Heat Pump Nightmare - Geoff's Story

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considering you had quite a bad experience what sort of advice would you give to people looking to install a heat pump in their home well you have to look at the company go down and see what they've got to offer and see what their backup is you want a company that will back up what they say so I got fed up with having to get quotes for oil so I've decided and we had a discussion my wife and I had a discussion and said right I'd like to go environmentally friendly I want to go away from fossil fuel so I decided to look at heat pumps which looked quite inviting so then I went down that road of you know getting heat pumps brought into the house one of the companies I chose was a company based in Colchester who you know looked pretty good on the surface of things and you know we I'm suspicious in the in the long run thinking well I don't want to be done so I I went into their company had a look at what was going on had a very good reputation the company is very large and so we went with them which was a very big mistake these heat pumps failed continuously uh to the extent that I think I knew more about the heat pumps than the companies that installed them we had even one of their experts from Austria he came over three times to see if he could rectify the problem and in the end he shook his head and said no I'm going and he just walked out and left and and that was it we didn't have any Heating in the house for close on six years and my my wife was in hospital when she came out of hospital we had to have all electric systems we had both with fortunate enough we've got open fires we had open fires going continually day and night to keep the house warm because it's just coming in hospital and they didn't want to know they don't care and so you know in their legal team says well it's not they're not really their problem I listened to BBC Essex and they had the CEO from CB heating he was on there and I was listening I'm thinking it's worth a punt I'll give them a ring so I gave the sales team a ring and I chatted them for about 10-15 minutes and they said it was only one way to come down and have a look at what we've got to offer and they invited us down yes and from there that's when I met Clayton and he came in and asked what was the story I told him and he was horrified and he says well I'm determined to get units into your place and working and a backup service which you know I must admit has been fantastic we're isolated here we went down to I think close on minus 12 with the winds coming across the valley and we didn't have a problem I mean as a you know I said there's ice forms on the unit at the front uh fins of the unit nothing no problems at all it just runs and runs not like before when we had cold spells and then we just cut out the old ones used to just cut out when it got cold worked perfectly in the summer the old ones but you know these ones been absolutely tremendous throughout the winter we've thoroughly enjoyed them
Channel: CB Heating
Views: 69,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bKTsLHSS7i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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