HELLDIVERS 2: The Divers keepin it 'gangsta' lol. Death is better than cowardice! PS5.

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yeah I'm surprised you didn't John cuz you took as many shots as I did I it takes a while for me to throw up guy okay okay B okay B ganger hey John get away from me well there you are [ __ ] get away oh crap there's bugs right there God are you serious man go oh shoot let me drop a let me get my quazar Justice is your ca oh [ __ ] okay come on come on come on come they haven't seen us yet no yeah they haven't I can take care of that charger once I get my poar here come on all right oh he's turning around oh a freaking miss throw laser I got I got okay you got it I got it I got it okay yeah you got it okay all right that smaller dude is dead look out C oh Dam wow I just saw piece flying there's another uh hold I got him I got him okay Arc thrower where I'm standing no go after the guy go after the never mind you got him oh there the laser will get him finish him off why D he still going I know jeez guy's sick oh watch watch out I think oh no oh God okay got the samples here he you're doing oh dang got samples Johnny nice yeah there's three of them here oh over here John you missed somewhere here dude oh that side oh hey where we going here oh we got to go here um there is a question mark up over here Northwest oh oh my God Dam he ate it what's this [ __ ] oh got okay I got a door here hold on okay all right I'm coming to you guys [ __ ] charger y Cesar I got samples in here aari and a metal Chargers down oh yeah there's a metal up here too hold on I'm going throw a barrage over here okay okay oh there oh there's trees over here let me get these trees while you guys do that throw I'm going throw it I'm going throw it get away from here okay back up back up back up I am oh shoot there you go oh man oh my God I got a cool down I can't do anything with that charger oh dang it I'm I'mma check out samples that thing is done see he's got a charger right there yeah know I'm oh he he died nice nice I'm trying to get these uh these uh trees right here okay going in going in Oh What A yeah the stalker uh stalker Nest right there here um North oh r okay you guys are there it see yeah I'm near you John I'm trying to get these trees sample o a bunch of samples here nice ooh okay I got one more tree oh nice I see it all right let's head to that objective already I'm throwing a resupply down in front of me on the way to the objective okay [ __ ] there's a charger right there too all right trees are done where's the charger I'll get rid of themy East wait do I have any there I'm going to he doesn't see us so we can we can okay foret I see stalkers where I swear I promise you I see I'm Pro yeah I'm not joking maybe it's just raining okay there's another charger right in front of me get away from it ignore it it'll go away yeah he doesn't see me he's going the other way he's going uh East I'm going to head to this side objective here yeah I'm here with you uh raid hey where the hell are you guys getting the side objective up here by the uh tree go ahead and uh what are you supposed to do here uh it's the or location I'm going to need back up and there's a bug nest in front of me all right hold on I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming wait wait [ __ ] chill right here Cesar who's I must be pink I must be pink go help oh oh okay okay I'm fine D you're all the way down there Rob wow yeah all right hold on hold on I'm going I'm going that's a patrol right there that I pinged [ __ ] all right so it'll be on your East Side so you're doing the side objective I'll be over here the side hopefully by the time I get get to my um laser will be back where we where we supposed to go I I ping the objective but there's a big bug nest on the way okay oh nice right yep on the way I'm coming I'm coming was there samples at that um I got I got two oh [ __ ] there's a patrol near me [ __ ] I'm coming I'm coming they don't see me they're going the other way godam what are you doing all right almost there coming oh shoot they're like right there Rob yeah I know I'm hiding behind this rock oh [ __ ] they're going to all right hope they don't see my ass oh there's a question mark over here I'm going to check out wait wait wait oh my God they might see me oh shoot oh CRA who who go back the other way my my laser is ready to go though but U let me try and get to you without them seeing me I'm going prone [ __ ] this yeah going to see me man go go prone if you can yeah oh son of a gun they're walking there's a bunch of guys near me see that hold on going see me my my oh man my Laser's going to get him man I'm going to get him engaging this oh I think the patrol is heading to you guys [ __ ] there's one near Caesar behind you sees on oh behind me yeah oh son of a look out Rob look out look out oh all right coming CL up son of a gun let's go let's go to the mission Rob where we going there's a I'm getting I'm throwing a orbital down there okay I got this uh God are you serious holy smes oh crap there's another one charger's dead there's another one I could probably get it I got it SE all right I a laser down there nice nice thank goodness all you guys are at a nest on the way I'm checking this um go for it this Beacon over here be careful be careful C thank you for concern R I appreciate that man hey there's a there's a side objective near us yes laser get them all oh there's one more there's one more one more book hole I got your back I think I I got your back Raider I got your back got