Heat: Pedal To The Metal - How To Play

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the one to six player game heat pedal to the metal designed by esker Harding grenaroo and Daniel skill Peterson and published by days of wonder who helps sponsor this video fire up your engines adjust your racing goggles and steady your nerves because the race of your life is about to begin heat has certain core rules you'll learn for your first races but when you're ready there are several optional rules for things like weather custom cars tournament racing solo play and more in this video I'm going to teach you the core rules for your first races and at the end I'll give you an overview of those other options but for now join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up pick one of the double-sided game boards to use and each has a unique track for your first game they recommend going with the USA Track each player now chooses a color and takes the matching car player mat and gear Pawn which they'll set onto the first gear space of their mat here in this video we'll assume we have a four player game on the track find the numbered starting Spaces by this Finish Line which you'll then randomly fill with the player's cars in ascending order you also collect the 12 speed cards for your car these will show your color in the banners under the numbers in their top corners and they include three copies of each value going from one to four you also collect what are known as the three starting upgrade cards which come in your color and look like this the cards with these faces make up what are known as the Heat and stress deck you now look for these icons on the board which represent how many heat and stress cards each player must collect in this case six heat and three stress and once every player has those cards any leftover Heat cards are returned to the box and any leftover stress is left beside the board now take your six Heat cards and place them face up onto the space that represents your car's engine as indicated by the icon here next Shuffle together your 12 speed three starting upgrade and three stress cards and once they're thoroughly mixed place them face down onto this space for them here now each player draws seven cards from the deck they just made to form their opening hand and that's the setup in heat pedal to the metal you and the other drivers will play cards to race around the track as quickly as possible while trying not to spin out succumb to stress or overheat your engines the number of laps you'll need to drive is shown within this icon on the board so two laps for this map the first player to cross this Finish Line after their final lap wins heat is played over a series of rounds broken into nine steps which are Illustrated with numbered icons at the top of your mat any steps showing an exclamation mark are mandatory and must be performed by all the players well the other steps are only performed if necessary as we'll see so let's start by learning the first step shifting gears every player does this Step at the same time you don't wait and take turns here you check what gear you're currently in based on the position of your gear Pawn and then everyone starts in gear one as this steps icon shows you can leave your gear where it is or shift it up or down by one you can also shift upward down by two gears but we'll talk about that in just a moment a gear can never go lower than one or higher than four if I wanted to shift up one gear I'd move my Pawn like this and we'll see the value of being in different gears a little later as I had mentioned in this step you can instead shift by two gears at once but notice the fire icons beside those options they represent the cost and heat that you must pay in this case one heat paying heat is a key Concept in the game so let's take a moment and see how it works to pay heat you move that many cards from your engine to your discard pile which is the area here that means if you had no heat left in your engine you could not shift by two gears during this step heat is also used in other situations as we'll see but now we can move move on to the next step of the round playing cards and once again all players do this at the same time for this step check to see what gear you're currently in because this value also represents how many cards you can now play from your hand in this case three because we'll assume I paid one heat to shift up two gears generally speaking the more cards you play the faster you'll go but speed can be dangerous just keep in mind you must play exactly as many cards as your gear indicates you can't for example choose to play fewer as the blue player I'm in third gear so I'll pick three cards from my hand and without showing anyone else I set them face down in front of me later in the game as we'll see you might end up with some of these Heat cards in your hand you even start with one in your initial deck but just be aware you can never play a heat card during this step any you're holding must stay in your hand either way once everyone has placed their chosen cards faced down in front of himself we go to step three revealing and moving this is represented by the icon here but players must resolve this step in order starting with the car in the lead and going backwards one at a time until you get to the player furthest behind in fact when it's your turn you don't just resolve step three but also continue on and do any of these other steps in order that might apply all the way up to the final step which has an exclamation mark so that means you must always resolve it once the first player finishes step nine the next player then performs step three to nine and then the next player goes and so on the order of players will take their turns in is very easy to see at the start of the game as their starting spaces are numbered so blue would go first then red then yellow and then green next though let's take a quick tour of the track a solid bordered section is known as a space and the dashed lines divide the space into spots at most each spot can contain in one car let's assume it was later in the game and the cars were in these positions now I had mentioned that during the reveal and move step players take turns starting with the person furthest ahead and going backwards in this case blue would clearly go first but then we have two cars in the same space so which of these is furthest ahead each space has a race line on one of its sides that's this thick white border occur in a spot closest to the race line is said to be ahead of any car on its other side so this means yellow would go next then red and finally green as you can see here the race line can change sides so keep an eye out for that when playing now though let's go back to the start of the first round where blue was in position to take the first turn during their reveal and move step they'll flip all the cards in their play area face up then resolving any of these