Helicopter Gear Reduction

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In this video I plan to show how a helicopter  drive system transfers power from the engines   to the rotors. There are multiple stages of gear  reduction and direction change involved this drive   system reduces the speed of rotation from 14,000  RPM at the engine to 256 RPM at the main rotor and   the main rotor has a 95° direction change from the  engine output to the rotor input. The tail rotor   in this model rotates at, 1400 RPM these rotation  speeds are representative of typical large,   turbine powered, helicopters. The overall gear  reduction from the engine to the main rotor is 55   to 1. Because there are so many components needed  to create this gear reduction and direction change   it'll be easier to visualize if I first hide all  of the components and then bring them back one at   a time to show the gear reduction and function of  each component. I'll start by hiding the flight   controls and the hydraulics. Then I'll hide all  of the drive gears, tail rotor gears, tail rotor   shafts, and the tail rotor itself. Finally I'll  hide the engine cases so you can see both the   gas generator and the power turbine. Helicopters  generally use turboshaft engines with two rotating   spools. The front spool is the gas generator and  the aft spool is the power turbine. These spools   are not mechanically connected. The gas generator  converts air and jet fuel into energy in the form   of a high velocity flow of expanding hot gas.  The power turbine extracts power from this flow   of hot expanding gas and this is the only part  of the engine that is mechanically connected to   the drive system. The gas generator in this model  turns at 14,000 RPM and the power turbine turns at   12,800 RPM. These speeds are representative of  actual turbine engines, although the animation   appears slower, because I've slowed down the  playback speed. For better visualization of   only the mechanical path to the rotor, I'll hide  the gas generator spool for the remainder of this   video. Now we'll start connecting the power  turbine shaft of the engine to the rotor with   various drive-system components and explain the  gear reductions as we go. The flexible couplings   at the front of the power turbine shafts are  there to allow for minor misalignment of rotating   machinery. Misalignment is expected during flight  of the helicopter. The 28 tooth pinion gears,   at the front of the power turbine, allow a  connection to the next reduction stage of the   drive gears. For now these parts have not gone  through any gear reduction so everything here   is rotating at 12,800 RPM; the same speed as the  power turbine shaft. The next part is a 56 tooth   gear attached to a one-way clutch. This assembly  is called a freewheeling unit and it serves two   purposes. The gear part of the freewheeling unit  provides a gear reduction and the clutch part   automatically disconnects a failed engine from  the drive system. Without the freewheeling unit,   a failed engine would drag the rotor system and  make it incapable of an engine-out autorotation.   This is an an important safety device as it allows  the helicopter to autorotate, and land safely,   following an engine failure. The 56 tooth gear,  on the freewheeling unit, driven by a 28 tooth   pinion and this gives a gear reduction of 56 to 28  or 2 to 1 since the power turbine turns at 12,800   RPM the freewheeling unit now turns at 6,400 RPM.  The next step in the gear reduction comes from two   28 tooth gears driven by each of the freewheeling  units and powering a 56 tooth common bullgear.   This is where the power output of two engines is  combined into one input to the rest of the drive   system. Because the 56 tooth bull gear mates with  a 28 tooth pinion, this gives an additional 2 to1   gear reduction. The bull gear output is 6400 over  2 or 3,200. In front of the bull gear there's a   28 tooth bevel gear and this mates with a 70 tooth  bevel gear at a 95° angle. This gives a 5° forward   tilt to the rotor mast and this is a common  feature on large helicopters. The 5° forward   tilt gives a level fuselage attitude in forward  flight. A 28 tooth gear meshing with a 70 tooth   gear gives a 2.5 to 1 gear reduction and the main  bull gear is now turning at 3200 over 2.5 or 1,280   RPM. At this point the combined gear reductions  have slowed the animation so much that it's hard   to visualize motion. I'm going to speed up the  animation, but keep in mind I'm not changing any   of the gear ratios, I'm only changing the speed  of the playback. The next step in the drive train   is a planetary gear set. I'll start by adding a  24 tooth sun gear and then four, 36 tooth, planet   gears. These four planet gears turn inside of a 96  tooth ring gear. This arrangement gives a 5 to 1   reduction and the output power comes from the four  planet gears. To access this power we'll need a   device called a "planet carrier" that connects the  four planet gears directly to the rotor mast. The   input rotation to the planetary sun gear was 1,280  so after a 5 to 1 gear reduction we're left with   1,280 over 5 which is 256. This is the final gear  reduction and the main rotor speed is now 256 RPM. The tail rotor is driven from the same gear  set that drives the main rotor. Looking at   the back of the main bull gear there  are three 16 tooth gears and a final   30 tooth tail rotor drive gear. The multiple  16 tooth gears are idle gears and they serve   the purpose of lowering the tail rotor drive  shaft to an appropriate water line on the helicopter the 16 tooth input gear is driven by  the bull gear that turns at 3200 RPM connecting   the tail rotor drive shaft with the 30 tooth  gear gives a gear reduction of 30 to 16 or 1.875   to1. The rotation speed of the tail rotor drive  shaft is 3200 over 1.875 or 1700 RPM. The tail   rotor drive shaft is a three-piece drive shaft  with flexible couplings along the length of the shaft the tail rotor drive shaft has  an intermediate gearbox that changes   the direction of the drive by 120°. A 25 tooth  input gear meshes with a 30 tooth gear to reduce   the RPM of the intermediate drive shaft. The  gear reduction is 30 to 25 or 1.2 to 1 so the   intermediate drive shaft turns at 1,700 over 1.2,  or 1400 RPM. The final set of gears in the tail   rotor drive system are two 25 tooth bevel gears.  Because both gears are the same tooth count,   this doesn't change the RPM of the tail rotor from  that of the intermediate drive shaft. These gears   are beveled to give a 20° upward cant to the tail  rotor, and this serves the purpose of providing   some lift from the tail rotor in addition to the  tail rotor's main purpose of countering main rotor torque if you made it this far I'd like to  thank you for watching as we went through how   engineers take the high-speed output of a turbine  engine and transfer that power to the relatively   slow rotation speeds of helicopter rotors. When I  started this channel, a a little over a year ago,   I had no idea that so many of us geek-out  on how machines, helicopters in particular,   operate. I realized 10K subscribers and 3 million  views are relatively small by YouTube standards,   but it's still kind of a thrill for  me that so many of you are interested   in this content. I sincerely thank you  for watching and I hope to see you next time
Channel: bzig
Views: 861,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iG0WC2ewM4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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