Help! My Teen Daughter Is Scamming & Fighting! | KARAMO

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Ania is an extremely spoiled child with a bad attitude my mom she tries to control me but if I don't want to do something I'm not going to do it Ana is very confrontational with me she slams doors she Stomps up and down the stairs she curses me out she's very sarcastic all the time she has no respect for me my mother she picks on me for every little thing and she expects me to bow down to her I don't think an has been in school all year she's been suspended multiple times I don't have a problem going to school I barely Miss class she's had about 10 physical fights and she even got arrested for beating someone at B school she's worried about my actions but she's the one who's been in and out of jail as a teenager all she cares about is her phone and posted on social media people just say that my mother has animosity built up against me I don't know what to do anymore all right well we'll talk to Nel in a little bit but first please welcome Nikki to the show Nikki thank for being here first of all you smell absolutely beautiful and you look beautiful as well thank you yes so what's been going on between you and your daughter in Asia what hasn't been going on is the question I mean she's disrespectful she thinks the whole world just revolves around her okay do you in an Asia argue often yes okay about what normally um her not helping um her not listen in like any little thing I tell Ania she has something to say back MH and it's sarcastic yeah is it hard to discipline her yes I I kind of just gave up at this point with the discipline part because whatever I try like I'm unsuccessful at got it like if I tell her she can't hang out with her friends while I'm at work she'll still sneak out the house hang out with her friends I I take the phone from her she has a backup phone so she'll just like connected to Wi-Fi yeah so it's like whatever you do it's always she has another trick of her sleeve yes she does got it and has an Asia ever stolen from you yeah what has she stolen um she's stolen money she'll like take pictures of my cards my bank cards I'll check my bank statement from time to time I'll see like miscellaneous charges she's ordered stuff um sometime packages come to the house and how did you first find out an ageable skip in school um well I had went to the school one day and the counselor asked to speak with me yeah I had went up there for something completely different and she asked to speak to me and then she brought up all her um absences which I was really surprised about because I drop Bia off and pick her up so she's like running around the school so she's not even she's just in the school but she's not going to class yes um has Ania gotten into a lot of fights at school yes she's got into several fights you sent us a video of an Asia um that you wanted me to see what's going on here let me see is that AIA hitting another girl yeah most definitely what did you say to her when you saw this that I was extremely disappointed she got kicked out of school for that I actually had to like get an attorney they press charges against her so she was arrested as well yeah she was arrested wow cuz the other apparently oppressed charges yes okay tell me about your own teenage years what was that like um my teenage years were really rough I was part of a gang since I was 11 years old I got arrested whenever I was about 15 years old got it before that I was just fighting all the time I was in and out of juvenile hall um yeah just like a little criminal and gang member so got it it was really rough what were you angry about my mother she was an alcoholic so okay and I guess just I was a product of my environment basically okay okay and how did anasia help you turn your life around just wanting to provide a better future for her and kind of like break the generational curse you know so good job good job so you stopped everything yeah I did fighting gang everything not immediately after I had her but probably about 3 or 4 years after having her I decided cuz she actually had got in trouble whenever she was like in Pre preschool she got into a fight then and it was really bad okay the parents of that student was talking about pressing charges and she was only 3 years old so it was like really scary is it hard for you to watch anasia go down this path yeah it is it's very hard and it's hurtful and disappointing because like I feel like I work so hard to provide a better life for her you know and it's like she just just throwing it all down the drain everything I work for well I think it's time to hear what an has to say about all this so everyone please welcome an to the show it looks like you're were a little emotional what was making you emotional just listening to my mom's story about how she had to grow up so why does that touch you so much just because I don't like how she had to goow up me I know that's a sensitive subject for her so it is got it but how do you feel about what she just said about what she just said um we saw the video okay with the fight I don't regret the fight at all the girl she was messing with me first she just kept on talking and I was like baby you're a buster I called her a buster and I was that and she said your mama so where I come from you don't talking about nobody mama that's disrespectful so once she started talking about your mother you were done that was that was a limit for you I told her okay do you think you're a bad kid no okay so why aren't you in school right now I'm in school I might not go to school every day but why do you have such an adverse reaction to going to school because school is just stressful it it adds so much stress to my life like it's just overwhelming like school is just so overwhelming and if school was online I wouldn't mind doing it it's not school itself it's the environment so why do you think you have so many issues with your mom then you my mom we got different perspectives she likes to be in control um I'm the mom mhm yeah yeah as you should be have you ever stolen anything from your mom okay I don't I won't say I still like go be yes I use her car I order stuff but her car is automatically connected but I've never like just W in her purse and permission yeah without her permission but I've never just went in her purse and stolen money or just I don't know got it do you feel like your mother picks on you yes about what little stuff like small stuff she makes it to a big deal like it don't got to be that big of a deal she makes something this small go she's the compati one okay cuz I