Heartland Season 1 to 16: The Journey So Far

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previously on Heartland when all else fails bribing with candy like I did with you when you were little hold on Amy for helping her breathe but her vital signs are stable doctors can't guarantee when she's going to come too so the next 24 hours will be critical is Dad now come on Grandpa he's got the right gave up that right a long time ago [Music] what are you doing here try to move too quick where's Mom [Music] here we are Amy at home you're here I've been waiting and waiting hey Mallory we got her back as quick as we so glad you're home she okay oh she'll get there Mallory she'll get there I know that you played me but we were just trying to help you laughs he's ready to join up [Music] come on how do you know this horse is never mind [Music] oh boy good boy Samantha Louise you look just like your mother really people always told me I was like my dad it's good to see you Lou I wasn't sure if you got my note or if you were even going to show up I wasn't sure either well I really appreciate you calling me I'm not your mom and Amy the problem is Grandpa he's never going to forgive you okay let's take it one day at a time thank you I love you Mom [Music] [Applause] hey watch it what are you doing I want to know what kind of idiot rubs his truck around a horse nice to meet you too my name's Ty what are you doing here some lady hired me all right marrying somebody my mother she's friendly As You Are killed in a car accident a few weeks ago you'll be staying here hey babes you mean my granddaughters granddaughters oh wow you don't look old enough to have granddaughters here's the deal with them you keep 10 feet away at all times any part of you that crosses that line will be removed so what's with this place uh Heartland been in my family for six Generations and we used to run cattle our mother set this place up as a rescue center for horses after our dad left when we were little kids my mother was like a horse whisperer as well like a horse Ring she was famous to just look at a horse and know what was wrong and what to do so what's going to happen now whoa I guess we'll carry on the hell are you doing here will invited me this is my property and I want you off at easyjack just here to see my daughters that's my right don't talk to me about your rights why don't we deal with this like adults man-to-man team if I saw a man I deal with it like an adult but I don't see a man so I suggest you leave now I don't want to fight you not now you sure you don't want the last one Jack they're not half bad no Jack didn't want any baloney Jack just wants to eat himself up inside well if you change your mind Jack you know just let me know I'm happy to help you out careful pal and one of these days I'm gonna be helping you get up on your horse because that's what happens when an older man tries into a younger man's job like Gathering up cattle we're trying to be a father this whole time I've been here nobody said a word about Lou ramie having a father just figured he was dead or something only mine as well then you can keep the Hat you earned it [Music] so Ty didn't have any idea how to set this up I did so I Googled it I was the one who set him straight how many jumps how high how far apart I just set it up so you can practice jumping here it's amazing [Music] how old are you I'm almost 16. I've treated valuable horses before Mrs Stoneman um my mother taught me she's a horse trainer yes your mother The Horse Whisperer [Music] my mother didn't whisper to horses she listened to them [Music] I like your attitude mystery of Jack Bartlett unfolding for my very eyes oh no mystery really uh pretty straightforward guy I like working with my hands I only shave when the mood strikes me and that's not too often can I say the rest sure you like horses sometimes more than the people that ride them you don't see the point in buying a new truck even though they changed the model 10 years ago [Music] and even though it seems where this is going you didn't bring me up here to propose [Music] no I am so sorry oh I've always been a grade a klutz I'm so sorry you're kind of just spreading it around now actually I can have it dry cleaned if you just take it off let me just take my shirt off right here in the sidewalk yes no no I I I'm PW I'm Lou Amy um I want to talk to you about something okay it's kind of hard for me but I uh I want you to know that what and no matter what happens I just what is that supposed to mean what happens just what it means why are you being so weird why are you asking so many questions just to me aren't you the one that never wants to talk you're right talking's overrated [Music] [Music] now what are you doing with that horse trying to take the edge off [Music] why don't you ride them Amy's horse I'm betting you're not much of a rider haven't done much lately so what brought you here fresh Mountain Air yeah that's it it's too bad though I don't want to smell it right now is a whole lot of bull who's the new guy working at your place Caleb O'Dell more like Caleb oh delicious hi there we'll let you win chip thanks salami after you listen I'm sorry but we need to talk I need to talk there's problems a million problems like I'm Aries you're Pisces you're not a big talker I'm a talkaholic you're a little bit country I'm a little bit rock and roll you're too short I grow stay Stephen come on Amy no stay on the bus good boy we're not going to believe this [Music] Miracle girl it's not the top of the Eiffel Tower but it's perfect actually [Music] are you kidding oh my God look at that right yes I will marry