Camping in Rain with Bushcraft

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hey Brucey welcome back everybody  welcome to another camping with tony   this time it's going to be a little bit different   this trip what's different i'm going to because  this is a hill i've got some really bad weather   coming in haven't i brucey yeah i've got wind  coming in behind me so what i want to do is i'm   actually going to because i don't want to put  the tent on the ground here it's such a mess   um brucey doesn't want to sleep on the floor so  i'm going to build a platform for the tent for   my hilberg una so i'm going to do is might have  brucey platform between these true trees here   i've got lots of poles around that i can use a  lot of dead standing um that's further over there   nothing around here no widowmakers or anything  next to me so i'm all clear there uh yeah so   what i want to do is somehow i'm no expert at  this mind put a cross strut here across one here   tie it off to the tree tie that one off to  the tree set two poles lengthways and then   make a platform a bed uh i want to do that um and  then i'll might bang some posts into the ground   just to really solidify it so i've got my  topster homer knife i've got my silky saw   got my stanley hatchet uh first  thing we're gonna do is go and get   i think uh some poles okay this one's perfect  mind out brucey come around here good boy so just want to cut enough it wants to go it's caught up like i thought  it would come on you can do it almost boom all right oh hey hey i think bruce is going to want these sticks i'll neaten it all up afterwards obviously can't have a bunch  of sticks sticking out sharps gotta get rid of all of them but yeah i'll do that once  i got it in the right order yeah so i didn't really think about  this i just thought you know what i'm tired of sleeping on uneven ground why don't i make a little base i hope bruce has been entertaining  you while i've been gone right oh okay so next step because this will be wide  enough and what i'll probably want to do is   stack uh thickest to thinnest  or thinnest to thickest yeah but first i want to build the uh build the base up so  it stays put i still don't know what to do there i was thinking of lashing it because i've got the tree there but i just don't want to i don't want to lash it i need to make some steaks  bang them into the ground yep how far into the ground well we'll see when i do my first one i'd say it's got to go in a fair way pretty much here okay got some progress i've got my base set up here and here so  i want to lay the logs lengthways across probably uh huh yeah i've got to work this out  because i want to probably do thickest first um actually thickest last sorry because i've still  got those at a slight angle so thickest last yeah because if i don't cut the poles  down i'm gonna have a couple of gaps right let me cut these poles down now the beauty of this setup wherever you are is i should only need to latch lash the last ones see how tight there all is this is not going to win any awards  on any of the bushcraft channels this is you know if steve if steve if steve  wallace did uh bushcraft maybe it would be   something like this as well i can't imagine he  cares that much either just want something simple the idea being to be able to do  it in as little time as possible oh you know what this isn't going  to be bad actually this might turn   out to be better than i thought it was going to be that pole's a little bit long  but that can go at the end there i think i got this just right look at that  wow look at that and don't forget i'm gonna   have my foam pad i'm gonna put a whole  load of duff on top of this pine needles still got one more pole i've got to smooth them out a bit that pole's not really gonna do  much i could have got a thicker one platform should we see if it stands up   or it's moving it's moving settling not too  bad there's a big okay this one in the middle i think it's bowed up right see if i can turn that over and make a  difference yep that did it that did it   it's quite springy okay so what i  want to do is just lash the end ones and then we've got our platform  holy moly can't believe it i was dreading doing this because i haven't  had to do anything like this for so long simple jam not did the trick oh  yeah that's not going anywhere   the jam nut is quite handy i'm not gonna do any  tutorials on any knots that i've just done because there's so many websites out that do it if  you want to see a good website for doing knots corporal's corner is probably one  of the best ones out there yeah   and then when you pull it it binds like that you see solid so that end piece isn't going anywhere cool huh yeah that's jam not wow and i think i might have made  a decent seat oh i have perfect   my fire there the top coming over the top oh  my word i can't believe it hey bruce come up   here what do you think what do you think of  this what do you reckon i think we'll sleep   on here tonight hey with our with our tent yeah  what do you reckon oh yes i think so right so yeah there's a bit of a gap here  but honestly it's not that bad   when i chuck all the duff on here i  clean this all off should be great seems pretty secure i've trimmed it quite a bit  cleaned it up uh now i've just got to put a whole   load of duff on it pine needles stuff like that um  just start scooping it up and putting it on there come on up here hey got my platform it seems pretty solid  brucy come here what are you doing this is bed   yeah we're gonna put our tent on here  oh yeah so um yeah seems pretty solid   all looks good um thank you i think  i think it's time for a coffee   hey brucey time for a coffee and then because  i'm knackered and bruce has already had his drink you've already got water bruce over there you've got water it's right  there drop me to bring your water   go and get your water right  you want to stick instead this is a beautiful spot now what i might do yeah because there's pine needles here i  wonder if i can do this oh yeah that works   that's better okay yeah so then my burner my  burner won't be directly on the pine needles   this is quite civilized for me i have  to say i wouldn't get excited by this   bruce it's it's just myths there's not a  lot in there that will be enough to boil okay make sure the rubber seal  hasn't fallen in this time   anyone who's been following me knows i lost  the rubber seal off one of these stupidly have some water first i don't know what else i've got got sit pad not that i really need it here and my coffee so i think that is probably the first bit  of bushcraft i've done for you guys ever and yeah the reason i wanted to do this was i've now made a perfectly flat bed   i've got a natural seating position  so i don't need to bring my chair um and it just you know it wasn't that difficult it  really wasn't that took me less than two hours   to do the hardest work is chopping and trimming the trees   and it's okay if you're in an area  where you've got plenty of resources   this is my pine forest um we've got a lot of  trees here there's quite a few dead you just   got to go and find them um but unfortunately  a lot of them the dead ones are quite thick   so i don't want to be chopping those down  at least there's plenty of firewood here   uh loads of firewood definitely  wouldn't have a problem there yeah so i'm thinking for fire um i can  put that anywhere probably right in front   right here i could even make a fire deflector  but i honestly don't think i'll need to   yeah i could even block up the back here with  uh some more duff just to stop any breeze from   coming under here because i've got a feeling bruce  is going to come and lie under here i don't know   it's just the sort of thing he would do yeah uh   but the rain i need to i don't want  it to come off the back of the tarp so much so i want to go pretty much  near vertical with the tarp behind   um and then have it most of  it slanted straight down there   uh just to run the water off that way down the  hill past the fire otherwise what's gonna happen   is if it's gonna rain on the top and it all  pools behind it's all gonna soak in under here okay so i'll come back to you when my  coffee is ready okay kettle's boiled coffee bags nice and easy biodegradable coffee  bags this is what you need i use um jeds ah so here we are this is the life it's just so nice to be here you know what it's  something satisfying about building this platform   i can't believe how well it's turned out i mean  we will see if it stays upright through the night   but um it'll be interesting  to uh yeah see how it did   and yeah if there are any questions  about you know the knots i used or   to send more photos of of certain things then  i can upload upload some stuff and i'm tempted   tempted to make a little table so usually i use  my one tiger's table which i love i really do   but i'm actually tempted to make a  table that uh is is sort of up here more   so i can eat you know so i can move it pick  it up plunk it here and eat off of that   wow table how do i make a table  this is getting complicated it's a lovely day it is quite cool and  the wind is ripping in from behind me uh   so i'm definitely gonna need to get my uh my  tarp up soon okay i'm gonna finish my coffee   come back to you when i'm ready to put the top up okay for this i'm going to use my dd hammocks 3x3 meter top gosh if you've never seen my channel before  you're probably thinking what the hell is this   what is he doing doesn't he know what he  wants to do no i never know what i want to do   never i have this sort of image  in my head and it never pans out okay so i think i might just go to there   how much room will that give me in front  i need enough to be able to sit down in that just gives me enough okay perfect  the reason