Hedge Fund Strategies: KNN Machine Learning

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what's going on guys welcome to the last and the most important video of this training Series in this one we're going to talk about machine learning and how I was able to use it to turn five thousand dollars into two hundred thirty thousand dollars in less than six months now I don't want to waste your time here because you guys have been watching these videos for the past couple of days and I really really appreciate the fact that you've been putting the time to watch these videos so I'm not going to take your time at all I want to go through this real quick but at the same time I want to show you all the details and all the amazing stuff so in the last video we talked about ATR and how much of a really great formula this whole thing is and also I mentioned the lrr which is something that we built which is a lot more efficient than the ATR and you know it's really really powerful when you actually see it on a chart and see how it can actually kind of predict the movement of the market but what I want to do is I want to show you exactly how I was able to turn this 5K into 230 000 now what I did was simple hopefully I took the lrr formula and slapped it on machine learning and boom I was able to make something incredible that just allowed me to 20x my account in less than six months so what I want to do in this video is I want to quickly explain how this whole thing works and how I was able to do it I want to show you you know how I trade so you can see it in action but also you know I want to explain the concept of this whole thing real quick so you understand it better alright so let's get it started because you're about to learn something incredible right so before I even talk about the mathematics of the machine learning and K N machine learning and all sorts of things I actually want to demonstrate that so you can actually see it in action and see how powerful it is when you have this kind of information being uh you know shown to you when you trade whether it's a day trading or swing trading session so in this case what I have for you is a full replay and I mean it's just like for first two hours really of the you know my recording session of the um day training session that I did recently uh this is where you see of me using golden slope to essentially make these trades and I'm just getting the signals entering and exiting exactly with golden slope and just making money so as you see the day starts you know we have also by the way this is a sped up video so the day starts we have we got a signal we just enter immediately and we just see the S triple key rising up uh so yeah this was a Friday so everything was kind of just going down a little bit so you know we got the signal everything is going well I'm in the position I think at the moment I have about uh 57 or 80 or 57 to 60 position I see I got the exit flag so now I'm out of the position and I'm just waiting now here's the interesting part usually this is this could look like a fake decal in a sense that it looks like it's going up but because I don't see a signal from Golden slope I'm not entering and just like that you see the stock sinks in even more so on a normal situation when you wouldn't have golden slope that would be a fake and you would be faked in and just basically dive in with this stock but because I have the golden slope I know when to enter and I'm just gonna be patient I see that it's just going down and down and down and we'll just wait right so again it's syncing it's kind of leveling off right now uh again usually would be a good time to enter but again uh because I don't see a signal I'm not gonna touch it yet and you're just gonna wait a little bit more until we see something and just like that as you see we got the signal and we are entering right now so I see guys when you get the signal you just go in and obviously there's no indicator that it's going to be 100 accurate just keep that in mind I'm showing you the live demonstration here but I don't want you to think this is the you know uh Silver Bullet when it comes to trading obviously you got a a mix it up with some other indicators for yourself as well if you want but you know it is a pretty powerful indicator so as you see we're just writing in and right now uh it's kind of leveling off this could be a little bit dangerous I was even thinking about coming out but I see it just jumped off a little bit and I just kind of kept trusting the indicator to take me up and just like that it started doing it very well and I do have a couple of other indicators as well that kind of rule with this and uh when I see kind of some weak signals I usually get out I don't 100 rely on Golden slope but that's basically 99 of my trade and as you see it's going up pretty much all day long right now and it's just been it this by the way this trade was about a 950 trade for me it was incredible especially on a Friday it was really really powerful and I think I got that pretty much right here when I saw the flag and then the exit sign I just got out and that was a very smart decision as well because it kind of sunk after that the whole thing so you know it was a pretty good time to get out so this is basically a simple demonstration of the whole platform guys and how it how it works in action and how you can use the script to make some really smart traits alright everyone now that you saw the k n machine learning formula in action and you saw me using it to make profitable trades I'd like to explain how how this whole thing works without actually boring you with the mathematic details and stuff like that so let's just quickly dive into it K and machine learning case a new data point and Compares it with two other classes of data and decides which category that data belongs to now this is a very interesting formula in a sense that it basically takes a new data point and Compares it simply with two other data points and two classes or categories in a sense and decides which one of these categories is this data point is closest to so in a sense here's how it works I'm just going to quickly kind of explain it in a very simple manner all right the first step of this whole thing is that it turns the previous Candlestick percentage changes into classes A and B so essentially what we do is that we take class A and turn it to uptrend or turn all the uptrends or green candles into class a or category a and we take all the red candles and downtrends into class B basically two categories right uptrends and downtrends and then what we do on step two is that we identify the new data point by taking the past five to ten Candlestick movements and just comparing it right and then on step three the algorithm compares the data point of the previous 10 candles with the past uptrend and downtrends to find a pattern if it does it produces an initial uptrend or downtrend signal that's really really important because it is an initial signal it's not the actual signal that you see on the screen now finally what it does is that the algorithm confirms the machine learning signal with lrr formula and prints the final signal on screen this is really the power of this thing because what it does is that it double confirms the signal and gives you the most accurate possible signal so you can use it in your trading okay so now that you have a basic understanding of the k n machine learning formula and you are familiar with the LR machine learning you can put the puzzle together and see how I was able to turn that 5K into 230 000 the way I did it was basically to develop an indicator for ourselves and this indicator uses k n machine learning and also the LR and it puts them together and uses both of them at the same time to confirm a trade and this is how I was able to make accurate trades whether it's day trading or swing trading you know if you want to invest long term like five days ten days you know 20 days even like two years or something up to you this system that we developed with the golden slope allows us to do that now what I want to do is I want to talk about this real quick to close this training video for a short time we're allowing about 100 people to use Golden slope the reason I don't want to do over 100 people I said about because you know we have we have three people including me who are using it so 97 technically so the reason we just allow that many people is because I don't want to lose the edge now that's really important I talked about Edge on the second video right your trading Edge it's really really important so I don't want to lose that edge so that's why I'm not giving it to too many people so guys you know this is a powerful indicator it doesn't cost that much money and the reason I'm sharing it because there's so many opportunities on stock markets like trillions of dollars really so you know if a couple of more people can make money off of it why not and also you know I can make some money as well so that is reality of it I'm also charging people who are using the golden slope as well right so guys if you ready to access a powerful indicator like this that is really going to change the way you trade on the stock market at the same time you know an indicator that is just way ahead of anything else there is a chance for you to access golden slope right now so you know if you're ready you can click the button if that button works and it takes you to the next page that means that there is still some spots available so you can check it out you know see see what kind of options we have available if you want to access it and I really really look forward to seeing you as an indicator user because I've seen people use it and I've seen people just earn the money that is that they spent in less than a day like just that's how powerful this whole thing is so if you're planning to truly use it because I don't want you to be one of those people who buys stuff and like not use them like don't just add it to your shelf really you just don't shelve it use it so if you're planning to actually use something powerful like this this is your chance to access it so thank you so much for watching this video guys and thank you so much for watching our training videos I really really appreciate it if you're not interested in joining the golden slope that is completely fine I appreciate the fact that you spent some so much time to watch these cheering videos and I hope this was helpful and you learned something valuable from them thank you so much guys if you're interested click the button if it works gonna take you to the next page and you can choose the plan and get started and you can access the indicator in the next 10 minutes or five minutes straight we respond pretty quick so thank you so much guys let me know if you have any questions I'll look forward to seeing you inside as a member and we'll talk later
Channel: Sean Bagheri
Views: 4,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, swing trading, stock market day trading indicator, day trading indicator, swing trading indicator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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