Herb Reavis | Thursday, September 20th, 2018 at 7:00pm

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well good evening all we can do better than that good evening if your blood ball in heaven bounced say Amen well we're thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ in this place and thankful that we could be in the house of God tonight what a blessed week it is being brother herb we are honored that you have come all the way from North Jacksonville Baptist Church to share the Word of God with us and so we come tonight with open hearts and open minds praying that we could meet with God and leave this place transformed by the power of His Holy Spirit tonight let's bow and pray and then our team will come and lead us before the throne and worship tonight Father in Heaven we give you praise and things God just knowing father that you are faithful even when we are not and God we pray that in this place tonight you would arrest our heart God that you would steal every hindrance every distraction father that god we could just be focused on the preaching of your word god help us to exalt your name tonight to give you the glory that you deserve with the sacrifice of praise on our lips and God I pray that you would just fill the lungs of the man of God with the breath of your holy spirit and God you would preach through him tonight or through your word and God let it transform us let it change us to our core that we would be the men and women of God that you desire for us to be Lord we love you we praise you tonight we ask it in Jesus name all God's people said amen tonight is the last night of the survival let us stand up together and sing [Music] I got stronger [Music] Oh [Music] see [Music] stop what [Music] some [Music] amen his name is amazing God he's the king of a heart he's the one who rule over us rule over this earth this is why what so ever may happen it is why troubles war confusion up and around this world we may not be troubled we may not be afraid with a king of a heart we're gonna sing this song together and let God bless you let the keep my fountain I dream of my [Music] my [Music] [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're never gonna let me [Music] never gonna [Music] never [Music] [Applause] you never gonna let me down [Music] let me [Music] [Music] [Music] used to be food [Music] [Music] seen whale [Music] working us [Music] Oh [Music] my soul [Music] working [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to this media presentation of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College since 1926 Creek Creek has existed to provide biblical higher education for those called of God through his service they're freaks dance on the centrality of Christ and the trustworthiness of Scripture a clear creek you will not only see the beauty of the monkeys and hear the flowing streams but more importantly you will experience God hear his voice and be trained to fulfill his call for more information visit us online at CCBC edu [Music] [Music] thank you God for reminding us that our lives completely supposed to be rely on you when we count on our understanding and our abilities to do things we fail you then where we fail my set ourselves because we try to do things and then it's not working that's a message of you to us to tell us we nothing without as we try to grasp in this very word God please help us grow growing our faith so we can stand and stand on you and your word alone thank you for allowed us to worship you in spirit and truth tonight as we learn in your words we need to be revived thank you for annoyed and use your servant as your mouthpiece to tell us what we need to hear tonight please do make those words be with us God for the rest of our lives how we can grow and it would be fruitful for your glory for the glory of your kingdom we ask you all this blessing in Jesus name well thank you for your hospitality thank you for your attendance thank you for making me feel welcome thank you guys and gals for all the great hard work you did you put in leading us in worship and again thank you staff for the privilege of being here well for the closing message I'm going to ask you to turn to the last book in the Bible the book of the revelation chapter 1 and I'm going to begin to read in verse 9 Revelation chapter 1 and verse 9 and I want to preach tonight on this subject the kind of church that God attends the kind of church that God attends from the book of Revelation chapter 1 and verse 9 and the Bible says I John both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet saying I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last and what you see right in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia to Ephesus to Smyrna to Pergamus to fight IRA to Sardis to Philadelphia and to Laodicea then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was like the sun shining in his string and when I saw him I fell at his feet is dead but he laid his right hand on me saying to me do not be afraid for I am the first in the last I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore amen and have the keys of Hades and of death write the things which you have seen the things which are and the things which will take place after this the mystery of the Seven Stars which you saw in my right hand and the Seven golden lampstands well the seven stars are the angels the messengers that's what that word means the pastors of the seven churches and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches God puts your words in my mouth I ask that I might be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit and I confess the words of John the Baptist who said I must decrease and you must increase lord I pray tonight you will give our hearts ears to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say