i want this coverage at the   back is just because i've got a feeling  the rain is going to come in otherwise so where's that too here bruce calm down oh you're so wound up so bruce  is chasing shadows there's no point be putting   the camera on him because he moves as soon as  i do that it's like he knows he's on camera ah so yeah i've got enough room to stand up in   got a good block at the back here  stop any rain coming from behind i mean i'm totally covered and let's not forget  i'm gonna have the tent here so i'm actually   gonna be sitting in the tent the whole time  probably on my mat so definitely covered so   let's get the tent up so the hillberg una in case  you're not in case you're not familiar with it is a one person tent it's quite a wide tent they are considered by many to be the best tents  in the world for serious conditions and this one   is a fully freestanding tent technically you  don't need to guy it down at all peg it down that is not pretty let's see what it's like tell you what if i peg  this out properly if i peg this out just right it   might work let's have a look what it looks like  here i hate to have to work on this thing again uh-huh see it's going to be all the way up there  i've lost a whole lot of headroom doing that um yeah how did that happen okay so i need to probably use bruce stop oh okay i know what i can do right  i've got a pole behind here i'm going to cut   that in half line them up at the end that should  work okay i need to chop all these spindly bits off okay this will work yeah you see that'll work and then what i'll do is i'll  move it all the way to the back so there okay so it'll be like that okay i think that's gonna work i really do okay  yeah i think i can move this the tent slightly is that better oh it's perfect now  okay right i'm gonna peg this out right time to make a table so hey brucey but i've chopped some uh  wood up so i'll just bring it over oh welcome back everyone well i've  been chilling with bruce and he's   covered in all bits um got my little table  all i did was bang four posts into the ground bruce can hear the trees banging against each  other um it's just the trees brucey so what i need   to do is make a fire pit and there's a natural  little dip right there that will be perfect now my only concern is that  it's gonna get a bit flooded   um if it really rains it's gonna come  off the top straight down onto the fire yeah well we'll live with that we'll deal with it   when we come to it so i'm gonna kick all  these kick all this duff away get down to clay it's nice and wet under here that is soaking now i think the top might just miss it i'm not gonna have a massive fire  just big enough to put my grill over yeah that's a perfect little  hollow for it yeah that'll do well just make sure nothing can catch that's around kick all that off down the hill  thank you bruce you're helping brucy i know what he wants it's exactly his  dinner time see when i say that dinner time but he's gonna have to wait because  today he tonight he is eating with me okay so yeah perfect spot just for  a little fire right there's so much   uh dead dead wood around i can just just keep  getting up and just snapping stuff off it's   all gonna go so let me grab some now uh there's  just stuff hanging off the trees that i can use do you know what he's thinking chris  is thinking oh sticks to play with that's a bit punky yeah that's punky that's okay fatwood flame let's get this lit there's  no real breeze coming down here at all   so the shelter's doing a good job bruce made your tail oh he's managed to get his own stick there  you go i didn't see where he took that from gotta love that wood i'm hoping the smoke we'll  blow away from the camp for a change hoping we will see so far so good it's blowing over there and i've  actually inflated my pad and sit on that perfect   ah i love brucey i don't  want you going in the fire   now bruce is very fire aware i  mean he knows not to go near a fire   but sometimes he doesn't see his tail he doesn't  realize where his tail is hey i know you want your   dinner you have to wait for your dinner yes you  do if you want a special dinner you have to wait okay smoke is swirling a bit but the wind is blowing from behind   so fingers crossed once this gets cranking we'll  be okay so it is just outside the front of the top and that's another reason why i don't want a  big fire is i've got it so close to the top   um i certainly don't need it for heat  right now just want to get the coals up okay so i can feel the heat from  that wow you see that took so quickly   that's probably the quickest quickest i've ever  had fire being getting going getting cranking i'm just gonna feed that a whole bunch of  sticks so what i'll do is i'm gonna go and   build up a big pile of sticks and uh i'll  come back to when i'm putting the dinner on welcome back everybody well oh bruce is off it's getting darker i know it  looks light on camera but it is really dark   i have decided to let the fire go out reason is the wind is has really  picked up and it is swirling like crazy   it's not the smoke that's bothering  me it's the embers and it is very dry   you know the tarp is dry and everything and um   even though the ground is quite wet underneath  especially it's soaking i'm just not comfortable   having the fire in these conditions if it was  raining sure um but you can see the smoke's going   everywhere it just doesn't know where it wants  to go it's really swirling so i had planned for   that a contingency um hadn't i brucey oh bruce  just so close to the fire tail gotta watch him   um so i've got my tranjer i've got my  frying pan uh so i'll cook dinner on that but i think right now oh i've earned another beer and you know what i think it's cigar time   that's right bruce cigar time it's  like he knows what cigar time is now okay headline pump got a funky new headlamp from   fenix very good they send me all sorts of  gear what is this one this is the uh hp 25r it's super solid very well built gotta say well don't want that okay oh red light there we go all right cigar the smoke is swirling i'm really surprised   but yeah as i say the wind just suddenly went  nuts and yeah it was a bit of a nightmare and you can't hear it and you  might be able to see the tarp   flapping around um so it'll turn light out but um in here i can't feel it at  all because i've got the tent   and all the winds behind me so this is you know  completely windproof shelter which is what i love   and uh yeah the only thing that would  make this better is if i had a backrest   back support which i could do with the sleeping  pad i don't have to sit on the sleeping pad and see if that works oh that's better okay a little bit of comfort see in here no wind usually  that would get blown out   see i'm going to let that fire die  down well i'm going to let it go out bruce is going ballistic i think he's seeing  his shadow i haven't bought his light with him   for this day i might pop home and bruce  enough enough i don't know what you're doing   enough why don't you just go  and chill out all right good boy   yeah i might bring it back i might go home and  get the his light tomorrow for tomorrow night so what do you think of my camp hey a little bit  of tiny bit of rubbishy bushcraft i made a table   it's solid i tell you what that is solid my  little little table here with my trans you're   at the perfect height um i should have  made another tray down here shouldn't i got a great tarp set up i like this  top setup because it's pretty secure um and i've got my tent and you  know how i love to have a tent and because i've got a tent i know i am  completely sound completely secure i need a bit   this is another another one of those  garage project happy days yeah so   i just love having the tent it's just  so reassuring cheers everybody cheers needed that i just need to make some space on here   i didn't make a very big table i could  have made it a bit bigger actually   but i think it's big enough already hey  somebody to put my beer there you go i guess this is minimal bushcraft but you know the  reason i did this one was also because i wanted to   show that when the ground is really rough and  you're looking for a place to to set up tent   if you're in a place where you can uh chop  down a tree or two that's dead obviously um   you've got a saw or whatever with you i mean  you could do all of it really with a saw   uh then you can make a platform like  this and be comfortable be off the ground   um this is comfy yeah yeah i can see my breath  i think the temperature suddenly dropped   it must be because the fire's dying out and  now i'm feeling it i do have my down jacket   my puffer jacket with me but because i've got  the tent i just don't need as much i'm feeling   hardly any breeze whatsoever here but right  next to me it's it's ripping past it's amazing right i think it is time for dinner  and bruce is nowhere to be seen not like him to miss out on dinner  i don't know where he could be bruce draws some dinner let's see what that  does see if that triggers him oh there he comes   here he comes i can hear him bashing through  the bush oh look who's here look who's here   that's the pan you're not going in there okay  so for dinner bruce is gonna want his dinner temperatures dropped puffer jackets on beanies on everything's on fuel okay for dinner we have some lovely  fresh beautiful venison and lamb burgers absolutely delicious these things turn my light down low there you go okay venison  and lamb burgers so what i'm gonna do is uh quite   quite big but i reckon bro i broken i think  bruce can eat two of those he's hungry enough so yeah now i've got my grill with me but of course   not having a fire and yeah the wind  really is swirling okay so i've got my oil got my buns here ready great buns i've got