Here Are The Goals You Should Pursue In Your LIFE - Jordan Peterson Motivation

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[Music] an inadequacy is a pathway that you can travel down right a recognized inadequacy is as soon as such a gift in some sense if if it's accurate i'm in it because you think well what should i do what should i do with my life that's a real complicated question oh here's an inadequacy excellent you have a pla you have a goal now rectify it now you still have to think strategically and figure out how to rectify it and do it step by step and but carl rogers the psychotherapist um pointed out that [Music] the per person for therapy to be successful the person has to want to change so they have to have recognized that they have a problem if if someone is mandated by the court to attend therapy it's very difficult for the therapist to convince them that they have a problem once you're convinced you have a problem it's like away you go you know i know it's still technically difficult it requires discipline and all of that there's no magic solution but if you're plagued by feelings of inferiority you should rectify the most obvious inferiorities right focus on those first over optimizing strengths would you say no not necessarily not not necessarily i'm and you don't have to redress every like i can't i'm a terrible jazz musician you know it's not it's not a thing where you hold shame around or like well it's not an impediment yeah yeah i would say that you have to rectify an inadequacy when it's clearly an impediment to your goal or you have to shift goals but if you're shifting goals because of an inadequacy related impediment then you have to ask yourself are you is your desire to shift the goal reliable or are you just taking the easy way out you can protect yourself by picking a different goal that's more difficult that that's a good mental hygiene practice because sometimes you should switch goals rather than rectifying inadequacies but you can fool yourself then and and that's a that's not good and if someone is goalless lazy unmotivated not sure what they want to do what would be a few key steps to get started to turn their life around or to find the motivation for something greater than where they're at well i i think a fair bit of that's probably to be found in you can find it in shame you can find it in guilt you can find it in conscience you can find it in anger you can find it in interest and and and engagement and beauty there's lots of pathways if you're angry about something in the world well you know that's an indication that that's in some sense your problem right it's speaking to you in a moral sense this shouldn't be that way well maybe you're the person who should do something about it in some manner maybe it'll take your whole life to figure out how to do that but it's bothering you for a reason so that the negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation i'm not trying to romanticize them they can crush you completely and leave you with nothing yeah right for sure and they can go badly astray but shame that's a good one what am i ashamed of well can you fix any of that because you might ask yourself let's say you're so ashamed and so crushed that you're nihilistic and you can't see any hope for life you're just done you might think well what if i was less ashamed like i'm not going to jump off the bridge today i'm going to wait a year i'm going to not i'm going to work on these things that i'm ashamed of and and just see like does my life improve enough so that i'm not so bitter about it now or i'm not so hopeless about it now and my experience has generally been that that works it works [Music] and then some of some of its practical knowledge too it's like you can get a really long way with very small changes incremental changes yeah micro habit changes so aim low this thing that i've said to people has become this crazy internet meme but that's to clean up your room and which which is a lot better and more useful than people think it's a lot harder too but the the thing the first thing you do i think and i learned this in part from solzhenitsyn when he was trying to iron out his soul when he was in the gulag because he was trying to figure out how he got there how he contributed to how he got there you know not stalin and hitler even though they were kind of to blame you know but he wasn't much he could do about that i think what you have to do and this is part of humility is you have to look around you within your sphere of influence like the direct sphere of influence and fix the things that announce themselves as in need of repair and those are often small things you know and they can be like your room put it in order because the thing is it isn't exactly so important that your room is in order although it is what's important is that you learn how to distinguish between chaos and order and to be able to act in a manner that produces order and in most households there's a hundred things that could be done to just make it less hideous and horrible and so practicing that is it's a real useful form of meditation and it's also it's also i think it's a divine act because you're taking chaos and you know if you pay attention even to a room it's so interesting and i learned because i've renovated many places now and tried to make them beautiful and one of the things that i've really learned is that even if you own a structure unless you've investigated all the nooks and crannies and cleaned them up and and put your own imprint on them and made them yours they're not yours the mere fact of physical ownership doesn't make them yours you have to establish a dynamic relationship with the objects before they're actually yours and i think you can you can do something as simple as just sit on your bed and think okay there's probably like five things i could do today so that tomorrow morning is slightly better than this morning was at least or at least i'm not falling behind and those will usually be it's like having to eat a toad in the morning right it's like it's not going to be something you want to do there'll be things you're trying to avoid they're snakes essentially but if you ask yourself like you're asking someone which i think is a form of prayer if you ask yourself instead of telling yourself you know what is it that i could do to set things more right today that i would actually do it's usually some small thing because you're not that