to us and Lord will give you the praise Jesus name we pray Lord amen I read about an old cowboy I'm from out west and things out west always interest me and it's old cowboy worked hard on a ranch and one day he decided to go in town go church he came into town addressed and the best clothes he had he didn't have a whole lot of clothes he just had on his jeans and they were clean but faded he had on a denim shirt and it was all frayed around the edges but he had laundered it he cleaned up his old cowboy boots best he could but they were all scuffed up he had an old sweat stain Stetson hat it's the only one he had and he approached the auditorium of the big downtown city church sophisticated and when he went into the auditorium on a Sunday morning he took his hat off reverently and he went and set on Pew he was amazed as he looked around the women were dripping in diamonds as clothed and mink coats the men all had on designer suits and there he sat in the midst of all that finery after the service was over the pastor confronted him and the fashion the pastor said to him sir I want to ask you to do something for me and the old cowboy said all right he said before you come back I want you to ask God what you oughta wear when you come to this church and the old cowboy didn't realize he's being insulted and rebuked he just said ok I will and next week rolled around next Sunday and to the pastor's aggrevation he looks and he sees that cowboy walk in the door and sit down he's got the same pants on same boots on same old worn-out shirt on sitting there in the midst of all these sophisticated people well after the service the pastor went back to confront him again he could hardly preach and he said to the old cowboy said I thought I asked you to pray about and ask God what y'all to wear when you come to this church and the cowboy looked him in the eye and said I did I asked God what I should wear when I come to your church and God told me he had no idea he said he'd never once set foot in your church well you know today there's a lot of debate about how to do Church and I'm not gonna get in the nuts and bolts of methods and all those kinds of things and you know you got the senior adults they got their idea about the way y'all do Church and and the single adults and then you got the married adults and then you got those who are married and don't want to be married you got those who want to be married can't seem to get married you've got you've got some who used to be married now they're not married and then you've got the students and you've got young families and everybody has got an idea whether you're a baby boomer whether you're the millennial generation or their Generation X everybody's got an idea and an opinion about how y'all do church but you know when it comes down to it here's what's all about it's about the presence of God and I'm telling you if God doesn't show up I mean you can have a meeting but you can't have church for just a few moments tonight from the Word of God I want to show you the kind of church that pleases God the kind of church that pleases God first of all the church God attends is a church that produces a dynamic Christian produces a dynamic Christian now the Bible says in verse 9 I John that's not John the Baptist that's the Apostle John he wrote the Gospel of John 1st 2nd 3rd John and this great book the book of the revelation John is a great example of the kind of disciple that we want to see produced in our ministries and in our churches the kind of disciple that we want to become as Christ followers now in the book of Matthew chapter 4 there's a record of how it all began Jesus was walking by and there John sits with his brother in the fishing boat and they're tending their nets with their dad and Jesus looks at them and says follow me and he got out of that boat left his nets the boat and his dad sitting right there and he began to follow Jesus Christ and he followed Jesus for the rest of his life a disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ being a disciple is being a learner you're growing in your faith and your ever becoming and you're never arriving you're always a work in progress so the Bible says we are to make disciples that's our task but you have to be a disciple if you're going to make disciples now every disciple is a born-again Christian but I found that not every born-again Christian is a disciple the book of Matthew chapter 10 the Lord Jesus Christ told these that he called out the crowd who were to be his apostles that they would abandon their very life to him and they would become his hands and feet so God has called each and every one of us to be his disciples and he said follow me and jump begin to follow him now disciples are not perfect and John didn't always get it right you know the Bible says when Jesus Christ was arrested in John chapter 18 that all the disciples forsook him and fled it says all the disciples that means the Apostle John but when you see the picture the crucifixion in the book of John chapter 19 there's only a few women that are standing there at the foot of the cross there's one man there's only one man there and that's the Apostle John you see he got away but he couldn't stay away and a great evidence that you truly know Jesus Christ as your Savior is you can't be happy sinning you can't be comfortable living a habitual life of sin and when you stray or you get away you can't stay away because there's that tug on your heart to align your life in the very center of God's holy wheel so I want you to notice some things he says there in verse 9 because I believe these are the key truths to become a dynamic Christian a dynamic disciple you see I believe the truth that pressure produces is essential to becoming a disciple we sort of want to avoid