Henry Cavill & Matthew Vaughn talk ARGYLLE, WARHAMMER, HIGHLANDER I Happy Sad Confused

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it is the greatest privilege of my professional career to have this opportunity and this is this is the stuff I've I've been dealing with since I was a kid this is sort of is is the stuff I I spend my free time daydreaming about as an adult as well and I get to bring it into life and there is there is no greater reason than I join the industry than doing something like this and uh I'm I'm very happy to be here prepare your ears human happy sad confused begins now I'm Josh Horowitz and today on happy sad confused we have a returning Champion I believe for the third time on the podcast and a newcomer to the podcast he's G for punishment he was just on the show he's back for more uh they are raming after many years apart on a wonderful awesome super fun new movie called Argy and more importantly they're teaming up for happy sack fuse today it's Matthew Bon and Henry caval welcome gentlemen hello hello thank you very much hello it's good to see you both congratulations on the movie I was just I'll gush on the record too I mean I gushed off mic which is meaningless because it's more important for them to actually see it on camera right Matthew it would be nice yeah uh the movie's awesome it's super fun uh I've seen it twice didn't have to wanted to so I encourage everybody to check it out um Matthew when we were chatting about this just a few months back we talked a little bit about the challenges of something like this the excitement of something like this which is well based on IP techically I'm not sure how many lies I said to you I've had the time of my life doing this press I've just been lying you know the greater the Spy the biggest the bigger the lie and and it's whole new um new Arena the world of lies and continue pleas I love it so so it's been fun saying some truth some mistruth some upside down truths but that's go see the movie and it will all um work well hopefully you now seen it does make sense after you interviewed about me were you in there did you feel satisfied by the by maybe being a little bit misled or were you irritated or did it hopefully make you just go all right there was there was no irritation there was sheer I I let myself go with the ride and came out of it with some questions but you know a satisfying experience that you know you don't want one of those things that just like oh you got to wait three more years for the next one for this to be satisfying you needed to work on its own and this one does that's those was okay I'm interested what the questions are well we'll get there we're going to do spoilers a little bit later on a spoiler questions um but the challenge is I'm not interested in questions the challenges and excitement of delivering something like this that you know argal doesn't mean anything to anybody before the marketing campaign of this began now you've been through this to a degree before I go through the pain and the torture of of trying to do new IP and you know and I'd say to Studios uh in the past present probably in the future um when Star Wars when Raiders when all these when these ET when when these movies came out back to the future they were fresh original Ip they weren't based on anything in the sense that they are they were they were new right and then I think marketeers um just got comfortable with with just saying they wanted branded IP and the the studio is like branded IP branded IP that's all they've been looking for and it's and I'm learning it even on this what's hard um when you're trying to launch new IP is in theory you need to spend more money you need to educate people what the IP is and you can't just do the same rules for Branded IP because it's non-branded and that's why a lot of non-branded IP doesn't work because it wasn't given the more chance and because it's unbranded IP the studio don't want to spend more money on it they would rather spend much more money on Superman or Bond or Harry Potter and I'm like spend less money on that guys you just got to put the DAT yeah you you can you know and but if you really want to create new stuff you got to be brave and you have to commit um and yeah so we're going through it now you know AR it's not easy to get people to lean in or understand what it is um and I hope you know why we're doing this is is we you know is like guys is if the audience complains they don't have enough fresh movies um they got to support fresh movies as simple as that and give it a chance and then they'll get rewarded with more so uh it's a vicious cycle that or Circle that we're going to we're we're trying to break right now so before we get to Argy I do want to talk about your uh Connections in the past because this goes way back to Stardust of course 2007 yes Henry give me a sense of where you were at in your life when that came around because you know by looking at at the at the career you were a working actor you had a prosperous career you done kind of Monte Christo maybe tutors was around the corner yeah was it a big opportunity a big moment to get into the audition room for Matthew vaugh and stardust at the time um uh obviously yes uh I think it's interesting that you said to I was a working actor had my career going at that stage of a career you don't feel like you have your career going at all um it takes like a solid 15 years and go like oh I think things are going okay yeah um it was wonderful working with Matthew because I just got to see what it was like working on one of those movies where you're working with a director who has a particular vision um and I'd worked with Kevin Reynolds before as well fantastic director um but this was my other big movie and Matthew was very generous with all of us I have a a lasting memory of us all spending time with him in his house and that was a really really good experience because you got to see the mind of the person who's who's creating the thing and also spend time with the person and you realize that there is a a life outside of just the work on