great buns okay let's fill up the fuel okay oh this is such a treat not having to bend over this is such a treat not  having to bend down to cook now i wasn't going to use the  pan i bought this just in case and i'm glad i did okay so i need to move this  whole thing around this way i've got a light   my little mini phoenix light i just don't want to i could dangle that on his collar bruce come here can you hear him crying did you hear that  cry that's crazy so worked up come here   come here come here i know it's all right hello  come here i'm gonna put this light on you and   you're gonna behave yourself yes thank you for  my kiss that was lovely hey okay so this little   light come here bruce so we'll come here here up  here hey hey let me see you come here good boy so whether or not you're going to see him running  around go on then off you go go and play i don't know if you're going to see him   bruce go this way what's over there  go have a look can you see him that's my little fenix fenix  flashlight and he's not used to that   the other one he has the x-tar doesn't move around  like that but i've attached that really loosely   uh so it's just so you can see where  he is that's it that's the only reason i don't know if you can see him i can't  see anything with the light so bright   oh you can see him okay right this is getting warm i mean half of it is because he just hasn't eaten and see can you see him jumping up at that tree  that's the light absolutely triggers him   but he's triggered anyway so this is a classic border collie i'll let him entertain himself for a  bit at least i can see where he is now   whereas before i couldn't  see him let me turn this off oh yeah i'm liking this new light  it's super powerful watch this look at that just from a headlamp so it's four modes on the main but  look how much it lights everything up   this is way more powerful than  the other fenix like they gave me   yeah i'll put a link in the description this  thing is astounding and it's solid it's got a   massive battery at the back but it's solid it's  made of aluminium yeah absolutely solid right   i'm not going to put these in until they're  really hot i'm loving this setup i really am   even though the wind is whipping around i can't  feel it at all and i'm getting hot in fact   i might have to take the beanie off  because i was getting quite hot there yep oh that's better yeah i was burning up  this is going to be an interesting setup   i hope my pad stays put i should have what  i wanted to do is put some silicone beads   on the bottom of the pad to  make it stick to the tent better   bruce come on your bed for a minute good boy come  on on your bed on your bed down such a good boy good just calm down you're okay   yeah loving this setup um i've got a  few options with this tarp actually i   was thinking about if i had to i could bring so  like i've got this corner down here i could do   the same thing over here with this bruce see he's  off again bruce hey hey hey hey hey do what you're   told on your bed on your bed no that's your  bed there i've actually got your bed right you   don't want to lie on your bed just settle bruce  settle down it's good boy calm down calm down easy very worked up maybe i should take that  light off you yeah come here come here let   me take your light off you because i think that's  actually worked you up even like your other light hello i know oh he just he gets triggered so easily and now  he's off there you go so this is going to be a   so a slow sizzle at first i think we can do all  three now these burgers you have to cut them open so our mute yeah this knife i've got if  anyone's seen to make old old videos this is my   uh tops to homer knife yeah it's a it's a bit  of a beast it's definitely overkill for what   most people would need but talk about a weapon  i mean this is a serious piece of kit this knife   tops to homer and it was designed as a bushcraft  knife is just massive whereas the tops brothers   of bushcraft that i have is much smaller  and does a great job as well there you go i can hear it starting to bloom now i must be careful of the pan handle here it's black i've knocked it anyone who's watched  my videos will know i've knocked this over   lost all my food fell on the floor only thing is the way this  is angled i do need it here yeah i need to   put something more bright on that definitely i  can hear bruce just crashing through the bush   you're getting too worked up bruce and i  i can't let you do that come on lie down   here no here on your bed on your bed come  on just lie down somewhere okay at my feet   there you go good boy i just want you to be  calm for a bit okay because you're too worked up   i don't know what's going wrong with  you there's nothing there at all honestly okay so now i'm in venison but oh  i can smell them smell absolutely amazing   so what's happening is it just isn't blooming well  it's just taking a long time to bloom ah bruce no   no no no no i need you to stay  calm now that i've got you calm   lie down lie down it's all going to be  okay it's all going to be okay calm down easy the only other thing i could do  is put the lead on him and tie him up   i just hate doing that but it does settle him   i've got him in the tent with me it's the only way  i could calm him down otherwise he was gonna shoot   off and he was he was just so worked up this has  instantly calmed him down he's not panting anymore   just stay because he was always trying to  creep away but now he's in here he's calm i mean he's edging to try and get out   not the great escape but he wants his dinner so  just wait you'll get your dinner right let's uh let's turn these over as you can hear they're now sizzling if you  can see him he is as close to getting out as is   humanly possible steve mcqueen has nothing on  bruce the great escape artist but he is calm   it's just that simple that was  seconds got him in here got him comfy and now he's calm the second he's back  out there he's gonna go ballistic again opportunity he's happy now he's lying on the side he's  having a tummy tickle so he's very calm now when dogs want tummy tickles you know  they're calm get your dinner soon oh that's cooking nicely that's right he's sort of submitted  now he's accepted accepted his fate   that dad the kill joy has robbed him of  excitement but it's just until he has his dinner   i want him to have his dinner settle a bit  then he can go and burn that off if he wants   and he can do what he wants it's just he was going   at 110 and i just i just don't like it  when he does that when i hear him crying   because he's so worked up it's so excited that  i don't like that at all and that freaks me out i know you want to lick don't you  just want a lick lick lick lick lick these aren't far off okay so we'll put bruce is in a bowl just to now that is a lot of  food but he's not having any dog food tonight so i want to make sure he is and you  can see how much energy he's burning off so it's imperative that he gets a  good amount of protein in them and fat mulch that all up for him  into a nice disgusting mess   i might even add some water to it a  to cool it down b just to hydrate him make it all soupy and you'll like that okay they are good to go i keep getting cramps   that's because i went in the gym i  did a massive workout this morning   probably not the best thing to do before you then  go and do a whole bunch of stuff out in the bush   and i obviously didn't get enough electrolytes  in afterwards should have eaten a banana look at that lucky lucky boy or what delicious burger for him just need to oh  god i'm dropping absolutely everything it's crazy okay add some  water to it make like a soup all right that's his now i'm going to make up mine okay i think i can take that off the heat now okay so for mine very simple burger buns i need my secret weapon my coleman's english mustard hot hot stuff if there is a better invention   please show me this is very hot and  i have loads of it because i love it i could have brought some tomato and   cheese and but i really just felt like a  good old simple burger with nothing added oh yes now what i might do is turn this around   so i don't knock it flying again like  i did last time okay so i've got my top all right burgers are ready is bruce's  food warmed oh yeah it's cooled right down   okay so what i might just do move the  camera so you can see him having his   dinner all right it's dinner time bruce  there you go one thing good boy okay   here what's this wait sit that's not sitting  okay no that's not sitting nothing till you sit okay good boy wait bruce every time i say sit  wait bruce come around here no sit good boy wait go on then good boy ah bon appetit everybody hmm hmm all food oh god shivers from the  mustard all food tastes better camping parrot dog hazy ipa cheers everybody thanks for coming along that's good god he's finished all of that already unbelievable what's that nice hmm bushy did you enjoy that oh i just heard his tummy rumble the fire has completely gone out by the  way it's completely cold so he's not in any danger that was ages ago the wind actually somehow now doesn't seem as bad   but it might just be because i've  blocked underneath here at the back   completely blocked it up with pine needles and  duff and stuff to stop the wind blowing through so so good what do you think bruce is it good hmm i am in heaven right now   got my dog got a great camp fantastic  food simple but fantastic got a beer heaven absolute heaven bruce just belched all right what i'm gonna do is   take my time with the second  one come back to you afterwards he's much more relaxed now that he's  had a feed so i think uh i think it's   time for a cigar i've been playing with  this phoenix light that i can't remember   the number of but i will uh  put it in