Hebrews (Session 3) Chapter 2

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well we are in the third session of our review of the epistle to the hebrews and this is really quite a book we're going to find out two things about christ in this book very distinctively in this book we're going to discover that he reveals god to man we're going to see a a insight into christology as a theologian would call it that is very distinctive in this book you are also going to discover that he even though he is god represents man before god and that has some very interesting ramifications so he is we're going to see christ exalted and will seek great christ and his humiliation both pursuing god's will for the creation the book of hebrews is sometimes called the riddle of the new testament there are more people confused about this epistle it is it contains several passages that are regarded by many as the classical paradoxes the ones that are uh seem to be doomed to confusion and i'm going to suggest that if we go at this carefully and really pay attention all the riddles that plague most students of the book will evaporate that if you do your homework and you follow it through it's going to be not only will those riddles be resolved you'll get a grasp of some breathtaking realities that escape most people so it's the riddle the first thing is authorship is considered anonymous not only is it anonymous you'll discover it needs to be because of the circumstances behind it strangely enough and so uh the commonly except in the very earliest ages of the new testament it was ascribed to paul and we hold the view for lots of reasons that paul did write it however we wouldn't insist upon it we wouldn't be dogmatic about it for there's lots of good reasons that it doesn't matter who wrote it it is skillfully designed to be independent of the author it basically builds are its arguments by quoting the old testament drawing upon the very foundation of the readers so it's really a bridge and it doesn't matter who built the bridge is it strong enough is it real is the issue and paul did not sign it for good reasons and we talked about that in the early sessions i won't go through all that again this time some people think of polish barnabas there's all kinds of conjectures you'll run into if you study commentaries these other conjectures suffer from one particular issue they have no there's no evidence for any of them there's a lot of evidence to indicate it was paul it doesn't prove it but we're going to just you'll often hear me slip instead of saying the writer of the book as i try to do most of the time i'll often say paul this and paul add so just recognize i am not insisting that paul wrote it i'm just telling you i can't really believe it for a lot of reasons most of which we covered in the earlier two sessions we're in the third session here so we do know a great deal about the author he had a vast knowledge of the old testament and he also was a hellenistic jew he also had a great greek education but the important thing given those two facts is he is writing to jewish believers these are not people who are unsaved these are jewish believers and they were under much persecution that's obvious in from the context of the letter it's very important that you understand who the readers are who it was written to because if you're confused about that you'll be confused about some of the solutions and uh you nee you won't understand the solution the question the answer not sure what the question was so to speak okay so we'll do that the main issues that you're going to confront here confront here there are five warnings in the book the nature of those warnings is essential to understand and uh we'll deal with that very very carefully as we go and we'll encounter the first of those five tonight and you get a feeling for it but this will all begin to yield its ambiguities if you understand to whom it was written and you need to understand the dangers that are presented for not persevering and that's really the there's a great deal of revelation in this book there's an awful lot of things we'll learn but the main thing you want to carry away from this experience is the five dangers warnings that will be covered and the s they're very they have some very specific characteristics we're going to see a composite portrait of christ that's unique in the new testament the coming rule of christ christ is going to rule and you'll be shocked to discover why it is that most churches miss it but this this whole book begins and centers on the coming glory of christ from the old testament as i opened one of the other sessions what bible study is given by seven different people on 12 different occasions in the new testament and has rarely always had great fruit is never given today and the answer is presenting jesus christ entirely from the old testament in the book of acts when they had the scriptures they're basically talking about the greek translation of the old testament that's what they used that was their bible presenting christ entirely from the old testament this book will do that we'll have seven quotes just in the first chapter and so forth and uh and it's interesting that these quotations are not from the hebrew old testament from the greek translation of the old testament was done three centuries earlier but most of the most not all but most of the quotes in the new testament of the old are quoting from the septuagint that is the greek translation of the old testament was the hebrew old testament translated into greek about three centuries before christ's ministry and uh it's interesting that that became very much the the christian's bible in the early centuries but it's what most people don't realize it's amazing how many commentaries they've gone through they do a great job about many things but they miss the key point the kingdom of christ is the grand central theme of all scripture and i'll show you that specifically as this evening unfolds in fact we'll take a quick snapshot from matthew's gospel the last few verses of chapter 23 that's just before the olivet discourse 24 and all of that matthew describes the purpose of all history he describes the tragedy of all his i should say jesus does inmate jesus presents the purpose of all history the tragedy of all history and yet the triumph the ultimate triumph of all history in just a few verses wow that's pretty pithy that's pretty tight that's very specific starting it's the last three verses of that chapter matthew 23 starting verse 37 jesus says as he he as he as he's entering jerusalem oh jerusalem jerusalem thou that kill us the prophets and stone us them which are sent unto thee how often i would have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathered for chickens under her wings that is the purpose god's purpose of all history is to gather his own that's what it was all set up to do that's the purpose the tragedy of all history and ye would not the messiah that was prophesied in great detail through the centuries shows up on schedule the specific day that he would make his appearance was predicted by gabriel to daniel et cetera et cetera in spite of all that they rejected him that was the tragedy of all history that plunged that nation into blindness decree jesus decrees blindness upon it and so forth not forever but for for virtually two thousand years it says behold because of that you you would not be behold your house is left unto you desolate that leads to the diaspora as we call it but that's not the end of the story see the tragedies he would not the triumph of all history is the next verse for i say unto you ye shall not see me henceforth till that's a key word you always want to watch for these untils in scripture that's a milestone you will not see me henceforth until ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord when is israel going to say that at the end of the tribulation it'll take the tribulation to drive him to the wall to wake up how do i know that from hosea chapter 5 verse 15 the last verse of hosea 5 jesus says i will go and return to my place to return he must have left it i return to my place till there's another one of these on tills they acknowledge their offense and seek my face acknowledge their offense that's singular and specific and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me earnestly that's the purpose of the tribulation and on it goes well getting back to the book of hebrews the kingdom that jesus is coming to take over is the grand central theme of all scripture and i have been praying millennial all my life but i never fully appreciated that it is the millennium is simply the fulfillment of the davidic covenant we'll talk about that as this whole