Heat Transfer (12): Finite difference examples

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>> Midterm will go through Chapter 4, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4. It won't cover numerical methods. So the first half of Chapter 4, you're going to be allowed to bring into class with you one sheet of paper, eight-and-a-half by 11, both sides. Anything you want on it, anything at all that you want. I'm going to pass out the data package, the tables, the graphs, the figures. When you turn the exam in, you'll turn the data package back into me. I'll keep those for the second, third, midterm, and final exam. We'll talk more about that on Wednesday. Okay. Where we left off last Friday? Yes sir. >> The package that you're going to be passing already on Blackboard? >> It's on Blackboard, right. So you know what you've got to resource there. Here's where we left off last time. We were looking at table 4.2. We derived one finite difference equation in conduction. It was for an interior node. We derived that in class. That equation is in table 4.2. Table 4.2 also includes other equations, finite difference equations. For instance, case 2 is the internal corner node with convection. Case 4 external corner node with convection. Case 3, a node on a plain wall with convection. Our last case there, I'm going to erase this because it's covered the bottom note. This is a plain wall with a uniform heat flux, q naught double-prime. So you've got five possible equations to use to set a problem up with finite differences. Now if this covers heat flux on a wall, convection on a wall, what about the case where it's an adiabatic wall? Okay, what you do there is you set h equal to 0 in case 2, 3, and 4. Or you set q double prime equal to 0 in case 5. Let's just call that q double prime. So we'll do that in just a minute, so an example problem. Okay, so we're going to work an example problem. We're going to look at this plate. This is a plate whose thermal conductivity is 25. We don't know how thick it is, but we do know it's 20 centimeters in this dimension and it's 30 centimeters in this dimension. Our first goal is to set up a grid. So we're going to set up a really coarse grid, not one you want to do in the real world, but just to show you how the method works. So we're going to set a grid up of 10 centimeters. So you can see the nodal points, big black dots. Those are the nodal points of my grid. The left-hand side is kept at constant temperature zero degrees C. The right-hand side is kept at a constant temperature 100 degrees C. The top is kept at a constant temperature 100 degrees C. Now I could, like I did last time we met, number the nodes m and n, m column n row. But that's too complicated for a simple grid like this. So I'm just going to number them one through whatever. Well, if I had a 100 nodes, I'd use a double subscript. But for 12 nodes, I'm just call them one through 12. Node 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Okay, there they are. The bottom is adiabatic. Question asked is, give me an estimate of the unknown nodal temperatures. Give me an estimate of the heat transfer q. Okay. Let's start out with getting the temperatures. Now some temperatures I know, by the way, there are 12 total nodes. 12 total nodes. I know T2 equal T3, T6, T9, T12 equal 100 degrees. I know, T4, T7, T10 equal 0 degrees. Unknown, T5, T8, T11. So that's what we're supposed to find, those guys. Yes, sir. >> [inaudible] T1. >> Oh T1, yeah T1. Here's a game you can play with your non-engineering friends. So you ask him, Okay now. I want you to give me your best guess. When x equal two what is y? Half the guy say ten, half the guy say five. Wait a minute, somebody's right and somebody's wrong. No, they're both wrong. That's okay. You can't ask that question. Illegal. Don't ask me. It was a good question. Thanks for asking because otherwise I wouldn't have done them. I'm glad you asked. But no illegal question don't ask me. I don't know when I can't find out. What's that called in math. Discontinuity, discontinuous there, infinite jump up there. So anyway, here's what it means in our picture. As I approached the upper left-hand corner on left-hand wall, the temperature is 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. Approach from this side, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100. Get as close as you want, a 100 and 0. If this were a copper plate, an electrical problem. Where this was zero voltage and this was a 100 volts, that would be called a short circuit. All the current would flow, to there, nothing would flow inside. Called a short-circuit. You can't have that. So it's undetermined. You just say T1 is undetermined. I can't worry about it. Okay. Fine. It's