Heilung Reaction - Vocal coach hears "Krigsgaldr" LIVE for the first time!

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welcome back to the vocalist today  I am hearing the band hilong for the   first time hilong is an experimental folk  music band made up of members from Denmark   Norway and Germany I was also told  that I might be hearing some Celtic   throat singing today so I'm not sure what to  expect but we are going to get straight into it a in up heart I don't my get S my heart I okay I'm going to pause this I have so many  thoughts I love love the layering that we got   at the beginning for so many reasons I think  the biggest one is especially when you don't   know a group and you don't know what instruments  they're using um especially when they're not seen   as frequently as others today it's nice to to  be able to just watch and take in what they're   doing and let that register before the next  person starts playing um I could feel my eyes   just sort of glaze over for a moment because  it was so mesmerizing and so calming and I   had to I had to snap out a bit because I wasn't  sure when the singing was going to start it was   just so relaxing I loved that um I'm also  incredibly impressed um that this vocalist   is uh uh doing this very consistent tapping  obviously she's doing it in time she's doing   it to the beat but to have to make such precise  movements over and over and over and like having   your arms extended in that way it it really  I believe I you know I could be wrong but I   believe it takes an incredible amount of focus  to do something so simple um but to do it well   and so consistently uh and yeah it's just I was  very impressed by her doing that uh and then of   course we hear all these other you know sounds  coming through and then she starts singing and   right off the bat it's such a beautiful warm  tone it feels very very natural um we do a lot   of things to our voices today to achieve certain  sounds certain volumes uh certain ranges and so   hearing someone just sort of dial it in and she's  not spanning a huge range yet I don't know what's   going to happen but there's just this really  lovely Simplicity in her sound but it feels   very powerful and very grounded um I'm going  to back it up not too much let me here we go like even just there we get this gorgeous  head voice it has a lot of ping in it but   it still has some breathiness almost like  its own instrument like its own sort of   whistle um and then she dipped right back  into a chest dominant mix so we're getting   range but it's not this huge range it  feels like a very natural place in her voice no my S my that's beautiful especially when she did that  um I don't even I guess I'm not sure what to   call it in this particular style of music but  we're getting more of that chest voice and a   chest dominant mix as well but we're we're not  hearing a lot of a so you can kind of hear that   those muscles pressing and just that air flow it  just feels so consistent and a little bit forceful   and so um I don't oh man I let me play it again  I'm I'm at a loss for words I'm really enjoying this he all the I don't know the language but allowing um  just a very I keep saying natural I'm sorry   natural approach to pronunciation when she said  that e vowel uh she wasn't afraid to spread to   create to pull that forward to use nasal resonance  and that in contrast to some of the other sounds   she made previously it really stands out but by  embracing that natural approach like this is just   how you say the word instead of trying to fit  a word into a certain alignment I think is also   giving us that that Simplicity and that really  natural I'm going to need a thesaurus um but yes   that very natural sound that natural approach okay  I'm going to I'm going to try and not say that anymore oh my goodness I didn't realize he was the   one singing in falsetto um  here we go let me back it up from don't now this all sweet what am I supposed to do if I want to talk  about peace and understanding but you only   understand the language of the if I want to make  you understand that the path you just leads to   the you only understand the language of the soul I  want to tell you to leave me and my on and but you   only understand the language of the soul that so  my tongue shall become ir and worth so might a war   feeling my Divine anger Arrow shall strike allend  for the good of all my reflection in your eyes AG   has just be the fire of the f h to be hit and want  to have hundreds in the coldest state of their   existence Dan the mest in the moris of the red  rain Be Love brother eny I sing My Soul song for   you the L of obliter so I can wake up with a smile  BL in my heart and Bliss in my heart BL in my heart I was not expecting that um is that you'll  have to let me know if that is Celtic throat   singing I'm going to do some research after this  don't don't worry but if you guys have more info   to leave in the comments please do um I'm trying  to physically make the sound without making it   audible just so I could sort of feel where that  sits um I mean talk about vocal texture this is   beautiful I