Here's why VIX Put Options don't work
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: VTS - Brent Osachoff
Views: 13,420
Rating: 4.9122086 out of 5
Keywords: brent osachoff, volatility trading strategies, vts options, volatility, volatility trading, trading, options, options trading, VIX, VXX, UVXY, TVIX, SVXY, VIX index, vix contango, options trading basics, iron condor, sharpe ratio, day trading, investing, investing for beginners, vixcentral, stock market, stock trading, thinkorswim, thinkorswim tutorial, vix put options, put options, short vix, shorting the vix, recession 2020, robinhood, robinhood investing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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