HERMES PARIS LEATHER APPOINTMENT 2023 | What I got Offered In Paris l Storytime + Tips

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hi everyone welcome and welcome back I am finally  back from a Paris trip with my family and I have   very exciting news to share with everyone we  were in Paris for four days and I cannot believe   that we scored two Hermes leather appointments  and the best part is we got a unexpected offer   during our appointment date so today's video  I'll been talking about my leathers appointment   experience in Paris and share with you guys  how to score the leather appointment and that   what is my recommendations if you are new here  don't forget to subscribe to my channel let's   get right into the story we arrived Paris on  Wednesday morning at 7 00 am so which means we   would applying the letters appointment on Tuesday  when we still in the U.S and of course we did not   get any appointment on our first try we have five  passports we applied every single day when we was   in Paris every day around 8 PM Paris time we receive emails that we are extremely sorry that   we cannot fulfill your request please try another  date this same thing happened three days in a row   on our five passports and I almost like giving up  on on the last date we are leaving on Saturday in   the afternoon 4 pm and then um I think a Friday  that we were very busy I didn't even finish five passports appointment because every time we try  and sometimes we get systems said you are blocked   and so I get very frustrated I know I believe  on Friday we only tried two passports or three   passports for three appointments and we just  forget to apply the rest of the passport for   the leather appointments and we went on do our  sightseeing meeting friends enjoy our last   day in Paris and I believe in the later around 7  30 one of our cell phone got a text message and   when we checked the phone and then we were super  excited and guess what's the text message said we   are pleased to confirm your appointment on this  date at this time when we read the text message   we would like a kiddo jumping around because we  know it's super hard to get leather appointments   in Paris and guess what I believe couple minutes  later and one of our phone got another email for   Hermes leather appointment this appointment is  scheduled on Hermes Sevres store in the afternoon   later I believe it's around 5 PM and I was like  oh no our flight is at 4 pm I don't think we can   make this appointment but you know what maybe we can  go there early during the day to see if they can   squeeze us into early of the day so even if they  cannot we still have another appointment which is   earlier in the FSH store so on Saturday morning we  wake up early get ready and our appointments are   around 12 o'clock but we decided to just walking  around 10 30 to 11. to see if they can fit Us in   earlier of course we're going to let them know  our flight is in the early afternoon when we have   to leave in Paris around one clock we walk into  the appointment desk and telling them our situation   they were super nice and said that have a seat  and then we'll see what we can do at that moment   I believe it's around 10 45 ish and then we'll  wait about five to ten minutes we lost track of   time and then we receive a text message said your  appointments now please come to the store which we   already in the store about one minute later  a very nice gentleman walked to us and said I will   be in your leather specialist today please follow  me to upstairs we follow him to upstairs with its the   second floor to all the tables sitting area but  guess what it's a Saturday every table is full   and it's so crowd and we couldn't find any area to  sit down so he took us to the tableware area with   um there's a chair so we can finally sit down  he offered us something to drink and we had a   little bit of small chitchat and he did ask us so  um so how's your day so we told him we are having   the best time in Paris with our family we enjoyed  very much but today is our last day and our flight  leaving in the afternoon we also told he that we  tried to shop earlier in the past two days but   every item when we trying to get you guys are  out of stock so we're really really hoping that   we could get something today and he was laughing  he said I'll try my best so tell me what you guys   looking for today so I started telling he my  Wishlist I said I'm open my top Wishlist will being a mini Kelly or Kelly pochette in the neutral  color chai cream of course with gold or rose   gold hardware my second wish list will be Kelly 25 in the Sellier style will be in same color pattern with   gold or rose gold Hardware if it's neutral color  preferred on the lighter side of neutral color   so when I talk he put down all the notes on his  phone by the way I did bring my Kelly 25 with me   on my appointment date and I did mention that I  love my Kelly 25 so much I love bags with straps   so if I get another Kelly I prefer a kelly in Sellier style he said okay he put down the note   and then he also told us that beside you can get two  quarter bag each year you can also get the   other leather bag as well do you have anything  that you're looking for beside the quarter bag  so our sister did mentioned that she would love  to get a mini lindy so we told our SA that   we were also open to mini lindy or mani bolide  anything with straps with the same color pattern   and Hardware he said he will check and he left  so we are sitting there and wait I still   couldn't believe this happened to be honestly I  have no expectation at all I know that even you   get a leather appointment doesn't guarantee you will  score a quarter bag like Birkin or Kelly so we   wait and waited I believe at least 20 minutes and  he came back and he said the magic word follow me   please and at that moment and I was like what are  we getting something where are he gonna take us   so we followed he and he took us upstairs with  I think third floor where there's a open area   but it's more like a private area there's a chair  and you can see the stairs there's a window so he   set us down and then he said I have a good news  and a bad news and at that moment in my head it's   like I'm going through a roller coaster what  it's gonna be and then what's the bad news and   also what's the good news so he started talking he  said that I do not have any mini mini smaller size   bag mini Kelly or mini pochette available I also  do not have any Kelly 25 available as well and   I was like oh no so it means all the uh wishlist bag he does not have available for me   and then he said the good news is I can offer  you a special order so you can customize a Kelly 25   and I was like what we can do a special  order this is like mind-blowing uh news   to us we didn't know that as a tourist we can uh  do a special order especially you know we don't   live in Paris and at the same time he said you  know uh tell me what do you want me to do I can   um I can go back and see if I can find you a  Kelly 28 or we can do a customized special order   I definitely know I do not