Hell Hole Gorge National Park - Sand Storm, Dust Holes, Rocky Sanctuary, Beef Stew of Deliverance

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I'm going to hell hole Gorge National Park the park is located in the arid vulgar lands of Central Queensland it's a remote area parks here must be fully self-sufficient and have a full drive to access it access is during dry weather only I'd say with a drought that's on there shouldn't be an issue the park is located around 70 kilometers northwest of a navale or 900 kilometers west of Brisbane there's a border in the main road which tells you where the tracks are open check yesterday in awe as well a devourer is the gateway into hellhole National Park it's a community of around 25 people back around 1900 it had 2,500 people so it's reduced in size quite dramatically but it's got a pub it's got a one officer police station it's also got the old cemetery in the old tip site which ranges from 1870s up to 1950s so if you're interested in finding old bottles and tins that's the place to go [Music] let's get ready and head on it Adebayo has telstra phone reception so I booked my camping permit online at the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service website before departing one of my subscribers told me about Hill whole gorge and as I was in Charlie bow at the time I thought I'd take a detour and check it out the park was only publicly opened in 2015 after a new road was constructed to provide public thoroughfare through Milo station he was formerly a pastoral property I was headed at the National Park back in 1992 to protect some of them Olga lands I'm excited about visiting this park as having been protected for so long and only so recently being open to the public it should be in a fairly natural pristine State unlike many parks which are degraded from over visitation the road passes through bi-lo station by the mid-1800s it was the largest sheep station in the world these days cattle roamed the land so it's important to keep your eyes out and slow down if there's a mob by the side of the road [Music] I'm starting to wonder what I've got myself into he's read arid desert sands are quite hellish after all [Music] you're still travelling along sometimes it has had to pull over because the dust storm this kicks up it's just too thick to see the road it pulled off to the side of the road actually you never stop at the middle of the road because that would be very dangerous could be someone's still coming up behind you looks like it's true enough now so keep on heading [Music] the park is well signposted so it should be near impossible to get lost [Music] [Music] outback temperatures can vary widely this morning I was freezing cold but now I'm getting quite hot [Music] the park is fenced to keep the neighboring cattle out so be sure to close the gate after entering [Music] sorry didn't know whole boise national park now and the first sight to see is Spencer's water hole day use area and I looked a bit and some of these creek crossings are passed through there's actually been water in it it's only good to see not too much further to go roads a pretty good condition a little dusty in some places so you just want to watch those space you don't hit a bit speed otherwise it's a beautiful track out here [Music] [Applause] I'm just knocking up a quick damper pulled off into the shade I should have some nice Debit ready for tonight quick looks around and throw in some so Tamas as well I'm gonna mix in just a spoonful of instant milk powder just a bit of extra creaminess and with the salt already in some coconut flour the water finish mixing now just anneal it up quickly and they'll be done between evil is got a big one they gonna do I'll stick that in the travel buddy oven and two and a half later hours later I'll have a nice fresh loaf of data while that's cooking I'll go check out Spencer's waterhole let's see what's here the 12,700 hectares of National Park protects the rugged POW Creek drainage system power and Spencers creeks have carved their way through the plateau over the thousands of years creating the gorge I've just pulled up here in the middle of the road to show you one of these dust holes you want to watch out for it's very fine powdery like soil you don't want here at high speed see if you go to the sides or slow down for it you don't know what's hard bits are underneath - what how deep it might be but I'll drive through and show you just how powdery it is the crossing of power creek provides the only real 4x4 challenge but it's very simple I always traverse these obstacles very slowly due to my SIL fuel tank on the side I don't want to risk ripping it open on a rock 100 meters upstream provides the safest crossing there are various signs and markers leading the way well I appear to have made it into the campgrounds there's no silence around to actually say it is the campgrounds but I've done a bit of a loop around the different tracks and this is it so I pulled up and got my damper out ready to go absolutely gorgeous tuck into this when it starts to cool down a bit more no store-bought bread can compete with freshly baked damper there's nothing better in the bush I rise