set and coming from the sort of background like came from it's all about work work work and and Matthew showed me that it can be both and I think I'd forgotten that lesson for many years but then being back on set it you're reminded and you think oh this can be fun and it can be about Connections and and and you're supposed to have a great time and uh and Matthew's just good at cultivating that environment I would also Imagine just as again our our many conversations about the kind of films and and stuff we were're raising Dawn that was basically the first kind of genre project You' done so it must have been exciting just to be in that world yeah it was I mean I was I was I was there so briefly mind well made an impact humy yeah yeah um I love seeing people's faces they're like oh my God that was you in that movie what is it with you and giving him unusual haircuts in movies it goes back to Humphrey people are talking about this one when you're blessed with this face it gives you poetic license to have a little bit more fun with it I mean he was he was the first person to give you the mustache right yeah possible your heart out yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly um yeah it's I I suppose actually one of the great things is is that Matthew allows me to be characters right which a lot of people don't um they want me to be a certain thing and so um I'm really enjoying acting more now being a bit more loose and enjoying playing something uh left of stoic right yeah and there's some inherent left a stoic that's we went to the same school which your old stoics yeah there go okay yeah so do you remember what you saw in that first audition way back when well with Henry I charm and you know Humphrey was meant to be sort of um what's the word um a dick right um I was waiting I was really trying find and but but he had to have a charm to him at the end and I was always wanting the look that you have between dairo and yourself at the end was just it's Priceless and and I knew Henry could do that like Henry would would I just knew he could do it I had no doubt no doubt I would imagine your audition days if not entirely behind maybe entirely behind you are do you relish that at this point like were you somebody that enjoyed that I talk to actors that have so many different kind of feelings about auditioning like it's an opportunity or just it NOS no inside or I mean yeah all auditions are opportunities there's no doubt about that uh but they are also it is I don't know what the process is like now but certainly back in my day horrific process it terrible I mean this room has more character than the rooms you'd sit in typically it be sort of a white off horrific doing the audition being because you these people come in and you know how desperately they want the the part and it's horrible just thinking a only one person's going to get it but also it's terrible some people come in and I used to you know sometimes watch xfactor with Simon Cal going it it is what it's like and and there are some people that they just don't they don't want to act they want to be famous and and it's terrible they come in and I'm like why are you wasting my time and whoever everyone's the time it's unfair and and I think um but audition I get in I actually feel I really do try and help people through the audition and have casting directors going why are you being so nice to these people why are you just that's useless get them out the room um but um it's and and and it's it's so odd cuz the en normally you're reading like with someone who can't you know could acting is also reacting to the person that you're acting to and you got someone who with I know cigarette well used to be like a cigarette and then sort of just reading off page Page dead pan and watching you with judge judgy eyes and you're like if they're even watching you exactly or they're they got a picture of the you know they're looking at a picture of another actor right in front of you with a big tick next to it it's tough It's a really horrible horrible but NE but I'm more interested we talked about this coming over of in chemistry tests right because that's that you know even you can cast the two greatest actors in the world but they still might not have chemistry together right and that's the unknown so I I I'm a big believer in chemistry tests even with with movie stars and I say it protects you me and the audience so yeah it's important and and touching on both of those things it's sometimes you just have a bad audition right and it doesn't mean you're bad actor but then that cast director goes oh they're terrible or that director says you're terrible um I did an audition for Patrick Stewart many many moons ago uh for the lion and winter and I walked in there and Patrick's there doing doing sort of the reading with you and I completely dropped the ball I I just screwed up the audition sometimes it happens it's like doing a bad take or having a a bad couple of takes on set and afterwards I called my agent I said I I I I screwed the pooch on that one um I got it wrong and and he said well you want to go back in and I was like I don't want to bother like Patrick Stewart I don't want to sort of say I want to go back in he said look just go on back in it's fine so he called called the casting director got me back in a few hours later and afterwards after I'd sort of relaxed and go well I I ruined it already so I might as well just go in there and do the thing yeah nothing to lose and Patrick Stewart said to me afterwards he said I'm really glad you came back thank you and that was a big eye opening moment for me where I realized it was okay to not get it right every time right and but also saying that that's why the auditioning process is so harsh because it's not a great read on whether an actor is a good actor or not it's just it's such a specific circumstance it's a different skill set in some ways someone could be great at auditions and terrible yeah onset yeah and and vice versa yeah yeah I mean the reason why I bring this up and we talked about this before I mean you you can and