Henry Gruver - Greenwood 1c

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condition you have and your wife and we want to pray for your wife first and I said you know I've been by her side for 40 hours and she's been through quite a lot but she's finally just really investing I don't want to disturb her but go ahead and pray and I'll agree with you my son David come up beside me I put it on speakerphone they're in the office and that man begin to pray and I'll tell you what when he begin to pray whoa the anointing was so strong on me I thought I got you rain fortuitous and I thought for sure Judith got healed and I'm gonna have some more years with it because the last time of that major heart attack you know and God restored her in that Creighton University heart specialist didn't give her days to live if she didn't have a quintuple bypass that her heart was only operating 15 percent she lived years that no bypass no I said hanging along I want I wanna I want you to keep it on speakerphone I'm going in there with my wife I want you to hear it and she had come to and tried to come to and I said honey you gotta listen this man pray I thought for sure she's gonna be here and when he was done praying I thanked him and I said well I appreciate it and my son took the phone back to the office they didn't pray for me yeah I feel like I've already been touched I don't need it and but then she just kind of laid back and my mom was around her and you know how a person is when they passed away a lot of times of mouth is open and they don't close but I thought she just fell into a deep sleep and but she was trying to talk to me until she was fighting it you know and so then the hospice nurse standing behind me said well it's been four hours since she's having pain medication maybe she needs some whatever I think she's trying to say something she said you know understand and so she went gotta rely dropper and just put it in her mouth and instead of her swallowing it sounded like she was gargling and I looked up at the nurse as that sound from on over throat and the nurse looked at the clock and I noticed that and then it was like she fell into a wonderful sleep I mean exhausted I'm gonna go back to bed I want laid down my bed but I couldn't go to sleep I don't have any I'm gonna get some yogurt and freezing I gotta hit something on my stop or I won't go to sleep I was 111 pounds and so I got up went to the refrigerator get the yogurt out and got it on and let me get some food out and here come the hospice nurse she said Mr Gruber you know that your wife has notarized the statement not to be resuscitated I said yes she well she said I said you know it was kind of like she was gargling and she said no that was her last exhale she I said what time did she die I saw you look at the clock she said 12:10 and do you mean straight up I said 12:10 to seven days nights and the Lord said ring seven so precious the Lord is so precious she's on the sea of glass now back in about 1974 First Baptist Church there in Portland Oregon and we're going on the merchant shifts in ministry when I was Home Minister on the ships and they asked if they could put her way up in the it was a big vaulted ceiling very high ceiling that big Baptist Church they wanted to put her on a platform way up there in a cloud with a white cloud playing her full size and she agreed to it and they had her strapped down and the chair strapped down where she wouldn't fall out had that harp strapped down and here she I can still see her sitting there harp strumming the song Amazing Grace and and so I got into the habit of saying her desire when she dies is to sit on the white cloud but they often she would correct me Henry not a white cloud the sea of glass I know it will and so now I know it has it has been an interesting life if I had a choice I wouldn't be away from my children as much as it hurts and they don't like the scripture no man having forsaken wife children houses lands for myself you know but they believe a hundredfold with wife and children houses and lands in this life and in the world to come with persecutions so yes we've had our persecution times and I just have to I just have to accept it I have to be silent and let them person [Music] and just let the Lord be my because whenever we sing it there's a lot of good doctrine a lot of songs victory victory is mine you sing that years ago well it has a message doesn't do we've got to learn to hold our peace and let the Lord find our balance just kind of give you one one word it keeps coming back and came to me sitting over there so I know I better do it or I'm going to be in trouble to the Lord because the Lord said to me sitting there someone needs this I like to give new ones well this one kind of never gets old but when we were singing some of those songs today repeating and then when Doug got up and introduced me and and used the word instead of song shout immediately that came back to Marlin Texas maybe you remember the testimony of Marlin Texas Marlin Texas is in the Triangle of Dallas Waco and Marlin they're a triangle of cities about the same distance apart from one another right on River what's the famous River in Texas no Red River you said yeah right on that River goes right