Heat Pump - Running & Install Costs (vs Gas)

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hello and welcome back to the channel I'm evm and this is an update video on this thing here our heat pump now a few months ago we got this installed and I did a video where I showed you the installation the heat calculations that went around it and all the modifications to the house that we did to fit it I'll put Link in the description below if you want to watch those in terms of how we install the thing but in that video we got a ton of comments and I mean a lot of comments from people wanting to know more but I couldn't give them that data then because they didn't have it but I now do so they want you to know how efficient it's been running how much it costs in terms of electricity versus the gas boiler that it replaced and ultimately how much did it cost to install and what's it like to live with things like that so that's essentially what this video is about an update on our heat pump now I've got two months worth of solid data to at least point us in the direction foreign love to do this outside in what looks like a lovely day but it's actually freezing so I think I need to go somewhere a little bit more white body to explain and show you the various data and calculations and prices of what we've got so far any excuse to get the Whiteboard out of course I apologize for the bright light my normal lighting system has gone kabamo so I'm stuck with essentially that one anyway this table is going to compare a heat pump versus our gas boiler that we used to have installed so the heat pump data will be the actual data from September 11th to November 12th of this year the gas data is coming from the exact same exact same time period but for 2021 of last year I've also got the heat Geeks to do their maths and clever stuff I don't understand to adjust this figure because this year is warmer than last year so they've looked at the average temperatures done all the facts and figures and complicated maths and that has been adjusted accordingly so this should be essentially how much the gas boiler would have used how much the heat pump would have used in the same house over the same time period so it's as close as a direct comparison we could realistically ever get once I've given you these figures so that's the efficiency the kilow hours in terms of how much they used in electricity or gas and then the cost of each based on the price cap today's price cap of 34 Pence versus 10.4 Pence for gas so I'm not basing this on what I've paid on the time of day tariff with solar panels and home battery system this is assuming none of that exists and you just on the standard price cap once we've done that I will then tell you how much the gas boiler would have cost us to replace with the new gas boiler and then obviously how much the heat pump cost does and I should point out that's how much the heat pump would cost us if we ordered it now rather than what we paid because even though it's only been five or six months since we ordered it prices have already gone like everything else in the world um so again today's price is for all of this let's look at the efficiency now of the gas boiler I've picked 85 efficient because that's what everybody seems to be telling me in the heating industry and online and so forth of roughly what a gas central heat I guess central heating on-demand boiler would get in reality mine's probably a bit lower than that because again like most out there well oversized not the most efficient install which was done presumably when the house was built uh this is the amount of kilowatt hours we used in gas during effectively a two month period 1 307 kilowatt hours now let's look at the efficiency of the heat pump which is separated into two different uh categories if you will dswr domestic hot water which to you and I is just hot water and then the heating so that's the radius the central heating system essentially so in terms of hot water which is now different for us in the fact that we've got hot water cylinder that's heated up at Night by the by the heat pump to 51 degrees Centigrade yes Legionella is taken care of with Cycles um and then that's it that sees it through the day until it heats up again the following day so far in this two-month period we have got a cop for hot water of 3.1 or as I prefer to say it 310 percent efficient for heating we have got a cop of 4.8 or 480 percent efficient now if you're wondering how anything could be above 100 efficiency that's because a heat pump doesn't generate anything it moves heat from outside to inside whereas a gas boiler literally generates it it burns gas to generate heat that can't go above 100 absolutely but this is just moving heat from outside to Wing if you want to know more in detail but in a simplistic way look at this video from the heat Geeks that explains it in a nice easy to understand simple manner that even I can understand and that's how it it is efficient as it is because you're moving heat from outside not generating heat it's not magic it's just physics right so how many kilowatt hours did the heat pump use in electricity in this period it is 373 kilowatt hours worth of electricity now you might be looking at these efficiency figures and going hang on a minute even if we look at that and then look at that it there's something not right here and you're correct there is another reason for this discrepancy it's not just the big factor that it is a lot more efficient it's also the fact that a heat pump if it's done correctly will be done uh well it's a bespoke solution it's tailored to each house every house is different whereas gas central heating boilers for the last however many decades have just been thrown in way oversized typically and one size fits all so you've got one size fits-all solution versus a custom solution and of course a