farms to get us going on the server with a bit of extra Style with those little sniffer plants and of course I want to make a starter base to kind of match those sniffers just have little humble farmer Pearl Beginnings which is where the mangrove wood came in cuz I think it really fits the color of the sniffers themselves and seeing as Tanger is right there clearly we want to be within uh view of Tanger and not hidden behind any kind of piece of land so I'm thinking probably the best place for us to make us stab base is either going to be down there or up on this little Nook here it's going to be a nice little simple Farmhouse maybe a couple of stories because I like adding second stories on my buildings surrounded by I'm sure plenty of plant life because I like all the bushes like coralus might SEC alas you know what I'm actually just going to get started if I do any mining in the meantime maybe I'll Chuck it in as part of the time lapse that kind of thing but I got to do some resource grinding and just get going let's get ourselves established and I'll see you guys in just a moment let's roll a [Music] timelapse [Music] the outside of my house is finished and you know what I was also working on the inside and logged off for the day I have since just logged on and found something a little suspicious in my house can we talk about what the heck this is for just a second this was not here last time I logged into the the server and gosh knows what kind of odd fireworks restoring Contraption someone's made is this a demise thing am I trying to be is someone trying to kill me cuz they're a Reaper and they've got to kill somebody so that they get out of the roll or something cuz like hey they're definitely trying to kill me as long as there's no TNT because my cat is right outside the door but unlucky for them I spawned in my base so nice try whoever's tried to do this but didn't work I'm just going to go around and wait for someone else to activate it but I might move my cat and I'll show you guys around my house in just a second but I've also got just a sneaking suspicion about the person who might have potentially done this seeing is they're pretty much right next door and they're also a red name I kind of just want to go have a chat to them real quick one second and oh my gosh that also wasn't there last time I logged in Tango has been busy I've been busy Tango has been busy and not to mention eo's been busy eo's gone and Builds an exterior an exterior since when does Etho build exteriors he's always building interior everywhere my word tango are you here anywhere hello Tango okay well you know what I can't find Tango right now maybe we'll catch up with him later in the meantime let me show you what I've done with my base shall I mean starting over here is actually a perfect way to show you it's just my little AB it's I look I'll be honest I wasn't going to go super fancy my St of base and I kind of just got a little carried away but that's what always happens on hcraft right we're allowed to get carried away because that's just what we expect I've made my quaint little kind of farmy house thing I got a whole bunch of wheat Fields out the front I'll try and go third person so you can see a little bit more but I got a couple of wheat Fields out the front and you would not know the struggle that it took just to get the mud bricks that I used in this build oh my gosh using mud bricks as a start quote unquote St of material might not have been the best idea but what we got there eventually and you know what I love the mud path I think what did I do this last season I forget if I used the mud the pack mud last season in my base design but I made a little like a path going off to tango so we can be connected as neighbors just make sure we're kind of linked up a little bit maybe we can do a bit of a bridge in that direction too but it goes up here to my base with the nice little mud brick slabesc some cherry bossom flowers look at these they're absolutely gorgeous seeing as I live at the bottom of a Cherry Blossom Hill I thought this was super cute we got some little trees put on either side of the building just to kind of make it be be a bit of a cozy Nook and of course the greenery draping over the roof but I decided to go of course for that Mangrove pet that I was talking about nice heavy red on the roof but I've also got some Sprucey wood some oak wood Acacia jungle and Birch and you know what if we just look inside just for a little second well oh my gosh that actually almost killed me that actually almost killed me I I I I stood in there by accident I completely forgot about the Trap and it almost got me it's fine I'm fine I survived they tried they failed okay was that a one time activation I have almost there's one rocket left okay um well if I just get that going again okay cool break this thing as I activated it I've used dark oak on the inside as well so the only wood that I'm missing in this base if you don't count bamboo is Cherrywood but we've Ed the flowers out the front and maybe I'll stick bamboo somewhere in to make this base the allrounder wood house didn't expect that was going to happen but it did cute little Farmhouse couple of Curves on the roofs little detailing with the signs and the fence gates as well I just flick that around the wrong way there we go I've got a little mailbox too this sign here just for now and you know what I like the idea of having a mailbox something that people can kind of put in little notes in or something I don't know I thought that could be a nice interaction point maybe to begin with the season so maybe we can do something with that at a little bit of a later date and you walk through this way and you've also got a little animal look and I've got a donkey and a mual beat ups came around for a visit uh he had a super super fast horse we breed set horse with the mule that I got while collecting re resources for this base I don't know if I included it in the time lapse or not I guess we'll find out edit a pearl if it didn't happen well I guess you know now found a mule I was out and about tamed that I also have a skeleton uh Farm well skeleton spawner right underneath my base which is where I got a saddle for the donkey so that was really handy and now we have these two little lovelies here let me know down in the comments below what you think I should name them but they're cute they're not horses but I love them so much and you know what they're so handy because they come with story and I think that's amazing anyway okay so yeah little Nook for any kinds of animals I want to have cows in there but haven't got any of those yet and then coming around the back you got a