through mama if I'm right the Lord said I want you to go and minister in Milan and the Baptist Church had invited me First Baptist Church I go to all kinds of churches and John Rogers was the deep in there that had got me in with the pastor that pastor now has left that church and has gone to groover ten years offering the First Baptist Church of bruising Texas that my great-great uncle founded Texas to start a ranch mmm because it was good cow country you know his brother which was my grandfather great-grandfather founded groover Iowa and had three farms up in Esther realizers so I have Iowa roots you see what I mean my mother was born in Emmetsburg Iowa which is the next mountain so I live in Woodbine i when when I moved there they called me an outsider I go back all the way to great-grandfather I show you his gravestone there I still I know my citizenship is in heaven I know that but I still kind of defend my roots once in a while and somehow God has put me back in in Iowa since 1990 you know and I'm thankful very thankful my children tell me all the time dad if you wouldn't have moved us out of Portland Oregon when you did probably three or four of us would have been dead with gains and that was some of the persecution and the fiery trials that are the tribe that Peter talks about don't think it's strange but as a father sorely tested to find the three guys with black leather jackets on I'm walking down the street and I fit right up to the gym knee caps of these three guys don't go with my ball bat and said I'm sick and tired of this you grown men beating up on kids come on I'll take all three of you I'm sorry my kids you're in trouble these are grown men and thank God this dear lady mr. mister please [Music] you've got the wrong ones their cigarettes are still smoking in my coffee table come on I'll show you they just came out of my house you've got the wrong ones I saw them and they are wearing black jackets and they're gone down the road mmm I started shaking all over put the ball back back into the little Super Beetle and headed home went upstairs and through now myself down beside the bed and said Lord I can't take this anymore I've lost mercy I have lost some grace I just about killed three people I honestly believed I could kill them I was so angry it was happening so often see what I mean you can only take so much and this legend says go back to your roots you know go back to the land of your father's I never realized that until I I looked up at the my address there and the name of my street was Walker 6:01 Walker Street six is the number of man my nothing zero without number one is the number of Jesus five again is the number of the apostle prophet event in the ministry right seven is the number of perfection nine is the number of the fruits of the spirit ah that's better can you get them out we'll just go to one by what behind me in England is a vine that's always growing over the walls even my dress tells my history my test God is said well let's go back to the shout and then I'm gonna let you go for a bun that's our older John Rogers idea I was to preach Sunday in the Baptist Church Sunday morning and but Saturday night there was a meeting and Church Baptist Church on the other side of town the black side of town and John Rogers said I talked to the pastor about doing he would love to have you come and minister to those precious black people you'll be the old you and I'll be the only white people there well my son table is with us will be the only three whites there is that all right I said there yeah I love I love going to black church [Laughter] what just takes the fire she's McQueen she must be the most wonderful woman on the face of the earth you must be proud of her she must be proud and you've used the dynamite you put in a different dynamite you see what I mean you reel in another fuse how they will anyhow so we go over to this little Baptist Church and on the way to it we past this grocery store that has the heavy bars on all the windows and bars on the doors and the Lord speaks to me and says Monday morning I want you to walk the streets every Street behind the store to the right all the way to the body fender shop that's it okay I'll stay in town through Monday I got my assignment that's great so so I get up there preaching in the Baptist black Baptist Church here's the spiracle a pastor 74 years old about four inches taller than me they big for a beautiful guy and and I go to finish and I said well I'll be in First Baptist tomorrow I don't want you you you you be at your own church here but I'll be over at First Baptist the white shirts tomorrow but Monday morning 8 o'clock I'm going to be walking every street behind your big grocery store back down here all the way to the right wherever whatever place the body fender shop is and the pastor's face just goes plunk and he stands up and he comes up puts a big arm around the shoulders and looks down at me he says brother hand to me do you know anything about that part of town and I said no I've never been in Marlon before he said I thought he says let me tell you there has not been a police car in that part of town or a fire the paramedics will not go they'd bring somebody that sick or knifed or shot and laying in the parking