stress cards that they might have revealed stress cards represent your concentration slipping as you drive causing unpredictable results for each stress card you reveal draw the top card off of your deck and if it shows this speed card symbol set it on top of that stress card to replace it speed cards always show a result of one to four so although you don't know exactly what value a stress card will become you know it will be one of those values now let's resolve this stress Icon by drawing again anything revealed that does not show the speed icon in this top Central Area is put face up in your discard area and then you keep drawing until you do reveal a speed icon so here this stress card would just go to the discard and this card shows the speed icon so it would replace our stress card with any stress result you now add together all the values showing on the cards in your play area which determines your total speed in this case 2 plus 2 plus 1 which is five now you move your car forward exactly that many spaces on the track you can't choose to move fewer and in this case it brings us to the space here if both of the spots are empty then add your car to the spot closest to the race line if a car ends up in this a space later it would have to go into this spot and remember the car closest to the race line blue in this case is considered ahead of other cars in the same space when moving you can always pass through other cars so in a situation like this if yellow was advancing four spaces it would go one two three four these other cars in the way don't interfere now remember I said you must move exactly the distance of your speed but if the space you would end up in has no available spots for example let's say the yellow car was advancing three spaces that would put it in this space where there's no room for it in that case you would then put the car in the next closest space behind where it should be as close to the race line as possible remember after a player reveals and moves they don't stop but instead they continue performing any of these steps that apply in order starting with adrenaline but a player only resolves this step if there are the last car to move this round or in a race with five or more cars the last two players get to perform this step now we're currently resolving the first player's turn but for a moment let's just pretend that the last player was going so we can explain this step when resolving adrenaline the symbol here means you may choose to add one extra space of speed to your total move this turn if you want to and this can be added before or after any boost you may do in The Next Step which we'll learn about in a moment having adrenaline also scores you one extra cooldown symbol as shown here which you can use during the next step as well and remember although adrenaline is only resolved by the player moving last in the round or the last two players in a game of five or more Racers the next steps are resolved by any driver when they would apply so let's learn about step 5 reacting here you get to activate in any order any symbols you might have generated during your turn for example if you did have adrenaline you generated a cooldown symbol that you can use now depending on which gear you're in you'll also gain any cooldown symbols shown there so if we were in second gear we'd gain one cooldown or three cool down if we were in first gear now during this step no matter which gear you're in you'll also gain access to one boost which is represented by this plus symbol and it requires spending one heat and we'll see how this works in just a moment if you're playing with some of the optional modules will discuss at the end of this video they may generate other symbols for you to resolve during this step but we'll stick to learning the ones used in the basic game starting with boosting you may boost at most once per turn to increase your speed by paying one heat and then flipping cards from the top of your deck discarding any that don't show a speed icon but when you come to a card that does show one you add that to the face up cards in front of you you then Advance the number of spaces showing on the drawn boost card as we've seen there are several occasions where you'll be drawing cards from your deck and so you might be wondering what happens when it runs out if you need to take a card from your deck and it's empty shuffle your discard pile into a new deck and then continue drawing any cards you were owed with that understood we can now talk about cooldowns during this react step for each cool van you have access to either from the adrenaline step or from your current gear you may take a heat card from your hand and put it back into your engine at the start of the game you only have one heat card in your deck but as we've seen heat from your engine can end up in your discard pile which will eventually be shuffled back into your deck and when you draw heat into your hand it's useless so you want to get rid of it also you want heat back in your engine so you can spend it when you need to shift gears or if you want to perform a boost so careful management of your heat will ensure your curve runs well and that covers the react step once you've finished moving your car and resolving any react options you had it's time for the slipstream step but this only resolves if you ended your move next to or behind another car for example if I ended my movement here behind another car or beside a car then I could slipstream but slip streaming is always optional if I decide to do it you then Advance your car to spaces also note you can never slip stream more than once per turn this brings us to the check Corner step which only applies if you drove through a a corner during this round the thick border crossing the track at a curve is known as the corner line and if your car crossed over one of these on your turn you must do a corner check I'm going to set up an example that assumes I did cross this corner on my turn to perform the check first get your total speed for the round which is the values from the cards you played any boost you performed and the extra space you might have moved if you had adrenaline basically the only value you don't include in this total is the movement from any slip stream you might have performed so if these were the cards I played and this was a card I revealed for a boost that would bring my total to two plus two plus one which is five and let's say I had adrenaline and when an extra space that brings us to a total of six which if that put me here after crossing the line I would be able to slipstream and let's say that I did we would not add the slipstream value so my final speed when crossing the line was six if your speed is equal or lower then the speed limit shown beside the corner in this icon nothing happens you safely navigated that corner however let's say that my total speed had been 10. if your value is higher than the speed limit you must now pay