can't tell her nothing without her talking back she raises her voice at me she is always sarcastic and rude towards me and she doesn't listen to anything I say she thinks the whole world's supposed to revolve around her got it got it you know what I think interesting I want to make people know is that an you called the show right yeah her mother didn't call the show to be here you called the show right yeah okay um so what I'm going to do um anasia is I I appreciate you giv me your perspective I'm going to bring you back out first I want you to go back way to the Green Room um I want you go back to the Green Room okay okay um thank you now there's a reason why I just sent her back cuz I'm watching a clear pattern right now and my producers I had them pull some text messes and I need to see it in person first before I can see if these text messages match what the energy would be out here so can I see the text message that we pulled up so these are your responses to her when she does something bad I'll be going to the nail shop alone say bye to that hair money and wash all those dishes or I promise to make your weekend a hell yes now I'm not going to ever critique I'm not going to judge is better word I will critique mhm because immediately when you walked out here I want to know what was your discipline style I literally wrote this at the top and I want to see how you'd respond to your daughter and what was that distance fou the reason I brought the context that your daughter called this show is because what I know about child psychology and why the child works is that when they call out for this is because they're reaching they're screaming out for help yeah and if your daughter's watched this show she knows how direct I am it's interesting that she called me to show me her bad behavior do how do you feel like you discipline her and do you think it's effective right now I don't think it's effective I mean I feel like I'm more talk than I am action um just like even in the text messages I'm like I'm not getting your nails done I'm not getting your hair done cuz she like which are empty threats and she knows that by now that's why I pulled that up it's just hard to make her like I wish I could make her like clean up and stuff and and listen more but she's 17 about to be 18 years old now like it's hard to make her like I can tell her stuff until my face turn blue but that don't mean she's going to listen and that's what I do mhm but that's called parenting if she's in your household M you can't reward the bad behavior or give empty threats because what happens is that the the the respect goes away right you said earlier that you take her phone and then she has a backup phone you take that phone too does right you take that phone too mhm right she takes your credit card if you feel like worried about it you shut that credit card off go get another one make sure she never sees it and tell her like that's it like we you can't have a thing where she feels like I can just keep getting away with this I do give in sometime I why do you give in let's get to the core of that why you feel like you're giving in because I didn't have nothing when I was her age you know so it's like I just want her to have everything I didn't got it got it that makes sense what's making you emotional right now now what's making me emotional cuz we're hitting to the core of this just want her life to be better you know even now I mean I don't want her to be fighting she's so beautiful one wrong fight that's what got me locked up when I was you know her age so it's like she doesn't realize that it could be one fight and you could like hit somebody's head too hard and they can die yeah that is and then and when you have those conversations with her what happens like I feel like she takes heed to it but just temporarily temporarily well that's because the vulnerability needs to be accompanied by clear discipline and that's the that's the magic right there when she comes back out have her come back out with her phone and you taking her phone you taking it right now and you can't give it back because what's at stake right now is your child's life and you know that you got this Okay so we've been talking okay and Mom wants to talk to you okay hey have you been crying a little bit oh my God so I need to take your phone from you right now you want why are you taking her phone from her until she gets her stuff together start schooling start helping around the house more and start respecting me more your mother has is why she was crying I'm going to let you know right now is because your mother is scared for your life and like your mother said before you came out here it take takes one fight I was watching that y'all were fighting on concrete it would have take her head to hit the concrete and for her to bleed or to do something something and you could be in jail for life you thought about that yeah but it goes in one air out the other because it hasn't happened yet I know that you need love I know you want support but your mother has to be more give more discipline right now because I'm going to be real with you do see your nails your hairs you're a beautiful young woman to be honest with you I wish you could be done with school and you can go start modeling and be a spokesperson be a host you're very well spoken you're beautiful I don't know if you ever decided to do that but this path you're doing this way is going going to take you away from that there's so much more you could be doing but right now there's priorities that you need to finish so how about this your mom is going to be discipline a little bit more strict with you you're 17 I know you're 18 a couple months you follow your mother's discipline get in online classes doing what you need to do no more fighting in this time hold on and at the end of that I will assist you personally and helping you to figure out how to get some shots so that you can start this career that I think you want to do and be good at model this is me this is me this is me modeling to your mom vulnerability to understand I see it but also a discipline you got to do this but I'm going to be vulnerable enough to say let me give you something else if you do this okay this is me easing you into like some strict discipline okay okay I wish y'all the best of luck I really do I really do one more unlocked 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Channel: Karamo Show
Views: 284,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karamo
Id: 5PKK8pkre28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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