Here's How I Spent 72 Hours Alone in Vancouver Canada! The Best Things to Do, Eat & See!

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foreign one of my favorite cities in the whole world and one that Ludwig tolerates I tolerated Vancouver is frequently voted one of the most livable cities in the world and I find Vancouver particularly unique because not only do you get to enjoy classic thriving City life but you're surrounded with so much stunning nature literally everywhere you look there are mountains forests snow water it is just beautiful Olympic and I have visited Vancouver a number of times over the past several years but when I had the opportunity to go again for a couple of days I definitely leaped at this chance this time I am all by myself again [Music] well hello there welcome back to the channel it's solo Chloe once again and I know I know I know what you're wondering now where the heck is Ludwig this channel is called Chloe and lippig where is lip big I want to see more of that funny little Swedish man don't worry he's gonna be in plenty of videos to come but it just so happens that he is dog sitting back in Nelson this weekend and couldn't join me here in Vancouver so what am I doing in Vancouver you ask I'm actually meeting my mum my dad and my brother down in San Diego we're going to a fun little well not so little a giant conference there which we do almost every single year except for during the pandemic so instead of just flying there from Nelson to San Diego I decided to make yep another little trip out of it there seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life and on this channel I know I had originally booked a flight from Nelson to Vancouver but the weekend I had booked my flight it just happened to be snowing like crazy which is great for all the snowboarders and skiers in Nelson but not so great for those wanting to fly out of Nelson the castle guy airport which is the airport we fly out of is uh no one has canceled gar as I so gratefully learned when I was first trying to get to Ludwig do you remember that when my plane hovered over Castlegar and then turned around and went back to Vancouver yes fun times fun times long story short I ended up canceling my flight and instead booked a bus called Mountain Mike's bus now this bus is all awesome I think it takes you from caslow all the way to Vancouver and vice versa on select days of the week this is a great option if you're looking to save a bit of money it's less than half of the cost of flying to and from Vancouver from that sort of area of Canada I'll pop a link down below if you're interested in that it's a great way to get around and a solid backup if flying might not be an option so I spent 10 hours on this lovely little bus ride stopping at all sorts of nice little gas stations in the middle of nowhere I was very excited to see it Tim Hortons along the way to get my everything bagel with cream cheese and then eventually I made it here to Vancouver laughs P.S have you seen this cute little soft toy that they've left on my bed I wonder if I get to take this home Maybe it's forty dollars maybe not so for the next three days by myself I'm gonna be exploring Vancouver I won't be doing anything too crazy in extravagant while here but just spending three days living it up by myself in the city maybe you'll get a couple of ideas yourself if you do decide to come here to Vancouver in the future and you're probably also wondering well you just said you're going to San Diego so now you're in Vancouver so how are you getting to San Diego well my friends you know how much I love train rides I have booked an Amtrak Journey taking me from Vancouver all the way down to San Diego it's gonna be a long one and that is probably another large reason why Ludwig didn't come on this trip is because I've already booked them on a couple of train rides with me this year and I've really got to decide which are the most important divorce them on with me this one he luckily got out of but next time you'll be on the next train with me don't you worry don't you worry after a hefty 10 hour bus ride I was feeling pretty tired so on my first night here after arriving fairly late in the evening I opted for a simple budget-friendly hotel that actually turned out to be really nice I stayed at the Victorian Hotel in Downtown Vancouver they say for Value conscious Travelers they offer what's called a Euro room complete with a queen-size bed beautiful exposed brick and in-room sink cozy bath towels hair dryer large mirror and plush bathrobe it honestly does give off luxury Vibes oh and I forgot the most important thing a capsule coffee machine you'll share three Immaculate bathrooms on each floor that have all of the Necessities you could think of and all of this cost me just 250 New Zealand for one night this was honestly a bargain compared to all of the other hotels I could find in downtown Vancouver it had great ratings and I can highly recommend this place for a really nice and affordable stay [Music] while in true Vancouver style it is indeed raining and it's raining the whole time I'm