custom one's always going to be better if we put the same effort into a gas central heating system I.E getting all the heat calculations done making sure the radiators are sized properly then that would be lower but very very few people do that I'll get it done with a gas boiler so that and the efficiency accounts for why we're looking at not far off a megawatt hour of difference in just two two months that's why the government has such a hard on for heat pumps even though a lot of houses out there would not be suitable for one year I am not naive to that fact and you know a lot of people can't afford one look at the difference in terms of our energy consumption for this house imagine if millions of houses did this that would be a huge reduction in the country's energy consumption as well as obviously getting rid of the need for gas anyone that says heat pumps work for everyone is wrong anyone that says heat pumps don't work again wrong just ask Scandinavia who have used them for decades and they're far colder so clearly the technology does work I mean hell is powering your fridge and your freezer but ultimately it's part of the solution it's not the whole solution right let's move on to these facts and figures again uh cost so in terms of the gas at 10.4 Pence on the price cap that would have cost us had we had a gas boiler this year 135 pounds I've rounded that down rather than put the pence in so 135 quid whereas the heat pump again based on the price cap price of 34p world of Costas 126 pounds so there's a little bit of saving there if you're on the price Gap so that's no solar panels no home Battery Systems no time of day tariff 126 quid versus 135 now clearly it's probably not going to justify itself on the install price but that does it does show people that there's a perception out there for me anyway the heat pumps are very very expensive to run because electricity is a lot more expensive than gas but when you're factor in this um the you know the one size fits all thing then actually it's probably going to be cheaper again summer that is going that's going to go above 500 in summer but it's obviously going to drop it in winter it's the average over the year the seasonal or scope is what I'm going to eventually show you once I've got a Year's worth of data now let's look at how much it's cost us on our tariff which is octopus go that's four hours of cheap and uh 20 hours of expensive and I'm going to use today's prices not the one that we're still on for now that's 12 Pence for the four hours and I think 40 Pence for the other 20. we also have of course the solar panels which are doing less and less as we get closer to Winter and the home battery which is the key to all this because I've just had a recent upgrade should we say or change of Home battery system and now that essentially can charge up at night using cheaper electric and power the house and the heat pump throughout the rest of the day and probably we'll still do in Winter as well So based on the actual usage and smart meter figures that we've been charged this is how much its cost us over the last two months 55 pounds yes we've spent thousands of pounds on solar panels home batteries and various other things to get to this point so I'm not suggesting this is something that everyone could do because clearly that's not going to be the case but this is why we and that's the whole point of this video this is our journey in our house this is why we went for the heat pump partly because we needed a heating system our gas boiler was failing we had to make a decision so although we would have done it regardless this is not purely a financial decision for us we wanted to get rid of gas as in using gas I do as a yorkshireman try to make it make Financial sense of course so that for us is 80 so I'll call it 40 pounds a month cheaper during Autumn I suppose to run compared to the gas central heating system essentially I've done the figures and tried to estimate what the IRS savings will be over 12 months worth of heat pumpery and that works out at 450 pounds over the year and I've been very conservative in that in reality I reckon it'll be closer to 550 because we can hopefully very soon once we get rid of the gas hob get rid of the gas meter completely and therefore we will have to pay the very near 100 pounds a year charge just for the standing charge of the gas just to have gas so for us we're clearly going to benefit but is it going to make sense even for you know with all the other stuff we have I imagine if you're on the price Gap and you're just going for a gas a heat pump instead of cat spoiler then that nine pound savings not gonna cover the heat pump so the few Cuts we had for the to do a replacement of the gas boiler with another and bear in mind that this doesn't include the optimization the heat calculations changing a few of the radiators that was 2 700 pounds that was the average quote we've got for the couple of companies companies that we asked for the heat pump that was that was a little bit more expensive if I'm being honest that works out at 1000 pounds okay okay I'll I'll tell you essentially that came to thirteen and a half thousand pounds however with boiler upgrade scheme Grant which is five thousand that ends up being 8 500 pounds clearly if we just average it off nearly 6 000 pounds more expensive than replacing our Duff boiler with another gas one so we're six grand down essentially but we're saving not far off 500 pounds a year again this is very conservative I'm convinced it will be higher and gas is is going to close the gap on electricity so the more time goes on that will be higher there is a political will to make gas more expensive and electricity well probably not any cheaper but gas is catching up if I look back over a few years my gas has gone on 500 in price terms where and that's the price cap whereas electricity