nice little kind of balcony facing towards the hillside I do want to do some terraforming here make a path that goes up that hill I think it's going to look gorgeous we got over here we got a nice little balcony appearing over the side off in this direction this was originally a flat wall I realized and decided to add on a couple of little attachments such as this little chunk right here and the balcony I think it added a nice lot of a little shape to the building and a nice pop of orange with the oasia and then if we move around the backside here you can see of course that we have a cute little chimney at the top with some pots that I made out of bricks super easy to make and you can definitely see more of that roof shape along with yet another balcony out the back so I still got to do the interior decoration I think we'll get to that in the next episode because this has taken me a long time to build as it is but let's take a look at the interior and I can show you what I've done it so far without dying I've just kind of cleaned up the place a little bit made some basic flooring these chests were here initially so I still have to move those to somewhere else a bit more appropriate I'm thinking we make a basement because if we go upstairs it's a little problematic there's not a lot of like nice flat walls for a lot of good starter storage so I'm going to make a basement underneath I think and decorate up here with maybe some bedrooms a kitchen living room that kind of stuff and I think it would be nice and C look I can see out and see what people are up to oh it's so wonderful anyway that's my base uh someone's already tried to kill me in it before i' even being done with it but it's fine and peaceful for now and I am still very much Alive Now where is Tango I found him tell him what Tango does best don't fall that would be Mighty shame if you fail it's going to be much higher than this seriously oh yeah okay well seriously don't fall maybe I'll talk to you when you get down I made it Pearl you finally made it welcome back to the ground actually you haven't made it you're still going it's still still I'll give you a second I'll give you a second mate oh gosh okay do you need do you need to breath you're good let me put it away let me put it away hang on what's up BR how you doing oh I'm doing great can look can I ask you a question of course of course what's up was it you that did something at my door or was it somebody else like I have to ask considering you're the closest Red to me it it it wasn't me I would never do that to a dear neighbor okay I may know who did did you catch him in the ACT no um did you help them no they were red they're not R anymore because they did successfully kill someone oh but it wasn't me no it was alive you're alive yeah I almost died it it might have been someone who is a fan of something a fan of something yeah that doesn't help me much certain odd numbers 135 I don't know certain odd numbers 135 I feel silly right now cuz that doesn't make any sense to me Tango look at the tabl list so a fan of certain oh oh okay yeah know that makes sense Co okay it was com cing he was on a vendetta last night he went around and was trapping everybody he got SC so good course I might go pay him a little visit you know honestly there you go there you go yeah wait is that is that his house over there on the peeking over yeah yeah he's up on the hill to the South there yep C hey I see that name tag what's up you know how much bread you've made me eat today Cub how much bread I don't know maybe three three loaves of bread or something like that not that much but still you mind I little birdie said you going to left something at my base I spawned in my base but I still walked into it later so congratulations sir you did brilliantly yes you always killed me I was though it didn't take you out almost one heart mate one heart oh I should have put more fireworks in there I knew it well the Bain thing was that I knew it was there but I went it back around to show people my base and forgot in a momentary bit so it got my little toe basically my little toe is my organ essentially you can't hit the little toe okay I see oh it's me is that me or is that you it's probably me ow it's most likely me I just wanted to congratulate you for your Valiant effort and uh GG's on finally killing somebody I it was scar mhm mhm yeah it was it was nice it was nice he blew up he blew up it he actually also saw the Trap oh but he accidentally clicked on it so that's a scar thing to do okay fair enough yeah okay see you come this is dangerous by the way why would you live here okay well anyway all of that said I think that it's actually time for me to end my episode for today the very first episode of hammercraft season 10 it has been a blast so far and you know what I am I am extremely excited for how this season is going to go I think a lot of us are super close I'm already seeing like big markers being laid out over there at an insane degree I think we're going to be pretty cushy this season like we can see several people in the render distance just from my base this is going to be crazy and I am immensely excited to see what happens you guys know how much of a fan I am at leaking bases together being direct neighbors with people and the am amount of promising stuff that's I can already see here oh I'm excited it's going to be amazing either way thank you all very very much for watching my episode today next episode we'll dive into doing the interior of my starter base trying to get up to some Shenanigans with other helmets on the server trying to record with people that I don't usually record with which is going to be a big goal of mine this season and I think it's going to be a lot of fun so for the like third time I think thank you everybody so much for watching if you like the episode please let me know down in the comments below and I will catch you all in the next one all righty I'll catch you next time goodbye everybody goodbye on did you want to um it's not I noticed it's not facing Tango though did you want to rotate it or go Dar I did you I did debate it but I thoroughly thought about it beforehand this time you but going you threw me for on that one I did not all over again let's do it
Channel: PearlescentMoon
Views: 432,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, minecraft hermitcraft, pearlescentmoon, minecraft lets play, episode 1, minecraft lets play episode 1, hermitcraft 10, hermitcraft season 10, Minecraft, hermitcraft pearl, hermitcraft pearlescentmoon, minecraft starter base
Id: brw6NW1IMgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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