you [Music] you must be pretty happy that you didn't have to deliver that speech last night you want to hear it yeah Tim Fleming is a real SOB pushy impatient and he's got an ego the size of the Alberta Sky all right I get it but his family well it takes a lot of guts to be a Rodeo Cowboy that's something Tim Fleming did better than a lot of us but that doesn't mean much to me you know when you compare it to the character it takes for a man to own up to his mistakes but in the end when it really mattered came out on top and to me that's [Music] that's the true measure of a Rodeo Cowboy the measure of a Hall of Famer and it's The Measure of a Man now it's meant to make Peter and I have made a decision together we're going to be getting married sooner rather than later and we will be moving to Dubai right after it foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] got you something oh wow thank you welcome you didn't know I still have a couple of years before I can even apply to vet school right I know even then I might not get it yes you were hell Lou I don't believe me wait what are you doing here Peter had a business trip to Tokyo so I grabbed a last minute ticket and here I am I didn't even know how much I missed this place until I got out of the cab and I saw the house and I smelled the air so uh turns out you guys were right on track I'm pregnant oh honey congratulations she's beautiful hi how are you okay I haven't seen you for 10 or 12 years and you suddenly show up unannounced what are you doing here there was an article in Fort St John's times about a former rig worker being inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame an article yeah you got me thinking you know when we were together the only thing he could have been inducted into was the Rye Whiskey Hall of Shame nice nice so you read an article you hop in your car you drive 600 miles to say hello yeah that and I'm glad to see you've turned a Paige right if you're here to relive the past you pick the wrong time because I've got a totally different life I'm not here to relive the past Tim I'm just here because because why because I want my son to uh I want my son to know who his father is hey you I said Trot you know why I'm so good at horses yeah yeah I heard it all before because your dad's in the rodeo true well that part's true my mom told me Amy what do you think this one I think I think it's perfect this is my stone and this one over here is mine this will be your stove right between ours the Shane Stone welcome to the family [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what are you saying [Music] I'm saying I think I have to leave you there's something I wanted to talk to you about true um I know that when I first got to Heartland you said to go stay away from your granddaughters or you'd kick me off the property as I recall I told you any part of you that got too close to him would be removed I guess what I'm trying to say is um I want your permission to ask her to marry me flattered to be asked you know how highly I think of you and I and I promise you Jack that I will take care of her it's just this is a commitment I want to make it's really important to me you going somewhere yeah matter of fact I am Paris there's someone there I want to see wow by the way uh the answer is yes really Jack okay [Music] hey what are you doing up here oh hey do you want to do that okay okay easy I don't want to involve the police here but I have to phone your folks I mean they've got to be pretty upset not knowing where you are don't you think there's probably people out there right now looking for you you're probably afraid of the consequences of that you know what they'll say and what they'll do because I know you're pretty darn scared right now not scared okay see you do have a voice how about a name now her name is Georgie I'm not going back thanks for letting me see Mr Bartlett my name's Jeff Jack I didn't want to tell you ahead of time but I applied to be your long-term foster parent I knew that no how did you know did he say yes it wasn't up to Clint well not entirely so unfortunately no that was turned down it's because of me well why do you say that I'd hold him about the Well Jack I made you look kind of bad it came out all wrong I'm just really sorry I heard everything you didn't wreck anything with me one of my my age they think I'm too old what all this means is well we both know the rules and Clint's gonna be looking for another situation for you I don't want to go anywhere else okay Georgie we wanted to ask you something we don't want you to leave really love it if you would consider staying here with us and with Katie we talked to Clint about becoming your foster parents not only if that's okay with you it has to be right for you [Music] I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you Amy Fleming thank you will you marry me yes of course I will [Music] yes yes I love you [Music] Jack Josh [Music] all right Jack [Music] I need I need some help I need an ambulance Heartland Branch West Side field off of Road 99. yes [Music] [Music] dad what is going on it's okay Grandpa you're back you scared the hell out of me guy scared you how about the other way around [Music] why are you sleeping in my room I was gonna move his stuff out but we weren't expecting you for days well I shouldn't have gone to Arizona in the first place it wasn't your choice you know after your heart attack I had a heart attack Lou you can say it I know my health situation took everybody out of their normal routine Grandpa nobody minded waiting on you you've looked after us all our lives I'm just glad you're better