lot of that very store and that man at the store calls the ambulance you see you go there there are white men they will kill you they have gun battles and mad battles over territories across the United States it's a major drug how many go with me I'm difficult told you then kill you we don't want you please don't go I said you know as a teenager I used to sing a song take the whole world let give me Jesus no turning back no turning back though none go with me still I'm gonna follow no turning back no turning back well Monday morning comes John Rogers and his wife at the breakfast table for seeing brother Henry please don't go in there they'll kill you I know I have to John and said if I leave I'm gonna have to come back and walk it I might as well walk along here I said you know what I said to the people the blood of the black church how many will be here Monday praying for me while the whole hand the whole church went up they all be there at the church prayed for me so I said you and Peter forget it's wife's name you want to go over to the Baptist Church and pray for me I'm going and I'm gonna park in that parking lot of that church that that store and I'm going wherever that store that's that body fender places I'm gonna walk the street systematically till they get to it I'll be done and is there a phone booth there or something yeah there's a phone booth there that's it all right I'll call you so so my son says to me you know I grew up with you and I've been with you in some pretty tight situations and I consider myself pretty seasoned in the Lord of that you heard those people now they were afraid for your life yeah I don't think my faith is up to that would you be offended if I go and join John and the Baptist Church and pray this is not at all son and so I agree with that and he's sitting there eating his cereal and then the font comes to me I'm gonna give to that body finger shop if I don't get there they shoot me like me or whatever and dump me off in that store parking you dead or seriously whatever I said Peter will you make a covenant with me son when you hear the siren of the ambulance coming to pick me up just so far just down the road would you not John run you down there and get that van of mine and load my body into my van and drive down behind that store into one of those streets and I'm supposed to walk and pull my body out and dump it and get out of town get out of there quick will you make a covenant to do that we maybe even looked at me well the most fearful look I've ever seen my son look and he says dad you're scaring me you know my faith you know my commitment God said all the way to the body fender shop so I don't care if they kill me God will raise me up when you dump me back on the street again hmm he will raise me up and I will get to the body from the shop because he told me I would get there again but I don't care I'm getting to that body fender shop I'm walking those streets Jesus gave me those streets I'm gonna take now what brought back that testimony and he causes me to start praying about that sitting over there was when Doug used the word the joyful shout because it turned out that we were ready Monday morning to go and John Rogers says to me there he says well Henry he says I put in a restless night with you and his wife says he sure did he was walking the floor and he said you know I'm not gonna let you walk that alone this is my city [Music] Joel too says I will multiply the last days so we got multiplication and so John says all right we'll drive to the store I'm not letting you leave your man sitting there in that parking lot of that story Jesus by the time you get done walking there will be no rings left will probably be happy gone by the time you get back they will strip that van so let's go to the store and beat her I'll give you the keys and you drive on to the Baptist Church you know where it is just down the road and when you hear the siren if you do need to and fulfill that and you know what to do get somebody to help because maybe tools need to be in the van or in the truck you got your faith working brother I'm excited when we get to the store and here's the black I want the floor pray over us wrestle God well bless God at the breakfast table this morning I told my wife and my daughter I can't do this alone I've been pastoring here for 40 years and I haven't I have to put 10 thousand three hundred thousand we got it we're taking Marlon back for Jesus so we went behind the store stood on that where three streets come in and that first Street five-point section there I shouted hmm that's what come back I shouted down that Street in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the power and I was standing in the intersection pointing down that Street and I was making my declaration down that Street in every Street and all the way to that spot a fender shop and Johnny give me a name of that street we're walking these streets and we're taking them back today in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so I served notice on every covenant with death every spirit of violence and murder every spirit of addiction or marketing oven of any kind we're serving notice on you today Marlin Texas is being cleaned up for the Lord is walking these streets