here according to my weather app so here we are luckily the rain didn't put me off taking a stroll around this beautiful city I started off with a Wanderer around the sea wall which is actually the world's largest uninterrupted Waterfront path at 28 kilometers long here you'll pass Walkers joggers cyclists and skaters and lots of cute little dogs I then made my way over to Vancouver's most historic neighborhood guest town with its Cobblestone walkways and historic brick buildings this place exudes old world charm and it actually dates back to 1867. Ludwig and I love to come to this stunning little area for a great coffee something to eat or just to wander the streets you'll also find really good shopping and of course you'll get to see the famous guest Town steam clock built in 1977 this well-known antique style clock is powered by Steam and whistles to tell you the time it sounds every 15 minutes and marks each hour with little whistling symphonies [Applause] [Music] thank you after a massive walk around the city it was now time to check in to my next hotel of this trip for my remaining few nights here I decided to upgrade to something a little bit more luxurious welcome to the Paradox Hotel also located in downtown Vancouver my hotel room was absolutely stunning and it looked even better than in the pictures I was quite shocked at how cool this place was it had floor-to-ceiling windows with Incredible views of the city European Oak hardwood floors very fancy a massive king-sized bed workspace cute little seating area by the window as you saw me at before fully stocked minibar a bathroom that was definitely giving the main room a run for its money it had Italian and marble with heated flooring oh Yep this is luxury it's luxury a walk-in rainfall shower beautiful lighting and floor-to-ceiling windows don't worry there were definitely privacy drapes and curtains and everything in this room seemed to be controlled by these little touch pads so high-tech there was also an iPad for me to use just to take with me wherever I want I've never seen that before Oh and best of all I had a bathrobe and slippers and an espresso coffee machine but that's not all let's show you outside the room and yes I'm taking you to look at the hotel gym because of course I came here every day this fitness facility was on point it had everything I needed tons of cardio weights and it had a flex room which I thought meant stretching or something and then when I looked inside there were mirrors everywhere and I kind of got the joke unless I think that was a joke they had a stunning Spa a lovely Lounge lobby area a cozy yet very trendy bar that had a DJ playing most of the time I walked past and they also had an interesting indoor pool Zone that seemed to be inside a nightclub as well as an outdoor hot tub wow this hotel it was fancy okay so I've checked into one very surprisingly and extremely fancy hotel room with a view that I could not quite believe I've got my backpack on I've got my walking around the city comfy clothes on and I'm ready to go and explore so here we go [Music] well the sun has definitely decided to come out I'm very happy about that because it was forecast thank you it was forecast to be raining this entire time that I was here which I was pretty sad about but luckily the sun has come out and because I like to walk everywhere I go it's very helpful for me I just wandered from my hotel down to the Waterfront as you can see it's absolutely stunning on a day like this shush I'm about to take the little cute fairy across the water and over to the famous Granville Island now Ludwig and I always go here when we come to Vancouver it is a stunning little market mainly food I've noticed amazing coffee here we go Granville Island it's time for probably a lot of eating food today the ferry over to Granville Island cost 3.75 one way for an adult or 6.50 return there are also a bunch of different places you can visit I simply paid with my card on the ferry but you can also pay with cash or online using this QR code the views along the way are absolutely stunning and the whole trip felt like it took less than five minutes foreign Ville Island you'll find the Granville Island Public Market one of Vancouver's most popular tourist attractions it's the famous place to buy fruit vegetables and a range of other Market Goods you could spend a good few hours here walking around grabbing multiple bites to eat drinking coffee listening to live music and just admiring beautiful views of the city whilst here you can also Wander over to the famous silos there are six concrete Towers each 70 feet tall and they were revamped by talented Brazilian street artists and have now become one of the most photographed spots in Vancouver [Music] thank you [Music] oh my goodness I forgot how much I love this place okay so my little plan of action here in Granville Market get a coffee wander around the whole Market while I sit my coffee and try to narrow it down to a handful of things that I actually feel like eating unfortunately I forgot how incredible all the food is here and I cannot narrow it down