disciplined you know then you can go do it and then you you put the world together a little more when you do that and that spreads out but you also put you you also construct yourself into something that's better able to call order forth from chaos and that makes you just incrementally stronger and then the next day you can maybe take on a slightly larger task and like you get the benefit of compound interest if you do that it's a tremendously powerful technique and i think if you do that at some point instead of just having to fix things up that are not good you'll start to get a glimmer of the positive things that you could do you know the positive things that you could do that would actually constitute a vision and that that's what i would recommend the problem with the big goal is that it's daunting enough so that it might paralyze you and there's a high probability of failure and so imagine that you're your own child okay now imagine you love this child and you would like him we'll say him because it's you and i talking to succeed now you have an ideal for this child you'd like him to grow up to be the best he can be better than you the best man he can be that's what you want for your son if the good part of you is talking yeah you definitely want him to be better than you are but you want him to be the best he could be if your vision is unclouded okay but then you offer him a goal it's like well do this well can he do it well if he can do it without a second's thought there's no challenge in it there's no developmental impetus it's not in the zone of proximal development you want a goal that you can do but that requires some improvement on your part because you want to attain the goal that's satisfying but then you want to make yourself into the thing that can attain goals and so you want to push yourself yeah you want to push yourself a bit yeah yeah yes and and there there's an ample psychological literature that suggests that that's where maximal motivation is to be found interesting so you're you're pursuing a goal but you're also pursuing the goal of transforming yourself at the same time you're doing both of those at the same time [Music] genuine ethical accomplishment is the best source of security but it's not un unerring when you mean ethical accomplishment you mean doing something good right whether people know about it or not just good and write for yourself is that what i mean or does someone else need to acknowledge that this was good and right um i i think if if you if you've done it for yourself that's good but if you do it and other people are in on it and and along for the ride that's also good sometimes that's better do you ever catch yourself asking oh man maybe i'm in too deep of being this worried genius and i've lost a bit of my oh yes absolutely simple well i certainly experienced that when my health broke down and the reason for that was that i i not only did i get sick my life fell apart because i couldn't do anything that i used to be able to do i couldn't listen to music i couldn't read i couldn't write i couldn't think i i couldn't do any of the because everything that i had done was really was complex and difficult all the things that i engaged in and what i did realize was that that left me vulnerable on a certain front because if i lost my if i wasn't at in peak peak health let's say i wouldn't be able to do those things and so i mean that's why i'm walking now for example you know i said i walk six miles a day and i do that every day it's very simple and i've played a lot of ping pong and i've always liked that but i never played that much but i liked that and um there there is some utility and having things around that are rewarding and good for you that are less complex um i would say though that with regards to the conflict between let's say you know miserable wisdom and happy ignorance is that there's there's different forms of rewards to be found in different places you know you can think about this even in terms of personality one major personality dimension is extraversion and the reason for that is that we have a pleasure circuit and how active that is varies between people that's what causes variation in extroversion and we generally equate happiness with the activation of the circuitry that's associated with extroversion and drugs like cocaine and amphetamines activate that circuit but there's another personality dimension which is openness and openness is the creativity dimension and there's pleasure to be derived from that as well and then so that's philosophical exploration and and literary experience and i suppose when you go to a movie you experience a blend of those two things especially if it's a rather complex movie so there's different forms of engagement or pleasure to be found and some of them are more akin to happiness and some of them are more akin to to meaning and sometimes they come into conflict but but i think all things considered they they work best when they're when they're working together and i i do strive diligently to re and i think that this has really been brought home to me you know look i couldn't sit down i literally couldn't sit down for almost a year and so i lost the ability to sit down i had fantasies for hours of being able to sit by a fireplace and just not move because i had this condition called akathesia which is i learned how how valuable it is to be able to sit down and now when i sit down and nothing is happening i i'm taking stock of that and noticing what an unbelievable gift that is and it is really useful to maintain your ability to see what you have that you've taken for granted because you can lose you can lose everything you can lose things you don't even know you have i have no idea that you could ever lose the ability just to sit down but you can i wouldn't recommend it so i'm more appreciative i would say of of simpler things than i was i'm more appreciative of other people than i was i'm probably more grateful all things considered than i was and hopefully that will continue developing i have no contempt for happiness you know i tell people don't pursue happiness pursue meaning and i think that's true but if happiness comes along it should be welcomed and if you're ever somewhere where that's happening you should notice it and and be grateful for it and enjoy it and that's for sure [Music] do you think sometimes uh the world sets an expectation of who you are and your constant compliments oh my gosh