Hector’s 5 Low Elo Mistakes to Exploit for EVERY Role! League of Legends Season 10

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Hey guys, I'm hector and if you follow Skill-Capped at all, you should know that I live and breathe low elo solo queue. In today's guide I'm going to give you my top 5 most OP ways to abuse low elo mistakes for EVERY ROLE. These tricks are so easy and effective to execute, even Mcbaze can do them. So they're sure to get you smurfing in no-time. Let's get into it! First up is for mid lane. This tactic should be applicable for a looong time, considering Riot refuses to change teleport. You should be running that summoner spell on like 90% of champions in 90% of your games because of how broken it is at the moment. High elo players know exactly how to play around it in mid lane by now, due to its prevalence but there's a small cheese that I do to low elo players who always fall for it, because of how short sighted their game plans are for lane phase. The strategy is really simple. I literally just run into enemy players and bait them into hitting me. It sounds stupid, but if your opponents don't actually kill you then any damage you take isn't relevant at all. The point behind this small tactic is to bait them into wasting their remaining resources. They fall for this every single time. They see you misposition and go on you with absolutely 0 regard for anything else. Then I just finish shoving the wave, recall and teleport back to lane. This process can sometimes get a bit sloppy, especially if junglers come at an awkward, but it's incredibly powerful when you do it. And I highly recommend learning the limits of how much damage you can take, so you know exactly what you can get away with. The whole point of teleport is to get a lead over your opponent by forcing them to take a bad recall timing. This tip basically just guarantees that this occurs in low elo. Next up is support. Let's give some context for this game, just so you guys know what was going on. The level 1 part isn't so much abusing a low elo mistake, but rather a tip for you engage supports when you're in a bad match up. I still see a ton of low elo players doing the whole fake leashing gig at level 1, even though 2013 was 7 years ago. Fake leashing does not give you as much value, as just walking into lane and getting a minion advantage with your partner. This is especially important when your opponents are leashing and you're not, as an engage support. By getting in lane and building a minion lead, you won't get poked down in ranged match ups, due to the fact that the enemy duo is going to have to deal with a minion deficit for a while. Normally, the Thresh Ezreal into Caitlyn Morgana match up is an instant dodge in champion select, but you can generally avoid a lot of poke in the early game by doing this. So my level 1 maneuever made this lane go pretty well early game. We're actually even in a terrible match up. Then, I do that play. Now we are losing...very badly. Ezreal is now basically guaranteed to take a bad base timing because of my sins. He begins channeling his recall, so I do as well. Now I don't actually plan to recall, but if you want to trick your teammate into completing theirs, channel yours until the last second. That's a pro tip to controlling your teammates. The enemy bot wants to take their own recall now, so I wait until the last second to show and drag the wave, forcing a freeze. This works so often because low elo support players are completely obvlious to anything that's related to wave management. Morgana should be stopping me from doing this, while her Caitlyn recalls, but she doesn't bother. With a simple, but powerful move, I went from winning lane at level 1, throwing at level 2, but bringing it back at level 4 to set my Ezreal up with a huge wave to farm. Onto ADC. For this tip, we're not just abusing the mistakes of the enemy ADC, but the bot lane duo as a whole. Any time I have lane priority at level 1, be it from the match up or the fact that the enemy leashed, then I literally always cheater recall. Very briefly, if you don't know what that is, it's basically just basing on the third wave and coming back with to lane with an extra Doran's Blade. Now why this is so powerful in bot lane, is that it works 99% of the time, because it requires coordination from both the ADC and support to prevent you from doing so. Basically, the second you crash the third wave, it's essentially guaranteed in low elo. The reason why is that at this point, the ADC and Support would have to coordinate a fast push into my tower to prevent it, so they can also recall. Then, the enemy support would have to understand wave management, which they don't and make sure that my support doesn't freeze on them, like I did in that Thresh clip. And that's if I'm not already back in lane, depending on how big my initial crash was. There's A LOT of nuance that can go into this, and the enemy duo requires both the knowledge that its happening and the coordination to prevent that it's basically guaranteed to work. I chose this particular game as exanmple for this, just to demonstrate how easy it is to pull off. And that's because I did it in the most scuffed way imaginable. I was auto piloting, and crahsed the second wave too early, not getting the clean 3 wave crash. But