the pain I think sometimes if we were Shadrach Meshach and Abednego we had have been trying to crawl out of the fiery furnace the Bible says that they saw four men walking in the fiery furnace with the Lord Jesus Christ and sometimes I think we have this idea that if we have any pain or disappointment in our life that maybe it's because we lack faith or because we've got sin in our lives and certainly God chastens his children many times god uses difficulty to develop us you see pressure produces it produces patience it produces Christlikeness I found that the difficult people in my life and the difficult experiences in my life are the things that God has used to really fashion my conduct my character my conversation have has used to really mold me into the believer that he wants me to me I believe pressure makes you into a big boy but Christian and a big girl Christian I just believe the pressure grows you up the Bible says in verse 9 I John both your brother and your notice this your companion in tribulation now notice he says no believer is exempt from tribulation and the word tribulation there speaks of crushing pressure think of a boulder on a grape and it's crushing the insides out of it it speaks of a persecution that's so intense that it was a crushing pressure on the lives of these believers so what's going to happen in your life is you're gonna walk through some difficulty and God is going to take that difficulty and he's going to use it to knock out of you everything that doesn't look like Jesus and to build into you the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ so pressure produces the second truth that we need to focus on if we're gonna be a dynamic Christian disciple is the lordship of Jesus Christ notice the Bible says in verse name he speaks there of the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ Jesus was John's King he was his master I think somewhere along the line we've got this idea that over here somewhere you kind of pray a little prayer and you get some hell insurance and then you sort of shove Jesus out of the way and treat him like a fire extinguisher you know you're glad it's there some where in case of emergencies you just hope you never have to use it and then having you know we got our hell insurance and we shove Jesus out of the way then we call the shots and make the decisions and then finally at the end of our life we think Jesus is waiting thought you'd never get and then he's going to wing us to heaven we think that we can separate the fact that he's Savior in the fact that he's Lord you cannot separate the two he is called the Lord Jesus Christ's lordship means I relinquish control Lordships me I totally surrender and let me tell what you surrender you surrender your finances or your lack of finances you surrender your dreams you surrender your hopes you surrender your ministry you surrender your relationships you surrender your problems and your disappointments and even your failures and just as that little lad relinquished his lunch into the hands of Jesus who broke it blessed it and made a miracle out of it you place your life in the hands of Jesus Christ you take your hands off of your life and then Jesus will break you and He will bless you and He will produce miracles through you as you serve Him but there is a third truth that we have to really emphasize if we're going to produce dynamic Christian or if we're going to be a dynamic Christian and that's the fact that in the eyes of God success is defined as faithfulness in the eyes of God success is defined as faithfulness notice what he says there at the end of verse 9 he says I was on the island that is called Patmos and there wasn't anything on that island but a rock quarry that's where the Romans exiled their political prisoners I was on that island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ he says I have been exiled to the island of Patmos I'm enduring tremendous pressure because I was faithful to do what God called me to do if you're faithful to obey God you're not always gonna be the most popular you're not always gonna be the most famous you're not always gonna be the most liked but what we live for is that day when we stand in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and he says well done my good and faithful servant we don't serve for a reward here we serve for a crown there that we can cast back the feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so whatever ministry God's called you to understand this success in the eyes of God is not in the numerical size of that ministry it's not in the visible results of that ministry the success in the eyes of God that you will experience is you being faithful in that ministry to honor Christ and to serve Him and to never retreat that's what makes a dynamic Christian so I say first of all the church that pleases God produces a dynamic Christian secondly I want you to notice that the church that pleases God gathers on a special day gathers on a special day now notice he says in verse 10 I John was in the spirit capital S on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a loud voice and of a trumpet there is one day in the week that's very special and in the New Testament they gave it a name the Lord's Day now why is it called the Lord's Day well why is the Lord's Supper called the Lord's Supper it is a supper that is exclusively his what is the Lord's Day it is a day that is exclusively him there's a lot of folks that say you know we'd like to do church and get things out of the way so we don't have to go to church on Sunday I am Telling You that Sunday is the Lord's Day and we are together as believers it doesn't say what time or how many times but on Sunday we are to gather in corporate worship as a local church to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth now what's the big deal about the Lord's Day must have been something big because you know for centuries they didn't worship on the first day of the week but the last day of the week and in one week's time they changed their day of worship one week's time and gave it a name not the Sabbath but the Lord's Day now why do I say that something dramatic must happen because after pastor in all his years in being in ministry I know how resistant people are changed I mean they're changing their day of worship I mean in a church brother just change the arrangement of the order of service just change the time that you're gonna have the Bible study program good grief just change the color of the carpet you're saying they changed the whole day of worship so I thought one must have been some special that would happen on that day that they would give it a name and call it the Lord's Day and then I got to thinking early in the morning on that first day of the week these sweet ladies are going to the tomb of Jesus it had to hurry you know when they were getting ready for burial didn't feel like they really did it justice and as they approached that tomb they're shocked to find that the stones been rolled away and in angels waiting for them and and he says the one you seek is not in that grave he's alive forevermore you go in there and look around go tell his disciples that Jesus Christ is alive so let me tell you what happened on the first day of the week the Holy Spirit entered into the tomb of Jesus Christ raised him from the dead and Jesus Christ walked out of that tomb holding the keys to death hell and the grave the devil didn't even have the keys to his own house Jesus Christ walked out in majesty and walked out in glory so from that day to this the church gathers on the Lord's Day to celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ is alive and they'll never crucify him again and then one day I discovered not only did the resurrection happen on the first day of the week but the day of Pentecost was on the first day of the week if you go over and look in the Book of Leviticus chapter 23 and see the specifics of the feast of Pentecost it happened on a particular day after a particular Sabbath so it was on the first day of the week a hundred and twenty in an upper room seeking the Lord in prayer and suddenly their tongues of fire and a rushing mighty wind and they are so changed in charge they come out of that place with the power of God on them give their testimony and the preacher stands in preaching the word and 3,000 people get saved and it's an absolute miracle so the Bible says the resurrection happened on the Sun Lord today and the and Pentecost happened on the Lord today and I've already dealt with this enough this week and it's kind of just one of those things that I like to talk about it's just kind of one of those issues that I'm off on I just believe when we gather on the Lord's Day we ought to be celebrating that Jesus Christ is alive not acting like we are coming to a funeral service we ought to come just like those folks in the day of Pentecost came out of the meeting we ought to go into the meeting because the Holy Spirit that fell on them is the one that has end well dust from the day we trusted Christ as our Savior so the church that pleases God gathers on a special day third thing I want you to see is the church that pleases God fulfills a unique responsibility fulfills a unique responsibility now notice what it says down there in verse 12 it says then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the seven Lance stands one like the son of God it is our response the churches are pictured as lamp stands as lights and it is our responsibility to dispel darkness now I'm preaching to my own generation here but I want to encourage the next generation and the next generation and I preach this to our church all the time I don't want to be one of those people that spend all of my ministry just talking about how bad it is you know I get a little tickle sometimes we act like there's never been a culture or a time that's as bad as this let me explain something to you Roman culture was very pagan they weren't having a prayer breakfast in Nero's banquet hall I had the Greek culture pagan I mean pagan these words were written at a time when Christianity was outlaw I mean immorality was elevated as a religious experience so I'm not spending my life just Hummer has just terrible in America today boy I tell you if you ever ever seen it so bad we had a boy come to church the other morning couldn't believe he had a bald cap on his head and I I couldn't believe it a kid showed up me a t-shirt on whoever heard wearing t-shirt and how's it God now I'm just gonna throw this out there and listen sometimes I wear ties and some I don't wear ties much I'm just gonna confess you I'd all the time I wear a ties to a funeral do the Lord's Supper and I remember when ice quit wearing ties it's not an issue with me on carry wear ties I was walking in the hallway one of our senior adults said pastor you're not wearing a tie anymore I said no sir I'm like Lazarus jesus said Lucy man let him go hallelujah man I'm free what I'm trying to say is I don't want curse of darkness I want to turn on the light and I told our folks I don't care if they got a ball cap on I don't care if they've got a bone pierce through their nose I don't care if they've got shoes on as big as canoes I don't care if they're tattooed from the top of their head to their toenails I don't care what their background is how they smell I want them to feel welcome I want them to come for God so loved the world I want to tell you it's like I heard a guy say one time it's amazing grace for every race I want to North Jacksonville Baptist Church to look like Heaven's