book unfolds now this is this suddenly makes it clear why most church not all but most churches don't see this because they have been brought up in a denomination that has a tradition of what they call amillennialism amillennialism is the denial that the millennium is literal well it only appears in one chapter in the bible revelation 20 and that's just an allegorical thing he's going to rule in our hearts and so they have a way of of trying to just treat it as an allegory the tragedy is it's not just that one chapter it is throughout the entire bible there's more there is more prophecy about the millennium than any other period in the bible once you realize it's the fulfillment there are four unconditional covenants the abrahamic covenant the land covenant the davidic covenant and the arresting covenant the davidic covenants in everlasting covenant and we'll talk we'll be dealing with that as we go through but that that puts this whole thing in a totally different complexion the millennium is the fulfillment of the davidic covenant now what this is going to lead up to and the reason it's so important for you and me is our inheritance you and i as believers in christ have an inheritance but it's not inevitable it's one that we can forfeit if we're not faithful you can't lose your salvation but you can't lose your inheritance that's what we're coming up to our inheritance not our justification and we'll get into that later this evening it's our inheritance that's in view and whether you get the inheritance that set aside for you depends on your faithfulness and your obedience and that's big news for many now if you want to stand back from the whole book the book is among other things it's going to attack the major pillars of judaism and it towards the end that judaism alone is not the answer when you get to the end of the old testament you've got unfulfilled prophecies unappeased longings and so forth without the new testament it's incomplete but with the new testament it is not only completed it's superseded and that's the point of the right author and he doesn't he doesn't make this point from a position of apostolic authority quite the contrary he doesn't he deliberately that's why he doesn't sign the letter he lets the logic stand on his own feet leaning only on those beliefs that the jews hold so dear it goes and he builds the whole case from the old testament he learned that whenever he speaks that he causes riots he didn't want to prejudice the letter by having a sign signed letter it's a treatise it stands on its own two feet even today that's true many people who are in messianic fellowships find themselves getting in under the law and they don't they don't regard paul as seriously as most of us do for this letter it doesn't matter not signed by paul it stands or falls on its own foundation which is of course the old testament in it we're going to discover it's going to it's going to attack certain tenets of judaism but the real issue isn't that the real issue are five warnings that we're going to counter and we'll get the first of those tonight and those warnings the issue that lies under those warnings is our inheritance not our justification but uh watch as we go but the book is also distinctive in that it describes the priesthood of christ we all know about christ up through the cross he died for our sins rose again the third day what's he doing today he's got a new job he's our high priest what does that mean it's not a levitical priesthood it has some very significantly difference and there's also a new covenant rather than the old we're also going to encounter what we call the hall of faith a tour de force of the great leaders of the past and they have lessons for all of us and the key lessons that will come out of all of this is becoming an overcomer we'll discover all kinds of promises for the overcomer and even people who fail to become an overcomer are still saved but they just forfeit their inheritance that's another and we'll encounter a term called the metacoi the partaker the one that has become an overcomer jesus has three offices and they're summarized in this book his prophetic office his kingly office his priestly prophet priest and king that's our lord all three will take new focus in this epistle now in the first three verses that we took the first night of our session we see that the son of god is the final revealer of god he's the heir of all things through the sun the ages were made the various time domains he's the brightness of god's glory he's the image of the father he opposed all things by his power he made purification of sin he sat down on majesty this was all laid out a whole panoramic christian in three verses in just three verses wow he's appeared to the angels he's got in in several ways the next 14 verses of chapter one we saw last time he's appeared in angels by virtue of the fact that of his deity but he's not finished there he's also superior to the angels because of his humanity you've got to be kidding if god made him lower than the angels how can he be superior to the angels well we'll see that's contradictory and also by virtue of the salvation he provided so that's that that's the the first line we had last time and this time we're going to take the rest of the these other two we talked a lot about angels last time i'm going to review that a little bit because that overlaps in here we're going to encounter a lot about angels in chapter 2. let's refresh ourselves see the jews regarded angels as the most exalted of all god's creatures that was their mindset about angels they're really up there angels are pretty formidable creatures the law was given to moses by angels that surprised me when i first ran into that yes god gave moses the law in fact letter by letter apparently but he used angels to do so and that's twice in the old testament and twice in the new god came from sinai with ten thousand holy ones that term actually it says saints and kings it actually is a it was an old testament term for angels if you were brought up with an old testament background you would walk into this with a very high view of angels that's important to understand what the writer is getting at as you go forward they're ministering spirits they're god's ministers all through psalms they also minister to god they're his is they're his agents if you will but they're also those that minister to him they are holy they surround god's throne they're seeing do they often are seen seen doing battle on our behalf all through the old testament we see that an angel stopped the mouths of lions for daniel and uh they sprang people out of prison several times in the book of acts they're assigned specifically to care for us and this care begins at infancy that's what we call him guarding guardian i was surprised to find the guardian angels is a biblical concept matthew 18 10. and they also continue throughout our entire lives psalm 1891 touches on that the last verse of last time's lesson talks about angels that are sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation that's a very key phrase by the way that we brought out last time but let me mention it again shall inherit salvation a apparently there's an aspect of salvation that's yet future not justification that's past but there's part the future and we'll explain that as we go further but essentially one angelic role is to observe us you know they're watching girls they're watching guys they're watching what you say they watch our sufferings by the way girls they even watch what you wear just thought i'd mention that now take even longer before that mirror won't you yeah right when a believer dies his soul is escorted to heaven by angels luke 16. now the writer picked seven old testament verses to support his proposition that christ is superior to the angels to you and i that might not mean a lot but to the jewish mind that's a high water mark man and if christ is superior to that whoa that's prove it to me that's tough he's going to prove it not by his authority or anything he's going to show them in their scriptures that's what it says and we'll bring verse 6 of last time's lesson and again when you bring a first begotten of the world he says let all the angels of god worship him that's the point see the angels will worship christ that proves he's superior it's right there in in the old testament and all these words he's quoting from psalm 97 the point is that the angels are commanded to worship him thus christ is above the angels in verse 8. he quotes from psalm 45 unto the unto the son he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom thy throne see the father saying to the son unto thy throne oh god this is a statement about the son's deity that