Heeramandi Interview | Sucharita Tyagi | Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Fardeen Khan, Taaha Shah

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it's a lot it's a lot like Nas and it stays with you like I went to dub another film and I kept going yeah is your family like chill out is your throat itching having been away for about 12 years yes I had to put some work into it he had to say like clothes for us he would have maybe 20 outfits for me lined up and I'm getting Goosebumps and I don't want to be teary so I will now stop talking hi thank you so much for chatting with me today I know you guys have been doing this for like 50 hours now right but we want to do 50 more I will keep this so short and try to make it as fun as possible for you all so thank you so much for still having the energy to you already sound like you're going to make it fun Imagine um fine it's so nice to see you and also really nice to see you both men in a bansali film because bansali does women the way he does women and we know I I feel like we don't get we don't talk enough about how he paints his men on his in his films and his writing did you feel fine I'll start with you extra taken care of in this sanala bansali production as a man the way he kind of works around your character you know he has such in-depth knowledge about the human psyche in general I I don't think you know he I mean yes women play a central role in in his films but when it comes to the men you know he really gives them a lot of layers also I mean for w Muhammad you know there was a lot of inner conflict within him too you know with his with his loyalties to to himself his tribe the nawabs you know then keeping his position and status and you know not allowing his heart to be corrupted you know so he again presented him in a very Wholesome Way you know and really brought about his Humanity just as he brings out the humanity so strongly with his female characters yeah so you know it was it was it was nice to see I mean for me uh you know I was playing this navab who in spite of having all the wealth and power and and status but yet you know he chose with this character of Ali Muhammad to really reveal his vulnerable side and and the fact that he allowed love to be the essense of his of his being and that was a choice that he made so so it was very nice to to to have a character like that make a choice like this yeah so so in that sense it was it was it's really nice to see him also look at men the way he does because to like men are also beautiful in this and not just beautiful cuz you have a pretty face Taha but also because the way camera is looking at you I thought you going body yeah I'm kidding but you know the way he frames you in the lighting and everything and the clothes that he's given you he's framed you really beautifully so what was it like as a male actor working with bansali I think that it's a it's a very unique experience you know no no no filmmaker can present you the way he presents you uh man or woman but uh since we're talking about men I feel that he's taken care of us you know with all his heart I remember on on sets when we had to when he had to select clothes for us he would have maybe 20 outfits for me lined up and uh he would he would actually put on each I mean put on each costume on me and he would actually tell the lighting to come and sit down with sudip sir which color would go well on Taha which would do this what would do this should we wear should he wear an anaka or should he not do this what kind of shoes should he wear should he wear shoes or should he wear like those um you know a different kind of yeah so it's it's it's incredible so it's not that he you know he just takes care of the woman I feel that he is very present and and and as characters I feel like especially tar I feel that tajar was somewhere like a reflection of him right he he he the way he wants men to treat women you know and that's what tashar is because he is so righteous and he's his his his moral values are in place his principles are in place and I see I feel that he kind of endowed me with those characteristics me as in the character and I was so blessed to play that and because I I've said in many interviews and I'll say it again many of times I have tried to emulate him whether it be his uh vocal tone or whether it's been his uh gesture of his eyes or the you know his his Bo body language so in many of the scenes I feel that he has come he's Sat by me he's actually told me to come and sit next to him and just observe him and emulate him in every possible way so I feel that tajar is like a extension of Mr Vali himself and such an honor to play swe that's so nice I can't wait to finish the show and see where tajar lands up um ad and sonaki uh now in a show like this where there's a huge cast of course but there's also these humongous like sets you're interacting with right especially when you're dancing and when you're laying on one shya and all that does that ad I'll start with your another same question to you Soni after what is it like to interact with these elaborate sets around you along with 50 dancers behind you but you also like this killers and Jumers and all that does that hinder you does that help you honestly when you first walk onto the set um it's it can be overwhelming but it's also very beautiful it's very you you're kind of a struck at how beautiful it is and the detail Etc n quite taken in by it and it's a huge Goosebump moment because you're just like oh my God this is where I am and I'm an uh Sania bansali heroin and I'm going to live this life for a while because on a show you get to live it longer right with a person that you love and respect a lot so that's