Here's What We Know About Aoki Simmons' 65 Year Old 'Boyfriend'

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to your favorite YouTube channel I know that's right in today's video we'll be discussing Kamura Lee Simmons and Russell Simmons daughter Aoki and her rumored fleeing with a man named Victorio oof who after being photographed on a romantic vacation her fans were shocked and disgusted not only did vitorio look way older than her but the media also confirmed that they have a 44e age difference 44 that's 222 year old that's 14y old the age Gap too damn big that's what I'm trying to say after hearing that information we knew our besties would want us to do a deep dive into this situation and of course we were able to find out some things about Victorio that we know your little messy self is going to enjoy and you know Auntie Regina loves her some mess before Russell puts us in a rear naked Chokehold for being in his daughter's business don't forget to scoop up something to munch on from your favorite concession stand at rrg we have an assortment of five-star goodies from beef and bacon jerky green apple Licorice and gummy sour peach rings Victorio grew up in Milan he earned a degree in political science and studied law at the University of urbino according to whom you know website he spent 8 years on the floor of Milan's Stock Exchange before pursuing a career in the fashion industry he moved to New York in 1985 and opened several businesses he also began his career in the restaurant industry according to Nat fluent's website he and his good friend Fabio Granado were on a boat in 1994 when they got lost at sea stranded on a small boat without food they daydreamed about eating the perfect Pizza to strengthen their hopes of surviving they promised each other that when they got rescued they would open a restaurant together and serve the best Italian Pizza and Pasta in the world thankfully the Coast Guard rescued them and they opened saraphina fabulous Pizza in New York City in 1995 as of this video saraphina is a celebrity Hotspot with multiple locations across the globe vitorio has also gone on to launch several other Mexican and Japanese restaurants he also has a brand of pasta sauce that is sold in grocery stores across the US with online sources estimating saraphina Restaurant Group has a net worth of $25 million it's pretty clear that Victorio got that long money that's my typ ninja that's my typ sometime in the '90s he married a model named Charlotte bonstrom and they welcomed two children after over 20 years of marriage everything fell apart oh here we go here we go in 2021 Page 6 reported that during the pandemic Charlotte started having an affair with her brother-in-law wait a minute hold up now the breaks despite despite her brother-in-law being married to her identical twin sister Cecilia Charlotte didn't give a damn Charlotte said my man is my man is your man is her man too news outlets reported that vitorio started putting his big pizza p in Cecilia's oven to get back at Charlotte for cheating on him but victori told page six that he and Cecilia had nothing going on he also confirmed that he and Charlotte were getting divorced and Charlotte already had plans to marry her sister's husband Fix It Jesus what in the pass around of pizza pie is going on here after news outlets went on the hunt for more information an Insider told page six that Charlotte started the affair because she was hurt that vitorio often spent time with models during their marriage The Insider added she was very hurt but learned to accept it and then she started secretly dating other people what in the caucasity and what did her twin sister s you think about all of this well A source told page six that the affair broke Cecilia's heart and she felt betrayed she reportedly found out about the affair sometime around March 2020 and started posting cryptic messages on her Instagram one message read you're looking for three things generally in a person intelligence energy and integrity and if they don't have the last one don't even bother with the first two she reportedly tagged her husband and her sister in the caption messy messy messy Victorio had no choice but to move on in 2023 he was linked to a 22-year-old suanes model named Nia gotell oh okay so he got a thing for the Sisters mhm in June 2023 Victorio landed in the hospital for an undisclosed Health scare Nia was by his side through his recovery but apparently their relationship didn't last bye Ashley meanwhile kamur met Russell sometime around 1992 when she was a 7 18-year-old runway model and he was 35 in a since deleted Instagram comment he stated she was 18 when they started dating and he claimed he got permission from her mother and manager who both approved supported and pushed the relationship kamora backed up his story until recently when she made a statement that raised some eyebrows but I had I met this person when I was um in high school they got married in 1998 their daughter Ming Lee was born 2 years later and Aoki arrived on August 16th 2002 a damn Leo sis I knew it Auntie Regina can smell