jordan let me tell you you changed my life oh my gosh jordan you don't even know what your book did to me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh you have no idea because of you i'm doing that because of you my marriage work because of you i have better relation my dad because of you i'm doing better my mom because of you because of you because of you sometimes that because of you it's a little too much burden of because of he's like dude because of me don't do like because of me just let me be free for once like because of you like maybe i don't want you to say because of you look go go live your life you because of you you made the decision i'm just writing a book do you ever feel like you don't want that standard and expectation of you know putting you on the pedestal here and then you have to almost walk on water where you're not free do you ever feel that kind of an obligation or no that's not even something that crosses your mind i feel that obligation all the time got it and i i have people around right from the beginning of all this i've i've talked to my friends and my family all the time about what i'm doing so that i don't make a mistake you know so that we're trying to stop me from making mistake so but i also especially when i'm talking to people one-on-one i don't want see if you're a clinical psychologist you don't want to steal people's um accomplishments from them which is partly why you don't you don't give advice exactly so maybe someone is trying to decide whether they should get married and maybe you have an opinion but probably you shouldn't because as a psychologist let's say because except perhaps in extreme cases the person has to discover that what they need to do for themselves so that they can discover it again in the future so that they can learn to discover things for themselves and you don't want to give advice because then if they do something good you can take credit for it and i i don't want to take credit for for um the accomplishments that people make as a consequence of what would you say putting the ideas they encounter in my books into practice they put them into practice and good for them and so when i meet people in the street that's what i tell them you know it's like okay you did this this specific thing good for you and you know i provided some impetus and i'm happy about that and pleased to to do that but i certainly don't want the credit and but i certainly i do feel the obligation i think it is part of what made me ill i think it is because you know as a psychologist i dealt with people's innermost secrets for decades and but it was kind of limited right it was 13 people or so a week maybe up to 20 which is still quite a few people but it's not it's not an inordinate number of people it's a bounded number of people and and then i had my other work that i could escape into let's say and and i wasn't carrying it with me the burden of of of the lives of the people that i was intertwined with but then all of a sudden i started to experience that the longing i suppose in some sense on a much greater scale and that that's been difficult to digest the misery and and that that's so common in people's lives and but even worse than that that the degree to which it requires almost nothing to rectify it in an important way you know people there's many many people who are starving for a word of encouragement and if you provide that they they run with it [Music] why weren't they encouraged to begin with you know it and and that's a deep hole to fall down and you know because you can never stop answering that question once you start asking it and you know it has something to do with with the fundamental difficulty that everyone who's human has in valuing their own existence because of its imperfections and and finitude and it's a very complex question and then to see that played out thousands of times these brief encounters i have with people they're very intense you know people tell me things in those encounters that they don't tell anyone else or they tell very few people or maybe they've never told anyone in their life and i can see too this young man stopped me on the street the other day and he was he was looking a bit beat up and he came up and he said he was very shy and he said well you you know your lectures have been very helpful and i said i asked him what his name was and that usually helps people set set them at ease and then i said well what what helped you and he's he he was quite hesitant he didn't exactly know how to formulate what he was doing but i could see that he was very scared to say anything that he had done well because his experience had been that he'd never been encouraged when he did something well and so you know you can really punish someone if they come up to you and say they did something good that was actually good and then you punish them or ignore them it really hurts them and that happens to children all the time and it certainly had happened to this young man so he's very hesitant to tell me what he had done that was good and you know he told me and i listened and i said look this is as far as i'm concerned that what you did was really good and he just lit up you know it was and that's great that he lit up but it's terrible that it hadn't happened to him before [Music] we have real problems and so life is actually difficult independent of the of psychological foolishness let's say independent of the obstacles that we put in our own path it's already it's already fatally challenging right life is the ultimate challenge we will die yes yes and so there is a challenge yeah yes well uncertainty fear pain all those yes all the things all everything that goes along with suffering is a challenge and it's it's the full challenge because it takes everything you have and so part of the reason we disagree is because there are complex problems to solve and then we also disagree because we're willfully blind and because we're more ignorant than we should be and we're not everything we should be and we tilt towards malevolence from time to time and we betray each other and ourselves and so we take a bad lot in many ways and make it worse now not always obviously and we don't have to but that's sort of the baseline that we're working against i think people are most disappointed in life when they're disappointed in themselves you know they see that they've made things worse than they had to be even though the baseline can be pretty