it's all positives there um I do feel in the scenes because that's your first interaction with it but then it becomes your space and that is when he and he does create that world for you he lays it out for you you get the best of the best it's very immersive because he's also like that as a as a as a human being um he's so completely there and so present and we are with him you surrender and you just surrendering to a master and it's the most beautiful experience so to me yes interacting with my room my space my MRA the space where I'm dancing yes that is very beautiful but it's also the emotional Journey he's taking you on that is what actually consumed me and also just listening to him because he's also very powerful and there's a kind of janun in him when he speaks because he feels so strongly and whatever it is that he feels whether it's happy or not happy he says yeah and whatever it is I value it because it it he says it because he believes that we can do so much so he wants the best out of us so that surrender is what was my most um that is what I valued the most to surrender to him and it so it wasn't really the the artifacts and whatever though I do love them yeah but it wasn't that that was not the overriding uh this thing and I have been on luckily have been on a um sanj s set before yeah so I have felt that feeling before so this was more about just now I'm going to listen to this man I love so much what about you Sonakshi considering for your character also real estate is a big deal in this in this show like so for her where the rooms she's in are important Beyond just the decoration bansali and his unit have put together it's actually a part of the character for her to be in the rooms that she wants to be in yeah true so but but but that's the beauty of it right like he breathes life into every object that is there on set with with the kind of detailing with the with just the kind of Interest he takes in every single thing right from the smallest thing like maybe a candle stand to the biggest thing which is like the actual uh place the actual room the actual building uh so you know I think uh it's just for me it was it was beautiful to be in sync with every single object because if one thing didn't work the the frame didn't work so if that lamp was tilted my entire frame didn't work we would have to do a retake because we are not in sync with each other and Sir sees that and he's the only one who sees that right nobody else right so everything has to be in sync with each other we are everything is a character on set right from the actors to the table lamps love it so it's it was just a very new and very uh uh intense experience for me for the first first time I've worked with someone who has that kind of attention to detail and um you know from the school of films that I come like nobody gets so into it like there are people who are particular yes of course there are people who don't give a but like his level of um um attention is unparal like you can't match it nobody can [Music] adii you have some Royal lineage way back in generations of your family right pre- Independence era uh pre-british era did you have stories in your family that have sort of come down to you from actually yes many including like when I was hearing I mean now that you've asked I can see uh when I was hearing F speak about navab and how they were in this situation of did they side with the British or did they protect I wanted to ask you what side was your family on my grandfather my maternal grandfather was in fact the first prince who signed The Land accession Act was one of the first princes or maybe the first along with the Raja of a he was a very young he was very young at that time and um in fact uh neeru came we're from a place called wapari he uh he came to wapati and the WTI Palace was given over to uh to to the government to become a college uh for education and uh he he was a I mean he was a socialist he was very inspired by the Socialist movement and he lived a very incredible and uh principled life uh higher purpose dreams so all this bibo Jan and this whole thing kind of like I feel a lot for it and actually hearing Sanjay s speak uh for me used to sometimes move me to tears because it was so um I don't speak about it but because you asked I said it thank very kind of you to share but yeah there are many stories and I'm getting Goosebumps and I don't want to a bit y so I will now stop talking you're so sweet um fine I want to talk about all the taluses and theal is the language the diction that all of you are speaking in the show it's so precise it's so proper the Udu um did you have to like sit with dialect coaches and spend time doing that having been away for about 12 years yes I had to put some work into it just just well it starts off with reading reading stories uh you know pros and just just just getting the flow going back and I had just come off a film that I had done before so that was of course extremely helpful but of course when when you when I mean we've kept they made it very conscious decision to keep the Udu very relatable because they want all audiences including today's Young audiences to appreciate and understand it so I mean it was U wasn't wasn't uh pure Udu it was it was related U you know hindustani and which which grown up hearing but of course uh you know not it's not my first language so so you got to you got to make it your own you got to find your ease with it yes there were some days where certain dialogues were challenging and we had Muni who who used and she would she would she would in between takes her hand would go up wrong so and then you had to just just uh is it like being in school being that so yes but but you know having