should take such pride in your casting over the years I mean dating all the way back um you know weake on um I'm curious like does it feel like at this point you have this kind of like cod of actors that you could call upon and think of when you when a new project comes around there are a couple here that have we've seen in previous films up yeah um so how does casting work at this point when something like Argy comes up do you automatically can you instinctively just think Oh Henry would actually be perfect for that well when I work on on the characters I I Henry just had a moment I'll say it again because he looks so surprised and I quite like that was as I I imagine um to old movie stars so that so I'm free to to cast and and and I find people I think will Channel what I'm hoping for but then give it a unique spin so for me Aral was a mixture of connory and Roger Moore right so when he fought I wanted it to be connory easy easy the thing is now that I've heard it once I wasn't I'm like luckily he didn't say that to you before doing the part I assume he did not thank goodness no I tend not to tell the ACT I was thing you know as an actor is not great to be told hey I wanted you to be it like you be like other actors these two great actors you're fine but these two great actors I'd like you to be more like them so that was Aral in my head meaning the toughness of connory but the the the one eye eyebrow raise which he did without me asking him to do did it perfectly with the girls kissing I do it by accident sometimes eyebrow has the eyebrow yeah well can't even raise one eyebrow so well done um and um and then with Aiden wild you know I was really one what I call the Jean Wilder Nicholson that sort of sort of you know the clues in the name the wild but the charm of Gan Wilder as well and that's where Rockwell came about and um and but all my movies any you can ask me any character in any movie and I'll tell you who it was based on while you know who was inspired by and then you know and then we find the modern day version who then turns it into their role had you had you guys ever were you keeping in touch over the years had you discussed anything else I mean I could imagine he could finish the kingsman World presumably yeah we we talked about Kingsman still talk about Kings I don't know whether are girl screwed Kings been up for you but you know never knows who knows it's your Universe yeah yeah but I'm also at the at you hit an age where you tend to want to work with people that you you can get on with and there's Mutual trust and it's and respect and therefore you can do your best work and you can make mistakes you're not going to get punished for making a mistake and you can fix it together so you you're free so I um yeah so so I I also have a secret chemistry test or whether I think I'm going to get home with the person the most important chemistry test is you with the ACT yeah they don't probably know that part so um actually it's funny you saying because I remember when you came down and really it was really nice when he came that first time we came to the house and and back then I was trying to encourage like again it was about trust and and so that the the actors would would feel safe with me and remember I wasn't that experience with actors so the whole thing of directing actors was slightly intimidate well very intimidating because if you don't know how to do something it's quite hard to ask something someone to do you know I I would find it very hard to teach you how to speak Swahili it's just going not going to work out very well I mean I'll get a book and I'll figure it out but I don't know how to speak swah and I don't know whether you do I'm but if you do make my life a lot easier yeah so and and I and and that's you know so when when you came and I knew Henry was a decent person from that point and um and I just try to make sure that that they feel safe and I feel safe and and especially back then I really didn't know anything about how because acting is it's still something I have no comprehension how they do it right it's it's it's um like the thing I really don't understand and you've noticed I don't really direct them because I can't get my head around sex scenes it's it's just something I don't understand you know when I I also don't understand him I I'm not a fan but I feel quite awkward about it you go right okay what I need to do okay guys I need you two to get in bed take your clothes off and I go wow is this really acting I suppose it is but it's bloody odd you know I think I think there are circumstances where a a sex scene actually is beneficial to a movie and rather than just the audience and hope so it's that's the thing sort of I think sometimes they're overused these days and it's when you have a sense that you're going is this really necessary or is it people just with less clothing on right and that's where you start to get more uncomfortable and you thinking there's there's not a performance here right there's there's not there's not a piece which is going to carry through into the rest of the movie be a cresendo moment by the way sex yeah what hold on a second let's pay attention no I I saw as well I was like am I do I need to but you didn't go to drama school right so which I think is what is a very very um is one of your secret weapons right so you have a you have a different technique but I cannot imagine when you go to drama school they go right today we're going to teach you how to do 101 yeah yeah I mean there's a joke in there somewhere there is uh but not to be said not to be said no but but I do find it weird it's like if if my daughters became actresses and they went to drama school to learn how to do a sex I'd be furious yeah and I again I think sex scenes can be great in a movie they can really help with the storytelling but most of the time the human imagination is going to trump it right and so I think it it can be a little bit of a cop out if TV show or a movie is just filled with gyrating bodies and you're going okay but I mean what is this doing for us apart from the idea of