the description um so bright for a headlamp it's insane i'm  used to their headlamps but this one is   it's on another level really is so i'm actually thinking that bruce might  just stay out here underneath here tonight   um he doesn't need to come in the tent he doesn't  like being in the tent it does calm him down   but he just doesn't like being in here yeah he'd much rather be out playing um or if he  sleeps outside he's very happy   what am hammocking he can't stay in the hammock  with me i lay a bed out for him and he goes and   finds a tree and lies under the tree instead  it's just what he does but at least here   if i put his bed here and there's a nice bowl  right here and there's no wind coming under   here because i've blocked it all so there's no  breeze at all if i dig this out a bit scoop it out   make it nice put his one tigress bed there which  he's sort of half lying on his backsides on it   and he knows that i'm here he he probably  will just sleep here right underneath me   the thing is he doesn't really sleep at night when  he's outside anyway he he's always up to something see how calm it is the wind has completely stopped amazing  it's beautiful now it is a beautiful evening just silence can't hear anything there's an owl  actually i can hear somewhere over there well cheers everybody   and tonight we are having well i'll leave  you to guess again i'll tell you in a minute oh that's nice well it's  warming instantly warms me up   yeah so what am i having tonight um let's  even guess it's different to last time it's quite late now just realized that the platform i've  made is slightly i mean minuscule down   slightly on uh on this side here but only just  tiny i mean compared to the ground i've i've never   had a good night's sleep on the ground here it's  just so s hilly but on here it feels pretty good   whether i'll sleep well or not i don't  know i never sleep well it's so rare even at home i don't sleep that well  just an overactive imagination or mind so i'd love to know in the comments  what you think about my my camp   it's a bit different it's a bit different my  own you know homemade table do you like this uh   half and half of traditional camping and  tent and tarp actually the top i guess is   not that traditional with a tent but that  and a bit of bushcraft you know the table   even if it does look dodgy as anything it works  it's already making my life a hell of a lot easier   um and the platform to get me off  the ground so i can sit perfectly and yeah get me off the ground so i can  level it so it's level which it is but when   it's raining tomorrow it'll be really nice to be  off the ground yeah even with the tarp you know   get i don't know if you're used to getting out  of a tent on the ground uh but it's quite a faff   whereas this is just like getting out of your  bed it really is just have to unzip it that's all so did you guess right what this was whiskey johnny walker double black i like it i  really do like it plus if you've ever seen johnny   walker double black but it's a beautiful  color yeah very caramelly color so yeah   i am um i mean i could have had a fire to be  honest it would have been nice but as it's chilly   it's not cold though i mean yeah i can  see my breath but would a fire be nice yes   would i relax not really because if the  wind did gust and embers flew everywhere and   everything's dry then yeah that  would worry me whereas i think   once it starts raining then i could probably  have a fire and be more relaxed about it yeah but i i still might not cook on  it i don't know i'd use it just   for warmth i'd probably cook on the trencher  because it's just so easy it's so convenient see how relaxed he is now he's had his dinner he's not worked up it's got a calming effect and  it's because he doesn't want to make himself sick   he doesn't want to run around after he's  eaten a lot so he's nice and chilled out yeah so what i probably will do is put a lead  on him tonight yeah and i will um time off   to the platform because um i just don't want  them going nuts all night yeah i could keep   him in the tent with me but i just know he's  much happier out here um looking around his   eyes will adjust when i turn the light out i  think he'll be able to see everything he just   likes that and he'll hunker down here like steve  he'll tuck his head in behind the backpack maybe   i don't know um but on his bed he's cozy warm i  mean he's not caught well this is this is very   warm weather for him it was a beautiful day  today as well so the ground is nice and warm yeah so yeah if i treat it like it's a hammock  stay then he can just sleep right here below me   no problem because this is a one-man tent if i had  a two-man or three-man tent with me then i'd have   them in the tent with me but it is a tight squeeze  in here when you're not on the ground uh because   of the platform i could have made the platform a  few logs wider next time it's all a learning thing it's all a learning thing be pretty cool to have a fort actually like  a shelter yeah a bushcraft shelter they take   a lot of work though a lot of work and most  that i've seen require lashing using paracord   if there's a way if someone knows a way to do it without lashing uh then i'd probably be interested in that i just  i just really don't want to leave paracord in the   forest even if i'm going to come back and use  it i just um just doesn't seem right to me yeah you know shortly if you're building  a fort that's more permanent   a shelter that's more permanent that you're going  to keep coming back to you don't rely on paracord   but what can you rely on  how do you build something and it's going to have to have a tarp  anyway actually i guess it's synthetic yeah tricky i don't know the answer to that all right everybody so i've loved my first day   and um yeah i can't wait to see how this pans  out overnight and if i get a decent sleep i know he'll sleep while he always does  he actually now for the since i got back   from the uk when i covered and anne had my  and my wife had bruce sleeping in the house   uh while i was away he all his life he slept out  in the kennel he now sleeps by my side of the bed   um just like he is if he's in the tent he's down  there just down beside me so he's used to it   he does like being indoors but i also think  he likes sleeping outside as well because he   likes looking around yeah he's raring to  go in the morning but look how calm he is   he knows we're talking about him  because his ears are perked up and he's listening aren't you bruce i can't see his eyes but i know he's listening okay everybody barring anything uh unforeseen which  given the conditions i can't imagine   it's not due to start raining until  tomorrow tomorrow late morning but um   yeah barring anything unforeseen happening  tonight i will see you all in the morning good morning brucey my lovely  oh hello oh you're coming in   hang on morning my morning greetings from bruce's  oh my word okay okay all right good morning   morning did you have a nice sleep on your bed  you did you should make a sound oh morning lovely   all right i'm getting up i'm  getting up i'm going to get out out do something there you go good boy stay there good boy i know oh morning okay just wait there  brucey good boy ah morning everybody yeah it's early oh it's cold oh look at that door just freezing  uh it's pretty rubbish sleep i just had so much   on my mind i kept tossing and turning let me just  let bruce go because he's clipped in at the moment okay bruce out of the fire no no no i know what  you're trying to do shouldn't see if there   was any food in there ah morning that's a  lovely sunrise happening in the distance   oh cold it's a cold wind blowing the top  around the wind was howling last night really howling oh yeah that was loud man right i think i better get up and get my  warm stuff on and get to it a cup of coffee time for coffee hmm yeah that was um it was a rough night's  sleep i just just had so much on my mind and just   kept tossing and turning oh nightmare and then  every time i was sort of starting to drift off   the wind just started howling and it  really held last night mainly up up above it's quite windy now struggling to get this lip i might have to  put a piece of paper in it to act like a wick it's because it's quite cold oh  there you go it's taken right yeah brucey um he was a good boy but i had to um when your bed proof it's it's not breakfast  time yet it's too early for breakfast   if i give it to you now  you're gonna be starving later he doesn't usually have breakfast  at this time it's pretty early yeah and if he has his breakfast too early then  um he's really really hungry really early as well   ah plus he had two burgers last  night that's quite a lot for him all right so i'm going to get a brew on get coffee on   and come back to you all with my coffee  well it's a little bit later in the day uh   i had my coffee but i also i  did an impromptu live stream   and uh that went on for i think two hours and  then after the live stream i just thought i better   better lie down i'm so tired i went to sleep  yeah i fell asleep and brucey at my side and   he's down here i i you probably can't see him  but he is here so he has had his breakfast so   even though he'd always have a second if he  could so what i'm going to do is i'm going to   cook up my breakfast because it's  late and i haven't had any yet   so i need to cook up some breakfast okay uh it's actually now probably more like a  brunch oops i just spilt meths everywhere   that was silly i just spilled it on my cup that's okay though because the  flame will get rid of that right so what am i having for breakfast can anybody  guess what i'm having for breakfast well you're   wrong i'm having full english that's right no  pancakes today i feel