said that you know that's how you know we were all looked after so it it was never a worry you know we had that privilege and that that luxury of of you know having someone like Moni there and and and Mr bansali was very particular about us getting it right so so you know so we I mean we would speak the way we spoke but of course we would also be corrected wherever we had to love thata right it's it's a lot it's a lot like Nas and it stays with you like I went to dub another film and I kept going and is your family chill out is your throat itching chill out calm down um lastly I want to talk to you Taha about the the various moments in your because you know you've also been doing this for a while and congratulations to whoever runs your Wikipedia page it is so meticulous your career of 15 years is like properly it's very helpful for people like me or like reading up when Taha went to Toronto he thought this then his father thought that it is all that what really you you should you should read it it's they got my birthplace wrong I mean today it's wrong anything his Wikipedia page whoever is doing it congratulations um but you know you have been doing this for a while you've done all kinds of films you've been you appeared in ads but there must have been moments coming up to Hera Mandi to this point to this stage that we're sitting on where your family was like business background how did you keep yourself going to get to this point where this dream is being realized so about um when I was seven or eight years into the industry um which is about 7 8 years back 7 years back my brother my elder brother he he's a very practical man and I went back to Dubai they live in Dubai I went to him and he said huh to Nica you should have a plan B and I'm quite an unpractical person I live in my my own little world and I believe um I have a lot of faith and a lot of belief and I believe that um if you have a plan B then the plan a is never going to succeed right so I never had a plan B I said I'm going to make it but I will die trying it's just like how Alexander the Great came here and he said burn the ships right model oh my God right that's what it is right that's what he said he's like because either you make it or you you you die trying you die trying yeah right and that's what it is for me you know so um I was crying I I I actually because my my brother my mom's a single mom and my brother's like a father figure to me and when he said that it broke my heart right because uh I want him to have faith in me yeah so I went upstairs to the bathroom and I was crying and uh in comes my mom right tuck tock tock she walks in and she she sees me crying and uh she's like what happened I said you heard what he said and she came up to me she sat down in the bathroom with me and she said look you're not doing this for anybody you're doing this for me your mom said that my mom said that no pressure and if you and if and if nothing happens just know that I've always got your back that's sweet that's but I know you will do it right and uh if anything do it for me right and whatever you need whatever classes you want to do whatever you need I am there supporting you right and um is going to cry again today today my brother's here today is the premiere right and uh my brother my brother never messages me he never messages me but when he saw the trailer of hamand he said I'm proud of you man yeah after 14 years of hard work yeah he said I you know you you you changed my you changed my mind yeah and he's like he's like I don't know how you did it I don't know how you kept Faith but 14 years is is a banwas it's a it's it's a lifetime and uh today my brother is proud of me and uh my mom's here they're all going to walk the red carpet today wow way cool dude right whoever is managing T Wikipedia page this should this anecdote should be on the page um so so yeah I think the the only thing that actually kept me going of course it's it's my mom's belief but besides that um I believe in this Moto called sweat it out right and basically whenever I feel bad I I train a lot I train 4 hours a day what about glow it out instead I mean I mean maybe now that might might that might happen but uh successful or Diet trying sweat it out sweat it out s yeah so so I I I I train a lot so I rather have like I have I used to have so much pain where in my in my training that I wouldn't be able to get up right and I rather think of that pain then think of negativity what's not happening so I train so hard that my mind only goes to this pain my physical pain rather than my emotional pain I wish I had that cuz I would be a lot fitter in life Jo my mind goes to my emotional pain all the time but these are the two things that actually helped me survive my routine um and uh basically waking up early training hard and uh my mom's belief that's it congratulations for making it here thank you so much for your time today like I promise I'm trying to keep this short thank you for your time and good luck 7 and a half minutes that's right minut let's go [Music]
Channel: Sucharita Tyagi
Views: 406,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heeramandi Interview, heeramandi cast interview, sanjay leela bhansali, heeramandi, heeramandi interview, sonakshi sinha interview, sonakshi sinha heeramandi, taaha shah, fardeen khan, aditi rao hydari interview, aditi rao hydari heeramandi, sucharita tyagi interviews, sucharita tyagi reviews, heeramandi review, heeramandi netflix review, anupama chopra heeramandi, heeramandi interviews, sanjay leela bhansali netflix, web series, aditi rao hydari, sonakshi sinha
Id: 194sk9GaDdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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