to something acceptable for lunch German sausage I always go for one of these if I find that there's a plant-based option I'm obsessed with German sausages second option I saw that there was like a bread company that offers world famous grilled cheese sandwich I think I actually had that a couple of years ago back when the Olympic were here another option is I saw a wild salmon chowder please and if I'm gonna get salmon I think it's best to do here in Granville Island or in Vancouver as a whole I know they have some of the freshest Seafood around and as I was walking past the donut shop I heard a lady saying if you're gonna get a donut this is the place to get it it has amazing donuts I went over I had a look at the shop and indeed it has a massive line even curving around the outside and going outside of the building so if that line is any indication on how good those donuts are if I have to I have to I guess [Music] foreign [Music] was German sausage we went with a lovely beyond meat sausage and got all the trimmings sauerkraut mustard ketchup relish and onions and I was delighted to see a little side of potato crisps I've got a two hour massage booking coming up in like three hours so I'm gonna try not to eat too too much even though that's not gonna happen at all but you know when you go into a massage and you've just had like a gigantic meal and in your tummies they're going I don't want that to happen because that always happens to me without fail I always have this gigantic coffee or a big huge meal and then go into a massage and my tummy is going crazy so I think I'm giving myself enough time for the massage anyway the sausage it's getting cold mmm absolutely delicious you just gotta go wrong with sausage in a bread if you watched our Danish food to a video the hot dog part was probably my favorite part in that whole video sausage and bread what can I say it's good no matter where you go foreign okay I am currently trying to find the Chowder place and I'm getting a little bit lost definitely underestimate how big this place is wild salmon chowder where are you I found it I am so glad I went for this wild salmon chowder it was rich hearty packed with onions and potatoes and honestly was the perfect thing for a cold but sunny day in Vancouver I can highly recommend this meal okay I've got my grilled cheese this is my third and potentially my last little bit to eat depending on how full I feel after this watch this space so this is apparently world famous grilled cheese when it's so oily and hot it's like seeping through the paper look how melty that is it's so crunchy and so good wow I didn't even actually read what was going on in here but it said something about Apple blade I don't know about the best grilled cheese I've ever had but pretty darn good oh so I've done it all over the place there are these little picnic Booth sort of tables even though it is a really crowded day it's a Monday it's very crowded probably because it's a nice day there is ample seating here I go with the word ample again so much seating indoors and Outdoors but on a day like this it is really nice to Take It Outside you've got an incredible view I do love how they've got different musicians plotted around the place so you've got a really nice vibe in the background I highly recommend coming here oh my goodness as it gets into the middle it's like so oily and cheesy I'm definitely in the mood for something sweet after this though it's just set the donut line is continuing to get longer and longer and longer as the day goes on I didn't they could get longer but it continues to grow okay half an hour later and this line has exploded I think it's official I have to have one of these Donuts [Music] [Music] okay I can see what all the fuss is about it's really crispy and delicious and crunchy on the outside and so soft and almost like moist on the inside this is absolutely delicious that lime I'm gonna say it was worth the wait holy moly this gave me such a fry after a long Hefty day of eating all the food at Granville Island I felt like I deserved a massage I don't often get massages in everyday life so when I'm on holiday I really like to splurge on this I found a place online called Barefoot Oasis it was within walking distance from my hotel it had great reviews and they seemed to have a really good deal online where I could get a one hour foot reflexology massage and a one hour deep tissue massage for a discounted price I've never had a foot massage before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect [Music] [Music] my best [Music] a two-hour massage later and I can highly highly highly recommend that you come to this place I have no words [Applause] [Music] I don't know why buildings are so beautiful but you can see the mountains and the big bridge and the distance there more Mountains over there Vancouver is just so beautiful [Music] [Music] well I was gonna go out and walk to Chipotle but it's like I don't even have my watch it's like 8 30 almost it's getting a little late and I noticed I have an in-room dining menu looks quite fancy I'm a little nervous