angels do not sit on thrones they don't rule and how long is christ's throne a thousand years no forever and ever subtle difference his reign is eternal his throne is forever the promise to mary gabriel told mary that her child is going to sit on the throne of david angels don't sit on thrones okay and thy kingdom that and that this is the kingdom the thing that the illuminating thing just to put in the back of your mind is the kingdom we're talking about is the davidic kingdom it's not a kingdom in heaven it's a kingdom from heaven kingdom of heaven of and from our identical words in both hebrew and german kingdom from heaven it has a capital it's jerusalem it has a palace the floor plan is in ezekiel and so on it's a tangible kingdom that's coming it's not some kind fuzzy fuzzy thing in the in the never never davidic covenant in acts 15 when they have the big argument what does a gentile do to be become a christian james the lord's brother chairs that meeting and quotes from amos 9 that david's tabernacle is going to be rebuilt and that jesus will take it now jesus announces a deity he presents his position his throne his kingship his reference to the scepter all this all these messianic insights are coming out right here in the early chapters of heb of the episode the excellency or impartiality of his reign the completion the perfection of his character on earth the place of his subjection his reward in terms of being anointed all these things are already laid out from what we've seen so far and of course his preeminence and all these things is the point so i bring us to the next to the last verse last time we said but to which of the angels said he at any time sit at my right hand until i make thy enemies thy footstool god never said that to an angel but that's what he said to jesus christ see the the author is pointing out that christ is above the angels and he's just getting warmed up okay but see from these arguments we're not really troubled by that like a jewish mind might be but we're learning a lot about what's called christology the real nature of christ sit down on my right hand until i make that enemy's footstool god never said that to the angels but of course he did say that some in psalm 110 in fact psalm 110 is one of the most oft often quoted psalms in the new testament it's quoted 25 times new testament 10 times in this epistle we're going to run into psalm 110 again and again and again for a number of different reasons by the way this is the very verse that jesus quoted to confuse the lawyers you may recall that the the herodians the sadducees the pharisees all tried to trap them and they couldn't do so he says let me ask you a question okay christ whose son is he he said the son of david then jesus quotes psalm 110 verse 1 how can jesus call him lord if he's if the son of david how can he do that if he's the son of david how can how can david call him lord and he quotes a psalm that they knew gee they couldn't they didn't they didn't know how to answer that and i love the phrase that ends that passage in in matthew 22. they no longer ask him any questions what most people miss this is psalm 110 verse 1 in the english lord said to my lord sit thou at my right hand till i make thine enemies thy footstool what makes this a puzzle is that jorge vave adonai the word adonai has a yod at the end of it which makes it possessive how can david call him lord adana my lord how can you call him my lord the mind it's possessive it's because of a yod now when you go to matthew 5 17 18 remember jesus said think not that i come to destroy the torah or the prophets i cannot destroy the but to to fulfill verily i send you till heaven and earth pass one yacht or one tittle shall no eyes pass in the law it'll all be fulfilled but a you what is the a little one of the 22 hebrew letters that you'd not you and i would mistake for an apostrophe but when that finalizes that class of noun it makes it possessive christ's whole argument that confused the lawyers was hung on a yacht just the odd and they couldn't deal with it they gave up one yard one tittle okay let's get back to hebrews the last verse of hebrews last time we were together this is all this has all been so reviewed are they not all ministering spirits angels sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation wow the angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to whom them who shall be heirs of salvation people who are getting something about salvation that yet future okay shall be okay you say well i'm already saved indeed we'll talk about that a little further a future salvation is in view shall be here justification for regard to towards evernight seeing life is not applicable because that's a past event when you accepted jesus christ your passport was stamped justified that gives you entry into heaven you can't lose that if you tried there's something else in view here a future salvation and we'll try to unravel that here shortly those justified already possess everlasting life it is a gift not a conditional inheritance john 3 18 john 5 24 ephesians 2 5 8 he that hath the son hath ever light not will have have everlasting life if you're saved if you've except if you trusted christ you possess eternal life right now and you can't lose it if you try it because it's been committed to the father to protect the son gave it to the father to to seal if you could lose your salvation god loses something bigger than you he loses his good word if you if you could lose your salvation you got a new name for god it's called butterfingers because he's committed john 10 verses 28 9 and other places you if you're justified you're in his hands you're his responsibility that doesn't guarantee everything it guarantees your entrance into heaven not bad but there's more is the point okay you have a conditional inheritance that's also there that's what this is really all about see those who are about to inherit are christians the readers of this epistle are christians and yet it's talking to them about that which for things that shall be heirs of salvation what on earth is that all about well with the word salvation and we're not talking about being saved from drowning we're not talking about being saved from a burning building we're talking about what's called sateriological salvation it's a teriology the study of salvation it means what you're talking about here is being saved from hell okay the word saved can mean many things in different contexts but here of course we're talking about it sateriologically soteriological salvation justification or deliverance from hell is never alluded to in hebrews is taken for granted and i'll show you that as we go the writer and the readers are taking that part for granted for good reason but there's more to be talked about and that's what it's dealing with the salvation that's in view here is eschatological that is yet future it's the end times what's what's coming for us later i've got eternal life right now whether i know it or not i've got it well wait there's more coming and that's what it's going to be dealing with it's the future aspect of salvation which is attached to christ's coming kingdom and the inheritance afford it to the believer that is in view in this letter and don't take my word for it i'm calling your attention to it you check it as we go because unless you understand that it's going to get really confused but just test it as we go now in order to attain the future that hebrews is talking about faith and works are required you're not saved by works but if you and we'll we'll we'll unsort that as we go earl rockef we meet once a year at a study group that we're part of earl rockefeller is a famous uh rotten maker is a fame famous theologian he loves to come in and say i am saved i am being saved then i will be saved not just his way of stirring the pot to point out that salvation has three tenses and he's what points that out what do i mean by that the past tense of salvation is justification that's a gift from god gift of everlasting life and you receive it by faith alone from christ alone he did it all to add to try to add to what he did is blasphemy at the cross he says to tell us die it is finished paid in full that is a just your justification paid for by christ it's yours for simply the trusting of it and done now i i like to make a remark to get people's attention most people get to heaven and be disappointed and the reason they are is because they've been mistaught well if we're in heaven we're going to rule with christ and that's what it says it will be if so be there's some there's some footnotes getting into heaven yes guaranteed we'll talk more about that as we go sanctification is the present tense that's not