like oh naked person great well I agree we we just English prudes Perhaps Perhaps but I mean it's I yeah well they're different ways look this yeah I not a fan of doing him good are you the friend in your friend group that maybe treats yourself a little bit better than everybody else that's okay I'm I'm that guy too you like to treat yourself well maybe it's getting that super expensive coffee once or twice a day that's me getting the extra leg room on a flight because damn it you deserve it well here's my question for you if you're going to treat yourself to those kinds of things why not treat yourself to the best options when finding a doctor your health is the most important thing in your 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arguably I don't know arguably your most romantic film I would say you've called this your first date movie in a way yes this is definitely a Date Movie um and that was part of the I think in our earlier conversation that we couldn't really talk about but I think it's safe to say without revealing too much as we head it into slight spoiler territory um there's like a very sweet Bittersweet relationship that really drives this story yeah um has Matthew Von mellowed what's going on here uh what happened to you you're getting soft on me um I wouldn't say I've mellowed but you know in the end you know have you have in life if you do the same thing again and again I'm going to be bored but I think the audience be even more bored um and and I just I I felt Romancing the Stone when I saw that was really it was literally my first successful date um and I went with this girl to remain her name yeah yeah know control yourself um but we went to and I took her to the film purely because the name Roman in the stone I thought I was going to hate it um and I liked it more than her but what it did do it gave us something to talk about afterwards in a less awkward manner um and it became a proper discussion called what she liked I wasn't as keen on and what I loved she wasn't as keen on yep but we both loved the movie so I wanted to try and recreate that a movie where you know either side of the co inry say whether you're a man woman woman woman man man and every other um iteration iteration of the world that we now live in sure you can find an area of the film to latch on to and then debate whether you like it or not but ultimately come out with a smile on your face do you remember your first date movie uh I think so I I remember I think it was a double date and actually I wasn't on the date I mean I don't my date was but I remember the other people were two friends of mine from school it was Titanic of course oh wow okay that's Date Movie yeah that's a that's the ultimate Date Movie arguably yeah until this one obviously oh yeah I mean for that last generation I guess I guess Argy is probably the new Titanic is what we're saying well I'll take that yeah like half that box office heard of it yeah yeah yeah I'll be like yeah Count Me In yeah twice yeah yeah exactly I remember seeing and I was actually a little I was probably what it was like 18 or something when I saw Titan so are out of the demo and yet I was still I think I still saw it like seven times in theaters there was something seven no truly oh wow yeah I was I was obsessed with it I thought it really worked I mean it still still does I think sort of it was the same for my group of friends it was it was that's the movie went and watched a lot of times I think you did it because the girls are going to go watch it and you're like yeah okay what what movie do you think you've seen the most in a theater in your life um it's got to be Titanic because at the age of 17 I had to sort of start going to theaters less right myself um but yeah probably Titanic okay what about you for you Matthew I I know it was Raiders the Lost AR because I I saw Star Wars and sort of fell in love with movies at that point but the time I realized I fell in love with them it wasn't in the cinema anymore right and it was really annoying me because back then you couldn't there was no videos so you couldn't you like oh my God I can't see this movie again so then when I saw Raiders I went I am not making that mistake again and I'm going to keep going back and back and and to Raiders was just like I was a movie that was very very special to me I feel like you I'm just thinking as we and a close second was Back to the Future I saw that a lot of times I mean these are the ultimate rewatchable movies that just and I could watch right now instead yeah me too love um I was going to say I feel like you need a Bittersweet tragic romance in in your future a Titanic level weepe that really just like kills us as an audience Henry just plotting your future for you I mean I I I have some ideas okay is Highlander going to make me weep at the end it look I'm not going to tell you anything but but it it won't be obvious when it happens okay yeah sneak up on me trust me um let's talk about dance choreography versus fight choreography mhm is it intimidating when you see in the script that opening sequence I mean you know your way around fights you can do that you can do any manner of fight from Witcher to whatever yeah um but that kind of intricate sequence mean is it all the same as it all choreography in a way it's all choreography yeah until it's not and I think with with fights the great thing about fights is that someone's always going to say we're doing a fight scene therefore we have to choreograph it and you can be specific and change things any way on the day but with dance people go well just dance right um even if it is choreographed and that's where I that starts to make me nervous I'm like wait a second you want me to do what yeah um but when you're working with people like Matthew who you know you can trust it's a huge trusting relationship an actor director an actor producer and it's you know you can trust him and so even if he's like just do this and you go I'm going to feel like a complete idiot doing this you do it and then you can say afterwards like Matthew I I feel like I look