Here's Why This Millionaire CEO Wants to Be Taxed More | NowThis

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and I've spent my life since then fighting for small businesses fighting for independent businesses that are being squeezed and specifically for us we fight against monopolies like Visa and MasterCard in the banking system that actually squeezes small businesses far more than taxes and government entities do five years ago I took a million-dollar pay cut so that everybody at my company could make at least seventy thousand dollars a year and in that time we've tripled as a company and we've been able to move into nice new headquarters in Ballard next to our headquarters which is a beautiful building where we're very spoiled there's a lot of homeless people that live right next to us it's very cold outside and we were seeing in our business how people making thirty thirty five thousand dollars a year couldn't afford to live in Seattle they couldn't make ends meet so we solved that for our community for our team by changing our pay scale from thirty thousand dollars to a million dollars and leveling it from seventy thousand dollars to about two hundred and seventy five thousand which our top executive makes not me I make still seventy thousand dollars a year and but during that time my action has caused housing prices indirectly unintentionally to increase in Seattle I did my job I did my job to solve the problem for the people that I represent I did my job to provide for the people that work at gravity that are supporting those 18,000 small business owners like Joe but we need this body to do your job we can't solve these systemic issues through private solutions they it can't be done we've tried over and over again and we need all of you to step up and have the democratic systemic solutions that will create integrity in the system that all of us are part of please do that by supporting this bill I thank you questions for the panel members representative Jung thank you madam chair this is broadly for any of you or the anybody that wants to follow that it's really in favor of this I I understand that the desire to want to put more money to this I'm also worried about the other side of the equation and the efficacy with which the solution has already been addressed are any of you really happy with the way that the current dollars that we've been allocating to this or that Seattle has been allocating to this hour being spent I mean do you like the way that they're spending this money now and not getting the solution it's easy this is Dan price and it's easy to throw the government it's easy to throw public officials under the bus it's easy to point to any organization and find waste and we have the type of scrutiny that the government has you will find waste but you could find that waste in any one of our organizations in fact this bill will cost me money I'm going to pay money as part of this bill but what it will cost me will be less than our throw back to the 90s holiday party that we just threw we don't need another throwback to the 90s holiday party next year we need support for homeless people for people that are on the edge because we don't have affordable housing in King County [Music]
Channel: NowThis Impact
Views: 1,481,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NowThis, NowThisNews, Now This News, NowThis News, Now This Media, NowThis Media, Current Events, news, US news, current events today, millionaire, ceo, dan price, gravity payments 70k, gravity payments ceo, gravity payments, homelessness, tax reform, finance news, business news, rich people, progressive, systemic, funding, government funding, housing crisis, housing crisis in america, seattle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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