out. Undetermined. Okay. Is that it then you kind of get the idea. Yeah. Oh, I'll say, in the real-world, can this happened? No, you can't do that. What you do is you might put a little thermal insulation, right there. Little piece of insulation right there, so they don't touch each other. That's the whole point. Don't let them touch each other. That's what you do in the real world. Okay, back to here. Three unknown temperatures, which means I need three equations for three unknowns temperatures. So let's take node 5. Node 5 is an interior node. So here's what I found out last time. For an interior node, here's what you do. You add the temperatures of the four surrounding neighbors and subtract off four times the temperature of the center node. That should be equal to 0. Center node T5, surrounding nodes 2, 4, 6, 8 minus four times the temperature of the center node must equal 0. Node 8, interior node. Add the four surrounding temperatures of the center node, 5, 7, 9, 11 minus four times the temperature of the center node equal 0. Node 11 adiabatic boundary. >> I'll just say it's case 3 with h equals 0. Two times T_8, plus T_10, plus T_12, minus 4 times T_11 equal 0. You can get that from case 3 by setting h equal to 0. Plug in known temperatures to get, okay, let's see where you got it. Adiabatic wall behaves like there was a T_8 here and a T_8 down here. So now add your four neighbors together, T_8 plus T_10 plus T_12 plus T_8, two T_8s. It's symmetrical about the adiabatic wall, that's why. You just solve it, I don't know. XL matrix inversion, you solve it, T_I with a solver function, or whatever. So it's pretty simplistic, there are three equations, algebraic three unknowns, solve for them. When I do that, I get T_5 63.5, I get T_8 53.8, and I get T_11 51.9. So that's my first estimate on the interior temperatures and the adiabatic wall temperature at the center. I know those are bad answers, I mean the grid is way too coarse. If I want better answers, I'll make that grid a lot smaller. Say okay, let's make this as 10 centimeter grid, let's make it five centimeter grid. There, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, five. I cut the grid size down by half, unknown temperatures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Now you've got 18 equations, 18 unknowns. Those answers now will be a lot closer to the real answers, but I really want accurate answers. Okay, make the grid size one centimeter, hundreds of nodes now. You're solving a 150 by 150 matrix, or on your TI, you wait overnight for 12 hours until it spits the answers out. Yeah, so what's a penalty you pay? More computing time. What's the good news? Better accuracy. Is it worth it? That's your call, you're the engineer, you figured out, what do you want? What if I have the grid size? The temperature don't change by more than 110 degrees C. Okay fine, that's your criteria, keep going until you get there. So that's the game you play as far as, what accuracy do you want? Now this is, ME 4150, the title is heat transfer. So same old game. With conduction, once we get to temperatures, the next thing to do is, to find out how much heat is transferred. From where to where? From the top and the right-hand side, out the left-hand side, 100 degrees goes out the zero degree phase. So I'm going to find out how much heat we have. First, we'll look at q that comes into the zero degree phase. Here is how we do it. Remember, we first talked about numerical methods in the grid, and we said, you lump the mass at the nodes, and the nodes are connected by heat conducting rods. The only way for heat to be conducted, is through the heat conducting rods. Here's a node on the zero-degree phase. Heat comes in from the right-hand side, heat goes from five to four through this heat conducting rod right there, q_5 to four. Heat goes from node 8 to node 7 through the heat conducting rod. >> Heat goes from 11-10 through the heat conducting rod. But don't get confused and say yeah, but that's an adiabatic wall. I know, but remember what adiabatic wall means? Heat will not be transferred normal to the wall. I understand that. Can heat be transferred parallel to the wall? Sure it can. What's this temperature? A hundred. What's that temperature? Zero. Of course, there's going to be heat transfer along that. This is a heat conducting rod. Heat can't go this way, but it can go this way. Question over there? >> That means an isotherm? >> What? >> The heat conducting rod. >> No. I'll give you an example. That temperature is 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0, is not the same temperature. I'm glad you mentioned that, thank you. I'm so glad you mentioned that because what I meant to do first was to draw the heat flux plot just to give