Right there was it over here. We have another room ooh So that looks like blood Still help During this adventure we will be exploring a remote abandoned lakeside resort in 1939 Overton Beach was one of three spots opened on Lake Mead with facilities for the public during its prime people visiting the resort were able to engage in a wide variety of recreational activities such as boating hiking mountain biking fishing and even scuba diving during the 2000s things took a turn for the worst at Overton Beach Lake Mead was Experiencing a massive drought causing water levels at the beach to drop drastically At first the NPS tried to combat this issue by extending the boat launch ramp and relocating the marina into deeper waters But eventually the issue became too much for the NPS to handle by March 31st 2007 the facilities at Overton beach were closed to the public The now abandoned marina was moved to nearby Cal ville Bay and the structures here were boarded up the NPS hopes to one day Reopen the beach, but by the looks of things that hope may never become a reality What's up, everyone, so we just made it to the abandoned resort and as you guys can see this location is absolutely massive So we've got a lot of ground to cover in this video And the sun's actually about to go down so we don't have too much time, so let's just dive right into it So this resort's been closed for probably around ten years And as you guys can see there's not a whole lot of vandalism out here And that's literally because you have to walk three miles to get out here They blocked the road off entirely so it's kind of a pain to get out here But it makes it better for us because there will be a lot less damage out here So the first building we're gonna check out is going to be the Overton beach ranger station And as you guys can see this has been left pretty much untouched other than by the weather. They still have their original Postings out here. I've got some maps up here Lake Mead I know there was a gas station here at one point in time So I would imagine right here is where you were able to fill up your car over to the side. We have a washer and dryer Possibly for the campsites, but that's going to be locked Right here's gonna be the women's restroom So I'll just give you guys a quick overview because on the back side of the door handle There's actually a ton of spiderwebs here. I'll show you I don't really want to touch that man Jesus so right up front here We're gonna have the entrance for the store slash gas Station and then probably a little common area for everyone to eat their food and drink so over here. We're gonna Have a sign for the law city st. Thomas and so in case you guys don't know this is one of the cities That was actually submerged underneath Lake Mead as it says right there But now that the waters actually receded so far you can actually go out and explore and hike out to the town So that's pretty sad considering this water must have covered all this area right here over here It seems like this must have been there outside eating area because you guys can see some tables over here And then they have a fireplace for at night So right out in front of us is going to be where you used to launch your boat into the water and as you guys Can see the water levels have drastically receded this whole valley area used to be filled with water you guys can see the Line from where the water used to be like kind of like a bathtub line on the rocks over there Here's a shot from behind the building so right there. We'll have the ranger station Then the store right here And then over this way We're gonna have some of the houses that the workers used to stay at so we're gonna go check out this building right here back Here by this door we have the air conditioning units and what's interesting about these is they haven't been scrapped yet So usually what vandals will do is they'll come through here, and they'll rip out all the copper But it seems like they really haven't even touched this place yet Seems like back here, we're in the back area of the gas station slash store thing Right in here. We have our quote. You have the coolers where they would go and stock all the produce in the freezer So right over here, we have an ice machine. This thing's absolutely massive take a look at this thing. Please wash hands before bagging You still have some of the ice bags left? Overton Beach down here. We have a maintenance manual for the concession stand here March 27 1987 87 here we have a few more rooms this one says they're still in a meeting Alright that's locked then we have another room over here That one's also locked Right here, we have a book with just a bunch of I Don't know store fun. I take this dates to 1988 Down here we have some more Blueprints you have a map of Lake Mead right here I've got another maintenance manual right there and then Something about valves Some more blueprints they've got a lot of blue right here's a map of Overton. Let's take a look at this real quick. Oh They have the maps for all the development right here Right here's probably was their RV park Matt Or. That's the street lighting map right there, then they have the sewer layout This map is their trailer park map right there, you can see trailer village site plan For their electrical connection before we check out the main area, let's take a look at this uh Ladder right here jeez man Let's take a look all Right guys oh Yeah, so up here was just where they would store more goods and such Right there. We've got kind of a Creepy sticker In here we have the main store area so right here We're gonna have our coolers that we were just in now as you guys can see this has not been Vandalized at all these windows haven't even been smashed out yet Got a shelf for the goods Up in the corner here, we have a Window so they can see the shoplifters This looks like somewhere where they would have had drinks possibly maybe like a Soda machine or something I don't know whoever Someone took that already though Got something for brochures right here Little display case Right here, we have the closed sign with the male and fires or extinguisher Over here, we have two houses, so these houses were used to house the Ranger and their families So we're gonna go take a look inside these houses are seemed to be pretty big. They probably are two or three bedrooms So hopefully there's some cool stuff left inside up front here. We're gonna have Seems like a little picnic area almost for the people who lived here Let's go see if the front door is open. All right. Well the front door was open So you guys can see These houses are in Very good condition there doesn't seem to have been a whole lot of vandalism done in here, so that's good this kitchen Over here would be where the wall turn Well that isn't the most unsettling thing in the world Over here we'd have where the washer and dryer was though seems like right here. Is where the pantry would have been And a Hot wall hot-water heater. I don't know why they have all this wood stuff on the floors. It's kind of confusing me Have the bathroom right here, they still have toilet paper Well and a bar soap on the soap dish Wow over here must have been the two kids bedrooms Right there What is it? See yeah look? It's either black mold or someone started a fire in here over here. We have another room, ooh So that looks like blood Then we have another one of those weird burn things right there over here Looks like possibly some more blood I know a lot of people want to say that the blood and abandoned places was probably someone getting you know murdered or ruthlessly beaten in here, but honestly I'm pretty sure the blood in there Is just some junkies needles while they were shooting up got clogged with their blood So they shot it out all over the place No, that sounds gross and really unrealistic, but it happens a lot more than you would think especially in motels Over here, we have another house and look this house had a basketball court out front look at that The hoops still standing and the Nets not even that much rot that rotted that's impressive this view from their front porch is absolutely starting to look at that you guys have an amazing view of the Virgin River from right here look at this. That's beautiful Right here, we have the garage The garage is pretty empty So there seems to be the bottom of that basketball hoop right there It's really amazing that these abandoned places are in such good condition with no vandalism despite. It's been abandoned for 10 years almost Right here, we have another house though This house seems to have the same general layout as the other one right here, that would be their dining room area Still have some of the stuff in here Shasta sand no attention sewer is plugged at manhole waters off a meter and water off at breaker It's got some soap left here, too, so gotta wash your hands Behind the gas station we're gonna have some shed type thing I believe this might have been a little workshop slash tool storage area Yeah, look at this got your shelves still left in here or your tools would have hung up To the left of this we have some dive tanks over here as you can see These are worth quite some money, how would imagine I don't know why they would have just left them sitting here right here We have a little picnic area and possibly a basketball play basketball work. I don't know I don't think that could have been anything else other than a basketball hoop though over here We're gonna have two more buildings, so we're gonna take a look inside this building real quick And then we'll go check the other one out This looks like it was possibly a garage type thing probably for storage. We've got a Desk right here Some Timbers Titans Expecting to or something I don't know It's look like just like a crap ton of manila envelopes Right here, we're gonna have one of the last standing abandoned trailers here, so let's go take a look Oh Seems to be a lot of bugs in here This is pretty destroyed Let's do a look So right here, we're gonna have the bathroom for this trailer this Looks like it's been torn to shreds over the years Then in here must have been the bedroom. It's a pretty small trailer
With a title like that, I won't find out either.