completed yet that's a work in progress every one of us in this room are growing hopefully every one of us in this room me included is a work in progress i'm learning that's why i enjoy my job so much i learn something new almost every week i know a lot more about all of these things than i did six months ago or a year ago or 10 years ago i've been teaching it for what 20 or 30. but i'm learning and all of us are progressive work that involves faith and effort and works and commitment that commitment has nothing to do with my justification christ did that all my works are just my own growth and it hopefully will open more of an inheritance to me that's the president now the glorification of the future tense and that's that's the result of all the previous will when the sanctification is complete then it's complete all believers will be glorified resurrected given a body like christ but some will have more glory than others at the judgment seat of christ there's going to be a great diversity from those that just cut in by the skin of their teeth to those that have one or several of the five crowns or maybe more to those that are actually going to rule with him it depends on how faithful they have been and uh so it's a big spectrum we're talking rewards here there are rewards and they're diversified and probably every one of us in this room will have a different kind of reward depending on uh how we show what shows up at the judgment seat of christ and that's what the book of hebrews is all about present tense separation from the penalty of sin we call it the pres that's the past tense the present tense is separation from the power of sin the future 10 separation from the presence of sin we call the separation from the penalty of sin justification you're justified you haven't changed but the judge has declared you not guilty so you've gotten that gift because jesus paid the price for it that's justification you're justified by him him alone present tense separation from the power of sin if you're a believer you can call upon the holy spirit that will give you what you need to keep sin from reigning in your life we call that sanctification the future tends to separation from the very presence of sin that won't happen until we're glorified so we have justification saying we urge our students in the institute not to use the word salvation because it's ambiguous it's made up of three aspects justification sanctification glorification which one are you talking about they all can be embraced any one of them or all of them by the word salvation it's ambiguous is the problem it's too broad a term this is again this gives you precision and that precision is essentially if you're gonna know what you're talking about justification is for us sanctification is in us justification declares the sinner righteous he may not have changed at all but he's declared righteous as far as christ is concerned he's mine he says sanctification makes the sinner righteous by calling up with the holy spirit to to to govern your walk justification removes the guilt and penalty of sin sanctification removes the growth and power of sin so they're distinctive okay so last time we had we finished chapter one the son's position is unique as we found psalm 2 points out the son is the head of the davidic covenant 2nd samuel 7. the angels worship the son psalm 97 these are all the scriptures that were called in view in just the last part of the last chapter angels serve the sun according to psalm 184 the son is going to rule the kingdom in psalm 45. the son is the creator psalm 102 the son is enthroned at the right hand of god some 110. here we have seven verses just to get warmed up this is one in one chapter right you get but you notice the argument does not hang on whether paul wrote it or whatever to keep an open mind that paul didn't write it there it is it's just a treatise does it hold water or not that depends on your understanding of the old testament if you're a believer and you accept the old testament wow you've learned a lot about the son of god i want you to notice the basis the authority of the holy spirit's word not any apostolic authority or authorship paul in this letter jesus is called the apostle to the jews so paul isn't about to intrude on that office that's why he didn't sign it and also it's more effective this way they the reader knew it was from paul by the way we'll find that out before we're through so hebrews 1 god has spoken his revelation is complete and final through the person of a son in contrast to the prophets all these other things the deity of the son is emphasized seven messianic quotations are thrown at you airship and inheritance shows up three times in 14 verses but we'll talk more about as we go the son is heir of all things he's superior to the angels by means of that inheritance we're going to talk a lot about inheritance before the this uh epistle is over and christ supremacy in the present and escalated confusion he's above all things so he has more excellent name he is worshipped by the angels he made the angels he's sitting on the throne he's anointed above them he himself is immutable and eternal creator these are the main essence of the last 14 verses the last 11 verses of uh chapter one and he has the highest place of honor okay that now we're ready to start tonight's lesson right you say gee you spent a lot of time reviewing i think it's important because we have new people joining us but also it's important to have this fresh in your mind as we go forward here son of superior to the angels by virtue is deity then and by virtue of humanity and by virtue of the salvation you provided the warning number the first warning will open up chapter 2. he's going to make the case that the sons appear to the angels but along the way he's going to give us five verses or four verses really of the first warning these five warnings are going to be the main pillars for us in this all five are a unit they go together and they will complement each other there's one of these that cause a lot of confusion but let's keep it in perspective each of these five warnings builds upon the other each intensifies until the fifth one is a final capstone the writer relies heavily on israel's exodus as an example or type of individual christians the wilderness wanderings paul in his letter to the romans in chapter 15 verse 4 says whatsoever things are written before time were written for our learnings that we through the patient come for the scriptures might have hope everything in the old testament is written for us as christians that's one of the great tragedies that in in the common church is that people think well the old testament is superseded by the new no no no no one book they're all they all tie together the exodus generation was a redeemed people they failed to heed god's instruction and was judged for its disobedience over a million people were redeemed only two inherited and moses wasn't one of them man that ought to get our attention what's going on here five warnings all were written to believers they do not represent any chance of loss to the past aspect of salvation which is called justification that's not under threat that's a done deal need to understand that all the way through thus the eternal security of the believer is assured this is not an issue that's where people get confused the warnings admonish believers to press on and obtain all that god has promised to the faithful overcomer that's what it's all about the warnings represent the very real possibility of the loss of privileges or rewards that are off to the believer and this will all be revealed of the judgment seat of christ we all talk about the rapture the harpazo is going to take place great what happens next well on the earth well we got the great tribulation and all wait up in heaven what's going on the first thing is going on is the judgment seat of christ everyone before that judgment seat will be saved but the diversity of rewards could be enormous and the only tears in heaven i believe will be because of lost opportunities not for sin or sick because that's going to be there no no well why are there tears in heaven then why is god wiping away the tears from their eyes because they realize the opera what the opportunities they blew oh if i had just realized boy would i have lived my life differently really let's pay attention to whom is this written the original recipients were christians each warning will substantiate that fact the correct interpretation of the entire book hinges on the answer to one question were the people addressed believers or unbelievers saved unsaved or half-saved i'm being facetious two dozen times the author includes himself in the warnings and