has gone up 300 we're probably looking realistically with the standing charge for us personally about 10 to 11 years because again it'll be high even if we say 12 years for it to have saved enough for it to justify free to have man-mast itself however we were going to do this regardless it's about getting rid of gas as I said it's not just a financial thing not everybody does something because it saves them money no one ever says I want a new kitchen but how much is it going to save me money some things you just buy because you want them for whatever reason so this is what our house can get it doesn't mean that your house will be more expensive or even cheaper when it comes to the heat pump actual cost so what's this heat pump like to live with well I would say it's more comfortable to be honest because the lower temperature radiators means you get warm radiators that are just slightly fluctuate in their house temperature as opposed to hot radiators that are going cold then hot then cold and hot and it just wildly fluctuates so it's definitely more comfortable to live with but I guess if you lower the temperature of your gas system and it was equally as uh well designed you would have a similar experience but ultimately yeah it's just a heating system my wife hasn't even know noticed so that's probably a good thing before I go I just want to also dispel a few myths that were quite prevalent in the comments section of the previous video as well uh one is that you have to have a high-p insulated house triple glazing underfloor heating all that sort of stuff you don't I mean the more efficient your house is the lower these prices are but that would be the same for a gas boiler so yes it's better to have underfloor heating because it's more efficient but that's the same regardless of the heating sauce we have the exact same house now that we did for the past few years with the gas boiler it's not changed we haven't changed the windows we haven't got underfloor heating we've got the exact same radiators on this entire floor that we had before because it was so oversized with the gas boiler even at a lower temperature they're actually perfect I can push mine to above 70 degrees Centigrade if I wanted to a gas boiler would never need to be that high either it's ridiculous you wouldn't need it but because you can it means you could heat pretty much oh well almost any property it might not be suitable from a running cost point of view because the higher the temperature the lower the efficiency of the heat pump but again that's the same with the gas central heating boiler although not to such an extreme so yes it does help insulation is where we started nine years ago when we started this whole kind of home energy Journey so you know what there's no one-size-fits-all solution like with the gas boilers heat pumps are part of the solution but not for everyone you might not be able to afford it you might not be able to physically fit it in your house or outside your house you might live in a flat there's all sorts of things that stop people getting them like electric vehicles at the moment they're not for everyone yet they're too expensive uh heat pumps for for the majority of people to justify it for now if you look like a heat pump and there's a lot of people again in the comments section of the previous videos that really for some reason hated heat pumps I don't know why it's a heating system then well I'd have to say why are you watching this video ultimately but for me it's been a real big positive it will save us money although not massively justifiably so considering how much they think cost however we have now got no gas we're fully electric and as I see it we are now protected our heating bills and well house running build and as low as they could realistically go this is as cheap to run as possible as this house now for us we've used the money to do that rather than well quite frankly a kitchen I I want a new kitchen she wants a new kitchen we went for this first I want this video and all this data to just be part of your research I'm not suggesting you get a heat pump I'm not suggesting anybody does I do not get paid by valent I do not get paid by a heat pump Lobby whatever that is I promise you I don't there isn't a cabal of people out there pushing heat pumps that have bigger Financial clout than the oil industry paying small YouTubers such as myself to push heat pumps I mean think about what you're saying I wish it was true I wish I was getting paid for this but I'm not Beyond typical YouTube algorithm stuff and obviously sponsorships from first to solver.com UK by the end of the day again you do what you want I couldn't care less what heating system you get this is just hopefully to help people who are looking into it if you want to help the channel out then visit the sponsor and of course if you want to become a member click the join button which is next to subscribe and for 99p you get early videos well up to a week early so members only videos and I'm starting to do uh live streams just for members so you can ask questions directly rather than have to email or use the comments or something like that hopefully trying to make a bit better all for 99 Pence oh and if you have an iOS device for some reason you can't sign up on an iOS device it has to be an Android or a PC desktop laptop or something like that I don't know why but there you go so thanks for watching guys uh I'm done now um see you soon I guess maybe after winter in regards to the heat pump as I'm freezing to death because it doesn't heat in winter
Channel: Electric Vehicle Man
Views: 104,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heat pump, heatpump, heatpumps, homeenrgy, gas boilers, central heating, uk homes
Id: WuAunibSIoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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