you an engineering interpretation of this. Heat flux plot. Here is our adiabatic surface at the bottom. I'll say T1 is here, T2 is here, T2 is here. Geometric symmetry, right through the middle, vertical and horizontal lines. Thermal symmetry, vertical line, T1, T2? No horizontal line through the middle adiabatic T2? No. There's no lines with thermal symmetry. Conclusion, I can't use that. But here's something we did twice already. We said, where two corners come together at different temperatures, the heat pretty much flows around the closer you get, almost like a quarter circle. At the bottom, this is adiabatic. Let's assume T1 is hot, T2 is cold. He comes in near the bottom of a hot surface, T1. It can't get out the bottom, so it pretty much travels along here, somewhat horizontal like that. Okay. There's an adiabatic, that's an isothermal corner. I know an adiabat comes out of that corner and it bisects that corner and then it has to go out down here or vice versa, fill in the rest. There they are, these are the adiabats. Now we'll draw the isotherms, we did it twice before. The isotherms that come out of a corner where two different temperatures are there at the corner, T1, T2, they come out in a fan pattern like that. When the isotherms get to an adiabatic boundary, it says they come in at right angles. Everywhere inside the boundaries it says they must cross at right angles. Okay, draw a few of these in. These guys are the isotherms. So that gives you a little bit of engineering intuitive feel for what's going on. If you want to get more accurate, you can construct curvilinear squares. He's real good, not bad at all. You can do that and that'll give you an estimate of the heat flow MK Delta T over n. It'll give you an estimate of the temperatures in there if you construct reasonably curvilinear squares. But we're doing it now by numerical methods. But that's the physical picture of what's going on, which gives you some feel for the problem. Numbers on a spreadsheet do not give you a feel for a problem. Graphical things like that give you a feel for a problem. Why do you think mohr circle is so important? You can do it by equations and they're accurate to 15 place its accuracy. Mohr circle tells a great story, a phenomenal story, but you see it visually. It gives you that engineering intuitive feel for a problem. Same thing here. Okay, let's do it. Q5 to 4. Now, this heat conducting rod replaces that much material five to four. Here's the heat flow. What's the area? My hand. What's that? Delta y times 1. The area is Delta y times 1. We're using Chapter 1. K, the area Delta y times 1 divided by the distance the heat traveled, Delta x. Eight to seven, same thing, K. Put the temperatures in there T5 minus T4 plus K area Delta y times 1 Delta x T8 minus T7 plus, now we've got to be careful. Let's do eight to seven first. There's eight to seven, but now 11 to 10, the area is half of y. If we make the grid square Delta x equals Delta y makes life easier. Cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel. Not k, Delta y, Delta x. I know K 25, I know all the temperatures put him in there and Q is equal to 360 watts. You say yeah but look at this picture. The zero-degree face is covered. We've covered that much of it, but we've ignored that much of it. We didn't account for that right there. I know, that's why my grid is so coarse. If I want to get a better Q, I'm going to put more nodes in here and I'm going to reduce this now to this much area that's unknown by having the grid size. If I have the grid size, this will be ignored, this will be accounted for. But I want a better answer. Okay, make more nodes, have it, have the spacing. Now, you're ignoring this little piece. You get better and better estimate of Q as you make the grid finer and finer, at the cost of what? Computing time. Now, what comes out of a zero-degree face should have come in the top and right-hand sides, what comes in here in steady-shade should go out here. Let's try that then, Q out of 100-degree face. Look at the heat conducting rods from five to two, from five to six. Let's do q5 to 2 plus q5 to 6, plus q8 8 to 9. Sorry, should be six to five, nine to eight. We've got five there, so the hot temperatures, two to five, six to five. >> Then we have 9-8, and then we have 12-11. I'm not going to go through that. Do it the same way I did it here, but it comes out to be 356. Yeah, I know they're not equal because my grid sizes are so coarse. I'm surprised it's that close, actually. I'm very surprised it's that close, actually. So what's my answer? Add them together and divide by two, 358. That's my answer of what Q is. That's my approximate answer. The finer your grid size, the closer they are going to agree. But again, at