then I just crashed the third wave anyways, and still pulled it off, and the enemy duo was none the wiser, since no one does this in low elo. After you base, you just get another Doran's Blade or a Cull and come back, and then you havbe so many winning options that you're bound to get ahead. You could spam shove them in with your item advantage, and force them to eventually take a bad recall.' Or you can just set up af reeze, which is harder to break when you have an item advantage and force them to take a bad recall. Or, if your jungler wises up and realizes that you have a freeze going, you can set up a gank and then continue the freeze, both killing them and denying the enemy a ton of farm. This strategy is applicable by every ADC champion in low elo, since match ups don't matter, because no one knows what to do when you pull this on them First up is for jungle. This tip is applicable any time both junglers are pathing towards the same side of the map, for example, both start bottom and path towards top. Junglers tend to be very....determined in getting their scuttle crabs, and to be fair it's not just a low elo thing Their determination is what allows me take both scuttles from them very frequently The mistake is enemy junglers, who come to the scuttle crab at a level lower than I am, then get out-dueled and lose the scuttle crab Or they get there at either too low health to contest, or not even on time at all, or both like this Zach Now, they've revealed their pathing to me...and I just go take the other scuttle crab. This to me is the dumbest way I beat low elo junglers. I literally do nothing and beat them, because they don't understand jungle match ups. Look, when I'm playing Gragas, with the wrong runes, I know I can't duel the enemy Sett for the scuttle crab. So....I just go to the other one. That's it. I honestly recommend just picking champions with good clear speeds to hit level 4 to duel at scuttle crab or champions with good level 3 skirmishing, so you can, again duel at scuttle crab Then just scout out where the enemy jungler is starting and just start at the same side as them so you meet them at scuttle crab. It is insane how often that works for me in low elo Last but not least we got top lane. This one is the silliest way of abusing low elo players, but it's pretty effective. This is something that can be applied fairly often, just like the jungle thing. Basically, it's when the enemy has to leash, and you don't have to. If you're playing a strong level 1 champion, such as Darius, Sett, Jax, Renekton etc, then you just cheese them in the bush when they try to get to lane from leashing. This isn't a huge secret obviously, we've all experienced this cheese, but I feel like players have a hard time converting this into an easy lead. So let's look at an example. This game I was not expecting to do this at all, you can see my mouse isn't even on screen as I browse social media. Then, Irelia randomly face checks me. I'll admit my E was bad, I should've saved it to chase rather than for damage, but the deed is done. Anyways, what you do is simple. You build a very slow push. Your opponent can't contest the wave, because they're low, so it's guaranteed to be in your control. Then you have 3 options. 1, your opponent is low from their dumb face checking and their jungler is pathing bot side, whereas yours is pathing top side. You should ping your jungle and set up an easy dive. The entire game is usually over at this point, because of how ahead you should be. 2, your jungler hates free wins, so you just cheater recall. Recalling in general is just soooo strong, which is why a lot of the strategies in this guide are centered around it. Coming back to lane with an item advantage is game winning if you capitalize on it. or 3, you dive them yourself, because they keep taking random damage and you snowball out of control. Like I said, this tip may seem a bit cheesy, but it's less about the cheese and more about the steps to take afterwards, which are important to know. Knowing how to use early slow pushes to guarantee a lead off of your opponent is pivotal top lane game play, and once you know the flow chart for using your lead, then any tip that actually gets you there is handy to know, and this one is super relevant in the lower elo brackets. Oh, and to avoid this happening to you, just go this way or this way after leashing if your opponent's level 1 is strong. Don't lose the game by greedy pathing Alright, that's going to wrap up this video. If you want to see a certain type of low elo content out of me, be sure to let us know in the comments. Thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 457,764
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Keywords: low elo mistakes mid, low elo mistakes adc, low elo mistakes jungle, low elo mistakes support, how to escape low elo, how to climb out of low elo, league of legends pro guides, proguides, league of legends, skillcapped, skill capped lol guides, lol guides, proguide, how to actually climb, how to climb, mid tips, top tips, support tips, adc tips, jungle tips, jungle path, scuttle crab, lol meta, common low elo mistakes lol, low elo mistakes, skill capped, low elo
Id: 0YKDqJB8yms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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