like protein protein and fat gosh that's the difference the windshield makes okay that's started good and you'll see i am now wearing  because the temperature's dropped i'm wearing my wool swan dry bush  shirt this thing is pretty warm right so that's just burning off the residual   that i spilt all right is that all burnt  off now yes it has good yeah i'm wearing my   swan dry bush shirt which is windproof  it's warm it's got really warm hood if i   get any colder i'll put my down jacket back on  underneath it uh it's just the wind that's the   problem yeah so bruce slept on his bed out here  all night um i did have him attached by cord   just so he didn't run off and get go nuts and  it looks like he's had a really great sleep   yeah yeah i can't believe i fell asleep  yeah he's got some sticky bits on him um yeah so he snuggled up there   and he was fine he was toasty i checked on  him a bit he was fast asleep absolutely zonked   he's he's a happy boy so what am i having for  breakfast well i'm having full english and i'm gonna save some things um  so bruce has had his breakfast   but i need to save some stuff for him for later yes indeed my extra beers tonight no cigars  tonight i'm having a cigar free night but that's not too much later oh i'm  parched bought a smoothie with me oh that's nice that is really nice so let me see what am i going to have first  i did find my spatula after all of that let's get my kettle out of the way so what have i learned so far on this trip um bushcraft is is time consuming it's very  time consuming and uh it's not immediately clear   what you're going to do studying it will would  help a lot like forgetting what the knots were   that was um that was silly and the reason  for that is i knew what the knots were that   i needed but i just forgot how to do it the  reason for that is i'm not doing it every day if you do it every day then you're going to  remember this stuff you know but you've got to   keep working on it you've got to keep working on  it it doesn't come naturally well not to me anyway and you get cuts everywhere it's unbelievable  people ask me sometimes what's in my first aid   kit what do i carry in my first aid kit that's  all it is uh so my first aid kit i've got   start with the wheels i've got waterproof  matches i've got another big lighter i've   got a knife sharpener got a windpipe for a  fire and then i've got ibuprofen paracetamol   iodine betadine it's called here i've got wound  seal so wound seal is amazing basically you bleed   you you clean the wound you pour you just pour the  stuff on and you compress it and it's it's it's a   clotter yeah so you know like if you shot you you  put a clutter in there that's that's what it's   for so big deep cuts wound seal little tubes of  that awesome stuff really awesome stuff and some   plasters and uh you know yeah small plasters big  plasters a couple of blister plasters and that's   it that's all i carry immediate stuff um i think  painkiller is probably the most important thing   um just because that's the one thing that can  really ruin your time oh yeah so bushcrafting   i've got to do more of it i've got to practice  i've got to get out in the garden or get out here   and practice i've got it mainly i think  it's the knots that you've got to practice yeah i can already cut trees down and things  like that um but i think mainly it's the knots   that that you've got to get sorted it'll make your  life a heck of a lot easier with the right knots oh come on not blooming yet  it takes a while to bloom gas would cook so much quicker i know okay when this is blooming and hot i'll  come back to you okay blooming now awesome   so let's just crank it all on there now i'm gonna actually save some of this i'm going  to cook it all and then put it back in the tub for   bruce so i'm not eating all this it's just some  of this is going to be his dinner tonight because   see that should be sizzling it's been on here  for ages it takes ages for this pan to get hot   because he can't have what  i'm having for dinner tonight i think breakfast is ready yeah my breakfast is definitely ready right  so i've saved some for bruce for later   for his dinner he's gonna have that with egg i've  got a couple of eggs there for him as well he'll   have raw egg and i'll mix that into his bowl for  him later because he's already eaten breakfast and   this is more like brunch and bruce doesn't have  any of that you'll be sick that much food okay no i'm sorry bruce it's not for you   i might let you have one small piece  of bacon but that's about it right so yeah let's put the flame out perfect okay uh i could just eat it in the pan but i won't oh shall i actually yeah i  will i'll just eat it in the pan why not put it on there to take the heat off my lap oh it's just started raining as well okay let's see how these sausages are oh yeah oh that's good yep it's really good   the sausage is delicious okay  now for the bacon i think i'm just going to twirl it up i have got my knife what i want to do is cut the  little piece off the bruising   okay bruce you can have a little  bit up up here come up wait   he's such a good boy come on then good boy  is that nice okay that's enough no begging hmm i'm looking forward to another coffee actually perfect eggs oh it's also good hot very hot sausage is really hot so  this was taking asia to cook in this big pan so i took this and put  it upside down on it covered everything   suddenly was cooking really quickly and i  angled the transit so only one leg was up and that really spread the process up   it's a constant constant learning every  time you use a new piece of equipment i know butane would be much  quicker i just know it would but i don't want it to sound like  i'm at some holiday park you know   in the swap butane stoves remind me of being in the scouts holiday parks when i was doing military training we um we used  um hexamine tablets which are disgusting things   i mean really really obnoxious stinky things and  we use those in like a metal metal folding base   and they were okay they  didn't give off that much heat   took ages to do anything with  them but they were really gross but they're brilliant in an emergency  plus they're quiet could you imagine   what the sound would be like a whole bunch of  soldiers sitting around if they all have butane boiling water for the mres or whatever it wouldn't be very stealthy would it does camping with steve to steve wallace  use butane what does he use to cook with because i don't see how butane would work  and this is really ultra solid butane   i can't remember what he uses does he use alcohol  fuel i think he does he uses a mixture of those   solid fuels and alcohol doesn't he yeah anything else i think would just  be too loud to do proper stealth camping now i've got the same problem as yesterday it's  too windy for fire too gusty what happens is the fire the wind hits the fire and it just it   just goes ballistic in its embers  everywhere i could put a wind deflector up   but the trouble here is it's completely  swirling i mean the wind is coming from   all sorts of different directions so winterflex is  only going to do so much it really is so it's just   a bit too risky i think we'll see how it is that  later if when it's really raining heavily later   if it's calm there may be a light of fire there's  plenty of dead standing around me in fact there's   a lovely dead standing tree right next to  me that's not very big that i could chop up oops sorry bruce stop bruce is at my feet he's going to love that later so he can't  have what i'm having there's someone because it's got cream in it i mean he would eat it but i mean this last piece of bacon is too big this knife is definitely overkill for this it's so huge i do prefer actually  the other one my bob's my uh tops   it's still a top's knife just a homer it's  good for splitting wood though this but   i prefer my other one for bushcraft  my tops uh bob brother's a bushcraft crispy bacon that's nice i'm hoping today we go from level three  lock down to level two if we go to level two i'm going straight out camping so i'm  gonna pick one of my favorite spots go   hopefully the weather will  comply but i'm desperate don't get me wrong i love camping up  here i mean look at it it's beautiful but i've got mobile signal here and everything you know it's it's very very close  to home i'm just walk down the hill   i'd much rather do a proper wild camp that was an epic feast absolutely delicious hit the spot i doubt i will be hungry now for a long time until dinner um  whereas when i have my usual pancakes i'm hungry really quickly i mean i could have them whip with uh i could  have a coffee could happen with bacon i guess but coffee time coffee coffee coffee oops butterfingers oh [ __ ] sorry oh   oh bruce was lying right at my feet  and i just trod on him sorry brucey   you okay he's wagging his tail he's like that  was fun do it again fall over again now i've got pine needles in my lid pine needle tea i just spooked the hell out brush what  i did was i slipped on his blanket   and then trod on him he's all right though okay come on i don't need much water  in here just a little for one coffee that i will annihilate what sort of coffee am i gonna have i'm  gonna have a flat white thing thingamajiggy because i feel like one so do i do any more bushcrafty things today   i don't think so i don't think  there's anything more to do just wait for the rain chill out because it's looking quite grim i think you don't  want to do bushcraft when it's chucking down   unless you really know what you're doing  and i haven't got a plan or anything what   i want to build this was all i wanted  to do was a table and the platform um and i want to have a decent night's sleep   i'm so tired that tonight i'm probably gonna  really sleep well yeah