ammunitions we us whatever the author was the author saved yes were the readers saved yes that's the pro and later in chapter 10 i can ask you the question does god urge an unconverted half-saved professor to hold fast to his false profession i don't think so and that's what he's asking them to do which means they're obviously not unconverted they are converted he's telling them to hang in there so why these warnings because god and his love and mercy saw fit to move the author of hebrews to warn his readers this letter god put in your laps to warn you his love has caused him to put this in your laps the author who wrote the letter loved his recipients enough to warn them of the impending danger this is a this is a labor of love don't let the urgency of it hide the fact that's motivated by passion on your behalf god wanted future readers also to understand the grave danger that accompanies apostasy and it ain't losing your salvation what is at stake what are these believers going to lose forfeit or suffer not salvation john 10 makes that clear verses 28 and 29 rewards the germany of christ is at issue we cannot escape this by applying it to other people the burden of the of hebrews is not the rescuing of sinners from hell that's not the burden it's the bringing of sons to glory five major warnings were encountered the danger of drifting the danger of disobedience and then there's a group here at progress to maturity and some lists make sex and they make first the chapter five one is a separate danger of its own we're going to tie them all together because they we think they go together but on the the most troublesome passage in the entire book is chapter 6 verses 4 through 8. a lot of people read that out of context and say oh my goodness i can lose my salvation no there are 16 different views of chapter 6 and we're going to just focus on three of those and i i'm going to suggest that if you're paying attention as we go there won't be any ambiguity in what it means when we get there okay the next one is the danger of willful sin and the warning against indifference in chapter 12 and we're in a 13 chapter book but today we're going to just focus on the first of these five warnings which i'm calling here the danger of drifting so let's now we made it we're now into chapter 2. therefore we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip the word therefore this means this ties to what was previously said right so this points us back to the millennial glory of christ in chapter one and the believer's inheritance because of all that therefore we ought to give more earnest heed to what the things we've heard lest why lest at any time we should let them slip the greek word for slip here is parasoteros which is used of a boat that has been untied for its moorings and is drifting away to slip to glide by or pass away slip away from us in other words don't let your inheritance slip away from you you've got a great inheritance you're safe fantastic of course that's done but you also have an inheritance don't let it slip through your fingers that's what he's saying that's the first warning here for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast indeed it was of course and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense reward he's going to go on but whoa the law was given by the angels remember that this the if for if the word spoken the word if there is what they call a first class condition in the greek which in this case according to the context means the statement is true it's if we would use the word since if in the sin you know not just if like maybe you know since the word you follow me since would have been in my mind a better trans but in the greek they have four conditions for the ifs but anyway this first class condition means that the statement is true if the law through the angels prove steadfast and it did prove steadfast that's the point you're with me every transgression this means receive what a just recommence of reward reward okay reward is the issue at hand now the sentence isn't finished we're going to continue here physical punishment the two sons of aaron remember the old testament nadab and abihu they disobeyed the mosaic law by burning the incense improperly what happened to them they were struck dead that mean they're unsaved no this means they were taken out of the ball game the rebels cora nathan byram you remember edward robinson in the okay right okay let a revolt against the supremacy of aaron as being the high priest remember all that and god judged them by having the earth open up and swallow them and their families judgment was very very physical you read akin and after jericho remember he he disobeyed the law and he was stoned to death joshua seven stoned to death well if that happened to the age even the angels that sinned how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that hurt him see if that happened for information came from angels and we have information that came from even higher levels than that are we more on the hook than ever yes absolutely that's the point but there's a lot more to learn here how shall we escape the writer says if we neglect it was confirmed unto us you see the first person plural there the writer's putting himself in the same category and we're together you see what that means okay by the way another small point but it's interesting that was confirmed unto us by them that hurt him in other words both the readers and the author were not first person eyewitnesses it wasn't matthew mark luke john paul would in that category he's putting himself in that category in any case the great salvation what on earth did that refer to if we you know if we how shall we if we neglect so great a salvation that refers to its future aspect not his past aspect that's pretty obvious i think not past justification it's future aspect if we neglect oh that's a chilling word let's take a look at it the word is amelio which means to become apathetic to have an attitude of indifference to have no care or concern for it wasn't that what esau did to his birthright with jacob and what happened he lost his birthright and after it was granted he came back weeping can i get another blessing no it's done done deal buddy sorry he didn't lose his sonship he's still a son of jacob but whoops i mean some of is excuse me these these are people who have salvation salvation is in their possession but they're becoming indifferent to it how do you think god feels about that he gave his son to die on the cross he expects you to regard that to be excited about that to be grateful for that not to say oh boy that's pretty good that's pretty cool see the tragedy is most of us in today's society well we've got our get out of hell free card called justification so we put our feet on the desk and boy i'm saved i hope you are but i'm safe hey often ask the audience how many of you are saved the hands of god said what have you done with it why did god save you did he accomplish his purpose in saving you what was his purpose you need to find out the law was given by god to moses through angels but although it came through angels anyone who disobeyed it received a just punishment how much more will this be true if we neglect a salvation mediated through the son oh boy oh boy so that's what in verse three how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken of by the lord a great welsh preacher once challenged i have a question asked i can't answer it you can't answer it even god can't answer it that's quite a question isn't it how shall we escape if we neglect so great of salvation that was his text you can't answer that i can answer even god can't it's a rhetorical question god also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy ghost according to his own will see god also bearing them witness so it's really stacking up not only from the son but god bearing witness with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy ghost this probably applies to the events at pentecost the point of application is that the revelation that comes through the sun carries far more solemn obligations for the recipients than revelation mediated through angels or even men but it gets authenticated three different ways first in the original announcement it was spoken by the lord okay it's initially declared by the son himself not an angel but the son second it had continuous convincing propagation that was authenticated by those who heard him speak the word meaning the apostles and the author excludes himself from that group was confirmed to us and that would include the author by them that heard see even paul met with peter and so forth and compared notes and what have you the author unlike all the other apostles was