Her bohemian tiny home! Solo female lives in bus conversion

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hi there welcome to my channel where I take you  on tours of Creative Homes and showcase stories   of people living alternatively today we're meeting  up with Ki to take a tour of her gorgeous shuttle   bus converted into a tiny home while her journey  started out in a short bus Ki has s upsized to a   larger rig that's better suited for her lifestyle  she now has tons of storage and room for her   motorcycle and a coffee maker what more could a  girl want but before we get started if you like   videos like this one where we showcase stories  of people living alternatively make sure that   you subscribe and hit that notification Bell so  that you know every single time we publish a new episode this house are tiny home hello my name is Ki Welcome to My  Shadow bus Willow 2 I'm excited to show   you guys around [Music] I was looking for a  tiny house on Wheels because I'd always want   to live in one my mom died and then Co hit and  my businesses were just tanking and I found a   school bus and I thought wait a minute what is  that I was just so attracted to I was drawn to   this bus and I bought it sight unseen and just  thought this this is going to be fun this is a   project this is something that I can really dive  into I was grieving with my hands is what I call   it because I was grieving the loss of my mother I  was grieving the tanking of my company but I got   so excited about something and passion started  to happen so I just it was like a explosion of   passion and I never wanted to leave the bus  I started to see how big this country was i'   had never driven across it before and then that  got me more excited and and I was just on fire   to see as much of this country as I could I  was getting older my daughter had left home   all my friends were busy with their kids and  families and I was single it just was a natural progression I chose this rig because I was ready  for a bathroom a shower uh air conditioning a   double bed just more space I guess in general yeah  a coffee maker for example why I chose a bigger bus so when I found this bus on Facebook Market  place the person who was selling this one all   he wanted was his money back he lived in it for  3 months it wasn't for him he made other plans   so he was asking a certain amount which was  basically exactly what my Toyota Tacoma was   worth Blue Book value and he was looking for  a truck and I was looking for a bus so we just   made a swap and so 2017 Toyota Tacoma that's what  I paid for [Music] it so the first reaction people   have when when they see this bus especially the  people that know me are like that's a beast they   think that's a big bus cuz I came from I think  something so much smaller and upgraded and then   second of all again the people that do know me  now are like oh I love your aesthetic which is   nice it feels good to hear that it's [Music] cozy  she is a 1999 International Champion shuttle bus   it's 27 ft long it's 8 ft wide it's fairly large  for a tiny house it's 216 ft it is a t444e engine   freight liner cab and I ride really high which  is nice I carry around a Enduro motorcycle this   is a dual sport Yamaha tww2 200 for those of you  who know this thing gets me anywhere I need to   go the grocery store up the street for a fun ride  and I can take it Offroad and do some trail bike   riding around here and there's always somebody  or two that is willing to get on the bike with   me and take a good Adventure on it so we have on  top 1,200 watts of solar and then in the back on   the roof is a deck that I can get up and star  gaze or not fall off of basically I don't go   up there too often but it's there if I want it so  this bus came equipped with a house door which is   very convenient no more bus doors you know the  two-way open and Clos this way I can just open   the door get in there and close it locks like  an actual door the windows on this bus are one   of my favorite things when all these windows are  open and propped up like this I just have air and   I have light and I have just the the feeling of  being in the middle of nowhere with these windows   open is like it's magical on the side of the bus  here I installed a big table we can do potlucks   on here we use it as a bar sometimes and then I do  a lot of outside cooking so this is a Coleman two   burner stove runs on propane and uh you'll find  me out here with all my ingredients on this side   and everything finishes up on this side so it's  a little bit of a an assembly line kitchen area   here for outside cooking moving along we have  these doors which I also enjoy opening up and   laying in my bed looking at the view and these  are the handicap doors that we mentioned about   on the inside and these close and lock just like  you know any double door would do and I keep them   open as much as I can weather permitting these  are typically open around the backside here I   have a deck that again was built by the previous  owner did a great job it's all reinforced steel   and this is where the compressor for the air  conditioner the mini split um rides and then   next to that is a toolbox so plenty of storage  in here this is where I keep my extra electrical   cords you know anything I need for for the engine  maintenance so this is really great addition to   put on to any rig honestly this is the rack that  I roll up my motorcycle on in transit and it has   a ramp here you probably have seen these this is  a spider rack I just got it online and I can uh   easily by myself get my bike up and down uh and  secure it very well with my my ratchet straps   and then lastly but not least we do have Shore  power here this is where I go ahead and plug in   if I have some Shore power super handy for the air  conditioner my coffee maker curling iron toaster I   get it all going on when I can plug in and this  is where I fill my water tank so my water tank   is 65 gallons underneath the bed here so the hose  just puts the water right into the water tank and   as long as I've got water I can run the water  and take as many showers as I as I want to and   that is from front to toil the outside of Willow  to [Music] come on in let me show you around so   once you enter the bus you're at the driver's seat  and the entryway I do have storage for shoes I do   have storage for dog leashes dog bags things like  this these are curtains that I shut if I'm trying   to keep a heat in or a heat out this usually gets  closed at night but I leave it open on beautiful   days like today tray when you come in just so  I can throw my stuff down and then here is my   um extra seating this is a fun little hammock  that you just hook up it's bolted right into   the ribs of the bus so yes you can sit on this  chair and you won't fall down and this way we   have an extra seat for people