anyway that's the plan   it is getting chilly it's getting cold and we  haven't even got to the rain yet just bits of rain yeah i hope this tarp doesn't leak again the uh the dd hammock tarp is it's  not well made it's quite amateurish um where the uh where the seams are where they they  put the hooks on the outside it's quite patchwork let me show you what i'm talking about  so you can see it's it's not straight   it's all rough there's a thread  sticking through the seam which   draws water i mean look at what a mess that  is who did this see it's just very messy   yeah the seam is not well done and there's another  one over there it's the same just not well done   it's not a well made product yeah look at that one  see overlapping bit of a mess not a straight line so yeah they haven't used machines to do  it it's handmade but not handmade with   with care that it's like they've um  banged them out as quickly as possible but hey that's what it is i've moaned about this  tarp before so blew in the face um but you know   from what i gather from a lot of the reviews now  a lot of people are saying the same thing not good   products not good quality um and they don't answer  questions i've seen reviews on their hammocks   where all sorts of things going wrong with them so  i guess that dd hammocks have just gotten so big   and so well known and pumping out so much  product that they just don't care anymore   and it's just a business to them i'm sure  when they started out as a cottage industry   i'm sure they cared a lot more about their  reputation but now they're so well known in the uk   um that uh i just don't  think they try hard anymore   just yeah just crank them out yeah whatever  people will put up with anything i'm not one   of those people that put up with cert you  know with those sorts of things i'm already   um i've got a three by three meter top  coming unfortunately that's a chinese one i want to compare it to the aqua quest the aqua  quest types are very nice yeah i would recommend   aqua quest over dd tarps any day i want to compare  that quest against this chinese one flames creed   which is the same type as my other big one  4x3 just to see what's the difference between   a high quality chinese top and a high  quality american type the aqua quest i hope the aqua quest wins but we'll see yeah we'll see and i'll  give my honest opinion about that all right how are we getting on here i should have  put more fuel in but we're getting hot steaming   i don't need it that hot because i want to  glug this okay i'm going to have my coffee that was a late lunch brunch  i should say late brunch wow where's the rain it's on its way i know it's  on its way just starting to rain just walking down   back to camp through my little through my  little manuka forest here bruce has gone   on ahead i don't know where he is when you  brush past this manuka the smell is amazing yeah it's beautiful smell  so this is the forester man and you can just make out my camp just there bruce is standing there you see him should be able to see him he's standing right next to cam shot off ahead there he is keeper of the camp thank you bruce give you an idea where i am on this ledge always looking for food  there's my elevated section my pad my home in bruce's home for tonight as well it's just starting to rain i'm not sure how much room we're meant to get  bruce is determined to knock the camera over yeah it's our spot this is my view down behind me from the tent just loads and loads of trees just pine a few  ferns thrown in and some whitey wood tomorrow   but yeah just pine there are some dead  standing uh like that twisty one there is   is dead there's another twisty one over  there so yeah plenty of firewood if i need it it's getting dark now and bruce is excited oh it is cold temperatures really dropped  i think it's time for bruce's dinner um so for bruce's dinner he's gonna have sausage  hello bruce he's gonna have the sausage and bacon   and a couple of eggs thrown in not  sure be more than enough for him and i'll put all of that in a bowl for him yeah temperatures really dropped  the wind has really picked up   and it's starting to rain quite a bit  but it's just slowed down a bit right now   the worst the rain isn't going to be till  tomorrow okay so a couple of eggs just raw if you don't know eggs are great for dog dogs coats that's why  it's such a beautiful coat see   he's all triggered now because of the lights  bruce stop enough do you want your dinner   do you want your dinner do you want your dinner  yes okay then stop being silly hmm okay i need to chop these up for him you want your dinner bruce  i know you do just wait okay so lovely sausage lovely bits of bacon and egg man he's gonna wolf  this down you wait and see now i might even mix it with  some water just so that um   it takes him a little bit longer to eat  it yeah acts more like a sort of a soup it's gonna look disgusting to you and  me but it will look like heaven to him he hasn't actually done much  we've been for a couple of walks   but mostly uh he's just been chilling here   it's only since i've just turned  the lights on that he's triggered yeah and the same problem i can't have a fire  it's just too too windy the gusts are amazing   and all it would take is one of these massive  gusts of wind to blow any fire up straight   towards the tent because it was swirling  up here and i'd be in trouble embers would   go everywhere let's go in the tent so yeah it's  just not doable but hey ho it's what it is okay this is gonna look pretty  disgusting he's wagging his tail okay and we will put some water in this mixture also helps with this hydration it'll be like a soup oh brucey what a meal and there we have it bruce's dinner yeah yeah bush is jumping up trying to get to it okay sit bruce sit sit like a good  boy sit show everyone how you sit   ah that's not sitting you don't get it  unless you sit yes good boy ah stay wait wait he's such a good boy go on then the noisiest eater that ever was now uh i need a brew gonna have another one on  my uh happy days garage project beers cheers everybody cheers thanks for coming along oh that's good yeah no cigars  tonight i've had my cigars   i think two in one trip is  enough no more than that um now cooking tonight i'm not going to  be using the uh big frying pan at all   couple of reasons it just takes too long to  cook anything in that in these temperatures and i've only got one fuel bottle left it is so we've got one bottle of fuel left so what i want to do is what do i start with um yeah so you need the bowls okay right first let's get rid of that yeah it's  a shame that um if bruce has finished that   it's a shame i can't have a fire for  a couple of reasons it it would have it would have meant that um out of being warmer you can see how much that takes quite a bit so just over a third that took and  there was already some in there   yeah it means i would have been warmer and  would have cooked a lot quicker on the grill   what i'm gonna do so tonight i'm gonna have salmon in a creamy fish sauce with pasta okay i've got my i've got my pasta wrong tub right i've just while i was doing  that i changed into my wet weather gear because   it is starting to rain and every time i'm going  out to the camera getting a little bit wet so yeah i thought why not and also this wet  weather gear is so warm makes a big difference let me get this all ready so this pasta will only take about four minutes yeah four minutes gosh   the wind's really picking up let me just  move my microphone so you can hear me it's really coming through i'm glad  i've got this wind layer on so the   wets are just the best there's no better  wind layer than than uh wet weather gear yeah it's well worth it um you  should definitely get yourself some   right so i'm not going to put the light on  bruce because it is triggering him he is he's right in front of me i couldn't even  see him without his light i can't see him   come up here come and say hello here he is hello  oh you're wet no no no don't lock the table over um okay pasta pasta pasta how's our hot water looking almost there almost okay we're getting there all right we are  getting there and then let's go with my pasta   got my salmon i love the salmon and the cream fish rub and some fresh parsley  and some leftover portobello mushrooms okay pine needles everywhere is this boiling it's got to be it's getting close oh i hate wearing the beanie this makes my head itchy oh that's better i've already put salt in the water so because i've  salted the pasta i probably won't need to put any   salt on anything else uh except maybe the salmon  oh yeah i need to put some salt on the salmon   so bruce is going nuts over over there you can't  see him even if he had his light on you wouldn't   see him but i can't set it up anyway that's  you could see him because he's always in front   and you think you wouldn't see what i'm  doing but you'll see him in the morning again the rain is coming and going  we really need it to uh   rain properly which i think is due in the middle  of the night yeah and then all through tomorrow not looking forward to uh taking all  this down well the tent will be mostly   dry definitely the floor will be dry which will  be a first because i'm up on this raised bed um   actually the back will be a bit wet but it still  won't be as bad yeah so the big news that's just   come out is that we're moving to level two in  the sort of lockdown stages one through four   and we're in three now we're moving  to level two i think tomorrow midnight which means i'll be allowed to go camping  again properly camping out to my favorite sites yes indeed yeah so because  i'll be able to do that again i won't probably be coming up here  i'll go out to one of my favorite sites   of course it all depends on  the weather