a rare sample nice there go get out of here no samples check right head Southwest yeah let's check first the sea yeah go ahead there's a sea uh here he goes come on artillery oh nice nice where north Southwest West there's a SE Cannon throwing down uh okay I'm following you Raider and I'm throwing a resupply there oh yeah yeah yeah good right in front of the cannon I need some ammo man I'm going to drop this real quick a son of a go forget that bug breach I think got that Raider yep there's bugs coming towards your um your guys okay Fu all right I'm oh damn I can't throw [ __ ] huh all right need the two more okay all right two more uh thingies missiles sample over here okay oh oh I'm already here guys at the uh we got to find two more thingies okay you know what [ __ ] it God damn it oh God never mind they're here shoot look out look out that thing's going to oh oh my God whoa oh god there to many of them oh shoot get out of here I need one more missile I can't find one though I can't I can't man what am I doing mind I found it mini nuke oh [ __ ] okay all right I got the terminal okay go for it okay I'm going to load the the mini nuke first all right oh my goodness what am I doing over here oh C's Retreat yeah I know I'm going I'm going come to us all right the last back I got you back all right go for it the last missiles a static field all right okay I got the terminal so the first four are offensive supplies up here uh guys yeah I don't know where Rob put it it's there it is it's in front of it's uh north side of the of this area oh there should be one left okay nice there is a um Nest to the west north side uh we should get to the objective soon it's already 27 minutes Nest to the West Nest to the West why can't I why can't I find it it might be it might be gone already crap I there's another 30 seconds I'll I'll throw down another one uh ra can you drop a uh a Rover by any chance oh yeah yeah yeah cool cool yeah I'm throwing down a resupply 14 seconds oh over here okay cool oh [ __ ] thank you sir mhm all right resupply resupply okay I see you oh friendship door okay we're on the way thank goodness grenades samples ammo okay perfect I'm going to start this I'll get it all right see I'll follow you hey super credits nice very nice you at or I follow you are we going to the objective now I think we're here oh [ __ ] there's a charger right there Raider look out okay right behind the Friendship door let's avoid it okay ignore it it'll go away yep all right uh Lo interface hey what about Northwest oh where is log into the probe oh right there yeah we're here we're here okay okay okay oh [ __ ] where is the trying to look for the terminal there two patrols to our South hold on a second oh is it over here see us yet oh is it this it's this right here oh okay Jesus yeah prob the interface that's what she said H yeah I got it ra uh okay all right where's the bug breach where's the bug breach [ __ ] okay oh son of a okay you got it SE yeah yeah oh okay is it shooting oh I got I got it oh wait no oh Jesus oh crap [ __ ] hold on I got it you got okay I'll re I'll re reinforce Caesar okay okay throwing your near your [ __ ] all right cool thank you uh raid I think the terminal um might be able to activate the seismic scan that's what she said oh [Laughter] yeah I got your samples all right cool okay nice all right I'm picking the next spot Northwest we could hit up those uh Nest yeah do it on the way yep yep okay so there's one over here watch outest hey uh what's pink is that another Nest yeah you want to hit that uh uh it's your call yeah I guess we could we have plenty of time my oh [ __ ] hold on whoa whoa oh look at those guys okay they're dead God okay dang all right I threw one grenade and that was it all right all right let's head Southwest I think we're right here anything here oh what do I here I can actually drop a um oh why isow I could throw a barrage in there or whatnot or what whatnot oh why am I doing this oh [ __ ] charger I got him I got him here I'll throw barrage want me to throw barrage in there no no dead okay all right never mind oh nice Rob oh oh my D I freaking there's ammo over here fellas if you need some all right nice okay where uh right where me and John are okay right here T please s please Jesus Christ blue blue tag blue to tag and then the objective yeah there's actually two other um yep we can hit up all three of those oh [ __ ] oh well actually let me do the first one where we're at uh my bad he stopped moving the goal post sry sorry sorry sorry wait I hear something we're going to have company it's straight ahead of me yep hopefully they'll uh it is not a charger okay they're they're moving away so just oh is this this is it right here it's a beacon oh let me uh let me just drop this real quick hold on oh okay I'm hell on guys let me I'm going to drop a 500 okay [ __ ] bug breach oh God hold on back up down two bug breaches God oh [ __ ] charger okay I got I got him I got him Rob or John you got him oh god oh man that thing flew you see that damn oh look out look at purple I'll get the beacon okay CRA come on Sample nice ammo is over here too Ark thrower if you want it don't need it don't trust it hey man it's it's it's good man unless team unless a teammate's standing nearby yeah exactly hey there's a grenade over here um okay oh we got some company coming up stop hitting her hold on I'm going to throw one right here whoa dang go back to the oh it's not it's not going to hit the nest you [ __ ] [ __ ] it up the the laser is going after the bugs that were behind us