the expense of what? Computing time. Is it worth it? That's your call. The finer you make the grid size, the more accurate your temperatures are, and the closer Q is to the actual Q. These guys here, no, that nine means nothing. It might be anywhere from 50-51-53, that temperature. Any question on this then? Yes, sir. >> Why do we start in between losses again? >> Let's take 6-5. This rod replaces how much material? That much material. All the heat from here to here is called Q 6-5. It's replaced by a symbol, node 6 to node 5. How high is this? Delta Y. How far heat travel? Delta X. That's how you do it. >> But are you in between 2-5 and then 1-4? That's arbitrary and [inaudible]. >> Wait, 2-5 and what now? >> They're in between two and five and then one and four. >> Right. >> That's just arbitrary because it's just going to cancel out, right? >> There's one here. >> How high up? As long as they are equal to each another, it doesn't really matter. >> What's equal to one another? >> How you put it into the equation. Where the Delta Ys and Delta Xs ended up canceling each other as long as you stay consistent with that spacing. >> Yeah. Otherwise, things would change. These would change. You want to make life easy, so you try and make Delta X equal Delta Y. Yes, sir. >> So for finding the Q out of a base, you just use the adjacent nodes to that base, right? >> Here's what you have to do. You say, well, how about heat going that way? I say, no. Illegal. Heat only is transferred along heat-conducting rods. Is there a rod from 5-3? No. Is there a rod from 5-6? Yes. From 5-2? Yes. All the heat's conducted along those guys there. When you draw this picture, these are the heat-conducting rods. Is there something else? You had a question? >> Yeah. If you're using smaller nodes, say, you had five going this way, so it would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Would you just use 5-4? >> Along here? >> Yeah. >> Like the top? >> Yeah. >> Okay. Four to nine, 3-8, 2-7, 10-9, blah, blah, blah. >> So how come we ignore 2-1? >> Okay. I got it. >> I'm not sure if you made that clear also. >> That's a good question. What's the temperature here? >> Two or 100. >> Whats the temperature there? What's the temperature right there? A hundred. >> Even though the zero is coming from inside. >> The problem said, the top surface is at 100 except the corner. That's what the problem says. It's got to say that. Over here, the left-hand face is zero. Where? Except right there. Illegal. >> I thought it was an assumption, >> No. It's going to say it. It's going to say it in the problem. Was there another question? Yes, sir. >> If you draw the box for the area that it replaces, for 6-5. >> Six to five. The original one? >> Yes. Then if you draw the box for 2-5, they overlap slightly. >> Six to five. This was five? >> Yeah. >> Okay. There's 6-5. They overlap. Yeah, you got it. In a way. How about this area here? Conclusion. I ignored it. So I double count here, ignore that one. You know there's errors built in this thing. But guess what? As you keep reducing the grid size, they go away. The areas get smaller and smaller. The problem areas get smaller and smaller, that's right. >> You only have another corner. >> This area gets smaller, now you're missing that much. Now you're missing that much. Now you're missing that much. At what cost? More computing time. That ends our chapter on 2D heat conduction. Now I'm going to go over some problems for homework. Did it get over you guys yet, the homework? >> Yeah. >> Okay. Hand it to me, please. Thank you. Did anybody come in late that that didn't get their homework back? Just so you know the numbers on this. Three, 15, main problems on that was getting the correct K values, pretty much for that wall with studs, insulation, wallboard, and siding. So the hard wood siding, K equal 0.094. Gypsum, 0.038. Insulation, 0.038. This guy here is 0.17. Gypsum, 0.17. Area of the total wall, two-and-a-half meters high by six-and-a-half meters long. Area of studs; there were 10 studs. Each stud is four centimeters and two-and-a-half high. Each stud four centimeters by two-and-a-half meters. Area of insulation; area of the wall minus area of the studs. You need those areas, of course, for your resistance. KA over L, there's your areas. If you didn't get these K values, see me after class and I'll point out exactly in the tables where the correct value is for you so you know. Three, 27; the correct answer for the chip temperature, 48.1 degrees C. I think I had down 46 point something degrees C. The correct answer is 48.1 degrees C. Three, 111 is a solar collector panel which behaves like a fin. There's two tubes carrying a fluid, generally water. X measured from here, L is halfway. There's