pretty brutal so yeah and so the book and all my lectures i suppose are are are put forward in an attempt to take the high level philosophical abstractions and to make them into something that's actionable and to take the next best action in your life to improve your life so we don't have to suffer as much well and hopefully also so that people around you don't have to either so one of the things i've been talking to my audiences about is the relationship between responsibility and meaning which is what would you say it's a it's a constant refrain in the book it's one of its underlying messages let's say or themes is a better way of thinking about it you know if you start with the presumption that there's a baseline of suffering in life and that that can be uh exaggerated by as a consequence of human failing as a consequence of malevolence and betrayal and self-betrayal and deceit and all those things that we do to each other and ourselves that we know that aren't good that amplifies the suffering that's sort of the baseline against which you have to work and and and it's contemplation of that often that makes people hopeless and depressed and anxious and overwhelmed and all of that and and they have the reasons but you need something to put up against that and what you put up against that is meaning meaning is actually the instinct that helps you guide yourself through that catastrophe and most of that meaning is to be found in the adoption of responsibility so if you think for example if you think about the people that you admire well you think about when you have a clear conscience first because that's a good thing to aim at which is something different than happiness right um a clear conscience is different than happiness that's better yeah that's better guilting yourself you're not feeling bad about yourself that's right you feel that you've justified you've justified your existence right and so you're not waking up at three in the morning in a cold sweat thinking about all the terrible things that you've involved yourself in what you said to someone that you shouldn't have said or how you acted or what opportunity you lost or or or yeah or or the things that you've that you've let go that you should have capitalized on and all of that and so if you think about the times when you're at peace with yourself with regards to how you're conducting yourself in the world it's almost always conditions under which you've adopted responsibility right at least the most the most guilt i think that you can experience perhaps is the sure knowledge that you're not even taking care of yourself so that you're leaving that responsibility to other people because that's pretty pathetic and i unless you're psychopathic and you know and you're living a parasitical life and that that characterizes a very small minority of people and an even smaller minority think that's justifiable but most of the time you're in guilt and shame because you're not you're you're not not only are you not taking care of yourself let's say so someone else has to but you're not living up to your full potential you suffer even more when you don't take care of yourself or take the best actions or do the work that you know you can do and you rely on someone else to support you financially emotionally physically whatever you know home whatever it may be yeah well because you're not only you're not only not being what you could be you're interfering with someone else being what they could be right so you're you're you're not only a void you're a drain right jesus that's a catastrophe and because we usually don't even know it when we're in that situation because we're in a depressed state or where or we don't want to see it you know you wake up at three in the morning and you know and so and then you think of the people that you so you admire yourself or perhaps you can at least live with yourself when you're taking responsibility at least for yourself and so that settles your conscience but then if you look at the people that you spontaneously admire so the act of spontaneously admiring someone is the manifestation of the instinct for meaning right so this is partly why people are so enamored of sports figures because the sports figures are playing out the drama of attaining the goal of attaining a certain kind of let's say psychological and physical perfection in pursuit of the goal that's the drama and to spontaneously admire that is to have that instinct for meaning latch onto something that can be used as a model then that model should be transcribed into something that's applicable in life you know when you really like to see in an athletic performance you really like to see someone who's extremely disciplined and in in shape do something physically remarkable but and and to stretch themselves even beyond their previous exploits because you really like to see a brilliant move in an athletic match but you also like to see that person ensconced in a broader moral framework so that not only are they trying to win and disciplining themselves in pursuit of that victory and then stretching themselves so they're continually getting better but they're doing it in a way that helps develop their whole team and that's good for the sport in general and that reflects well on the broader culture they're great leader in their team they're positive they're good uh sportsman against the competitors yeah not negative towards the other people they're lifting them up too yeah like the ultimate that's right so human that's right so that they can they can work for their own improvement in a way that simultaneously works for the improvement of their team and that and and for the sport and well and then to the degree that that spills over into the broader culture so much the better so that's all being dramatized in a in an athletic event and it's really it's not philosophical it's concrete right it's dramatized in the world and that's what the games represent and so well it's partly because well in some sense life is a game it is it's in that you're always the analogy is that in in life like in sports you're you're you're setting forth a name and then arranging your perceptions and your actions in pursuit of that and that you also generally do it while cooperating and competing with other people right so that's also the game-like element as well all of that's dramatized in athletics yeah that's like philosophy for people who aren't philosophical and i'm not being