Here Come The Tears.. Frieren - S1E12 - A Real Hero

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oh my God I'm reaching oh no I feel like I'm almost like I'm always done with this notebook and then there's always like still a good amount papers are thin that's deep I didn't mean anything more than what I said I know it's just funny hey papers are thin let me get that printed and quartered on my I want to put that on my mood board I would be honored to be on your mood board hey papers are thin man okay but not this line you're walking what try to make it inspirational no I'm saying you're walking on thin line right isn't that the quote then I I oh hey guys I'm Sam I'm Danny and I'm Morgan and we are the react pack back with another episode of free Ren today we're watching season 1 episode 12 in this previous episode we did meet craft the monk after our crew was walking it turned into a big snow storm and they had to get Stark somewhere safe and warm so they ended up intruding on him but he didn't mind he cuddled up with Stark and he was warm and they hung out for about six months until winter was over to kind of continue their Journey because the winter was pretty harsh up in the north how did kill each other right in that little house well we didn't see the whole thing yeah they were outside for the calmer parts of the storm they were like cutting wood and stuff right yeah they were outside and stuff but still they'll have to like live in that little Hut craft did go his own way so he's maybe we'll see him again in the future but he's not continuing the journey on with them and that was it yeah okay so before we get started make sure to check us out on patreon for fullon cut reactions and Early Access ring that Bell icon so you're notified every time I post a video and check out our merch store atrea also don't forget to follow us on Tik Tok atrea P A Real Hero oh no I'm getting hero from aot Vibes who's going to be a hero uh oh oh I what episode was that one yeah I know my know the episode called hero no the show is episode changed my life the show isn't like aot this is a happy show I know but still I'm sorry right so happy show right it's not completely happy there is some like emotional moments yeah well I happy is an emotion but you know what I mean was that red hair guy Stark in the white outfit his hair seemed a little lighter yeah could have been I don't know though she's walking so far behind this girl where are they going to how can they camp out there oh [Music] no baby what did she do when she was traveling on her own not going the winter STK so weird why you doing it like that he's so cute he's like no I want to carry her oh she feels like little protective over here Stark's like or she's like Stark you're new newer after that Journey damn wow after defeated Dem oh my [Music] God know the how much that's really is oh they have working towards defeating oh okay okay a okay I me Bond memories oh so they've known each other for a while love music I was roasting him that's all he says to that I love them I need more flashbacks oh cute a I mean she's remembering him like that a that's so sweet [Music] no he's a j help he's so cute oh can't tell is like a slight jealousy thing oh yeah I knew she was thinking that but come on he look how innocent he's just a baby standing on her tippy toes oh of course it's in a [ __ ] thing I was I was going to make a joke about that whoever can pull it out is the strongest what do they call the sword in Zelda the master sword oh Master Sword damn oh that's kind of funny why wouldn't you mention it because it's probably the point that he got proved wrong oh true damn doesn't seem like a very safe Village did he like put the sword back or did they put the sword back when he died oh that's a good question oh [ __ ] well look cool though all right hell yeah they look like like little nin tals like alohan Ninetails but wolf form or Vulpix whatever or maybe it's oh well it wasn't in there but it was around round it's it's so pretty it is really cool looking oh it's big damn to you in 80 years on the ground you got the arm the oh so Rusty oh it was just a story oh no oh no oh that means there's going to be a different CL me say it how do you say Calamity thank you oh I wonder if Stark can pull it out let's see Ian it's kind of rusty and Dusty I don't know if I wants to use it now give a try do it oh who was that no 50 years oh it's been a year now well the when they showed it previously was at 29 oh was it that makes sense definitely they were in that cabin for six months yeah they've been holed up a Jesus like we have birthdays they happen all the time get to know him B is just like watching this romance Bloom evil that's what she keeps in that thing oh my God look at her she's so I love her she's so silly no what a waste told oh no what the heck oh no yeah what always that could have been fun they didn't remember my birthday oh oh no sounds like him who else is he helping a he's so sweet God a cute C he's the real hero wow it does look like boobs those are big ones you would have Lov the potion why you sing that out [Laughter] loud you laugh it's funny he's not wrong yeah it's [Music] funny she doesn't have potty humor did he forget his own bir oh my forg no they're so cute [Music] that's sad Eisen come [Music] on was that his brother that he saw we saw he kind of looked like him oh I'm going to be sad oh okay that's who I just asked about in the open mhm his brother I'm guessing oh they right hair oh come on he's just a baby he looks two years old no he's give him a chance I'm guessing that when he was that age though he was already like [Music] yeah Dam dynamic as old as time younger brother try to live up to his older brother oh was that white anymore okay worried where have I seen this before SAS like you exactly yeah oh [ __ ] a demon oh are they okay oh that's why he was looking at the sword he was just a kid he was just a baby I wonder if his family died then doesn't seem like it he said his family was dead he did yeah he said his yeah but I don't know if they died there or he say dead family oh he got a little bracelet Oh I thought they about to hold hands well okay I thought okay never mind that's how he celebrates big state who has a birthday gift oh why do they do this to us even realize it so look at how sweet oh my God I'm going to cry wait did his brother die cuz he ran so how does he know for sure maybe he came back and saw them dad that's so [ __ ] sad he saved oh his brother oh my god oh that was what she so cute has a whole different meaning now he's like what I don't even know what oh my so okay but he was like that's why they I ran so that's probably why they never celebrated my birthday huh he said yeah his dead family and his master never gave him a present well that's probably why they never gave him a present because he's like weak or something okay I thought okay I mean the brother could still be he just said dead family I mean doesn't mean his whole family is dead maybe but he did say that right yeah he said dead family yeah but then he said it was probably because I ran oh no I thought like he was saying that they never gave him a birthday present probably because he ran yeah that's what I understood as well I think he meant um hi as someone who ran that's probably why I never deserved a present cuz I did I think that's probably what he meant when he said dead family I thought maybe he meant like the village in like itself I don't know okay I got it now we're good they're dead supposedly the brother I don't know well they'll probably it doesn't look good yeah cuz that demon was like burning everything down that's so sweet his brother that makes me sad yeah definitely gives me those same Vibes also wasn't it kind of similar to how with in Vinland with Cano and his brother like then can Cano was also seen as we and then his brother was like supporting him and that's why like when Cano did what he did it was like an ultimate I'm just saying it's a common yeah TR with this that was a good episode it was good I really like that I feel like Fern and Stark had a good bonding moment yeah it was cute I don't know how to say that I almost teared up there that was no I I teared up it's sweet I'm I love the brother yeah I don't want him to be dead hope he's not dead dead I feel like he's dead or maybe he's like really injured and he can't fight anymore maybe like lost arms and stuff or maybe we should accept the fact that he's dead he's probably dead cuz he said his whole family so I want to get more I hope we get more flashbacks from Stark yeah I do like how you mentioned opening who's the guy with a red hair they tell us this slowly like uh revealing all the characters was spining in the opening so that's always excited I was like oh crap we saw him yeah there's a few more we haven't seen yet yeah I like the the push of the fern and Stark it's it's a slow burn but I can appreciate it yeah it's cute they're very different personality which makes it fun too I love it I love how that I love how Stark was like oh I can't wait to tell uh F about this later because she's also kind of silly like that so yeah free run I thought he said he was going to tell Fern and that's why she's like I don't know how I would react to that oh I thought he [ __ ] I could swe he said Fern he said Fern about apparently yeah he said Fern how would I respond to that oh [ __ ] I thought he said freerun okay but freerun and him do share like a similar humor has on his mind yeah he wants to talk to a fern okay guys thank you for joining us make sure to catch us next time and check us out on patreon Discord and like comment subscribe bye [Music] okay
Channel: The React Pack
Views: 81,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: group reaction, anime, animation, react, reaction, female reaction, japan, japanese, women, react to, Frieren, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, 葬送のフリーレン, Sōsō no Furīren, Kanehito Yamada, fern, フリーレン, Furīren, Ferun, フェルン, シュタルク, Shutaruku, stark, Himmel, Hinmeru, ヒンメル, Heiter, ハイター, Haitā, Eisen, アイゼン, Aizen, season 1, episode 12
Id: 43kdL5HXLa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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