and we're coming with him and these cars that go by and all the windows where this is December and we walked and all the windows down and all these guys were in there and they were whenever so slow just looking at me standing out there in the intersection coming out of those streets it's like the you know those kind of people are not but they were getting out of that that's what's going on there was an eviction thing I tell you I could give more and more on the testimony that's quite lengthy but and one time almost every yard many many not every many of the yards in those streets had chain-link fences around them a lot of the windows were out the curtains were glowing there was no glass left in the windows those buildings had been were fallen into the ground were melting into the ground litter everywhere they'd never been anybody picked anything up for 20 years it was a filthy mess but you could tell the dealers where the dealers were they had chain-link fences and pit bulls in on the grounds the procession that tells you they lived in constant fear hmm I've seen that all over the world have a dwelling that is is secured with these Doberman Pinschers pit bulls killer dogs they live under fear and that's when you have an opportunity to go and to break that covenant to death in that spirit of fear honor them and bring them hope that is a challenge to me to get inside on those grounds here regardless of the dollars trusting they won't hurt you and they never have I've never been bit by a dog since I was four I got torn up by a German Shepherd pretty bad but and that put a fear in me of dogs and walking and great I had to overcome that fear and overcame it by going up sleeping up with wolves and coyotes and I'm gonna break this fear I'm not going on the streets anymore Lord you've got to get this fear of you so I slept in a sleeping bag up there overcame the fear your face fear right in the face you know what I mean you don't let it keep harassing and the first time I did that these pit bulls were just jumping against this chain-link fence and I thought that thing so flimsy it's gonna come down we're getting a bunch of pit bulls but it irritated me because they were so loud in the name of Jesus be quiet what you doing to my bones I said hey Jesus the Son of God is walking through I'm just teaching them plus about it bulls anymore John Rogers says Henry I've never seen anything like that those dogs are sitting at attention yeah isn't it wonderful what the one that created them I love walking with Jesus but there were many things I could write a book on just marveling Texas but there was a transformation I went back one year later and just missed the Chief of Police there was a a meeting and wakeful of Chief of Police and little towns all around all over and he had had believed that the city manager presented me with an award that he was going to present me and I still got it at home for the transformation that took place in Marlin from that day there was never another shooting in that part of town the feds came in and sealed off the main arteries and did arrests and cleaned it up and the people of Marlin said it's time to clean it up now they're gone and so they went in with big dumpsters cleaning all the debris and bulldozing down the houses because all those people were in jail taxes we can take it all and we're gonna pave the streets put in new sewers new one there were water hoses everywhere there and electric wires all over the place going across roads and erica's the Public Works people hadn't been in there for 20 years they had paid any electrical water for 20 years you know they're not known for paying those people so they just mooch from wherever they could get it from and that was the condition but I literally walked into and prayed over three brand-new houses that have been built and people were moving in there and occupying it that would take care of it the transformation in Marlon and I want to see that in cities all evening and you and I are in command we just have to get our feet on it and take and if you wonder if you really wonder about scriptures you know walking people say what is what is prayer walking I mean why walk you know I say well could I show you the concordance of my Bible well all of the squatters on the walk start right here they grow the full next page almost two full pages of verifying printed references of scriptures about walk Jesus walk in Paul while the decide let's walk and you and I walk and we see the light of his word what glory he sheds on our way if we do his good will he abides with us do [Music] [Music] after dinner tonight or questions think of a couple questions takes meanwhile an answer not too many questions is they hardly ever get them all and then I think it's 7 o'clock don't have been a meeting and well they're our best tonight to to just really get your feet wet in the area of faith and what it is to believe God in the face of any kind of circumstances Lord willing we'll speak on that only in the movies I'm not the boss thank you [Applause]
Channel: Douglas Barrett
Views: 1,102
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Id: 6r9JbdUxNmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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