not an eyewitness to what jesus had said relations ministry he was an eyewitness later but that's a little different situation third it was further authenticated through the signs wonders and powers and gifts there are four divine authentications signs refers to miracles that reveal and have a divine purpose and bear witness of the person's claims that's one thing wonders emphasize the fact that they attract attention and cause amazement power shows these miracles came through a source of divine power they were supernatural and gifts are divine enablements so those are just subtle differences and i won't bore you with the greek and all that we'll just keep moving a common misconception is that the book of acts that all the believers were doing all kinds of miracle signs and wonder that's commonly believed the only ones who perform miracles were the apostles or apol apostolic legates those appointed to do so by the apostles by laying on of hands and this in this passage indicates that these signs wonders and so forth were done by eyewitnesses not by the next generation of believers that's the implication of what it's saying here the spiritual gifts were according to his own will because god decides who gets which gifts right he gives the gifts severally as he will that's in first corinthians 12 and 14 for those who want to get into that so what's let's summarize warning number one of five get with it don't be negligent that seems pretty straightforward doesn't it paul had an intense sense of urgency you know paul was paranoid he wrote the book on eternal security he wrote romans 8 and so forth but he had a mentality that he's in a race and i'll just pick four examples or many others first corinthians 9 paul is writing to the corinthians know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one received the prize so run that you may be obtained and every man that striveth for the master is tempered in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptable crime we an incorruptable he's just getting warmed up he goes on here he's so run that you may obtain what is he going i therefore so run not as uncertainly sophie die not as one that beateth the air but i keep my body and bring it into subjection lust that by any means when i have preached others i myself should be a castaway oh boy paul is afraid of what what do you mean passed away what was paul afraid of losing his salvation absolutely not you can tell simply i know who i believe that he is able to keep that which i committed unto him against that day no he couldn't lose that if he tried what's he afraid of losing his inheritance his life depended on it not being cast away save sure but boy did you blow it solomon did king saul did demas did you make a list of people who started great but didn't finish well paul wants to finish well it's not how you start the race it's how you finish the race that counts let's look at his letter to philippians brethren i count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus reminds me of the ferrari racer first thing it is take the rear view mirror and throw it out the window what's behind us doesn't matter that was his attitude i pressed toward the mark for the prize his salvation no of course not not justification he's talking about getting as much glory as he can earn fair game second to me to his protege timothy says i fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown a crown that's that's not a gift that's earned it's a gift yes but he earned it there's left for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing that's one of five crowns specifically specified in the scriptures there may be others in the book of hebrews we're going to encounter when we get to chapter 12. the writer will say wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which death so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us there he goes again you don't run a race with a bag with a pack on your back you want to shed the baggage you don't need to win the race all of us in here should probably have some baggage we need to shed don't we let's continue with the angels here in the hebrews 2 for unto the angels hath not put into subjection the world to come wherever we speak the world to come we're talking about a world to come this is not the cosmos which is often used for this term not the eon or the age that's used in matthew 13. but it's the okanumi which is the habitable place it occurs 15 times the new testament 13 times it refers to the earth the inhabited earth it's the earth in the millennial kingdom what we're seeing here in matthew 19 makes that clear see by the angels he hath not put the world into he didn't put the world in subjection to the angels the angels presently minister there's lots of verses on that that would be superseded by christ and his companions his coinanos his medicoy those deemed worthy of the judgment seat of christ will reign revelation 3 makes that clear revelation 21 makes that clear those that will rule there's going to be two kinds of people in the millennium sovereigns and subjects and which one are you going to be the angels are going to be judged we know from first corinthians 6 they don't they can rule they're going to be judged the in other words the angels never had authority over the world one of them stepped out and usurped it and he got himself in a lot of trouble that'd still be all settled right one user but he's being dealt with his name was lucifer the angels ran the errands for the lord the spirits ministered him but they never had authority to rule that's a key point the writer is making here in colossians he wrote whatsoever you do do it hardly as unto the lord not unto men knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye shall serve the lord christ but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done and there is no respect of persons the reward of the inheritance here we're talking about not salvation in the in the sense that of justification judgment begins with the believers that's mentioned several times since in first peter 4 and also here so the son is superior to the angels in his humanity now that's bizarre sovereignty over the earth is promised to man not the angels when god created the earth in genesis man was given dominion not the angels god gave man dominion over the earth psalm 8 emphasizes that man lost it through sin to satan and his angels the messiah regained that dominion for man and so man will be associated with him in ruling now there's some objections that the writer anticipates paul now is going to address two objections to the fact that christ is above the angels that sounds pretty good but that raises some problems first if christ is above the angels yet he became a man which is lower than the angels how can he still be higher than the angels while he's in the form of a man that's a that's a corker isn't it secondly problem number two christ died the angels don't die if christ died how can that make him better than the angels those objections how they can deal with paul's going to demonstrate that it is his humiliation and suffering which is the cause for his exaltation and his glory his inheritance came about because of his willingness to lower himself become a man and subject himself voluntarily even unto death on man's behalf wow and that his glory goes beyond all these things far beyond everything you can imagine hebrews chapter 6 but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or son of man that thou visited him that's psalm 8 very famous passage what is man that thou art mindful of him the puny man why you know why give him all this and the son of man that love is him this is not talking about adam by the way because adam was the son of god not son of adam we're all sons of adam because adam was son of god paul uses the term the last adam as the title of jesus christ in first corinthians 15. now means a little lower than the angels thou crowned us him with glory and honor and that set him over the works of thy hands and now he's still quoting from psalm eight verse five made us a little this is widely misunderstood means short small or little but it can mean it in one of two ways it can be little of place like a short distance a little distance or it can be of time a short time for a little while and that's the way it's being used here made them for a little while lower than the angels okay make more sense he's quoted in philippians 2 that's what causes number field confusion it's the it's the it's the short it's a time shortness that it's in view here in the greek puny man see in the middle of the metacosm the whole cosmos there is a macrocosm how big it is the physical universe and there is the microcosm how small can it get man