Heartthrob Gets CAUGHT CHEATING On LIVESTREAM, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios

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[Music] good morning Honeys it's get ready with Riley today I'm giving out a little beauty advice before school drop your questions also it's Hunter's birthday today so let me know what cake I should surprise him [Music] with Wow thank you guys so much for the Love Now what's the best resource for keeping up with all the latest makeup trends well me just kidding but seriously though make makeup is a form of artistic expression let's start out with the ey [Music] Shadow I swear this CNA Salary isn't cutting it I can barely even make the minimum payments this check is from the brand I work with it's glamour glow it's for $2,000 wow you make that much money with this beauty influencer stuff I'll give you 1,000 for bills the other half I need to buy products and whatnot Oh you mean to buy more designer clothes and bags to flaun around hey I'm an influencer I need to look the part how else am I going to keep getting these deals [Music] what's wrong these teeth whitening strips make my teeth really sensitive it [Music] burns hey girl nice bag oh Riley always has has the newest designer thanks edes but can we make a stop first I want to get a cake to surprise Hunter tell him to meet us at his car hey you should have taken the bus today Ron Hall was Battle rapping Jeremy lion and totally destroyed him wow I can't believe I missed such a life-changing event whoa I didn't know caveman still existed you belong in a museum hey oh oh oh he's an angry caveman he's an angry caveman you want your beanie back here you go [Music] peace oh my gosh this is going to be so cute you should go live Riley good idea can you film it for me okay great let's go surprise Riley you scared me that's not all I'm going to do are you serious Riley what is wrong with you who is she Hunter no one she's just some girl how could you do this to me after everything I've done for you I didn't do anything to you why why are you acting like this you know what never mind we're done you're [Music] crazy oh uh Riley there's a lot of comments coming in end the live stream sorry how could he do this to me I look like a complete idiot it now no okay forget him Riley he deserved every bit of that yeah and you deserve way better how are you holding up I brought you ice cream I can't eat that I feel like a thousand daggers are stabbing through my stomach well that's normal given everything that you've been through eventually you'll heal and this will all blow [Music] over hey you okay actually don't answer that hey we're not trying to make you feel worse or anything but have you been on Tik Tok yet no why you might want to take a look I got to go hey what's going on oh my life is over that's [Music] all dear Riley glamour glow would like to thank you for your services as a brand ambassador for our products however in light of the recent video of view that has serviced on Tik Tok we believe that our brand no longer aligns with this part SHP at this time we hope to work with you again in the future Riley I'm so sorry Hunter does this to me and I'm the bad guy maybe he wasn't cheating on me but that's how it feels it's not fair it's going to be okay no it's not without these brand deals how am I going to keep up my image or our bills just feels so bad for Riley I mean she's like going viral for all the wrong reasons right now I hate to say it but she kind of had it coming no I just mean that Riley has a lot going on like She's a Beauty influencer with a big following and a lot of eyes on her too much of a good thing is bound to go bad eventually we see that with social media all the time yeah just can't imagine being in her shoes right now oh here she comes now hey Riley are you going to throw kick at me too hey how about you be quiet you couldn't get with Riley if you wanted to I should have just stayed home yo bro you are ruthless the school parking lot I mean I didn't even cheat on her that's the sad part it's just some random girl that came up to me dude who cares you're literally viral now so many girls won't you man is he seriously getting props for what he did to me just ignore it Riley Hunter's just being immature and it's really not worth your energy but it bothers me Emma okay the only reason that he's hot and popular is because of me before me he was socially awkward and had acne all over his face I should have just chosen someone else now Hunter's probably going to end up prom that's it you choose someone else to give a glow up to that's how you get over Hunter actually yeah that's not a bad idea and maybe I'll even have enough time to make him prom King instead of Hunter now the question is who whoa whoa watch where you're going nerd [Music] well at least it was just milk that's better than soda or anything else yeah way better hey you got to find the silver lining you could be walking around all sticky hey guys I'm Riley Hunter's girlfriend I mean um ex-girlfriend anyways um I saw the way that Hunter was treating you and I wanted to apologize um what's your name that's Carson I'm Tyra I recognize you from your Tik Tok videos the skincare one though not the other one well that's a relief I know about him teasing you and I just feel really bad um I was wondering if maybe you wanted a makeover not not that you needed it or anything um but I'm a beauty influencer and makeovers are a big part of my content Hunter used to be my go-to boy but for obvious reasons I'm looking for a new face I'd love to work with you if you're interested plus you've got an amazing bone structure um not to be rude or anything but why exactly do you want to do this well look at your painting which is Amazing by the way eyes for a makeup artist are like a blank canvas for a painter you see all the blending in your painting makeup artists love that all the smooth Transitions and gradients it's like you're creating a landscape for the eyelids it's amazing never thought about it like that I know a lot of people don't take Beauty seriously but it's like a form of expression for me it's art