to look at the prices because I feel like it's going to be pricey [Music] well this is definitely the fanciest room service I have ever received the lady literally rolled in this entire table and like served it out here in front of me I've never had this before this is Street Hotel guys isn't it oh my goodness I'm Gonna Roll this little table up to the bed and sit here and watch Mary Poppins returns because that's coming on in like 20 minutes all right here we go foreign [Music] [Music] this is crazy I feel like I'm not living my own life right now I got two glasses not one but two glasses of ice cold water these hand cut chips are so thick um an extra garlicky and truffly oh my gosh wow wow yeah what is life right now I feel like I'm doing cooler and cooler stuff as the days go on I'm so uh [Music] oh all right well you know how I told you that I had originally come to Vancouver to catch a special Journey from Vancouver down to San Diego that's no longer happening I was going to be riding on the Amtrak Coast Starlight which I was super excited about it takes you from Seattle all the way down the coast and I was gonna hop off in Los Angeles and then catch another bus down to San Diego which is where I'll be meeting my family however yesterday I had a little automated voice message on my phone and an email telling me that this was canceled I'm really upset but it is due to mudslides and severe weather so there's nothing they can do about that unfortunately luckily I'm getting a full refund which is great however it's just really upsetting because this is the second time I've had a really fun adventure plan with Amtrak that's been canceled I'm beginning to wonder if I should keep trying to book an Amtrak train or not I probably will because I really really want to try a train in the US I've never done it before although I've only done a few trains in my whole entire life like two but still anyway I look at the bright side I want to look into a positive direction I've got a couple of extra days in Vancouver I can't complain at all and I took to Instagram I asked you guys what on Earth I should be doing for my last few days here and you guys gave me a whole bunch of fun suggestions so thank you for that I'm gonna go and try and do them all starting off with apparently the best coffee in Vancouver followed by another cool cafe that I personally want to go to that no one told me to go to but I want to go here for a certain reason and you'll see why followed by the best lunch ever apparently I'm going to be waiting in the line to get there it's really good ramen and then I'm gonna hire a bike I'm gonna bike around the sea wall and we'll see what else I have time for let's go first up breakfast I I started off my morning by heading just outside my hotel after asking the team at the front desk they referred me to a really popular coffee and donut spot here called 49 Cafe I'm not usually one to eat donuts all that often so having a donut two days in a row felt extra rebellious I decided to try something different this time around and instead of reaching for my usual plain flavor I opted for a donut that sounded very unique an Earl Gray donut the verdict it was a very Earl Gray my mum would have loved it me not so much but I still ate it it was something new and I like trying new things next on the list I was off to taste apparently the best ramen in the city a friend told me about this place called ramadambo she lived in Vancouver and said you'll definitely want to be prepared to line up it's that good and I love getting a Local's recommendation so I wasted no time walking over and to my surprise it was barely aligned today this definitely changed as my lunch went on however the first thing I have to mention is how cute is this little baggage storage stool combo it was a perfect fit for my big backpack the menu was incredibly simple you just tick your preferences and then hand it to the waitress I opted for the vegan ramen I must say going from cold outside to hot inside head my nose running like crazy don't mind me I was pretty shocked at how fast my food came out it literally felt like less than five minutes my starter was the veggie goiza gyoza goiza I'm never sure how to pronounce this but they were absolutely delicious and piping hot and the ramen wow what a pretty looking meal and a fantastic portion size the broth was so incredibly tasty great noodle to liquid ratio but I saw if you ran out of the broth you could get a top up if you wanted the toppings were delicious and I think what I like most about Ramen is that it always takes quite a while to eat making you work for every single bite rather than rushing through it this was honestly the perfect meal to indulge in on a chili Vancouver day this whole meal came to just twenty dollars including a tip wow that has got to be one of the best value lunches out there I can highly highly recommend the sun came out for just a second and I decided to go out of the house with no big jacket on that was a bad decision tough to get a coffee at a Local's recommendation as best coffee in Vancouver followed by quick