heat equal to the difference between your total speed and the limit so 10 minus 7 means we need to pay three heat which we transfer from our engine to our discard pile now if you ever need to pay heat after checking a corner and you don't have enough to fully pay the cost for example let's say now we need to pay three heat after going through a corner but we only have one you pay as much as you do have and then your car is said to immediately spin out to do this move back to the first available space before the corner line that caused you to spin out then check your current gear as it shows in this area if you're in first or second gear take one extra stress card into your hand from the deck beside the board and if you're in third or fourth gear as we are here then you instead Take 2 stress and add those to your hand then you move down into first gear as this shows if you cross several Corners in one turn resolve each one separately one at a time in the order you pass through them after checking Corners you now move to the discard step this is an optional step and here you can put any number of cards still in your hand face up into your discard pile however you may not discard any stress or heat that you're holding you can only get rid of stress by playing it from your hand during step two and heat can only be removed from your hand by using cool down effects I should also point out players cannot look through their own or their opponent's discard piles only the very top cards should be visible however you can always ask to know how many Heat cards a player has in their engine now we come to the last step of your turn replenishing your hand and as you can see this is a mandatory step here you send all the cards face up in your your play area over to your discard pile and then you draw cards from your deck until you're holding seven now the next player in the turn order completes steps three to nine for their turn and then the next player does the same and so on once all the players have gone the round ends and you go back to the first step and begin a new round now I should mention in rare cases where you don't manage your heat carefully you may get to step two where you have to play cards face down from your hand and because you have so much heat in your hand you don't have enough playable cards for the gear you're in when that happens use as many playable cards as you have and then play Heat cards to make up the difference now this is the only time that you can play Heat cards into your play area when it's time to reveal your cards rather than resolving your turn as normal your car does not move at all you instead shift down to gear one and put any cards you played directly into your discard pile skipping straight to step nine where you'll draw back up to seven cards so that's one reason why carefully managing your heat is very important and with that you now know how to play around and they'll continue until the end of a round where at least one player has crossed the Finish Line after completing the required number of laps for your track two in this case you still move them the full distance they traveled for that turn and ignore any Corner checks and speed limits on any Corners they might pass through after crossing the line basically if you pass the Finish Line you can go as fast as you want if you blow through a corner after that well that's just where it takes to win just keep in mind you can never use slip streaming to cross the finish line on the final lap so if I had ended my move here behind this vehicle normally I'd be able to slipstream but that would cause me to cross the finish line so I can't do it and I have to leave my vehicle here you also can't use slip streaming once you've crossed the finish line so let's say I had been here and I had a total move of four one two three four because I'm beside this vehicle normally I'd be able to slipstream but I just crossed the finish line so I can't at the end of a round where drivers have crossed the Finish Line remove them from the track and place them in order on these Hall of Fame spaces of the board when more than one driver crosses the Finish Line during the same round no matter the order they crossed in the one that's furthest ahead is said to have crossed first and if two drivers are in the same space then as usual the one in the spot closest to the race line is ahead of the other after finished cars have been removed from the track any cars that remain will continue with the next round and you'll play rounds like this until all of the drivers have crossed the finish line and been removed just keep in mind as cars start leaving the track the number of cars remaining that can still gain the benefit of adrenaline either one or two is still based on how many cars started the race not how many remain on the track the player who was first on the Hall of Fame track is now declared the winner and the rest of the players can see how they did relative to one another with that you now know how to play the core game of heat pedal to the metal but don't forget there are several optional rules you can add into your game which are covered in the included Advanced play and Championship rule book I'm not going to teach these in detail but I'll give you a quick summary of what you'll find here one option is to include the garage deck module with this each player builds their own customized car replacing the standard upgrades their deck started with with ones they'll draft from a selected pool in this way each player will have their own unique abilities to take advantage of while driving you'll also find a Legends module which allows you to play solo against drivers control by a deck of cards you can even include Legends in your games with other human players if you want to fill the track out with more cars for more variety you can also play with the weather and road conditions module where players will have to contend with changing weather and its effects there's also a championship module which lets you race in three historic Championship Seasons from the 1960s where you'll play through multiple races to get a final score upgrading your car between matches being picked up by sponsors dealing with the press and even facing events of the period And if you're just looking for an added challenge you'll also find a tournament mode you can use but all of those optional modules I'll leave for you to discover on your own otherwise that's everything you need to know to play heat if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at Board Game Geek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team which I'll have link below but until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 204,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Days Of Wonder, Heat, Pedal To The Metal, Heat: Pedal To The Metal, instructional
Id: Ychy0Tgegjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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