I love you what's his name his name's Amir it's a beautiful horse you have it's not my horse I'm just the groom that's his owner over there his Royal Highness the prince a prince what is it with you people that you're constantly poking your nose where they don't belong and that annoying come King cowgirl who's showing up I don't [Music] made a champion of you need to make a personal connection with him I want to help you you let me I just wanted to thank you for all you did thank you thank you so much it's Georgie's adoption notice it's official that's great I can't wait to tell her we're now officially our daughter mm-hmm they accepted the offer and we just bought maggies congratulations that is so amazing so you and Jake After All These Years everybody used to think was the cutest thing the little cowboy with the big crush on Mallory you guys aren't kids anymore maybe it's time you tell them how you really feel one way or the other Mallory's leaving today no that's impossible she would have said something good afternoon folks just wondering if there's anybody on the bus named Mallory if so you might want to take a look out the right side window foreign [Music] the reason I wanted you to come here is because I wanted to ask you something when Amy and I get married I'm gonna need a best man hell yeah that's a yes of course I'm Jack Bartlett this is my fishing cabin oh it's your turn and you better make it good I'm Jade Jade Franny I'm here with my mom my mom's the word blog they want to publish it as a book there's great news Lou good for you I'm going to be what are you really doing here I want to see how you were doing it's not a good idea not at all why I don't think you understand I loved you I married you and I took that very seriously obviously you didn't I wanted to be sure that there was nothing between you and me before I fully committed myself to him but now I'm totally confused because I'm still in love with you I want you gone no Caleb I'm gonna come back I don't want to see you here no please please okay you can open your eyes is this it's your bedroom I know it doesn't look like much oh it's perfect I love it thank you [Music] high five oh great job kiddo you're not nearly as uncool as I thought you were so here's the bottom line we're two adults that love each other am I right yes you are right so then there should be no problems only solutions what are those Solutions of this was my grandmother's wedding ring and I want you to have it and I've been meaning to say this the right way for a very very long time Lisa Stillman will you do me the honors of marrying me Jack Bartlett I will marry you huh I found out but it's not like you and Miranda were together here and very successful you know I'm getting over it look if there's ever anything that I can do just let me know you Jack Bartlett take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife I do I do too I have something to tell you too Ahmed offered me yeah I know no like on his actual team traveling Europe for the world Equestrian Games traveling but I would never do it without your go-ahead you should go really yeah we'll be fine it's only for a few months let's do it you have to we'll make it work absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] there was a car waiting for me Katie Georgie look that's beautiful she worked so hard on it wait where's Ty he didn't come to the airport no he didn't but [Music] it looks like she's here now Ty hey [Music] look what I found in the fridge whose is it Amy did you bring this back from France no uh I um come on Jack your wife is dropping at the bit did you just say wife you sure did so you you too you guys are married like actually married yeah we are do you regret marrying me this was our thing Our Moment and the minute you start involving other people there's expectations opinions this is not what it looks like I certainly hope not Amy because it looks like Ahmed either just proposed to you or propositioned you they gave me a necklace and I said Thank you and that was it nothing happened he kissed you Amy yeah [Music] then I told him to back off that he had crossed the line and he said he was sorry and it happened that fast where did all this happen was when you give her that damn saddle was it don't touch me where do you get off telling her that you love her of course I love her I would do anything for her and you all you do is hold it back she could have anything but you would stand in her way come on now Eve Arthur get up man enough after all I did for you this is how you want to leave things [Music] Casey McMurtry wow you you haven't changed a bit since the rodeo days well I can't say the same for you well I'm trying to you know oh no I'm sorry that's not what I meant it just looks like you cleaned up your attic that's all hey Ty Cass hey uh you remember Caleb right what do you drinking Urban and branch hey Ty ordered you some chili what's wrong Caleb and Cass the making out right out there it was a let's keep in touch kind of thing what your interview with Tanner Gunn you said it was a let's keep in touch kind of thing but it wasn't was it he offered you a job didn't he a good one in Calgary where your family lives and you turned it down I've spent years building up my career in Vancouver Lou I'm not about to just throw it all away because Tanner Gunn says all I want is for you to put your family before whatever it is in Vancouver that is so important whatever it is my job Lou is that what you're talking about what about you we could move to Vancouver remember that but why am I the only one who has to give up everything I have given just as much in this