pit stop back at the hotel to get my big cozy jacket keep on underestimating How Much I Feel the cold weather my next task of the day was to taste Vancouver's best coffee according to a local and with a big day ahead of me I thought a caffeine hit was definitely gonna come in handy I was off to find Matchstick coffee there were a few different locations around and I noticed that one was close to my next activity so off to Davey Village I go so here it is Matchstick coffee it was bright and cozy beautiful lighting there was lots of different food to order muffins and pastries and I went for an oat milk latte [Music] it was super creamy just the right temperature the coffee to milk ratio was on point yum and I can safely say you should buy a coffee here so the next very important thing I had to take off while on this trip in Vancouver was luckily just around the corner from Vancouver's best coffee located in Davie Village a vibrant and thriving gay community home to the frequently photographed rainbow Crossing you'll find boutiques bookstores coffee shops during the day and busy street life at night with mini pubs clubs and bars I was to track down the most extravagant Caesar in the city now if you have no idea what a Caesar is it's considered Canada's national cocktail when I first heard about this interesting drink my initial thoughts were gross but after a couple of sips you realize hey it's like an unexpectedly tasty cold alcoholic tomato soup the key ingredients in this little gym are vodka clam juice tomato juice spices and Worcestershire Worchester so we're just a show I cannot say say this I'm just going to put it up on the screen this sauce here let me know down below can you say this word Worcestershire sauce it is typically served in a high ball glass rimmed with celery salt and garnished with celery stalk olives and lime although you'll notice that every place you go puts their own little spoon on it I've seen all sorts of ingredients thrown into the mix but apparently there was one place in particular that does things a little bit differently basically taking it from a drink to a full meal welcome to school on Davey a popular neighborhood Pub that specializes in very unique Seasons I grab a little booth of my own and take a glance at the Caesar menu I was shocked to see just how extravagant some of these Caesars are and just when I got excited to order the craziest one I could see I read that you actually must share one of these larger ones with a party of at least two people and I guess that makes sense so I perused through some of the smaller options there were so many to choose from but I landed on the Mac and cheeser deep fried mac and cheese balls pickle and onion rings it was quite daunting to tackle actually I can't imagine how I would get on with one of those huge Caesars I have to admit the toppings tasted pretty average what you'd expect from a bunch of deep fried treats and eating them on the skewer was that rather difficult they did offer plate and Cutlery but I thought it would be more authentic to eat it as served [Music] foreign the season was delicious however and uh pretty strong I feel like I unintentionally said yes to a double I'm still pretty Keen to bring Ludwig here so we can order the giant Caesar next time [Music] well at this point this little time away in Vancouver is starting to seem a little bit more like a food tour I'm not apologizing for that one bit right now everything smells like barbecue sauce and mac and cheese and that's because I was trying as best I could to not remove the toppings from my Caesar therefore my hair was dipping in every single crevice of the food and now it's all I can smell but that was great and I am definitely a little bit tipsy we've visited Vancouver a number of times over the past several years and we still enjoy coming back whenever we can in our last few visits we ticked off one of the most popular things to do here the Capilano suspension bridge Park I can highly recommend coming here at least once for an absolutely beautiful walk great photo opportunities and perhaps for some a test for your fear of heights pretty high up it's not looking down you think the bridge will hold it no no no no no don't do that don't do it having already done this twice however I thought I'd skip it this time around and instead try is different like going to hang out with some cats okay back to the hotel warm jacket check now I am ready to go to the cat cafe or shall I say Cafe and then perhaps a little bike ride along the sea wall but first I heard that this city is home to the world's narrowest commercial building and uh if you've been with us for long you may notice I have a slight obsession with small things for example we stayed in the world's smallest hotel and Cafe in Denmark the doorway to the shower is the cutest thing I've ever seen look at this little hole you basically just had to slide through here there's a little window in the shower this is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so cool [Music] and I even slept in a seven square meter capsule hotel at Gatwick airport so with