like an idiot and he say no trust me and he'll show you and then if you still feel I think you even said those words if you still feel that you don't like what you were doing then I won't put in the movie right and you go oh okay well then I'm I'm I can be free and that's a good feeling and I would imagine the because I when I was watching it again I was I think I can guess I like one of those kind of moments like that perspective shot on you when you have du up there it's that closeup on you from above that must feel mortifying in the moment to have to shoot that because in isolation that feels probably pretty silly and crazy I mean a lot of things in film and isolation are crazy and silly and you get used to it I mean obviously um it's about respecting the person who you're doing those kind of shots with and and it's about making them comfortable um unless you're in the awkward position uh but it's yeah yeah thankfully J was a um was was a great dance partner um both um figuratively speaking and literally yeah and uh so those kind of things you're okay with when you got a professional crew you know everything is is done in a particular way and there's some Mastery at work so you feel like you're part of a thing when things start to feel a bit amateur right that's when you start to go and you start asking questions if you're asking questions that's the wrong state of mind I do feel like Matthew you are inching closer and closer to a full-on musical I'm working on now yeah yeah so it was and I was using some of these moments to see could I do it right um and did I enjoy doing it which I did um and yeah I mean I I I've always loved music I loved musical when I was a kid and then you know but I was you know I was in the 70s so the new musicals were things whether it was like Joseph or Jesus Christ Superstar and cats and you know where where these musicals they were sort of like they were you know like Annie you just going wow they had great stories but really belter songs and and and um and I think they they and I was dragged to them by my mother as well like to ballet all these stuff so I sort of just learned all this by osmosis but I never and then and then weirdly I've always said I wanted to do a musical but I couldn't find anything I didn't want to do a remake of a musical because I thought especially because I was offered to do whether Oliver or some and I'm like how do you proove on that um and and then I when so jam Damen chazelle sent me the script of the musical and he has some experience yeah he knows well again I was like why you not well Daman why you what am I missing here why are you not directing this I think this is really really good um and then he I mean if you imagine the movie is is kickass meets Wizard of Oz right that's the best way of describing it and and it's really really different and it's fresh and it's and it excites me because I'm out of my comfort zone and so I'm looking forward to to I'm looking forward to trying to make a musical which is you know what Never Say Never and go for it and um I'll probably make some huge mistakes but the great thing about movies when you make a huge mistake you can fix them before you show it to anyone so so um but yeah we're we're we're we're we've started very very early prep and um it's exciting how are your vocal lessons going you're obviously the lead very well yeah very well do you have that ambition to I mean I don't know if we've discussed you singing before I don't have that ambition no um I've been known to to sing in the kitchen every now again uh but I've been told you have an amazing voice um I Heard it yesterday and I was like got my who are your spies how do you know spies are spies you don't Reveal Your spies yeah um uh I I think if I ever ended up with some free time on my hands or a role which required it I would love to work with a singing coach and really see if I could take it somewhere yeah um because I mean I always enjoyed it we went to the same school um and so always enjoyed singing in in in Chapel and stuff like that and yeah I loved it I loved it I was so angry I had to get out of bed it's I mean that I just sting that too I mean but it's I do enjoy singing and I would love one day to see you like a good I can take it somewhere I do like a good him good rousing himym Jerusalem say vow to thee my country you know Jerusalem's a great song um song him him so what are you singing at home are you singing him all all sorts it's a surprising variety what's what give me an artist you like uh no good yeah no I will not I thought he was going to ask you to sing then I like oh here we go no it's no a lot we'll get there I don't want to Ru your chances to be in Matthew's musical hero spot thank you umast even he couldn't sing so fine I mean yeah it'd be worrying let's talk a little bit about the the challenges and excitement of your role in particularly we were alluding to this earlier um and I think we're starting to get into a little bit of spoiler territory spoiler warning folks um the character you play like it's always about like rounding characters right and making them feel as authentic and real as possible that's not necessarily the task with with your character or is it well that was the challenge um is that you're playing both you have a foot in both worlds uh Aral as far as he's aware um it's heart attack serious um but as far as the movie's aware it's less so right and so you have to play it with the movie's tone in mind and also the idea of our gu taking himself seriously in mind right which is a fine line to tread amongst everything else that's happening as well um let me just dive into like a a super kind of spoilery question towards the end against SP warnings yeah who is the character that I'm seeing Henry play at the very end of this I don't know if Henry's playing a character but there is a character called mullet man can we talk about your interpretation of mullet man that must have been a day on set that's talk about trust in a director um I mean it's it's that same thing but when when Matthew halfway through the shoot was like by the