relationship and you know it I move my entire life to Dubai when we got married right there it is and you'll never let me forget it that's what this is all about right oh I screwed up over there and you will never let it go that's why you won't move to Vancouver that's why you're stuck here cleaning your life at Heartland because you're terrified that Peter's gonna screw everything up again true history yes it is I moved on with my life after Dubai I [Music] you're stuck living in the past and I I can't take it I don't [Music] go on like this no what's wrong Peter and I we've we've decided to separate maybe they should be mentored by a real cowboy with real Rodeo experience yeah somebody like that somebody like you maybe I have some news I have decided that it's time for me to give back to the rodeo world so I'm starting a rodeo school right here in Hudson sorry I'm late Mr Fleming I hope I didn't miss anything too important this is Rodeo School hey we're not messing around here well you don't think a girl can ride a bronc I [Music] very Progressive of you Mr Fleming okay Jane Jane beat that boys I guess I just thought that when it came time for my real wedding my mom would be here to help me make all the big decisions nobody can replace your mum of course and I wouldn't even dream of trying you asked me what color I liked for the wedding bouquet I pick yellow okay so then I'll go to the flower shop and look for yellow bouquets for you okay [Music] do you tie take Amy to be your wife give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you [Music] I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss each other I'm glad that cabin was locked [Music] yeah it all started here didn't it so I guess I did it I married the boy in the loft [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] got a question for you what the hell is happening with that barn out there and here we go you disappear for a few months and you come spawning back and start to complain we're worried when I needed your help I offered my help you said you didn't need it so I went to Arizona that Loft was supposed to be finished for Amy and Ty what happened to the contractor Grandpa it's okay forget the contractor I'm the contractor yourself it's dark in here you ready ready Para my own desk we always talked about working together do you remember doing the veterinary side of things and dealing with the behavioral okay well not quite yet on a count of three now [Music] paint paint I can't do it Jack yeah I need you to do it your way [Music] I'm gonna be waiting right here for you when you get back bye mommy bye Grandpa bye sweetie have a fun day [Applause] dad you okay yes hay fever you should go Diner's not going to run itself we're going to take it nice and slow gently apply the gas [Music] gently break sorry but we're fine we're good it's too fast too fast whoa relax I can't relax when you're yelling at me yelling at you yes you are I'm yelling at you because you're accusing me of yelling at you thank you my mom and dad my birth parents that's how they died in a car crash oh Georgie so I guess whenever I'm driving I start to think about it Georgie is missing do you understand I have literally been looking for her all night and I need you to call me I need you here we're a family okay so don't ever do this again you have to pray in if you're angry or if we're both really angry run you can't just I have never been so terrified of my entire life [Music] Georgie [Music] when I found these rings in my condo after you left I knew for sure that I did not want this marriage to be over and I know it has taken me way too long to say this but I'm here now and I'm telling you now I am going to do everything in my power to get you back doing can you excuse me wow yeah it's like she never even broke her ankle yeah not too bad huh you don't see that every day female bronc riders especially when the rides like you great job [Music] wow oh just for us happy anniversary I have a gift for you too you do I do you go you're gonna be a father what Amy [Music] really wow I have some news you guys are never going to believe this these investors want to open up a Maggie's in Brooklyn look at that's amazing like a franchise no no just a one-off no no shouldn't be a one-off no my experience with franchise I'll tell you oh here we go you heard about this goby bear story yeah it's all over the internet I believe this guy killed him killed one over his fireplace or something stupid like that dumbass people with too much money says at this rate they're going to be extinct within the year I wish we could just I don't know hop on a plane go over there and just do something yeah goby bears Mongolia have you completely lost your mind dad just listen what kind of husband leaves his pregnant wife on an idealistic fantasy to save the Gobi Bears give me a break I'm sure you have an opinion about this decision you'll have regrets if you don't go on this this Mission but you'll have regrets if you do I bet there he is yeah oh my God now I'm a better shot than you we all know I've had a bit more practice right now all right you got it yeah yeah is it okay it's been better shot the mother's dead look I might still have a chance though this is what we're here to do I guess yeah it is that's why we can't let us win the first place right but I keep telling myself Grandpa yes what is it I'd recognize that Surly voice anyway well look what the wind blew in here suffice it to say that this year's inductee was a champion true all-around Cowboy if ever there was one new member of the Foothills Cowboy Hall of Fame Mr Jack Bartlett yeah don't get me wrong oh I loved