want to Kelly 28 in Sellier style because I feel like that size is   gonna be too uh too big for me and we told he  that okay let's do a special order so he went away   again and to grab the special order box I finally  get a chance to look around my surrounding I did   see three small bugs sitting on the right next  to window I also record a small clip for you guys so he came back about two minutes later with  a big red um box and then we start build uh my   special order we picked the style color and the  combination and I did ask he if it's possible   for me to order uh Kelly pochette he said I can  only offer you a Kelly 25 and I was like Kelly 25   Works fantastic as well after we finish custom design the bag and he said um so this order   will take around 12 months which is one year and  then you can come back to pick it up and then we were like it works for us because we come to Paris  basically almost every year I would definitely   do an unboxing for you guys when we pick up  this special order probably will be next year   and then after when we create the special order  and he said I do wanted to show you other smaller   bag as well remember there was three uh smaller  box sitting on the window he finally opened the   first box the first bag he showed us was a mini  the new style which they just launched this year I   think it's called Mini jypsiere in the beautiful  pink purple ish color and I tried it on I'll attach a   picture in here not sure if this is my style so I  did not take and then he unboxing the second box   which inside this little box is a mini Evelyn in  the beautiful biscuit color which is really close   to my favorite color chai when I saw it I did not  even take a picture and I was like okay I'm taking   this one and he said hold on I have another one to  show you but you can only take one today and I was   like okay so he unboxing the on the last last one  and which is the one I'm going to show you today   this bag is uh in the color size and combo  exactly what our sister was looking for and   I was like okay we have to get this one for our  sister since she is um actually with us on our trip   and she has been taking care our parents while when we  was shopping are you guys ready for me to unboxing   and then can you guess what's in this little  box that I'm going to show you today [Music]   thank you [Music]   here is the mini Lindy in etoupe color with  Gold Hardware and in the mini size which   is the mini Lindy isnt this bag cute  we feel super lucky that we are not just got a   special odor on our appointment we also  scored something for our sister as well   here's close look for this baby [Music] I also picked up a few small items where when we  was in Paris so I will do those unboxing when I   show you guys my Paris shopping haul video if you  are interested into the shopping haul unboxing   please stay tuned And subscribe to my channel  so we left our FSH store around 12 o'clock we   headed back to our hotel drop off all the items and  then we went to the Sevres store which we do have   appointment in the later afternoon 5 PM you know I  feel very lucky both of us got letter appointments   we just want to go there early to see if they  can squeeze Us in or change our appointment to a early of the day instead of for 5 PM we walked  to the Sevres store appointment desk a gentleman was   standing there we told he our situation and  we said you know we're flying out we do have   appointment at 5 PM we was wondering if you guys  can change our appointment to the early of the day   he looked at us with even smiling on the face  but with very cold tone said that's impossible and   he said we still have many people in from you  and maybe you can come back later of the day so   at that moment and we know that we have to giving  up on this appointment even we got the appointment   but we have to catch the flight and we cannot just  change our already scheduled plan so we just left   the store all right that it that's what happened  with all our Hermes leathers appointment in Paris   so I do want to share a few tips regarding how  to score a Hermes leather appointment and then   um what ready matters if you got the appointments  and of course so that's my personal experience   and doesn't mean my recommendation will score  you uh appointment but I believe those tips will   definitely help so my tip number one is as soon  as you landed in Paris if you get a chance I highly   recommend to walk into Hermes store at any Boutique in  Paris and then purchase something small that you   can create an Hermes account in the system and this  will give you a high chance for you to enter the   lottery system we have five passports on this trip  and two of the passports had the Hermes account in   the system already with those two passports got the appointment only and the rest of the   three never got any appointment because it was  never registered in the Hermes system tip number two   I will definitely recommend you address your  outfit nicely and put some extra effort and if   you have hermes items you can wearing it if  you own any Hermes bag definitely carry your   Hermes bag with you on your appointment date tip  number three is Highly highly recommend to prepare   your wishlist memory it what are your wish list  including the size leather and then you know of   course being open-minded if you cannot get wish list a at least you have wish list B C D   available and then ready to give it to them if  they cannot get you you know your top wish list   number four is don't have high expectation during  your appointment date because even you scored a   leather appointment doesn't mean that you will  guarantee for a quota bag including Birkin or   Kelly I heard a lot of stories before that even  you get a leather appointments and if you got a   SA that who doesn't connect(click) with you and you  probably will not get offered anything so try   not to have High Hope otherwise you're only gonna  make yourself disappoint and then ruined your Paris   trip my last but not least recommendation is don't  simply giving up even you don't score hermes leather appointment even you got appointment  but you didn't get the leather bag but you   know even you didn't get the bag or appointment  this trip you may get something in the future   I hope Hermes fairy come to everyone  who visited Paris and then good luck to   all of you and I hope my video helped on  your Hermes Journey or Hermes Paris trip   if you have any questions you can always  leave a comment down below to let me know   if you like my video please don't forget to  subscribe thank you so much for watching guys
Channel: Orangeboxholic
Views: 30,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermes bag, vancleef&arpels, Hermesbirkin, hermeskelly, hermes birkin 25, hermes kelly 25, hermes mini kelly, hermes luxury, luxury jewelry, cartier jewelry, cartier love bracelets, van cleef arpels bracelets, hermes paris appointment, hermes paris leather appointment, hermes lottery appointment
Id: 5taG_yCsyvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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