smart about that tonight it's like it really is philosophy for people who aren't being philosophical because it's played out you know and you can see it too you can see the spontaneous appreciation for the human spirit manifest itself when you see people rise to their feet spontaneously in a sports arena when they see someone do something particularly remarkable see an athlete who's extremely trained stretched themselves beyond what you think is a normative human limit and everyone celebrates that like spontaneously so it's quite something to to behold what philosophy is or even theology for that matter is an abstract model like it's laid out in words now the problem often is is it becomes so abstract that people don't know how to bring it back down to the embodiment yes whereas something like like the drama of a sports event is sort of mid-way between philosophy and action right it's so it's it's not entirely abstracted because it's not only coded in words it's acted out visual you can see an example of what just happens and you can try to reverse engineer how they do that well yes exactly well at least you the fact that you admire the person means that you might start to try to act like them now it's not easy and maybe that would mean maybe that would mean that you start to discipline yourself with regards to a particular sport but it might also be that you start to mimic or are at least affected in some way by their their sportsman sportsmanlike behavior right which is the ground of a certain kind of ethic because if you can play well with others which is sort of the hallmark of a good sport then that actually means that you're a reasonably sophisticated and civilized person it's really important to learn to play well with others there isn't that's the ground of ethics what advice do you have for a young man in his twenties make a plan look at what you're interested in get disciplined about something allow for the possibility that you have something important to contribute to the world and that the world would be a lesser place without that contribution don't be afraid of taking on responsibility your soul it's where you find what sustains you in your life you can take on too much responsibility you you have to be cautious in that regard but that's a less common problem than not taking on enough a lot of the things that people regard as traps are actually the means to their life you know often young people are afraid of commitment for example in the context of a romantic relationship and because they feel that that's going to interfere with their pursuit of something more valuable but that's just not the case is you're not going to find something more valuable in your life than a committed relationship with someone that you love that sustains itself across time and that in all likelihood produces children that's life and there may be people for whom avoiding that is the better route but those people are very rare and you need a real reason to assume that you're one of those people and hopefully for you you're not um you know i've had a very good career a very meaningful career in multiple dimensions and it's still been the case for me that the most important part of my life has been my intimate relationship with my wife and my and my family so don't be afraid of that or be afraid of it but don't let that stop you from from pursuing it i'm having a hard time disciplining myself i particularly struggle to establish a schedule how did you make a schedule so that many of your highest goals could be attained i know that you've talked about making a schedule on many occasions but i would like to look inside your schedule from the time that you think was your prime well some people find it harder than other people to make a schedule you know one thing you might consider doing is doing the personality test at and seeing what you're like you know maybe you're particularly low in conscientiousness in which case making a schedule and sticking to a routine an orderly routine is going to be quite difficult for you but that'll at least help you understand perhaps at least some of the problems maybe you're high in negative emotion or neuroticism and so you worry too much about making the schedule that just stops you from doing it i would say well first thing to do is [Music] there's two things you could do first of all the first thing you might want to do is figure out why you want to make a schedule to begin with so you talked about goals well what is it that you want to accomplish the future authoring program at self another one of our websites helps people make a detailed plan for the future and so you can't really have a schedule without having a plan because the activities you schedule should be intelligently related to goals you wish to achieve that are important to you and so you need to have goals that you wish to achieve that are important to you and you have to know what they are and that's complicated right that's like a plan for your life so it's very difficult and so that's why we produced this exercise which helps step you through the process of deciding what you want and need um there's a present authoring program there too that helps you identify your virtues and your faults and part of your plan can involve capitalizing on those virtues and rectifying those faults and so that can be an interesting addition to this process but in any case [Music] you have to figure out what you want and then you have to figure out how to decompose what you want into actionable steps right and those would be the sorts of things that you could put into schedule now [Music] that would mean that your schedule would hypothetically consist of things that you maybe you don't exactly want to do although that would be good but at least you understand the importance of doing and are therefore somewhat motivated to do and then you need to break those steps down into small enough increments that you're highly likely to undertake them you know so for example this is a trivial exam maybe you have to do a report on a given topic for school and you're not very good at that well you know maybe you could go to the library one day and just check out the library that might be enough and then maybe you could go to the library take out a book and then maybe you could open the book and look through it and those would be on different days and then maybe you could sit down and read the first page of the book and if you can't do that