going to look like I want everybody to know that God loves them so what we've been doing and what I've been telling them is we're not going to spend our days cursing the darkness we're going to show people the light so they can come out of the darkness there is deliverance and their salvation and there's hope and there's love in the Lord Jesus Christ that's our task is to dispel the darkness and then there's something else I want you see I said the church God attends produces a dynamic Christian gathers on a special day fulfills a unique responsibility nobody else has this responsibility but the Lord urghhh but here's the final thing the church that God attends worships a living Savior now I will tell you two things about worship before we look at this beautiful picture of the one we worship worship first of all is an affirmation of the presence of Christ in other words when we worship we are acknowledging that Jesus Christ is alive and we are in his presence worship is also an appreciation of the presence of Christ and when we worship Him worship means ascribe Worth when we worship the Lord we're not only acknowledging that he's present among us we are appreciating the fact that he is who he says he is he will do what he says he will do he is above all and deserves our praise and let the redeemed of the Lord say so bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name and you see the key to worship has nothing to do with us it's all about him it's keeping our eyes on the object of worship which is Jesus look at this beautiful picture of Jesus this is Jesus after the resurrection this is Jesus after the Ascension this is Jesus as he is now glory and Majesty not like when he came the first time as that servant carpenter that they nailed to the cross look at this picture of Jesus the Bible says in the midst of seven lampstands I saw one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to his feet now that's that's the the garment or the garb of a priest and it it wonderful that our Lord Jesus Christ is our great high priest who ever liveth to make intercession for us isn't it wonderful you have an advocate that pleads the merits of his work on the cross any time Satan accuses you and the Bible says he was girded about his chest with a golden band and that goes speaks of deity because I want you to know that little baby that reached up his pudgy hands to Mary and that bassinet of a of a feed trough in Bethlehem in that manger those were the hands of Emmanuel God with us he is divine he didn't become God he's always been God always will be God second person of the Divine Trinity the Bible says his hair was quite like wool and oh my goodness that speaks of his eternality it speaks of his wisdom and it speaks of his purity Bible says his eyes were like a flame of fire that speaks of his omniscience he sees right into our heart and sees our motives the Bible says his feet were like brass that speaks of judgment when when he comes back again those feet won't be nailed to the cross they will split the Mount of Olives heaven - the Bible says his voice is like the sound of many waters it's powerful it's all inspiring and the Bible says and in his right hand the seven stars the pastors and I believe if you put that with John chapter 10 where he said we're all in his right hand the pastor's and and every believer is in the hand protected by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible said out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword because the Word of God comforts but in also I believe it convicts and what did John do the Bible says when he saw this vision of Jesus he fell at his feet as dead I want to tell you why I want to go to a church where God is welcome well I want to go to a church that pleases God where the presence I know God's omnipresent I know that I'm not talking about mysticism but I'm telling you when we come together for corporate worship the Holy Spirit manifests the felt presence of Jesus Christ in a unique way in the corporate worship of the people of God it's powerful I want to tell you why I need that kind of church because when I go church I don't need to be entertained I want to be entertained I can go other places there's some things I need that I can only get in a church like that for instance sometimes sometimes I need to be corrected I mean he was so overwhelmed with the holy presence of God he felt so unworthy he fell to his face before God and I there are times in my life when there's stuff in my life that doesn't need to be there and I need in the house of God to feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit and to hear that two-edged sword that the pastor uses when he preaches the Word of God that brings my life back into focus and gets my priorities straight sometimes I need to be encouraged I just get beat down in life man the world and the flesh and the devil and notice the Bible says that God spoke to him in verse 17 Jesus spoke to him and said do not be afraid and sometimes when I go to church I just I just need to hear from the Word of God in the Spirit of God it's gonna be okay so everything's gonna be alright and then sometimes when I go to church I need its touch I need to touch your revival is you doing your Christian life you can get sort of apathetic it's not you got sin in your life you just get tired I mean think about it you're resisting the devil you're trying not to compromise with the world you're trying to be a light in the darkness you're trying to grow in your Christian faith you're trying to resist temptation you're trying to keep your flesh the old man on the cross and wow man it can be exhausting sometimes and sometimes you just get weary and sometimes I just need a fresh touch from the Lord and the Bible says I love this the Bible says in verse 17 