what that's doing okay now i don't know that i want to have  all this pasta that was a really big brunch that's quite a lot of pasta yeah i think that's enough don't  overdo it i always overdo this these sorts of things now what's going to  be harder is doing the salmon so the salmon yeah once this is done i'll take this off the heat   um i won't leave it in the water i might  just drain as much of it as possible ah it's a good brew that okay yeah so we're gonna come out of lockdown   go to level two and first thing i wanna do is go  on a good mountain camp either by the river one of   my favorite spots there or up on the tops i don't  know somewhere got lots of spots i could try out   um uh at some point i want to do another proper  hammock camp after that miserable amok hammock   camp that thing was rubbish but um i think  firstly i just want to do a traditional tent camp yeah in whatever spot either on top  of the mountain or by the river or   in the middle of the woods but when  you're in thick woods there really   isn't anything to look at it's not  very scenic especially for you guys   let me know in the comments where would  you like to see me camp what sort of place okay that's done all right i need to drain this water oh i lost a piece of pasta it's blooming away  nicely isn't it okay that's good enough okay so i haven't actually used  this for so long this pan a long time because i use the other one quite a lot all right i'm loving my table i wish  i'd made it a bit bigger now now given my propensity for knocking  things over i'm gonna bring that pasta there because i do knock stuff over okay that's the noise that's the noise  that you never get from the big pan okay that's looking good um  what did i do with my salt and i probably don't need  it but i'll salt it anyway okay and oh gosh it's spitting okay i'm going to add some fish rub this is a black label bbq rubs fish rub you'll see what i'm doing in a minute i'm only going to put just a bit on at  the moment i'll put a bit more in later   i got the sauce oh that smells good oh that  smells so nice right we're done with the pasta nice bit of pasta there it's  looking lovely and a salmon oh now i'm actually gonna poach the salmon so   all i need to do now that i've  sort of crisp to the bottom of it is pour my cream on i'm actually going to reduce this a bit but that's definitely enough i have my mushrooms this is all gonna  poach nicely in here in this pan let's give this a stir i could even put a bit more a bit more creamy no that is enough cream i think yeah okay right we want that to  poach let's get that salmon poaching oh it smells so good i'll tell  you that smells really good the rain is really picked up as well so i'm going to put a bit of  this rub that i put on top put that into the sauce into the cream mm-hmm okay i might need to turn this  pan around because it seems   that the heat is all going up into one side i don't know why that is yeah isn't that weird okay bring that back to the boil reduce it down and the thing with the poaching of the  salmon is that once that's ready it will um it will flake apart no problem oh it just smells so good this pan is not giving me an even cook because  the heat is all ballooning up in one direction   i think i need to move the whole thing a bit maybe there does that do  the trick that's better okay there's definitely enough rub you see  it's starting to flake now the salmon   it's just starting to fall apart on the end there oh when it gets really windy like that you see  it stops bubbling just sucks all the heat out i need the wind to stop oh it's so windy it's pretty grim out there i have to say  when i camp in a lot of grim conditions   this is fairly grim it's wind again you know i  said before give me any weather other than wind   and i'm absolutely fine hammering down with rain  and i'm fine oh this smells absolutely delicious oh gosh almost lost the whole lot then it's reducing down nicely the cream you can see these mushrooms  are starting to get be done there's the skin i'm not gonna lose the  skin it's a lot of good protein in the skin   see the salmon is changing color now  see the sides besides it's almost done when that starts to easily  pull apart then you'll know okay i'm going to add my parsley some of it i'm going to chop it let's have it hold get some of that flavor in there yeah that fish rub is absolutely beautiful  i definitely don't need any more in there   i can smell it it's very strong it's  very strong stuff it's pulling apart okay i might turn the salmon now just turn it over we are almost done awesome nice crispy sticky bits yep now it's flaking apart that didn't take  long okay that's ready the sauce is ready yep all right we're all  good i'm gonna plate that up don't let this burn okay  quickly take this off the heat out out the top oh okay oh plug that on there how's that looking almost  almost done a bit of sticky bits at the bottom   let me get it all off looks like a bit of a congealed mess  but i can assure you it's absolutely delicious and there we have it salmon barbecue rub pop  deli pasta and cream oh yes this is so good but i'm such a  slow eater when it comes to pasta the only thing i could have done  better on this is put more chili in it   there's some chili in that rub but  not enough i could have done more hmm this is a big meal oh this is going to take  me quite a while to finish uh um it was so good but it's so filling i forgot how filling pasta is i don't  have it very often but oh it's so filling i'm gonna take my time with this because  this could take me 20 minutes to eat and take my time with that eat this get  my beer and come back to you afterwards oh boy right so we settled in for the night had my dinner cleaned up  just about to finish my beer the rain is dripping right from the camera bruce is going to sleep under here again he  was fine last night i've got him on a lead here   paracord and he was absolutely fine last night  he didn't budge at all i and he doesn't need this   down blanket but i want to put  it on him he'll be so snug and   it encourages him to stay there when you cover him um yeah so and he's on his bed he's got his  bed there and and that's on top of a mat   as well so he just needs enough to look out  see he's curled up under there he'll be fine   um i'm going to retire for  the night and what i'll do is get out of this wet gear wet weather gear zip this  all up and um it's still it's still actually it's   not that late but i might just chill out in the  tent i've got a book to listen to an audio book   water coming off the top um so i'll come  back to you when uh we're ready for bed so i'm tucked in it's raining and windy and bruce is still tucked  in he hasn't moved at all i think he's fast asleep under the blanket outside he's  just underneath underneath the tent   yeah there's just not enough room in  here really for him um when you're on   the ground it's it's just just enough room for  him to sneak into a corner but up here on this   platform because there's a bit of a gap because  there's a log missing so there's just not enough   room it's just not wide enough and i don't want  him falling down the gap on either side you know   because that could happen so he's okay he's  under a waterproof blanket and everything   so yeah i'm toasty in my quilt but this  is a conversion quilt so it's a hybrid   the conundrum enlightened conundrum so it can be  a quilt or it can be a sleeping bag super warm   i've got everything zipped up except my vent just let let the air through um so yeah  hopefully i have a better night's sleep tonight   and last night i might have to put earplugs in  just because the noise the wind and the rain which is coming down a bit heavier it's  getting heavier by the hour oh it's hard right   i'll probably see you in the  morning good night everybody it's 4am the tent does keep moving but it's a  strong tent so i trust it completely   i've checked on bruce a few times he's fine   he's actually underneath we've curled up  with his blanket on so he's absolutely fine but just coming in waves big downpour only for a few seconds and  heavy heavy wind certainly interesting to see   what it looks like out there in the morning  pretty wet okay let me try and go back to sleep morning everybody it's seven o'clock i've been doing this all night  the howling with wind as well i had my earplugs in for a lot of it who i know is trying to look around morning bruce oh it's very wet  there oh it's been blowing in rain has been blowing in oh you just shook  me oh everything's wet is everything wet   thank you for my kisses okay i'm  coming out so i'm coming out just wait   right i don't know where that water is  coming from i think it's just blowing in   bruce is sitting out now he  was under the bed complete   bone dry under his blanket but he doesn't  like staying there for long especially when   it's raining he likes to be outside okay  i'm gonna get up get out get coffee on oh it's very grim hello bruce okay i'll get your  breakfast in a minute so the wind has changed   and it's starting to blow in now   so it's wet up to this line here and there's a  bit of spray coming in so i'm gonna have to lower   we have to lower the wind blowing this direction  i'm gonna have to lower everything right down so i'm going to start with the middle  and bring this down quite a bit   which is right behind the camera and you'll see it drop down maybe  see a whole lot of water come off it well they got the forecast wrong  for the direction of the wind anyway okay bring that down to here okay that's one side all right it's really chucking down this is why you've got to have  really good wet weather gear okay and i'll drop the other side down ugh okay getting there let me  just tighten this knot okay all right i think that's better it's a lot lower yeah look at the