damn it no it do did us a favor that's what it did ah oh shoot I'm throwing down a resupply cool think there's one more one more here somewhere I'm I'm out resupply where I'm at [ __ ] I got the grenades this I got Gren over oh shoot we got charger woo I got it area secured at least nice nice nice okay all right uh objective [ __ ] bug breach there's the next we got East there's another Nest yeah purple yep bug breach okay hold on I see it oh it's back there I threw down a Tesla Tower be don't get too close to it shoot get him tesle Tower yeah all right nice don't get too close to that thing all right I'm going to the pink pin yeah let's do it uh any samples around here I didn't notice oh [ __ ] watch out I see any what's going on okay right there oh let me do this um oh [ __ ] another bug bug Nest yeah yeah that's where we're hidden oh there we go oh you got check if there's any samples yeah oh all we got samples over here come on samples yeah why why are there more bugs here I know we're at a point of interest I'm going to check it out Beacon where sample nice there ammo here oh yes yeah go ahead take it thank you thank you oh he explo f a point of Interest over here [ __ ] another Patrol North Northeast oh so what's here ah ion storm there's a ammo over here um John over here oh shoot I'm go back get some ammo that's right [ __ ] all right oh is this the uh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right this is the The Nest right over here y I'm on the way okay wait where's that Rob oh okay taking care of stragglers I'm I'm I'm following Raider yep if you want I could uh oh I'm throwing a resupply down Cesar I'm throwing a resupply down near you okay samples I found one oh go check the samples right here oh you already got it why why is the music still okay stop buddy all right head to the objective North West there's a um supplies right there oh do we we got hella samples 17 15 17 um Commons and 15 Ray ooh all right all right I'm heading to the objective yep oh look orari samply I think we're here oh yeah this is it right here I got it um or okay I'm going to put galling over here on The High Ground right behind your raid okay yep okay I will put one oh no you guys got okay I'm going to start it okay is a come on Sample nope oops Got The High Ground yeah terminal hey John dance for me come here [ __ ] come here hey okay after this we got to go or actually one of you guys make your way to the uh oh wait never mind bug breach detected oh [ __ ] over there damn it charger oh I don't anym oh I got it oh nice well I think Raiders another bug reach oh damn okay you guys are doing all the work oh shoot we got another bug bre over here um oh [ __ ] okay man this Rover is doing work goodness [Music] okay ni nice all right East your discre and we'll kill anything that gets in our we find along the way or we could avoid it and uh just head there oh Jesus almost walk right walked right past that I think we got most of the stuff right yeah I think we got three um side objectives oh look out behind look out jeez all right let's go oh there's um patrol right front ignore it I'm going to to the extraction yep you're going to have to maneuver there's like three patrols oh [ __ ] oh anything over here you're going to have company oh crap to the left John to your right okay be careful I know I know all right okay oh my my God I'm going to have company oh [ __ ] I'm going to I'm going around nice oh did they C did they follow me that kill that Patrol with the uh oh crap there's a I'm going to drop a oh god oh no I hope I don't jum this water cuz cuz I see that oh man come on come on there's a patrol right to my right proed ready God get out of there son he oh my God there is like yeah I know I had to go through the water had to go for a swim John yeah hey hey ra let's drop a mini nuke right in front of these guys real quick yeah do that right here right here oh crap it oh shoot they're coming up R okay get out of there SE go ahead go ahead I'm calling go ahead I got to see this come on oh oh nice wow oh [ __ ] hold on oh grab a oh shoot behind you joh oh thank goodness just in case thanks all right God damn it no I'm dropping another nuke wait for the wait wait for the laser to be done oh yeah true oh shoot oh that was a waste all right the hell die oh my God okay yeah sorry John it's okay it's okay oh shoot uh watch out there's a uh Gatling right here huh right in front just passed it mind another charger [ __ ] oh what I got him I got him oh what oh my god there so there's a supplies over here oh nice oh god look out the landing s at coordinates this is pelic one preparing for touchdown yeah okay let's get out of here all right get out of here boys all right oh shoot get in get in yep yep yep oh Jesus Christ SE thr your jeez samples are a diver's best friend what is that exct I think we got a ton of samples this mission [Music] nice we missed one Nest but other than that yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] oh all I hear John jeez man oh my god dude oh man all right there's a 12 minute one to finish off this operation yep okay you might as well finish it off yeah that's what she said that's pish it God damn it God we're all [ __ ] bloody look at that [ __ ] I know damn 88.3% accuracy [ __ ] wow nice R oh Shez yeah I like to aim before I shoot [Laughter] John me me
Channel: R Krog
Views: 4
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HELLDIVERS 2, PS5Share
Id: 9tpEBdDMEQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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