is in the middle right in the middle of this both are finite by the way that is the incredible discovery of 20th century science put man as far as he can reach in the middle and let's make size horizontal small to the left big to the right you get bigger and bigger and bigger largeness you're dealing with astronomy and astrophysics but you discover the great discovery 20th century science is that the universe is not infinite it's finite it is finite that's what gives rise to the big bang and all those things okay go let's go the small way you would think it could get small infinitely small turns out he can't there's a point at which it can't get any smaller that's there's a everything is made up of a indivisible unit that's why they call it quanta they're called quanta quantum physics subatomic particles smallness has a limit that is staggering its implications that's why some of the early physics discovered that committed suicide they they understood it well enough to realize it couldn't handle it the entire unit is made up of units that cannot be divided it's digital now take the atom for an example we always say in school we have a nucleus of say a proton around it goes an electron okay this is not the scale obviously yeah right the nucleus is 10 to the minus 13 centimeters approximately in diameter the orbit of the electron is about 10 to the minus 8 which is a lot you know it's five ten to the fifth bigger right okay so the ratio of those two are one hundred thousand to one if you make a nucleus one inch you've gotta put the electron a hundred 000 inches away follow me okay so now if that's linearly volumetrically it's hundred thousand times a hundred thousand times three dimensions right so it's a hundred ten to the fifth raised to the third power that's 10 to the 15th now if i if i told you that there this podium here is solid and mary comes up he says no there's nothing here she's more right than i am by ten to the fifteenth to one or put another way the same ratio as one second to thirty million years okay i'm saying it's equivalent to one second she's yes but you're talking about 30 million year span it's it's more empty it's more empty than solid by a rather disturbing ratio let's go on okay so is it solid no is it empty space no because it's more it's more empty than it is solid by that ratio if i take a line and cut it in half i can take what i've got left and cut it in half right take what's left and cut it in half right and you would think i could do that forever whatever i've got left i could cut in half you'd think i could at least conceptually do that forever it turns out i can't it turns out when i get 10 to the minus 33 centimeter that's very very small but if i get that small i can't cut it in half if i cut it in half or try it is suddenly everywhere in the universe at the same instant it loses a property called locality you've got to be kidding they lose at the limits they lose locality there's a a plank length of length time energy mass all have a unit below which it does not exist it's digital what's the implication that well on the macrocosm in largeness it's finite in the microcosm it's limited so the total thing is limited we are you and i live in a digital simulation it's finite has finite limits it's made of invisible units scientific american in june of 2004 had an article about physics constants their conclusion is that our universe is but a shadow of a larger reality no kidding that's what the bible has said all along that the hebrews 11 and we're going to get into that in hebrews 11 first corinthians 15 and elsewhere let's move on now well one other thing this is kind of fun in ephesians chapter 3 we have an interesting verse paul writes that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is that breadth and length and depth and height to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of god did you catch that breath length depth height how many dimensions four and we know today we have live in four dimensions three spatial dimensions and one sign one of those is the greek word for measuring the length of time four dimensions very contemporary physics how did paul know that four dimensions kind of fun anyway we'll move on one last observation i love this because we know we're all looking forward to being resurrected right beloved now are we the sons of god it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is we're not going to see a representation of him we're going to see him as he is meaning we'll enjoy the same dimensionality he does and his dimensionality is pretty interesting but that's a case for another day for thou made him for a little while lower than the angels thou crouched him with glory and honor and it set him over the works of thy hands adam through sin for his dominion did he ever have dominion over the angels no thou crouched him with glory and honor and it set him over the works of thy hands the last adam however gained dominion over everything and if we don't forfeit our inheritance we'll join him as a joint heir in that dominion wow over the angels thou has put all subjection all in all things in subjection under his feet for in that he put all subjection all in his objection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him that means christ is not finished yet your justification is completed at the cross it is finished is christ finished no he has a task still ahead that's going to take him a thousand years to complete to put all things under the father not we see not yet these things are yet future the kingdom that's coming the fulfillment of the divinity covenant is breathtaking in its scope and its commitments this continues psalm 8 we're all quoting this from psalm 8. unfinished business remains for christ to do and we may if we don't blow it be joint heirs with him romans 2 revelation 21 7 and romans 8 17 touch on those things in first corinthians 15 we have the purpose of the whole program ready for this but now is christ risen from the dead and became the first fruits of them to slept for since by man came death by a man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order christ the firstfruits after they that are christ at his coming then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet that is until the end of the millennium gang the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death he's going to deliver up the kingdom to god it's going to take him a thousand years to have it prepared to do that and it continues for he that put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that why that god may be all in all that's the goal that's the final big fantastic goal thousand years away the millennium but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of god should taste death for every man whoops taste death for every man that would seem to deny one of the five basic tenets of calvinism limited atonement the calvinist the pure calvinist would say that christ only died for those that are saved well that sounds pretty good except that's contrary to the scripture that he tasted death for every man and it's available to every man that will accept it death was anticipated all through the scriptures he told them again and again and again the only one that got it with the girls they heard and understood they were there at the tomb but and of course the glory is also spelled out in john 17 colossians continuing verse 10 for it became for it became him for whom all are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect or complete if you will through sufferings the word perfect there italio which means to carry and consummate or complete a completion beyond mere justification that's justification put you on first base finishing well is the issue in contrast to saul king saul remember he started off great blew it how about solomon started off great wrote several books in the bible blew it before the end and demas start off okay but paul had a lot to say about demas for both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren this is sanctification john 17 deals with it and by the way it doesn't mean purification it's not a condition but it's a position you have in christ you've been set aside it's a process but you've been set aside in it that you have in christ and he's therefore not ashamed to call them brethren that's a key word when you start studying the sheep and goat judgment in um that occurs one of the first things when the kingdom is set up on the earth you have this very strange the more you study it the more questions it raises about the sheep and the goat there's three groups the sheep the goat and the brethren need to understand what that's all about mortal people being judged in and out of hell whichever way on the basis