my days in the rodeo especially the memories but you know being a Hall of Famer it wouldn't mean anything to me if I didn't have my family so I want to thank them for making these days the Here and Now [Music] the True Glory Days of My Life it's an empathy Billy it's yours for the duration of the clinic feel free to take it home dad you really don't need to wear that it's okay no honey I'm here for you no matter what I find these help prenatal Partners experience just a hint of what pregnancy feels like good okay to wrap up the first class we're going to watch a childbirth video how's this supposed to help it seems more like a scare tactic well it's good to know what to expect during labor beautiful yeah you don't have to stay here and watch this if you don't want no no honey leave you here alone away I'm here for you oh I gotta oh I said you're doing great [Music] Mallory okay there's some things I gotta say things that need sand number one you talk way too much number two you waffle about everything and number three you're always sticking your nose into everybody's business seriously you came all this way to tell me that no I came here to tell you that despite all of those things I couldn't imagine my life without you so when I asked you for the last time and I mean it Mallory Wells will you marry me of course I will [Music] with this ring I take it to be my lawfully wedded husband and my best friend and my one true love from the state forward with this ring I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife my best friend and one true love from this day forward have fun bye I love you guys we love you bye Bob what's going on where's Ty Ty's a little I'm here buddy [Music] be very honest with you your husband is very sick I'm worried about sepsis I'll update you as soon as I know something I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave he's in Cardiac Arrest okay let's chalk him at 360 Jewels we've got to bring him back you hear me you bring him back to leave we're all clear pretty worried I can't wait for what to be a father I'm actually a surprising cast of the trip to Lake Louise tomorrow really about just the lunch of the Chateau private chef room for overnight wait are you yeah I'm proposing you okay yeah yeah you sure yeah I'm fine okay you okay Amy are you are you um uh Amy we need to go we need to go home okay come on Cass you look beautiful Caleb where's Amy where's Ty Amy's having a baby what yeah we gotta get going yeah on stage right now that that that's what the book says that's it Amy you're doing great okay and baby's doing great you got it you got it that's good how's this for a wedding night [Music] it's a girl hey it's a girl Amy oh she's she's perfect you're amazing hey [Music] it's okay [Music] you're amazing [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] it's okay I got this I got it [Music] hey Lindy I know you're hungry dad he's gonna feed you okay you can't be hungry Ty I just fed her when did you feed her I don't know I was half asleep well you got to keep track Amy you gotta write it down did your pump is there a bottle in the fridge yes there is okay well I'll do this feeding you get some more sleep okay okay that was pretty good who knows maybe you'll be the one to ride him in the okotope show I'm in watching you with your new baby is interesting how seriously you're taking it and I really do admire you for a Time but you need to relax a whole lot and treasure this time a little bit more because it's going to go by fast believe me and it's precious you don't want to spend it all on worrying this is a beautiful thing enjoy it so you're probably wondering what this is all about we wanted to ask you something you see Amy and I are putting together a will right now and we need to appoint a legal guardian for our daughter just in case anything should happen to us so we were hoping that you two would agree to be the news Guardians yeah definitely not that anything would ever happen to you guys of course not but if it ever did we'd love her like she was her own daughter yeah yeah you hear that thank you so I spoke to Scott Cardinal and he told me all about your work in Mongolia I figure you can advise me on the best way to transport Attila from the line batter to his destination in the steps well I have some contacts there they could definitely arrange that real trustworthy guys sounds good all right what if I asked you to come back to Heartland and work for me coming back would just feel like a step backwards you know okay there what if instead of asking you to work for me I ask you to work with me what do you mean piece of our cattle business I like your ideas too you're really going to help this operation what operation well I've decided that we should take Mitch on as a partner in our cattle business and he has graciously accepted [Music] we're gonna play helicopter because I know you like helicopters [Music] I got an update about Attila he's getting worse and they want you to go yeah and they offered to pay for you to join me are you serious for how long by the way Mongolia [Music] if something showed up on your MRI there seems to be a shadow Fisher Shadow what does that mean it means it's a Timber I have cancer I didn't say it was cancer you said tumor and it could be completely benign but if it's cancer Tim it needs to come out as soon as possible [Music] are you breaking up with me for the best and you get to decide that I do [Music] Nutella hey I can't wait to start working with him where's Ty I've been told he's not here he was due back this morning you think we should go yeah Daddy daddy shows to build his life around that