who are coming over  for conversation or you know drinking games no I'm   just kidding uh and that lives here to the right  is a c custom door that I built for the bathroom   when I bought the bus this whole thing was a  shower and then he had a compostable toilet   but I kind of divided it so once inside there's a  cassette toilet and a shower a really nice shower   a big window lots of ventilation I kept the door  ventilated as well just to make sure no moisture   really got trapped inside of there but this is my  whole bathroom so I've got uh got plenty of space   for that coming in on the left is my couch this  is a storage couch now when I bought the bus the   guy that built it out did a cool job with like a  dinet and two chairs and then it turned into a bed   and then it turned back to a couch but I needed  storage so I went ahead and sort of tore it apart   and made this a um just a flip up like a like a  toy box and these here will flip up as extra table   or all three of them flipped up you can pull the  cushion out I have a rectangle cushion that goes   into the back side here and it turns into a guest  bed so this is a guest bed as well as a couch   this shelving up here was here when I got the bus  and I really appreciate it I found these baskets   they're perfect size and this is where I put all  my first aid my toiletries makeup electronic cords   things like that and somehow by grace of God  they don't go anywhere when I drive so they   stay up but I put this little lip there so maybe  that's why now that you've seen my living area   let's go into the kitchen I have a very long nice  wood countertop Butcher Block that I'm actually   very happy with this was here when I bought the  bus so is this nice deep stainless steel sink   that has a carved out top that I use also as  a cutting board but it also hides dirty dishes   in a hurry and I can store things in the sink  when I'm when I'm rolling too there's a pantry we've got a lot of space in this Pantry there's  plenty of room for food condiments spices the   countertop like I said was here but these cabinets  the faces of them were not this was all open when   I did get into the bus and I turn these into  basically um trash can and that's my I have a   I have a 7 gallon hot water heater so I turn it  on I wait 10 minutes and then I can take a hot   shower which is fantastic uh because I have the  shower and because of the dogs and the fact that   I do use a lot of water to cook uh I installed a  65 gallon water tank and it lasts me a solid 10   days to 2 weeks so had to raise the bed a little  bit to get my water in there the cabinets are uh   very useful this is also very useful this is  a hue mongus drawer and this is basically my   kitchen so I've got all of my plates and my cups  and my glasses and my silverware all stored in   here and then down below that it's a little  bit hard to pull out but I'm going to try um   it needs new Wheels but this is a very large  refrigerator um refrigerator freezer dtic I   think it's the biggest one they make I'm not sure  but I can tell you it's a big beast and it's hard   to get but once it's in there it looks clean I  installed a two burer propane stove easy just   to cut out with a template the top of the cabinet  sits right in there and runs on propane and then   this is my latest addition to my kitchen one of  the perks of a larger rig is being able to have   a coffee maker this little shelf is my bedside  table but it also separates my kitchen area from   my sleeping area which is important to me moving  along under the bed I have two pretty good size   drawers these are also here and this has my dog  food and then on this side we have extra storage   for sweaters and bulky clothes like that so these  are clutch really I love them this is the inverter   switch I have 1,200 watts of solar coming in and  then I've got 600 amp hours of battery under the   bed with a I guess it's a 2,000 watt inverter um I  did not put in the Solar so there's been a couple   issues and I've had to like figure out how it's  all connected but I I found out he did a super   super super good job so it's pretty easy to get to  if anything goes wrong this is the double bed this   is one of the reasons that I moved from a smaller  rig to a bigger rig and this bed is nice and cozy   for me and the two dogs and this back window opens  up so I get lots of fresh air coming through there   is a mini split and this is the air conditioner  another reason I moved into a bigger rig so I   could have actual air conditioning and when I'm  plugged into Shore power I can get this bus like   an ice box it's it's really definitely worth it  the only place that I could put it I installed a   big 32in television pretty big fan of watching  shows especially on a rainy day or at night so   this actually is on a travel swivel you just  pull the cord and this comes out and swivels   in every direction that you need it to so this  this was like the one wall so there's so many   windows in a shuttle bus uh and I needed that  one wall I showed you in the beginning so this   was the one wall where I could actually attach the  TV but it worked out great so I can watch from bed   here this is my closet basically wardrobe this  was not in the plan originally this was in the   bathroom which proved to be too big and bulky so  I I moved it out here um but I've got plenty of   storage for my way too many items of clothing that  I don't even really wear but the ability to hang   my clothes up was really really really nice um  anybody that travels and lives in a vehicle knows   like you're wearing wrinkly clothes most of the  time so this kind of helps prevent that a little bit I will talk about the diesel heater I do  have one it's housed in here this is the vent   for it and there's also another vent on this side  so the diesel heater is inside of this little box   routed down under the bus and the exhaust is all  the way over on the other side of the bus so I'd   never smell it when it's running and uh it's  just a click of a switch it's not the remote   control kind it's actually kind of stationary here  but um when you need a little extra heat it's uh   absolutely [Music] necessary thanks for watching  this week's episode I hope you guys enjoyed it   please make sure to like share And subscribe  and I will see you soon with another unique home [Music] tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 255,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, skoolie, bus, bus tour, skoolie tour, solo female bus, solo female bus life, school bus conversion, bus conversion, solo female skoolie, skoolie home, skoolie conversion, skooly, bus conversion tour, kari, retirement, nomad, nomadland, shuttle bus conversion, shuttle bus tiny home, tiny houses
Id: wc_Jpnar1LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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