way you can have a mullet I I and it was it was like get rid of the bloody flat top I'm in one of those things you go oh trusted you so far I might as well keep on trusting you right and the rest we just kind of threw together um as far as sort of how he sounds and everything I was like I'm going to throw this out there because why not make it as polar opposite as possible right and um it was fun that day it was fun and that's the thing and it is fun you see again to the point of playing with a character and being able to play on set um with Matthew I felt like I could do that again right and you know took a bit of time to warm up back into the the concept of it because I I haven't had that opportunity and and working with Matthew you that is the personification of being able to play again and you can see it you can see it in in in the character so this post-credit or mid- credit sequence that we see mid credit yeah mid credit I didn't know what mid credit was until recently I was like the mid credit and now I know what you mean mid Credit Now if I'm putting two two together this is a flashback that is actually almost from the next movie in a way this is book one well it's from book one so the movie is as I did say to you was book four so I was sending the truth that this about book four and book five so book one um that is a scene from book one okay and played by the lovely Louie Partridge right and um and I know what your next question is so all I'd say is our girl wears very beautifully tailored Nero colar suits so he obviously has to go to the best tailor in the world to get them made sure and there's only one tailor in Matthew Von Universe worth going to in in not my universe in any Universe always go to it the kingsman thank um but um where' to go next on this okay so and that is intended to be the next film that you would shoot is um yeah listen I don't want to count chickens blah blah blah um but yeah it would be it would be great because I imagine this gentleman would be in it as well I mean I cannot ever see an argal movie without Henry um I won't see another AR movie without me yes exactly in the I don't blame you so there was there's a whole concept how it all comes together in in book one the film um and then there's mlet man for for number two which I I am desperate just because I think in that version of Henry Henry will have more fun playing this role than anything he's done before I do think you because it will be like when it won't be trust me I'll be like I'll be like trust me yeah yeah watch this yeah he'll be saying to me trust me and I be like I don't know if I do what's going on we B tequila I only got one of these in me yeah basically um but that so mullet man is a different character than the young version I don't know that that time will tell I do know but I'm not going to say there is a method to the madness no I believe you I know there is um because the the thing I'm having trouble and again all I would imagine will be explained yeah if we get there is Ellie obviously get spoiler warning is not our gu exactly she's Rachel Kyle but then we ALS do now see a character that looks awfully like Henry caval that coincidentally or not so coincidentally looks like the argyle of her imagination and that's it looks like looks like mullet man not to me okay fair enough I need more time I need to see it a third time okay fa enough there have no more clues to who mullet man is in the film okay they are not the we talked a little bit about this before I me let's let's get some props to some of the rest of the Ensemble here because I love Bryce and this Sam Rockwell fantastic it's interesting you have to kind of like you have to get in sync in a different way with Sam than you've probably had in any other co-star in your career you're not playing scenes with him but you're playing scenes with him yes and that was fun yeah it was it was a new star of shooting um a new an Innovative technique really to to to sell a fight scene and it was a lot of fun working with Sam on that because we could we would spend the rehearsal days as watching each other trying to uh learn how the other moves right so we can like bridge the gap between you yeah so we we can apply that to our own movement while keeping our characters individual as well right because we are essentially ju positions of one another and that's important to express while also doing right very similar things so The Challenge from you as a as a filmmaker and the same filming it twice yeah twice the time basically same setup half the time for me yeah yeah I'm a big fan yeah can we do this on every movie guys it was that was that it it was um when we came up with the idea and I was like saying and we'll have use blinking as a trans transition and and it was it was we we actually what I loved about it was you know Henry's really really good at fighting and fight the whole choreography he was fantastic but and Henry is is not Henry sorry Sam is very good at dancing yes so he has that muscle memory technique and then seeing the two come together and doing it like they learned it identically but then as Henry said you had to do the identical movement with a totally different interpretation right you know one was was yeah excellent and professional and the other was a bit more Scrappy um and rough yet they both have the same result at the end and that's what was it was really fun to watch really fun to watch and then we said then then we and I was watching it and and it was literally on the day I went hey maybe it' be pretty cool if they actually we did this with them speaking so old Rockwell had months to learn these long all these L I said Henry I've got an idea and he's like what I went I'm going to put you now in on this shot and you're going to sayen going to say um Sam speech and he's like well I'll try but it's rather long um and yeah and he did brilliantly he just went to it and and I went oh and and again some of the then we wrote more scenes for you like more scenes in the mirror it suddenly became it just unlocked a whole part of the film that wasn't right designed