Darkness maybe because you feel that you don't deserve light maybe the darkness chooses you maybe you don't have a choice you ever think of that what are we doing out here man what's this going to do with our families if we can't make it home then he's not gonna know I'm her dad let's go over to asleep [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I know how much you love this place thank you that view is incredible well it's yours mine what do you mean yours and ties and the babies I'm gifting this piece of land to you thanks for coming Jack well there's nothing more I'd like to see than you and Amy building on this land so if you think this little project of yours is going to tip the scale in that direction I'm more than happy to help I just hope it works it's worth the shot look at that nice swing you made oh you like it I do here take a seat when I saw these trees I knew they were perfect for a swing you could basically see everything from here it's an incredible View this is a pretty incredible View you it's a view of the future Amy but only if we're on the same page I guess we're building a house okay [Music] yeah Dr brownie yeah what what's going on here the shadow is completely gone that is such good news [Music] on Phoenix Rising way to go Georgie good boy I hope you clean up when I get back all right Ty This Is Not Who We Are we always said we wouldn't be a traditional family where the mom stays home and the dad goes to work but somehow I feel like that's exactly what's happened I would give anything to stay at home look after Lindy and do my work here but I can't I know that I was hoping that we could share this more like we said we would we are no we're not Ty not really the last two years I've loved my work traveling helping causes that are important to me causes it make a difference I gained a lot from it I really have but there was a price I miss spending time with you and with Lindy do you remember that dream that we had when I graduated from vet school we make that a reality I want us to be partners I want us to work together like we dreamed about are you sure yes I'm sure we're in this together okay okay [Music] someone said there was a for sale sign on Big River what yeah well that someone would be right it was for sale but I sold it today you sold Big River why didn't you tell us why would I tell you because you just do what if I upped and sold this place you wouldn't have a problem with that well you can't compare the two big river hasn't been in the family for Generations what about our cattle at least back the property I just don't need the ranch house I don't need the whole thing okay maybe but where are you gonna live yeah good question we got a plan plan what kind of plan would that be what are you doing with all that stuff I'm moving in moving in where here to Heartland [Music] I'm really proud of the way the two of you are pulling your business together thanks Lisa and in keeping with that I would like to be one of your first full-time clients well I want to turn off Fairfield that duties over to the new partnership that's amazing thank you my pleasure yeah you're doing so good looks like someone's having a fun morning oh she's getting so good at riding was there ever any doubt are you building something yeah maybe I just finished putting up a shop over at Stumpy's place and got to thinking we ought to build lindia tree house [Music] thank you know actually I came here to see Ty this time you know I've got this new case um he's a little boy Luke and he's having some trouble at school see his mother says he seems fine at home but the teachers tell a different story I just thought a you know a couple of days around horses on a ranch might put him in a better head space yeah sure whoa what are you doing oh hey look man hey give me that what's going on with you [Music] Luke can you please stop I'm serious Luke all right that's far enough okay stop I know what it feels like to want to protect someone you love you get this feeling inside like in your gut it's like a fire it feels like it's going to burn you up if you don't do something about it so you lash out that's what I did how do you stop feeling like that well now I just breathe in and out just breathe a few times and eventually the anger just drains out of me how long does it take a few minutes and sometimes a few years but it's better than acting out and no one's ever been arrested for breathing before Fred's been selling hard land beef in his grocery stores for over six months now he hasn't had a bad thing to say about it yeah I could guess that's true to a great partnership and to see my customers are loving Heartland beef is an understatement well cheers to that huh right jack yeah of course cheers yeah yeah we wanted to talk to you so definitely can't afford it and I know you guys probably can't either but I still want to apply I know I said I didn't but I think we're glad that you changed your mind Jack oh my goodness you probably don't recognize on the contrary Goring burning Wheels better half it's good to see you it's good to see you Jack I am well here I have something [Music] that is Will's guitar it's gone Jack [Music] our dear will passed away [Music] I'm sorry we tried to find a buyer who would agree to protect the horses but we failed what do you mean he's already arranged for a slaughterhouse he lied to us where did you get the truck my stock guy owed me a favor wow well there's more than enough room for the entire herd in that thing that's the idea time [Music] get up there hip hip [Music] come on oh that was easy good job come on baby that's it good girl here you go just so we're