sounds cool but uh no thanks I'm not even on social media I don't want to be all out there yeah no um I totally understand no worries sorry for wasting your time you should have said yes she seems so nice and a makeover could do you some good right about now might even get a girl to go to prom with you I don't know she's Hunter's ex-girlfriend he'd probably beat me up he clearly doesn't care about her and you heard what she said you have amazing bone structure you can't let it go to waste [Music] hey Riley I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in I need a to take home I can't see mind is when my heart gone I think about you all the time and I just can't see you than you [Music] [Applause] now a different time I'll back of my I just want to come inside let me go let me [Music] go things that we could be [Music] out take you my heart [Music] [Applause] you know I haven't missed a single day of my skincare routine it's [Music] just so when are you going to start wearing the clothes we got and stop wearing that beanie I will soon can you hold still I'm trying I don't know why it's so hard all right let's take a break till pizza gets here this is way harder than tweezing your eyebrows oh by the way if my mom comes home she's going to freak out seeing you here I've never really brought anyone home before and please remember what I told you don't say anything to anyone I don't know why I just felt comfortable you here can I ask you something never mind no ask what's up why do you lie about your life I mean you dress and act like you're rich but then you live here [Music] I know it's stupid but um I have to uphold this image for my fans if they saw the real me if they really loved you they'd accept you for you it's what's on the inside that counts let's finish that painting actually I think it's ready I was inspired by our first conversation and I wanted to make something that captured how beautiful your eyes are this is wow this is beautiful Carson I don't even know what to say no guy has ever done that for me [Music] before Pizza you know it's really nice of Tyra to let us use the house and I can't wait to see what you've done with Carson especially all that hair I haven't even seen his finished look yet he hasn't started wearing his new clothes but I'm sure he looks amazing amazing are you starting to have a crush on it no I'd never dat someone like Carson he's simply a project to get back at Hunter H uh guys I got to go my parents want me to take pic with my great-grandmother you're going to miss the big reveal though don't worry I'll see that problem I'll text you hopefully once brand see what I was able to do they'll want to start working with me again guys may I present to you L [Music] [Music] carel let's make some content before we leave welcome to being friends with an influencer let's do it [Music] Hunter is going to be so jealous I bet his state has nothing on you where is [Music] he what is going on here what does it look [Music] like wait so you set all of this up to break us up who Could you um easily just like I purposefully asked you to live stream at all I am so sick of perfect little Riley with her beauty influencer lifestyle but you're not so perfect are you I know you live in those dumpy Apartments I saw you and Carson Walkin side everything about you is one big lie no it's not she doesn't she's telling the truth who cares about where she lives she's still the same person well now you're only half a caveman huh just remember I was with her before you I don't know why you're defending her Carson she doesn't even really like you [Music] look no I never date someone like Carson he's simply a project to get back at Hunter Carson I I can w a project here I was thinking that you were actually being real then again a girl that lies about every part of her life could never be that Carson wait the results are in our promt king and queen are Hunter Bryant and Riley McLean let's give them a round of applause [Applause] [Music] and hi um I've been living a lie I'm not this Rich perfect person that everyone thinks I am sure I'm a beauty influencer with a lot of followers but what everyone sees that's not really me I live in a dumpy apartment with my mom we struggle but honestly we make the most of it I've tried so hard for so long to uphold this image but it's only ended up hurting myself and others I've learned that money Fame and Status don't matter it's what's on the inside that counts Carson Nails taught me and I feel so bad for hurting him he's the first person to see me for me I'm sorry but I can't accept this [Music] I don't want to talk right now [Music] Mom it's me sorry I don't mean to come over and announce tried to text you um I've been avoiding my phone I saw your prom speech I thought you left I did it's all over social media now Tyra showed me [Music] proud of you for speaking your truth and for all the things that you said about me I meant it all of it at first it was about getting back at Hunter but as I got to know you none of that mattered anymore I could be myself around you I'm sorry I made you go through that whole makeover you really didn't need it what I said to my friends that was just me being conflicted about who I was it's okay feel the same way you accepted me for me and all my weird awkwardness and I like the new look but I think I'll keep the painy oh sorry hi uh yes no I didn't check my email wait what that's great yeah thank you so much that was glamglow they want to work with me again they saw my prom speech but this time they want to do a piece on vulnerability and authenticity that's amazing amazing congrats babe babe if you're okay with me calling you [Music] that you know I'm thinking about getting a Tik Tok maybe put some of my artwork on there you getting a Tik Tok is the world ending or if Riley clean can wear a Michael Kors Pur then I think anything's possible you cheated on me Hunter how could you maybe I should get her some cake let's go this way yeah [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 3,993,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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