Helldivers 2 Review On The PlayStation Portal (PS5)

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so I'm checking out hell divers 2 here on the PlayStation 5 this is actually being played on the PlayStation portal I just thought it would be good to kind of show you how this all operates um and just to show you what the experience is like I do find that most of the time it's pretty stable on the PlayStation portal occasionally it will be you know tiny delay but as long as I'm on 5G I find it to be usable in most scenarios uh occasionally if like my partner's on the internet as well or I'm uploading something then I might have a little bit of an issue but honestly not really it's pretty good most of the time um you'll kind of see like as I come across some bugs here you'll see how chaotic it can get and how stable it will be in most scenarios hell divers 2 is actually ridiculously fun super addictive can be quite challenging so I'm just playing on my own right now I don't have anyone in the game with me but still you know there is some form of online element to this it's quite satisfying the actual feel of the controller as well it just feels like the Dual sense controller occasionally I found that this would happen with uh the Nintendo switch actually where like extended gaming periods you might notice that your arms or your hand gets a little bit tired I guess so your wrists can be a little bit tired it just can feel a little bit less natural than you know using a dual sense controller but overall you know pretty reliable for most people and battery life on it is decent I find that you know most kind of gaming sessions I do I I can get like a few hours comfortably out of it I might charge it up for a few hours um but you know I'm not really wanting to do longer sessions than that and you can see it's pretty reliable it's pretty stable right you can see that it seems to be relatively smooth uh even if I go upstairs I find that the connection's still fine I do have the PlayStation 5 like just kind of over here and then I've got a the the routers just to my left so not too far away you can kind of see tiny tiny kind of almost like a frame drop sensation just a little little kind of drop in smoothness I guess you would describe it as nothing terrible though you know like nothing nothing too terrible so we've got to use the strategy super Earth super Earth flag here it is and yeah this game honestly is so much fun it's comedic just some of the stuff that happens in this game game play is very smooth uh there's some issues with matchmaking at the moment hopefully that will be fixed relatively soon but right now I'm raising the flag and you can see up here I'm just kind of holding this space for a period of of time might actually get my Sentry set up ready to go we got any bugs coming not just yet we're looking pretty safe might put a Sentry down anyway yeah we got some bugs over here so I love it you can go third person or you can go first person and for certain guns you definitely want to go first person especially if it's like uh you know a sniper rifle I even find with like the light machine gun this guy here is quite satisfying going to first person just depends for all different scenarios you're going to use different setups um I've got my little Sentry doing its thing for me you got to be careful of this cuz this can kill you and Friendly Fires aren't always so if I'm playing with a friend you know they can kill me with their Sentry accidentally or they can shoot me accidentally so there's a lot of Chaos in this game and you don't really know what to expect in most scenarios which is kind of funny really like you just don't know what to expect the flag is Raising this is a bit of a slow mission for now but just look how beautiful this is occasionally I do notice like a tiny bit of pixellation where I guess it's trying to stream the game um and I guess that just ensures that it's smooth even though it's you know dropping the quality of the game it only briefly seems to happen I noticed it just before right now this is kind of you know as smooth as you can expect it to be there we go we got that so now I've done that and I can go towards the extraction we'll just take down a few more bugs and then I'll wrap this up just wanted to show you how this game performs right like there you go you can see just a tiny delay there nothing ridiculous though like it's definitely playable and usable like I said if I was on 4G maybe not 100% 5G seems to be fine and if your internet connection is great you're not going to have any issues with it I just find that for me um you know my Internet isn't the best in the world here why okay so let's get this I love all the little like it's almost like a cheat code the way you have to input the buttons here so I could got my strategems here I'll just show you quickly what this cluster bomb looks like cuz it's crazy let's just try to find some bugs sure they'll start to take me down very soon what have we got any bugs anywhere here we go so I'm going to put it down there and then run dive boom just destroy everything all the buildings are gone all the bugs are definitely gone now so I'm basically waiting for shuttle extraction now I've got a minute 24 just basically holding this point but this is like just easy this is the easy game mode but it can go up to like hell dive which is the most intense difficulty you could imagine so many bugs so many different enemy types different objectives different things happening concurrently so it can be pretty full on when you get to that point right now it's actually really lowkey and compared to what I'm used to very simple but it's good cuz I'm obviously talking and playing it would be very hard if I was doing you know challenging game mode so let let me show you the orbital strike here so I'll send it over here do my little salute and and catcher I love that and you can press and hold square and you can actually change your scope you can change the rate of fire can change all sorts turn on a flashlight you can see we got some more action happening I probably should go back to the point and hopefully will not have any issues here looking pretty good we got 30 seconds yeah you can just see how satisfying this game is and you know if you have up to four people matchmaking with you or three others and you got four in total it's just going to be chaos I haven't been able to do that yet I've just played with my friends so just two of us but that is so much fun more fun than I've had in a long time with a game lots of different objectives Collectibles thing to unlock along the way different weapon types you know just randomly pick up an explosive barrel for example launch that woo here we comes here we go buddy let's go woo there we go so that's a mission done as simple as that so yeah that's hell divers 2 that's the PlayStation portal and as you can see a match made in heaven
Channel: Dans2ube
Views: 18,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers review, helldivers 2 review, playstation portal review, psp review, playstation 5 slim, playstation portal games, helldivers 2 on playstation portal, gaming on playstation portal, helldivers 2 mission
Id: ICZH4P7d0_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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