convection coming out to the air. There is radiation coming in from the sun. The way you start that problem is to go back to fins at the derivation of the fin equation for temperature, which is equation 3,61. >> You have qx minus qx plus dx minus q convection equals 0. That was equation 361. We did that in class. We took a small differential element of length dx out the fin. We wrote that equation, energy balance on it. From that, we got a differential equation relating temperature as a function of x. In words, heat coming in the left side of the element by conduction qx minus heat going out the right side of the element by conduction qx plus dx minus the heat loss by convection to the fluid to infinity. Now, what's a difference here? You see the picture. The difference is, I've got a throw in qSUN as an input is coming in. Coming in means positive. So this becomes plus qSUN equals 0. That's a constant, it's just a constant, qSUN is given as a constant. You then follow what I did in class or in the textbook on that page until you end up with an equation similar to the 366, which is the governing differential equation. So it's a pretty straightforward solution. All you do is throw a constant in and then follow line by line, five lines what he does in the textbook to get something similar to equation 366, which is the governing differential equation. 3.149. This was the circular tube separated by there's baffles here. There's baffles here. There's fluid flowing. This tube comes out the blackboard, these are baffles. So the fluids flow in these four quadrants. So I have q equal q from the fins plus q from the wall. These guys behave like fins. This is T base, T base, T base, T base. In the middle, no heat crosses horizontally, no heat goes up and down vertically. Conclusion that this point, these fins behave as if they have an adiabatic tip. Case two, Table 3.4 Find qf. Got it. How many fins? Four. Got it. Table 3.4, case b. Plus q from the walls. What's the total wall area? The circumference times the length; circumference, pi D. But if there's a subtract out 4 times T because that's not bare wall. The fin's touching the wall there, times the length, which is one would do it on a per meter basis. So that's how you get that guy, 3.158. Any questions on him before I go on? [inaudible]. Yeah, that's right. I would go to that. Because like you say, is not touching the fluid area. 3.158 is this picture. Circumferential fins. By the way, on this problem here, you don't need to find the fin efficiency. That's a waste of time on a timed exam. You can, if you're asked for it, you sure can. But this is the easy way out because I know a qf is capital M hyperbolic tangent, little ml. I get that really quick. But if you want to find the efficiency, you can do it that way. It just takes more time. So on this exam, time is valuable, real valuable. Come up Friday. Let's check how many fins there are on that thing 158. The first part says find the heat loss by one fin. Got it. That's part A. Heat loss per fin, 200 fins. So I'm going to use figure 3.20 to get ta fin and then q for one fin is equal to eta area of the fin times h T base minus T infinity. The area of the fin there's top and bottom. So area of the fin is two because of top and bottom times pi r squared minus the inside radius squared. There's your area of the fin. For 200 fins q total equal 200 q_f plus q from the bare wall. So there's the bare wall. Now I'll show you the bare wall. That's the bare wall. So how many spaces are there between the fins? One hundred and ninety-nine. If you want to do it that way, it's fine, but be careful. He says the fins are spaced at five-millimeter increments. Well, I told you in this chapter on fins, there's so many different areas. There's a_c, there's a_p, there's a_f. You got to know that most people on fins make their mistakes on areas, which should be the simplest thing of all, but they make their mistake on the areas. So the spacing of the fins five-millimeter increments. Wall in your house, somebody tells you the studs are 60 inches, spaces 16 inches. Does that mean there's 16 inches between this face and that face of the stud? No. What's the correct way to say that? Center to center, right? Yeah. Center to center. So what does this mean? Five millimeters center to center? No, you got it wrong. Your area is wrong. It's from the middle to the middle. People make mistakes like that, which seem small. But when you multiply it by 199 spaces, it becomes rather large. So get the areas correct on problems like that.
Channel: CPPMechEngTutorials
Views: 8,663
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Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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