Heathkit RF Probe, Construction and Modification

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on the bench today i have a brand new heath kit scope rf probe this is the model number 337-c it comes with the manual parts list description and a really nice schematic some labels the rg 58 a 50 ohm coax cable still fairly durable [Applause] parts let's open those up [Applause] we have a circuit board 1985 we have a grounding clip we have a plastic probe end we have another plastic end we have the probe itself the probe tip we have a ground lug we have a second ground lug we have four screws two capacitors two resistors a germanian diode a piece of bus wire and number 19 was the one that inspected this further inside we have given some solder right from heath kit some grounding wire a tube a cardboard tube we're given a certification from heath kit about these parts in an envelope send in for warranty so i've decided that rather than ruin this new board i would go ahead and construct it on perf board so i've cut out a piece now i can go ahead and install the parts on this rather than use the pl259 on this cable i'm going to go ahead and put a bnc on because almost all of my equipment is bnc well i want to apologize i didn't hit the recorder when i mounted the components on the perf board but what i did was i drilled out um two holes here enlarged them so that i could get the grounding wire from the coax i put it through been at 90 degrees bend it over bend it another 90 degrees up another 90 degrees and back over and looped it through here to add support then i took the grounding bus wire here soldered it directly to it i mounted the components on here a 47k a one meg the germanium diode the .02 cap and brought it out to the probe wire so let's go ahead and assemble it putting the cardboard tube on for insulation then putting the metal ring on the last thing to do is to put the the clip on hmm okay there we have our demodulator probe with a bnc end the reason why i built this is currently i am rebuilding a heath kit t3 signal tracer and i need a probe so we'll test this out as soon as i get the t3 up and going maybe in the future i'll add a switch in here so i can remove the diode but until then we'll use this as it is if you found this video useful or entertaining give me a thumbs up and don't forget to click on the bell icon to be notified of upcoming videos stay safe stay healthy and thanks for [Music] watching [Music] you
Channel: Sparky's Workbench
Views: 3,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JQZ1U73jLnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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