a Leo a mile away Aoki graduated high school at the age of 16 and enrolled at Harvard on her online accounts she made it clear that she would pursue a modeling career after graduation which left some people puzzled well one because I love it but also because I really want us to move toward a future where young women are not being asked this question the hell you talking about like you're not being asked why did you follow your more creative passion even though you're smart like you I would like to change the idea that you can't be smart and pretty or you can't be smart and enjoy your looks or enjoy a creative Beauty fashion-based career I really don't want this to be a question that we're asking women in 10 years do whatever you want she graduated college at the age of 20 and has been modeling ever since she made headlines on Father's Day 2023 it all started when her sister Ming wished their mother a Happy Father's Day and failed to acknowledge Russell Russell then shared an Instagram post blaming kamora for making him jump through hoops to be a father to Ming and Aoki that's when Aoki took to her social media account to explain that Russell became upset when she wouldn't pick a side in the lawsuit Russell filed against kamora and her new husband Aoki also posted text messages from Russell as well as a screen recording of Russell going bananas Aoki later posted to her Instagram stories that they think Russell is mentally ill or is experiencing dementia to this day I don't even I would never let a man talk any kind of way to me cuz my dad was always good to me and then he just completely changed so what you saying is aoke got Daddy Issues is that what you're saying that brings us to April 2024 Aoki jetted off to St Barts while there she frequently hopped on Instagram live and told her followers she was vacationing with her boyfriend whom she called the second boyfriend she ever had in her entire life she added I'm the happiest person to ever happy right now y'all so damn messy at one point she even showed off her boyfriend's shoes and said look at how huge his shoes are that makes me really happy he's 6'4 did the dang Lang sign match the shoe size or is that a myth I'm asking for a friend although she never put her boyfriend on camera his voice was heard in the background of several Instagram live videos and he was later identified as voral would you like to share your favorite thing about the trip anonymously he said me on their last day in St Barts Aoki went on Instagram live again and the footage was screen recorded by live B's Instagram account apparently vitorio didn't know she was recording baby you on shush shush I'm making a video not Mary out here trying to secure the pizza bag and then things got a little weird on their last day Aoki was practically begging for vitorio to buy her expensive gifts sadly for her Victorio brushed her off each and every time I am though a big bulgary person I am though a big bulgary person o you know what I also like a lot yeah which one mess t [Music] i in other words aoke left St Barts with a wet ass and a dry purse y'all so damn messy little girl if you going to play in the big leagues learn the rules honey learn the roof ask come last okay # ass come last Peri poo although she did her best to conceal his identity she was unaware that photographers on the beach were taking pictures of them and Page Six published The Exclusive images of 21-year-old Aoki making out with 65-year-old [Music] Victorio social media users called out their age Gap and accused Aoki of trying to follow in her mom's footsteps by securing a sugar daddy some people even went as far as to call Victorio a predator aoke reportedly got in contact with page six after the photos were released and she told them of course I'm not with him I was never with him on April 8th 2024 People magazine confirmed that Aoki and Victorio were spending time together and enjoying each other's company hours later a source close to Aoki told Page 6 it's 100% done they're absolutely not dating grand opening Grand closing The Insider went on to say that Victorio always loved younger beautiful women and they wouldn't be surprised if he had replaced Aoki already page six reached out to another Insider who reportedly got their back blown out by vitorio many years ago that sound fun as hell The Insider stated that so many women have fallen in love with vitorio because he has the biggest dangle Lang in New York okay so the myth is true poo is packing so what the hell happened between Aoki and vitorio some people suspect he wasn't ready to go public with their relationship and he didn't want to deal with all of the backlash others think he wasn't that into her and he just wanted to ah SK SK SK SK SK SK SK into an impressionable young woman and bounce on to the next Pretty Young Thing what do you think about this entire situation let us know down below and thanks for watching rrg
Channel: RRG
Views: 143,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ub3gv1l6zDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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