but turned out to look like it was and and some of my favorite stuff I think when your some of your discussions with Ellie was actually they're very sweet and powerful and quite emotional when I didn't considering they weren't in the movie well that's that's the thing character went went went from a gimmick to a to a fully flesh character and it became uh part of of Ellie's psyche which was which was the the the comforting part of one's mind which you retreat speak to when when you need to and and uh yeah without Matthew saying on that day here's a monologue to learn that wouldn't happen and without you saying you do it some actors would have said sorry no I can't give me a day maybe I'll learn it and I'm not sure about it he just I'm very grateful because he he went for it and and and that's the great thing about creativity because sometimes the craziest ideas or or the least thought through ideas become absolutely brli driving to the set if we try this cuz if you close yourself off to creativity in the moment like what's the point like I couldn't agree more I want to talk to you guys about our sponsor this week it's hellofresh not that you need a reminder you know hellofresh it's America's number one meal kit for a reason every week when I get a box from 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sadf free with the code happy sadf free hellofresh America's number one meal [Music] kit so we now know again as alluded to in that mid credit sequence this isn't the same universe as Kingsmen was there ever a thought to have other Kingsman characters pop into this no I think right now again you've got to if you look at my so Marva is sort of becoming this world of Espionage and and I imagine like you have let's say Kingsman on the left then you've got Aral very much on the right and then there's a middle ground that one day I want to play with which I you know and who knows what that's going to be but it it it's there there I see a world where I mean where everything does come together one day and not maybe some of the other characters we have as well from other movies that there some there is a but it has to not feel like as you just said it can't feel like a gimmick it has to have a reason um and there's a few reasons that are quite compelling but not yet Humphrey and mullet man will meet one day this is what I'm getting from this finally was Humphrey in a weird way was sort of the beginning of mullet man yeah yeah Humphrey walked so mullet man could run but you imagine imagine JB and Alfie I think that would be a movie that people would love to see the dog and the cat yeah um I know you can't say anything about this Henry but I haven't I've talked to Chad sty a bunch I'm so excited for you and Chad to get together thank you on Highlander um this has all the ingredients of something very very special um what were you a Highlander fan um how did this like what's what's your passion for this material what are you excited about exploring with the Highlander world I'm going to have to ask that very carefully I understand uh I I was am a Highlander fan um they were great fun movies obviously I've watched them when I was a lot younger and since rewatched but also the TV show um I I really enjoyed the law behind it um that sort of sense of a a tragic Warrior um W with with more of a story to tell than just a cool guy with a sword um doing cool things and this goes even deeper into that I mean Chad I mean Chad told me this on the record that he is going to he wants to explore the TV show like the stuff that was explored there which I think a lot of fans were very excited about I I can't speak to that at the moment um but yeah the the what what they've done so far and what we're doing with the development of the script is extraordinary I think people are going to be really really pleased yeah well I'm excited sounds very big like for the world yeah and I think it's it's same as working with Matthew big swings are important it's you play it safe you're gonna just go h I guess it was fine right but you take a big swing and then people love it yeah or they hate it and sometimes hating it is just as good yeah I'd rather get some kind of reaction than that you who wants a double I always say you want the home runs or just swings and misses couldn't agree more Grand Slam is what you want right yes now wait have you been shooting something recently I'm very confused by this I read something that said that you've actually been shooting a project in recent weeks um I've been I I I've been producing a very very special movie um I'm very excited about it um I um I just saw half an hour cut together um this will have the same sort of impact as kickass did um and I I I can't talk too much you ask Sam Rockwell he just gave gives every he's gives everything away in an interview I'm like Sam we're under contract you're not allowed to speak about that and he's like what and then uh but um it is a movie uh what I can say it is it is movie that is written directed and starring my stunt team oh wow uh it is a film like no other movie that's ever been made um and it's also got Chris Hemsworth and Sam Rockwell in it plus some other very very interesting cameos and um and it's going to it's Reinventing an action movie because a film where it's pretty extraordinary watching the stunt guys as they're acting and doing stunts at the same time and you're not having to hide anything but s Sly my lead actor/ stuntman broke his back in three places doing one of our stunts um it is incredible footage for the movie because it's in it and we've now been filming keep rolling yeah we keep rolling as I said no no it is like no other movies so then we filmed him in hospital and his so last week we were filming him his Recruitment and you know recuperating and he's strong but it's part of the movie about the danger of being a stunt man and um we're breaking some World Records uh it's got I think 56 action sequences in it that are incredible it's funny but it's it's it's original and that's and it's giving these these guys a I mean they deserve stuntman are the you know