early to meet the local residents of hellhole I get a short respite from the previous day's wins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lushness of power creek contrasts sharply with the surrounding rugged plateau it's like a meandering oasis bringing safety to the local wildlife [Music] no trip to hell hole waterhole would be complete without climbing big rock why because it's there [Music] I'm here at one of the several different border holes within hell-hole gorge virtually anywhere along the gorge there'll be different sections that have still filled with water and it's quite a bit of bird life around as well which is great to see so it's worth taking a bit of a walk down through the center you just go to walk along to you find a spot that you can actually climb down into the gorge then just go for a stroll see what you find [Music] I've been walking quite a way along the gorge just checking the different water holes and sometimes finding my way up back onto the top edge and quite a beautiful country out here is really nice compared to the harsh landscape that just lies just outside the gorge but you never know what you'll find come across this here an old toilet perhaps from an old campground and I saw there's another post up over here so maybe he was back before the National Park was gazetted or December locals hotspots perhaps yeah definitely worth coming out to Hill Hall gorge and just going for a really quiet walk then he seemed one couple out here today they came in with camping during the night but otherwise it's very quiet just the sound of birds very nice [Music] the yellow footed rock-wallaby is listed as vulnerable in Queensland it only survives in small pockets within Queensland New South Wales in South Australia [Music] this rugged rocky terrain is the preferred habitats of the rock wallabies if you walk around very quietly you may spot one [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're planning on camping at Hill whole boards just know it's basically a rocky plateau with gravel on top so it's virtually impossible to hammer in any 10th pace if you're sleeping in a tent so you'll need a tent that's self-supporting and also put some boxes inside that are heavy to keep it in place because the winds can kick up pretty strong out here there's very little tree cover outside of the gorge so that we understand nothing to break it up also it's currently beginning of August that I'm here now and the mornings can be quite cold and then by midday it's quite hot so even today I was taking a nap around midday just because there wasn't much else I could do it just it was really quite warm I bet by summertime it would be impossible to come out here then maybe a day trip otherwise it is a beautiful quiet spot there's loads of birds around in the early hours in the morning and late afternoon so if you're into bird watching check out the all the gorge and also some Wallabies around if you're really quiet you might see a few rough Wallabies so it's definitely worth stopping in if you're in this region it's time to get dinner ready so I've got a nice roast going on I've got some cauliflower broccoli sweet potato Brussels sprouts cap skin and garlic and gonna throw in some stir fry steak as well so let's get the steak in throw in some peri-peri seasoning throw in some lemon juice gotta grab the olive oil and then just go to the Big Easy next show the garlic in the bottom and a secret though to get this to work properly and cook thoroughly through in the shortest time as possible is to throw on some aluminium foil over the top heat it over so to help Stuart its own juices [Applause] [Music] so the meat and veggies will be cooked in about two hours it's not going to turn out like a roast with crispy veggies but it's more like a steamed soft veggie so it's still very beautiful and a nice change from having stir fries every night so come back in two hours and dinner will be on dinner is ready [Applause] well another trips complete time to hit the road and see where I end up next well I didn't get out of Hill whole gorge completely unscathed aims it up losing one of my light protectors off my RPF lights it's not bad there for twelve years old please subscribe if you enjoyed this video visit my website roaming the outback comm for Australian travel destinations vehicle preparation ideas and gear reviews if you'd like to help support the creation of new videos please consider becoming a patreon click on the patreon button on the screen now thanks you
Channel: Roaming The Outback
Views: 27,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hell hole waterhole, hell hole road, hell hole gorge, hell hole gorge national park, outback queensland, spencers waterhole, roaming the outback, queensland parks and wildlife service, adavale, big rock, powell creek, spencers creek, milo station, mulga, remote area, camping, bush walking, hiking, 4wd, 4x4, yellow footed rock wallaby, land rover defender, landrover defender, defender 110, central queensland, solo travel, overlanding australia, queensland national parks
Id: asFgOL82G1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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