Here’s An Invitation To Our Wedding💒💕 ✨ #rushingdowntheaisle

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] if I had one wish boy I wish you meant to me and it could be in summer fall on Spring boy cause you make my heart sing I wanna give my heart my soul my love to you oh baby hey yeah every day I'm now with you I'm missing you like crazy I need for you to love love me hold me touch me in my soul oh no No One Compares To You [Music] I'll never let you go [Music] oh oh no no no no no no no you must know the truth boy I'm not there without you it's funny how I know what people mean but too good to be true because you give me joy Good Love Good Times such happiness oh yeah every day I thank the Lord for you I feel so blessed I need for you to love me hold me touch me deep in my soul don't ever let me go baby [Music] [Music] oh who keeps his beautiful woman to be married [Music] Once Upon Us oh no no no no no no oh wow [Music] oh no foreign God bless y'all thank you we welcome all of you here today as we have Gatorade together in the presence of God and did witnesses to join Robert and Antonia in holy matrimony Mary is a gift a gift from God given to us so that we make experience the joys of unconditional love with a lifelong partner God decided marriage to be an intimate relationship between a man and a woman mentally emotionally physically and spiritually just as the two of you will make bows to one another today God Also may his vows to you and me that show how much he loves and curves for each one of us listen to this vows God made that I recorded for us in his War I will betroth you to myself forever in lawful wet luck with unfailing devotional love I will commit myself to you to happen to hold and you shall know the Lord Robert and Antonia because your deep love for each other comes from God above this is a sacred moment and it is with great reverence that I now ask you to declare your intent Robert do you take Antonia to be your wedding wife to live together after Gather dinas in the Holy state of matrimony yes do you promise to love her come for her honor and keep her in sickness and head and forsaking all others remain faithful to her as long as you both shall live yes Antonia do you take Robert the video when it comes back to live together after gutardinians in the Holy state of matrimony I do you promise to love him come for him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others remain faithful to him as long as you both shall live I do today is the beginning of a new life together for you it marked the start of new relationships to your families your friends and certainly to each other you have invited this special guest to share in one of my greatest moments that they give recognition to the war and beauty of your love and add their best wishes to the world that shall unite you today as husband and wife God knew your needs when he brought you together he knew exactly what you needed to make you complete and now he wants you to commit yourself to accept each other as the one he has chosen to complete you God said it's not good for man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him and so I'm going to read the creation of woman from The Reef of men the Lord God calls the man to fall into a deep sleeps and while he was sleeping he took one the men's ribs and then close up the place with flesh then the Lord formed the woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and brought her to him the man said this is now born of my bones and Flesh of My Flesh she shall be called woman for she was taken out of men Genesis 2 21 23 woman was made of a reef of the sight of man she was not created from man's head to rule over him nor from his feet to be trampled opened by him instead woman was taken from his side to be equal with him under his arm to be protected and near his heart to be loved Robert and Antonia today's man has tried to Define love poems songs and books all have been great trying to describe these little this little four-letter word but the best description I have found Counts from God Kim's Health since he is the author of love in his word there is a chapter commonly known as the love chapter that described the kind of love that most wrote your life if you are to live in joy and Harmony and honor with each other and it goes like this love is passion love is kind love is not jealous or boastful it is not arrogant root love does not insist on its own way it is not a readable or resentful it does not rejoice at runs but rejoice in the rights love beards all things believes all things hops all things endures or things Love Never Fails so faith hope and love by these three the greater of this is love Corinthians 13 Robert I believe you are saying to all of us today that you are committing yourself to this woman only moving to our hair in a more open and intimate way giving yourself to care for her and promising to love her as she needs to be loved and Antonio I believe you are saying to all of us today that you are committing yourself to this man only moving toward him with increasing open tenderness and respect giving yourself to him and trusting him as the head of your home and through him this listening to God's plans for your life together the vows go ahead after me it's after me look into his eyes huh this is the moment hi Robert hi Robert thank you Anthony take Antonio to be my wedded wife to be my wedding wife to happen to hold to heaven to hold for this day forward from this day forward for better for war for better and worse for richer for poorer rich and poor in sickness sickness and health two lap and the cherries to love in the chairs to death do us part this is my Southern bio this is my Southern battle thank you take the rubber to be my weather to be my wedding husband to heaven to hold from DJ forward from this day forward for better for Wars For Better or Worse a richer a poorer in sickness and in health so love and to cherish until death do us more this is my silent vow may I have the Rings please in my hand please the winner ring said as a symbol of the promise you have just spoke just spoken it is the old word a visible sign of an Inward and Abyssal lab that binds your heart but bind your heart together that when the rain is also a symbol of what God is he is without beginning and without them he's Eternal as you can see the rain is without beginning and Without End so I believe this is chain of rings reminders day and end in love you have for each other place a ring please no hold on repeat after me please Antonia I give you this ring where would love enjoy this ring has no end neither shall my love for you neither has my love for you I should I choose you to be my wife furthermore this day and forevermore with this ring I went Robert Robert this ring I give you this ring I give you I'm talking of my love and devotion as a token of my love and devotion I'm with my heart and with my heart I pledge to you all of that all that I am with this ring with this ring I married you I marry you and join my life to Jews and join my life to yours with this ring I do could you show you let's sign the certificate okay I'm not thank you very much some as I told you yesterday this is my time to say thank you very much because you choose Cabo because I'm part of your life right now and this is a great great moment look at all the people waiting for you my pleasure almost finished okay um our heavenly father we as your blessing open these two lives and the home they are establishing today may they love they have for each other grow deeper and stronger Lord you guided them to each other now guide them in this new Journey as husband and wife as they walk down this path ride their way so they may keep their eyes focused on your will their hands holding fast to your true their feet fear me planted in your world and their hearts bound together by your love this we pray in your name amen Robert and Antonio since you have consented to Gathering holy matrimony and have pleased yourself to each other by Jerusalem vows and by the giving of Reigns I have declared your commitment of love before God and these Witnesses I Now pronounce you husband and wife Robert you may kiss your bride [Music] [Applause] who came ladies and gentlemen it is my privilege to introduce to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Robert Rush [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Toya Johnson
Views: 1,514,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toya Johnson, Weight No More, TI & Tiny Friends & Family Hustle, VH1, Family Hustle, Toya, Tiny, reginae carter, toya wright, lifetime movie, actress, reality tv, reality show, Lil Wayne, ReignBeaux
Id: GEe2N68SkPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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