they are the real superheroes literally and they I don't think whether it's the Oscars for some reason stuntmen are not given the due respect that they deserve and this movie um I just cannot tell you how ex I'm just so excited and I'm so proud of these guys that's the best way of describing it and they have knocked it out of the park I could have be more excited from everything you just said um yeah I was going to say the stunt askar is something I want to bring up with you they've got to do it they have to do it unsung heroes they're so good at their job that no one recognizes them and and and some of these movies that they're they're half the film these second unit directors you know they're making you know half of some of these movies it's it's crazy and then they get no recognition yeah publicly yeah I mean there's Whispers of it but it feels it feels there was actual momentum building I'm hoping I hope so this movie we we have a very funny sort of you know how you know I have those UNICEF like and we we we we do a save the stuntman video it's very very funny the most Earnest thing and and I'm hoping the academy see it and go they got a point yeah um one other thing I know it's early days but Warhammer I mean there's nothing more close to your heart than this I know this that is true there are a few other things well yes professionally speaking yes yeah yeah I I have a heart outside of work he does he does but it must be so exciting to be able to actually like dive into this world and be the one one of the ones that is just steering this ship and figuring out what the world you want to create is on film and TV what's this experience been like so far um it is the greatest privilege of my professional career to have this opportunity uh I I can't say too much again it's early days still but to have this opportunity to bring it to the screen and be at the tiller so it can be faithful is is key to me and this is this is the stuff I've I've been dealing with since I was a kid this is sort of is is the stuff I I spend my free time daydreaming about as an adult as well and I get to bring it into life and there is there is no greater reason than I join the industry than doing something like this and uh I'm I'm very happy to be here have you tried to get Matthew into Warhammer or gaming at all no not yet gaming I love gaming would mean gaming at all but um but we've spoken yeah I listen I'd love said I'd work with Henry in lots of different ways okay yeah watch your space fair enough the happy second Fus profoundly random questionnaire either you guys can take any of these I know the answer to this but dogs that's okay dogs or cats dogs dogs yeah even despite the ory cat there is no cat better than a dog full Star by the way so it's it's cow and baggin now too right yes baggin is the new addition to the p baggin i take it is named after I know your Lord of the Rings love yes yeah yeah he he's he's because um where we live is particularly shes or sh like um we felt it suitable that uh our little creature would be called baggin love it we got a billbo get another dog bbo bag I think we'd find something else I mean because because he's small and C's getting older now we'll get another big one and then another small one you don't want to have a full clutch of of tiny dogs necessarily so sort of there's got to be a big one next got to get a big dog yeah I'll have you know one of my dreams now that I'm a dog owner the last few years is to what do you have I have a pit mix wow see is the best the love of my life I want to do a show with folks like you Henry and their dogs just chatting dogs so you're you're on the hook for the pilot I'm afraid hey you know I'm I'm I'm into it yeah and I'll watch that yeah I love dogs I mean I literally you can't get enough of a dog uh do you guys collect anything respectively Warhammer yeah art and wine but I drink wine I don't think collect wine if you drink the damn stuff it's gone but I do collect I art art Art's a big passion of M I'm I'm getting to Wine as well but unfortunately I do also like the taste of with it yeah yeah uh last actor you were mistaken for has that ever happened um h braad pit yeah all the time yeah I can't it's been a while um since yeah I I don't really remember it's been a it's been a while yeah you're Henry caval other folks are mistaken for you maybe maybe I get maybe I don't know I don't know maybe uh worst noted director has ever given you oh I I dare not share that I'm gonna dare not share that I'm I'm gonna give can I make your flat top just a little bit more flat yeah you can have them this isn't nearly flat enough yeah can youor more get rid of the flat top how about a mullet yeah so yeah can you memorize this model I'll get an hour for an old friend yes yeah he's he's he's not the only director who's made me do that it's uh it's becoming a regular occurrence actually writing as we go but that that wasn't this to be clear um I our time is up sadly but congratulations gentlemen on this one I mean I like I said I always love the big swings this is a big swing it is just hugely entertaining I can't I can't enthusiastically endorse this one enough hopefully it's the first of many stories in the ARG Universe hope so fingers crossed and touch wood and that's up to you no pressure guys yeah it's up to you guys now um Matthew Von Henry kaval thanks for being on the Pod one more time well thank you for having and so ends another edition of happy sad confused remember to review rate and subscribe to this show on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts I'm a big podcast person I'm Daisy Ridley and I definitely wasn't pressured to do this by Josh h
Channel: Josh Horowitz
Views: 115,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh horowitz, happy sad confused, interview, henry cavill, henry cavill interview, henry cavill argylle, henry cavill warhammer, highlander, warhammer, matthew vaughn, matthew vaughn interview, matthew vaughn kickass, matthew vaughn kingsman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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