then the first paragraph you know you have to negotiate with yourself and figure out what the largest step you would take towards your goal is that you would take and if you don't do it then you make the steps smaller and smaller until you find something that you would do [Music] the next thing you need to do potentially is to familiarize yourself with a scheduler like google calendar so the first thing to do is open it and then maybe to figure out how to put in a task and then a repeating task and might be a pretty simple one to begin with like well why don't you list waking up and specify a time or going to bed and specifying a time an approximate time anyways or put in the schedule when you eat and those are things you do every day and so that's something you're pretty likely to do and so that's a success for you and then well then you can start by putting in something small maybe you need to read maybe you need to exercise maybe you need to uh have a social event with people um maybe you need to watch tv a movie whatever it doesn't matter what it is hopefully it's something you want to do put it in the schedule and you could start by scheduling the things that you would like to do so you can imagine well i like going out to movies i like going to the mall i like hanging around with my friends i like watching tv i like reading a book i like listening to music well then schedule those things and so then you think well that means i'm forcing myself to do them it's not that it's that now you're you're allowing yourself time to do them right so the schedule becomes a means of you getting what you want instead of an external jailer who punishes you every time you deviate from requirement so you have to make friends with the schedule and the schedule has to be your friend your ally i shouldn't use that word but you know what i mean it should work for you and not against you it's not you're not generating an external tyrant you know you are generating something that you could be [Music] held to you know and that's be responsible too and that's not necessarily a bad thing it can be somewhat burdensome but it's not necessarily a bad thing but generally you should approach it as if this is something that will help you get what you want and it's also a pretty good way of controlling anxiety you know because one of the most common sources of anxiety is just not knowing what to do and people often think about that as boredom and and it is boredom to some degree it can be but it can also be very anxiety provoking it's like well what should i do i don't know what to do well i have to do something there's all these things i could do and i don't want to make that decision every hour so a schedule that you designed that you like can be an incredible relief and one thing we do know is that conscientious people tend to be lower in negative emotion and it looks like that's a causal consequence is that orderly people for example because they're they order their environment and make it more predictable then they're less likely to be anxious because we're often made anxious by what is unpredictable so generating a view of your life that consists of valued goals that you want to attain and then steps by which those might be attained and the future authoring program helps you figure all that out well then you can ally that with a schedule and then you know not only do you know what you're doing you know that what you're doing is moving you towards something you want and that's rewarding and having your time structured like that and and attaining those goals is pleasurable and anxiety reducing so you know that's pretty good deal all things considered and you can start stupid and slow like i said just throw some things in that you're pretty high pretty likely to do and fill in the schedule with broad strokes and then as you get familiar with it and comfortable with it and maybe even happy with it you can fill in the details and start to use it in a more sophisticated way everyone i know who's accomplished almost everyone i know who's accomplished does structure their time explicitly in that manner they've learned to do that over the years now not everyone does that really really entrepreneurial people might have a harder time with it especially if they're low in conscientiousness but um and then with regard to the personality test you know maybe you do a personality test the personality test i mentioned say and you find out that you're agreeable but low in conscientiousness well so it's going to be harder for you to stick to a schedule but you do like to please other people so that's one of the things that you could schedule you'd be highly likely to do that if you're extroverted you could schedule time you know socializing with people if you're introverted you could schedule time by yourself walking in nature for example or doing whatever else it is that you might want to do by yourself if you're open you could schedule in creative time and then you'd be motivated to do those things so [Music] you have a you're having a hard time disciplining yourself that's that's par for the course you know i mean like i said really conscientious people are more inclined in that direction but it's hard to discipline yourself in relationship to a goal you know it's like it's it's like training a card horse to pull a cart it's it's difficult and so start with little things and maybe little things that you want to do and then you can proceed to harder things that you don't want to do so much you know for their extrinsic or intrinsic utility but you have to do them because they're related to something important you'll get disciplined across time if you do that and incremental improvement that's sustained is extremely powerful from the perspective of transformation [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WisdomTalks
Views: 145,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Advice, young people, how to, Psychology, lecture, Jordan B. Peterson, success, Here Are The Goals You Should Pursue In Your LIFE, how to set goals, jordan peterson goals, jordan peterson goal setting, jordan peterson habits, jordan peterson 5 habits, Jordan peterson motivation, Jordan peterson best habits, Jordan Peterson motivational video, habits of successful people, make a schedule, how to change your life, how to improve your life
Id: 1lqSzp6P4-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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