my obsession of small things in mind I wandered over to Chinatown where this mysterious building was located this here is the Sam key Building located at 8 West Pinder Street in Vancouver it was constructed in 1913 and according to the Guinness Book of Records it is the shallowest commercial building in the world how cute is it it takes just a couple of minutes to admire the strange little structure but if you have an appreciation for unusual architecture I definitely say come and take a look especially if you're out and about in Chinatown plus it's on the way to one of Vancouver's top attractions [Music] foreign [Music] classical Chinese gardens the website says this place is a registered Museum and a unique venue for cultural programming and events including guided tours concerts festivals exhibitions receptions and educational programs I've been here a few times and it's a really tranquil and peaceful Retreat away from the city streets this small intimate Garden features beautiful Pavilions winding shaded walkways a jade green pond with koi fish a collection of 150 year old miniature trees and best of all it's free entry [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was really missing my little cat back at home in New Zealand so I took to Google to see if there was a cat cafe here in the city and right on the outskirts of Chinatown there was Cafe offering up cat pacinos and Cat deemed treats in the company of adoptable rescue cats it was 16.75 for a 55-minute visit and I also threw in an Americano because why not it's only my third copy of the day they do actually recommend booking online as walk-ins might not always be possible during busy times see them more when you walk in you're asked to wash your hands before interacting with the cats and it's a pretty large space with plenty of seats and tables to choose from Cafe have partnered with various animal rescues to help adoptable rescue cats from all over Canada find loving homes they have around 20 to 25 cats here at any one time and with lots of kitties being adopted more and more newbies are arriving every week you can actually take a look at their website and meet the cats before you come in if you're interested in adopting one [Music] if you're a cat lover you should definitely pop this on your list for a fun little stop during your stay in Vancouver [Music] one of the best times of year to visit Vancouver is undoubtedly spring to witness this stunning cherry blossom trees dotted around the city each spring as the rainy season Fades Vancouver rights are greeted with 40 000 cherry blossoms we were very lucky to witness this as we were here in Spring one year absolutely stunning if you can book your trip for spring it's a great time of year to visit Vancouver oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know I look amazing right now I've just hired a bike from a place called bikes and blades and this bike right here plus this lovely Nifty helmet was only seven dollars for one hour so I'm taking this guy around Stanley Park around the sea wall for the next hour seven dollars you can't really go wrong what a beautiful day to do it as well [Music] thank you look at my ears [Music] wow [Music] thank you foreign well this was fun and actually it goes so fast it's been almost an hour 50 minutes I've spent most of the time actually hopping on and off the bike trying to get these shots for you if you come to Vancouver 100 hire a bike go around the sea wall you can hire the bike for all sorts of different time frames I just chose one hour because it's getting quite late and I need to get back to my hotel I've got a pretty early flight in the morning can I recommend doing this 150 this is probably one of my favorite things I've done as well as the Capilano suspension bridge which I did last time with lid fig 100 definitely do this it's a lot a lot of fun thank you so I hope you've enjoyed my solo video in Vancouver maybe you got one or two maybe six ideas on what you can do when you're in Vancouver whether by yourself with your friend or your family let me know Down Below have you done any of these activities yourself I know you especially want to try that bike ride around Stanley Park so don't forget to like And subscribe and stay tuned for the next video Stay [Laughter] [Music] for our next video good job all right now I'm in San Diego now I'm in San Diego with these guys that guy mama and Dad whew let's go power walk time [Music]
Channel: Chloé and Ludvig
Views: 24,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vancouver canada, toronto to vancouver, vancouver bc, traveling solo in canada, compass card vancouver, vancouver travel, solo trip, vancouver travel guide, vancouver travel vlog, female solo travel, traveling solo vlogger, canada travel vlogs, british columbia, traveling solo, vlog, travel vlog, best things to do in vancouver, best things to do in vancouver bc, top things to do in vancouver, things to see in vancouver, things to do in vancouver canada
Id: 6yKIhhQeDBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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