Helen Roseveare - Have you fallen in love with Jesus?

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dr. Rizvi thank you for joining us today and he went through many traumatic experiences in the 1960s when you're in the Congo how if ever did you come to terms with with those experiences I don't think we really thought about coming to terms with them difficult to explain but before we ever went to mission field I I really said to God I was willing for anything within his will I think the prayer that jesus prayed in the garden not my will but yours be done I wanted that to be true for me so whatever the Lord allowed to happen I think they accepted as being his will even though sometimes it's hard to understand how it could be his will but then another verse he kept giving us in various different situations he kept giving us the first my grace is sufficient but even when things were really difficult and there's a beat up something really harsh there's certainly my grace is sufficient and it was His grace was always sufficient in each individual day in each circumstance and then later looking back more the Lord gave a particular attitude perhaps of looking at what's occurred he said them can you thank me and initially I because I said no way but then when you looked at it and thought I'm not thanking him for the evil you only thank God for the good things he gives said can you thank me for trusting you and that was quite a revolutionary thought to me that I'd always thought of me trusting him but not of him trusting me he said can you thank me for trusting you with this experience even if I never tell you why and that brought its own peace as soon as one said thank you I don't know what to do in order and the way you're allowing this but it was part of your purposes thank you for trusting me immediately he poured in his peace and there was a an acceptance that wasn't difficult there's there's hundreds of women here today as a woman what what did you bring to to the ministry that you were involved in I never thought about it like that in fact out there in Africa I was ministering fortunately the Africans didn't even think of me as a woman I was a doctor it's very simple I wore white coats that's a round my neck I was a doctor but God had a specific job and God chose whom he wanted for that particular job I things like sending Jonah to Nineveh he sent me that bit of Congo because I suppose as a woman I wasn't threatening to the National men I was single so I had time I didn't have to think about family as well and the job I was asked to do was very very time-consuming we did work almost around the clock and that wasn't very difficult but I'd had my own family and home to care for I enjoyed serving right the time us first a Christian I found that in serving others I had a way of expressing my love for the Lord and I just was happy in that and and it fitted the job got it asked me to do so I never really thought about being a woman I was the person with the job that we used to have a saying in our mission the woman's a man to do the job there were more women there were men doing the job out there as I say Helen there's there's hundreds of women here today if as you do now have the opportunity to share with the next generation as it were of women what what would you be most keen to to say have you fallen in love with Jesus I know you know you know he's he died to save you I know you know you ought to love him but do you love the Lord Jesus not just as Savior and friend but as Lord and Master is he the all in all you I really hand your rights over you're right to choose to choose whether you're married or single whether you work here or somewhere else what job you do are you allowing God be totally in control of everything the cause of your love for him I I think that's the secret to really finding the niche that God has for you in his total overall plan and doing it because you love him doctor is there thank you all so much for your time thank you thank you
Channel: 10ofthose
Views: 21,339
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: Helen Roseveare, Jonathan Carswell
Id: agnjz4RRn6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2010
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