of totally a basis of works by the way really yeah check it out anyway verse 12 saying i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of which of the church will i sing praise unto thee this is a quote from the old testament believe it or not from psalm 22 i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation there's the term same word in fact ecclesia will i praise thee it's incredible psalm 22 the first 21 verses describes christ's humiliation as if it was dictated first person singular hanging on the cross it includes his seven last words in that first and last especially anyway go continue and again i will put my trust in him and again behold i and the children which god hath given me i will put my trust in him jesus trusted the father the walk of faith is what this is all about every day god has a it finds a different way to ask you the question ask you the question do you trust me paul points out this is why the son had to become a man to demp to walk our path for on our behalf to become our kinsmen and walk the walk that we needed but to but couldn't he walked in our state in our on our the walk of faith how in the power of the holy spirit that's what romans 6 is all about that sin need not reign any longer a hermeneutical insight by the way this is quoted from isaiah 8 and if you were reading isaiah 8 it would certainly seem like the writer's talking about the sons of isaiah and indeed he is and yet here in this verse the holy spirit of god interprets the reference in isaiah in a way that refers to the lord jesus christ very very profound insight the volume of the book is written of me anyone today who attempts to eliminate the lord jesus christ from the prophets is contradicting the interpretation that the holy spirit has given in the new testament right here i'll let you run with that one on your own but i want you to notice all through this thing the basis is the authority of god's word not any apostolic authority or authorship verse 14 4 as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that hath the power of death that is the devil to destroy him that had the power of death who could that be satan he didn't come the way they had expected although they should have known by the prophets but they didn't he came as flesh and blood to take our place christ came as flesh and blood there's many that tried to argue that no he did the word destroy here by the way means to nullify or put to naught to equalize render ineffective to deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage the fear of death the law of god demands death for sin the soul that sinneth that shall die the wage of sin is death it's all through the scripture satan was the cause of man's sin in the first place and even though he's a serper he can claim that the sinner must die he had the power the authority to demand that every sinner should pay sins penalty on account of this all men because all are sinners were fearful of death and subject to bondage because of sin to serve it and thus serve satan barely took not on him the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of abraham jesus didn't become an angel he became a seed of abraham took upon the seat of abraham then isaac then jacob then judah david the throne not the bloodline but the throne came through solomon the but the blood curse in jeoniah let the throne continue but the bloodline didn't the line went through the second ser not the first surviving son of bathsheba namely solomon the second surviving son of bathsheba nathan jude brings that out that comes down through mary so the legal line through joseph the bloodline through mary flesh and blood jesus came as flesh and blood that's detailed all through the old testament his genealogy is encrypted in the torah in genesis 38. boaz ruth obed ishe david five people 49 letter intervals they're part in chronological order encrypted in a genealogy in the torah books of moses long before joshua judges and samuel etcetera ruth ford's listed and of course there's all the messianic prophecies you're familiar with the messiah became a man so that the sanctifier and the sanctified could be united then he could call them brethren that's what psalm 22 and thing isaiah it's all about by means of death he rendered satan's power inoperative as far as believers are concerned if you're a believer satan has no control because christ paid paid for your entry ticket by means of death he rendered satan's power in operative the fear of death in slaves and the believer for the believer death is no longer a punishment but a means to enter heaven gonna kill me bring it on i'm ready the sphere of the messiah's work was man not angels the severe of the messiah's work was man not angels it's verse 17 wherefore in all things that behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest ho ho we're going to have a handful of chapters 5 through nine really all about his high priesthood if you want to find out about his high priesthood this is the book that will lay it all out this is the leviticus of the new testament in a sense and things pertain to god to make reconciliation for the sins of the people this is a major topic that'll be expanded in later chapters reconciliation really should be propitiation to be more accurate but we don't have to split those hairs here we'll get into that later for in that he himself had suffered being tempted he is able to secure them that are tempted he is able to secure the word super means by way to come to the aid to help assist originally meant to run and help but it's it means just to help and so forth because he suffered being tested he is able to help those who are tested could christ have sinned in the temptation of of satan the answer is absolutely not if he had failed it just proved that he wasn't the son of god it wasn't jesus he wasn't the messiah the messiah could not sin it's not possible he was just proving he was the messiah but not sinning do you see the difference it's an important difference as we get further along in hebrews we'll be studying the priesthood of god we'll see if the lord jesus christ is able to help those who are tested why because he was there first he can say been there done that jesus could not have succumbed to temptation he could not have fallen the answer of course is no when we speak of being tempted to do something wrong we actually mean is that we have the opportunity to do wrong and we want to do it that's what makes it sin now the opportunity was that testing but the desire to do wrong with sin and a sinful desire is in itself sin if you nurse it the lord jesus never had that sinful desire so in superior we just gone through just to summarize his superiority of the angels is salvation to manifest divine grace to overcome the prince of death to free the believer from the fear of death and to help man those are the the gist of verses 10 to 18. epistle of the hebrews jesus the new and better i believe we we had that in the uh the first seven verses we'll deal with that and the next verses eight nine will be a new and better covenant better promises better sanctuary and all we'll go through the tabernacle temple all that and a better sacrifice and better results well we have just been through the god man better angels now next time we take chapter three the apostles we've had all this the last few chapters better than the angels now we're going to shift to the next major pillar of judaism after angels got moses well you're not going to attack moses are you no we're going to show that christ was a superior to moses and he will do that so next time i want you to read chapter three and we go on to the second pillar if you will of judaism moses and i have a question for you to you can check out numbers 12 where moses authority is challenged rather dramatically and reinforced what lessons from israel's failure in the wilderness are there for us we have this you know these 38 years in the wilderness wandering around from one event one adventure to another what are the lessons there for us paul tells us new testament those lessons are for us what are they what do we what what does that all mean for us and can our inheritance be forfeited that's really the lurking problem we'll discover that inherits can be lost in the old testament and it can also be lost in the new we'll give you examples and then when we get to the uh in chapter from chapter in chapter three we'll encounter the second of the five warnings in the book of of uh hebrews it'll overflow a little bit in the chapter four let's bow our hearts
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Length: 78min 56sec (4736 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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