camera see how  that looks not i can see a lot oh yeah i think that's better i go under here oh wow that's wet okay bruce wants his breakfast go for wet weather gear oh yeah so bruce's patch is completely dry here he had a waterproof blanket on top  of him that was a little bit wet   but other than that it's all dry i think my pack   shielded him a lot because i had my pack on  the outside of him because my pack is a bit wet my door was quite wet spray came in just what happens when you get the wind direction  shift on you like that with really really heavy   winds it's bound to happen all right i  know bruce is desperate for his breakfast   i'll get that out for him where's your breakfast brucy here it is i  know i don't want you eating in the rain i'm gonna give you some fresh  water oops sorry please oh dear   if you did say you're not eating in the rain wow it's really coming down that's not sitting you're gonna sit you can't you've got wet bottom come on then i can't do it to him he's looking at me like  oh my breakfast wow this is this is grim   the wind just shifted direction you see  this is why i couldn't have a fire because otherwise it would have just blown  the smoke and the embers right in wow oh that's that's pretty grim oh man i can't believe the wind has changed like that incredible and it just blows straight inwards so much for a dry tent everything is absolutely  drenched all sides of the tent just because the   extreme wind i mean it was howling they didn't  forecast wind this bad they said some wind but these this is gusting like crazy and also they   they the wind they said is completely in the wrong  direction it was meant to be coming from behind the weather service we just  can't get anything right coffee time i am desperate for a coffee   i actually uh slept pretty well and the  reason for that was the nature hike pillow this nature hike uh they sent it to me ages  ago and i did use it i said it was good then   but i just stopped using it for some reason it's  quite bulky but it's got foam in it and it just   gets the right i can get it to the exact right  size that i like it and also it's big enough   the only thing i don't like about it again is  it's slippery surface so what i'm going to do is   i'm going to put a whole load of um seam sealant   strips of seam sealant along the back so  it will bind and won't slide around but   this thing is so comfy that combined with  my quilt which i had done as a sleeping bag   was so comfortable and you see i like to lie  on my front sometimes i like to hug the pillow but pretending it's ann my wife oh god  look at this it is grim it's so grim it'd be nice if it was warm but it's not it's about eight degrees centigrade right i need to give bruce lee some water hang on bruce hold on find out move find out there you go oh i don't know what you can hear you can even hear me over the noise of the rain  all right fuel this is a much needed coffee it's the wind that's the problem as i keep  saying i will camp in any conditions and be   absolutely fine as long as it's not windy  wind ruins everything wow that looks easily all right see this is where you definitely  need a windproof burner   even if you have butane you've  got to have a windshield around it it's not going to work otherwise everything's wet my gloves are wet but  these are waterproof so that's not so bad it's quite nice having this bone dry  storage space underneath the tent   quite like that and that's where bruce was he  was i put his bat his mat right under there   he slept there the whole night right underneath  me he would have been really toasty in there   because there's no wind can get to him it's  all blocked off at the back yeah happy boy he looked like he'd slept well whereas in the tent he would  have been it would have been   too cramped for him he wouldn't have liked that every time i moved it wakes him up  in the tent which i'm gonna move coffee coffee coffee oh that one might do this time  drop this whole coffee bag in and let it heat up in there now i am dreading  packing up oh and here's that trachology pillow so   i bought them both just to try them i put silicone  beads on it and everything it still was rubbish   although someone did rightly point out that i had  the straps on the wrong way so i clipped them on   but they were clipped on the way it came in the  post and they were wrong so i had to reverse those wow even with the tent even with the tarp right  down like this the spray is just coming in so packing up is going to be a bit of a nightmare and what i might have to do is pack up all just the internal stuff yeah if i pack up the the inside stuff the  dry stuff chuck that in my pack and leave   the tent and the tarp up because i can just  come back and get them because i'm at home   and wait till it's all dried  off that might be the best bet because i mean packing up  in this is going to be grim and for what point i can't dry it off  at home yet usually i hang them outside ah so what happened there was the uh  sd card ran out and i didn't notice so what i was saying was after it got drenched  so i'm not cooking up any breakfast this morning i've got my coffee now i don't  know if it caught that or not i'm not cooking up any breakfast i've got a lovely  lemon drizzle cake that my wife ann made for me and that's absolutely perfect  it's really coming down and this is why you have a tarp whoa thank you darling that lemon  drizzle cake is absolutely delicious oh this coffee is lovely so have you ever camped in conditions like this   thought to yourself oh my  word what am i doing here have you been stuck in a tent  or have you had a tarp with you family was it a family trip oh you've really got to have the right  gear definitely got to have waterproofs even cheap ones as long as they're 100  hundred percent waterproof 100 wimp these ones are awesome because they've  got a zip that runs the entire length   up and another zip at the top so you  can access your pockets from the top   and you can also unzip them to stand into them  really easily so you have to take your boots off   at all and then the top is a pull over top  so less to fail you know if the zipper fails   on a waterproof jacket yeah you're in  trouble so there's nothing to fail on   this you just pull it over your head and  you're good so you can really trust it and having a long longest tail underneath as  well so you can sit on it it's quite handy so as i said i'm not sure if the  camera picks it up but i'm gonna um   after i finish this coffee and cake i'm going to  pack up all my inside stuff into the sleeping bag   into the backpack take that all home i'm going  to leave the tent and the top up because there's   no point i'm so close to home there's no point me  bringing this back completely drenched and then no this rain is meant to stop this evening so i'll deal with it then it's the  advantage of camping their home and my next camping trip would be a wild one because we're  going to be in level 2 tonight i think to celebrate we go to one of bruce's  favorite spots by the river   he loves it there i mean he loves the tops as well  actually what would you guys like to see i love   them both but i do love being by the river because  we can have a fire um because there's wood there   there's no wind at all down by the river  whereas on the top there's always wind actually yeah we'll do the river because it's such  a lovely lovely spot and i might try something   different uh with a different tent set up as well  and hopefully my new temp will have arrived the   anaris the hilleberg and iris so i wouldn't mind  testing that it's meant for warmer conditions but i want to see how it holds up  you know me i like to test gear so i'll take that a good tarp and  some good food to cook as usual   and hopefully that time can  sleep in the tent with me right so i think what i'm going to do is just checking to see if i've dropped anything oh boost i haven't dropped anything he's  checking to see if i've dropped him crumbs he's just had a massive breakfast it's more than he usually gets  yeah so what i'm gonna do is um   i'm gonna pack off pack up the stuff head home   wait till tomorrow come back and dismantle  all of this so what we'll do is we'll say   goodbye to you now strange way to leave  it compared to my other videos but   there's just no point taking all this down um right now in the middle of this  rainstorm and we've got no more food left it'll be good to get him home back in the dry get us both dry but uh thank you for coming  on this trip everyone i hope you enjoyed it   it's i was gonna do this in two parts but i  think this is gonna be a one part video now   um and just condense it because it's raining  it's grim and last night was pretty epic um thanks for coming if you liked  the video please give it a thumbs up   and subscribe really helps the channel and give  a thumbs up for brucey and if you'd like to join   our channel just hit the join button at the  top of our youtube channel and you'll get   early videos early photos of our trips isn't  that right bruce all right thanks again everybody   and we'll catch you next time from the wild you
Channel: AB Camping
Views: 1,701,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camping in the rain, wild camping, stealth camping, camping gear, tent camping, best camping gear, new camping gear, camping gear review, camping list, camping gear and gadgets, rain gear, asmr, rain, camping gear 2021, best new camping gear 2021, nature sounds, nature, rain camping, rain sounds, rain sound, heavy rain, rain and thunder sounds, Pluviophile, ab outdoors, bushcraft, camp cooking, Australia, dogs, camp, new zealand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 36sec (9876 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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