really love that we almost had sort  of a duet it felt like there was Reverb or some   sort of echo when it was really two people trying  to achieve a similar sound but it wasn't going to   be the exact same sound which is why it felt like  there was this added effect to it um I'm going to   back it up just a little bit uh just to hear  some more of that it is so interesting hold on   me and my but you only understand the language  of the soul I let to play the talk so my song   shall become IR it sounds like it's further back  in the throat but it has so much brightness and   this sort of edge to it which is why I feel like  there's a lot of whether it's nasal resonance or   just forward placement involved here I'm not  sure um yeah it oh it's such an interesting sound language of the Soul now that it sounded  Le it sounded more like um oh golly I'm having   a hard time verbalizing this it sounded like the  latter texture would require less trading because   it seemed like there was a lot it was controlled  more by air than by like the muscle movement and   you know whatever was happening in the larynx I  don't know I am definitely not trained in this   at all so this is just what I'm hearing I want to  tell you to leave me and my like that is it's got   almost like this drone quality to it if I want  to tell you to leave me in my once and you only   understand Ang of the Soul BL the that felt  a lot wider and a lot more forward and higher   than the original sound become Waring Myers Arrow  strike for the good of all my reflection in your   eyes H just be fire off the F it h to be hit  and want to have aund of their existence May   dance the mest in the moris of the red rain  love brother enemy I sing My Soul song for   you the L of obliteration so I can wake up with a  smile BL in my heart and bl in my heart BL in my heart coexistence conflict comat  generation it's the best I can   do for you break is a powerful it will make  theic puf look like look like look like look like all the night I love how they brought back  the instruments it felt oh my goodness it just it   provoked a very physical response from me and one  where you could you can't help but just get your   body involved but then to go from that and then  have that gorgeous Voice come back in the contrast   between the two both here and also when that  initial throat singing started I I loved I mean it   was night and day just the difference in in sound  that we were getting uh we'll keep going here we go this gentleman who's doing the uh the  falsetto portion here it looked like at   least in this piece he was the only one doing  both vocal textures so I'm very I'd love to   learn more about his role in this group but  also um if any of the other vocalists do sort   of you know traditional singing at any point or  if they only well these other two gentlemen that   we just saw if they do any sort of singing  or if it's strictly um that I don't know if   it's throat singing I don't chanting I don't  know what it is exactly um it's cool here we go s my F heart the I just want to rewind this just a little bit  if you listen to that throat texture that sound   that chant whatever it may be it is so I know  there's a lot of texture in the vocal itself   but the line is very connected very smooth  and I love I love that it stands out but it   also creates this incredible Baseline you know  this sort of drone even though yes he's singing   and I don't know if I can say I don't know if  it's singing I please again whatever info you   have feel free to leave it in the comments but  he's articulating these individual words in a   very very very Legato way so we're getting just  the Streamline of sound underneath all of these   instrumentals instead of it feeling choppy  or really aspirate or just um it yeah it   just it doesn't feel percussive it's surprisingly  smooth and I just think it adds so much to this piece don't this all be that was unlike anything I have ever heard  before I will definitely be going back and   rewatching partially because I want to sort  of take in all the instruments again but when   I think of the vocal textures that they use  I've absolutely heard Snippets of that sound   in some of the metal songs that I've heard I  don't know obviously if the technique is the   same uh but to hear it so consistently and  then to hear the variety they were able to   include within that one sound not only with  you know the vocal pairings but also their articulation yeah it was just it was very  very cool um so I'm excited to learn more   about this group specifically and sort of  their I don't know their style their genre   um where it originated uh so so many  things so we're going to leave it at   that today thank you guys so much for watching  with me and hopefully I will see you next time
Channel: The Vocalyst
Views: 57,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heilung reaction, vocal coach reacts, voice teacher reacts, vocal analysis, music analysis, heilung live, heilung Alfadhirhaiti LIVE, heilung anoana
Id: OBKv9GgixSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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