when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead but he laid his right hand on me sometimes I need that unseen touch of revival to grab ahold of me in the worship service you know a long time ago there was a dear lady over in Scotland who prayed for her son to get saved and as a teenager the more she prayed for him the worse he got he was so rebellious until he when he grabbed Wade from high school he was he was nearly an atheist and his name was WP Mackay and when he left home she gave him a Bible and she wrote a little note in that Bible and the first thing he did when he went off to university is he sold that Bible just to get some change he went to medical school became a well-known doctor and he was one day the supervising physician in an emergency room and they brought in a day laborer and he had fallen off of a scaffolding and when dr. Mackay examined him he knew that because of his internal injuries there was nothing he could do to save the man's life so he was upfront with him he said I can't save your life I can try to make you comfortable you're you can't I can't do it he said can I call your family since I don't have any family if so don't have any kids never been married but he says would you call the lady who who I rent a room from who there's a boarding house I'd like to to make sure that I paid my bill and tell her to bring the book he said what book he said you just tell her to bring the book she'll know what you're talking about so a week passed and he bothered dr. McKay because he had a twinkle in his eye even though he had intense pain he never complained he sort of had a a piece a glow on his countenance he as a Christian he was a believer and so he died and dr. McKay went with a nurse to gather up his belongings says he had no family and dr. McKay was watching that nurse gather up his belongings and put him in a cardboard box and she said what do you want me to do with this and she held up she held up a book and he said what what what is that she said well that's his Bible she said his landlady she brought it on her second visit and said he hurt so bad he couldn't read it said he just held it close like it was a like it was a baby just held it close and dr. McKay said let me see that Bible and so she gave him that Bible and he opened it up and that was his Bible his mom's handwriting was in the front of that Bible that Bible had tracked him down and he thought this is not a coincidence and it led ultimately to him getting saved he wrote the words that are in him that are in him books to this day and those words I want us to make our prayer tonight as we close out this service he wrote these words revive us again fill each heart with our love may each soul be rekindled with fire from above hallelujah Thunder glory hallelujah amen hallelujah thine the glory revive us again let's all stand together and as we stand our heads are bowed our eyes are closed and you know we've given invitations throughout the week and if you're not sure that you're saved not sure if you died not you go to heaven just seek out one of the staff and they'll be glad to have a gospel conversation with you but just standing right here in the presence of the Lord let's just ask the Lord to give us a fresh touch and then I'm gonna ask ya we're gonna sing here in just a moment to close things out but I want to pray for us before we do that and lord I pray you'll give us all here tonight a fresh touch faculty staff students myself just give us all the fresh touch God Lord stir us up anew shake us up God shake us shake us out of our spiritual comas God get us out of our ruts and our routines Lord like the old-time preacher prayed Lord we don't need fire crackers we need some dynamite Lord set our souls on fire renew and revive us and Lord in the days ahead may we live our lives in the Holy glow of a Holy Spirit revival on in Jesus name I pray Lord a men [Music] are you overwhelmed by the way Missy Jesus is calm have you gone to the [Music] Jesus is gone to [Music] beyond your regrets come today there's Jesus Frias pop wasn't reading from the ashes Jesus [Music] the freshest flood of why does anyone [Music] do you do what you do what you want but we love to see you do what you are what you watch you [Music] thank you God for all your mercy and your grace thank you again for give us a word over comfort a word of courage to help us pressing on on that journey he's joining us so long sometimes we are discouraged and sometimes we even asking are we still in your your wheel thank you for your money does that you still get us as we conclude this week of revival and learn so much from you please help us apply them and leave them out because when we leave them that you will be a blessing for our surroundings we'll go and preach and share your gospel we ask you to help us stay motivated like that to be eager to be revived to be so pumped up to preach and share your gospel because it's the precious word it's the precious cure for the problems of this world help us to live it out so the world can't see what we have we know that we can do without your help we know we can doubt we can do without you your grace and mercy is in our lives as we continue to stay humble before you please be with us help us go every single step in this way as we go on home tonight please be with us and may your peace stay in our heart and it can shine like a light for this world we ask you all this blessing in Jesus name
Channel: Clear Creek Baptist Bible College
Views: 91
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: Baptist, Kentucky Baptist Convention, Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, CCBBC, Theology, Church, Christian Campus
Id: xhkS8CC3oHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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