clear these horses are here temporarily right yeah yeah sort of like how you're barking yourself at Heartland temporarily put this on the fridge okay how about right there looks pretty good what do you think so maybe we're asking ourselves the wrong question we should be asking ourselves if we have space in our life for Luke I think I do thing I do too [Music] this is all Heartland it's so big the family and the property it goes back Generations over a hundred years [Music] you you expecting company sorry to just drop in like this but I thought I'd introduce myself Sam Langston just bought Big River Ranch can we cool it with the college talk what college talk you're not subtle can't you just give me time to make my own decisions about my own life no Georgie because time is up saying I want to go to college means saying goodbye to competing what no it doesn't have to it does if I want to compete at the level that I reached at eurocamp you don't have to choose one or the other if anyone can juggle show jumping and freshman year you can congratulations we'll be in touch thank you we bought Iran we bought a ranch you must be Clyde McGregor oh oh sorry I thought you were older yeah he definitely is my dad Clyde but he couldn't make it so you're stuck with me ah I'm Quinn well nice to meet you Quinn dude calm down you're fine couldn't even get a chance to practice I was up all night rewriting it you only have one chance of the valedictorian speech Just Breathe okay we can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome but here's the most important thing about obstacles they aren't meant to be tackled alone those friends who pushed you out of your comfort zone and force you to do all kinds of crazy stuff and made you laugh so hard that you thought your head might explode these are the people who will help you obliterate any obstacle like a photon torpedo taken on a Klingon bird of prey because together we will live long and prosper congratulations Georgie [Music] I saw Georgie jump on her first day and I never seen anything quite like it I decided that I just had to know her when you say you're leaving again I didn't and I'm actually not sure just waiting on a couple things to hopefully come together you're welcome anytime here Quinn that is unless those things you just mentioned come too close together please join me in welcoming our lead sponsor JD worth he'd like to have a few words with you I am humble to announce by way of acclimation I will be your next mayor before you go any further that the people of Hudson should decide their next mayor at The Ballot Box I am officially throwing my hat in the ring and I too will be running to be your next mayor of Hudson appreciate you guys making time for me today yeah of course is everything okay Luke's mom she's been making some amazing progress these past few months so what I'd like to do is move Luke back in with Andrea as soon as possible we knew this was temporary from the beginning so it's just Luke's you know he's become part of our family you've made a wonderful home for him here I know this isn't easy goodbye goodbye while I was working with you I realized how much I loved coaching it might be the thing I actually want to do is that why you came here to tell me that I came here to tell you that Hillhurst Stables offered me a coaching job here in Hudson give me a reason to stay and I will [Music] thank you so much for your support it's kidding me of course hey I I won of course he did congratulations thank you baby stay right there and help my wife's been shot please you're okay now you're okay you're okay wait oh please stop it's okay it's my wife please sir no let me go please let me go sir you're bleeding that's my wife's blood no you've been shot hi [Music] hi that was quite something to see it was so amazing come on let's go now hey Ty do you mind putting Spartan back for me no problem thanks I'll give him a head die toy Ty when your grandma Lindy got sick we were so sure that it would all turn out okay but then it didn't how did you handle it when she died well I can't say I was very good at it nobody really knows how to grieve Amy it's different for everyone and it's different every time I'd say that anyone who says they know how to grieve might just have a piece of their heart listen sometimes I just feel like I've lost everything I loved everything I loved about me it's like there's no magic anymore I'll never forget what an amazing man husband father he was [Music] he'll always be with us we won't be alone we'll never be alone [Music] I love you Ty we love you thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Ranch no it is not uh I think I know what this is about I'm flattered but I'd rather people respect my family's privacy pardon me Jessica hello oh it's so nice to see you yeah uh Grandpa dad meet Jessica cook hi so a city girl who loves horses that's cliche but a main boss who travels all the way across the country to apologize to an ex-employed that's a contradiction the cancer makes a girl think I guess I know something about that I had a cancer scare it just showed me that we have no control good nothing is logical oh my God what [Music] I need to I need to be the strong one no you don't jack yes I do if we learned one very hard lesson from Ty's death it's that you don't take anything for granted we enjoy every single moment I would want that you are allowed to be happy then you're okay with Mom and Mitch being engaged sure I saw it coming a mile away now what's going on what's what's this all about I just don't want you going anywhere dads don't always stick around you can lose them Lindsay doesn't have a dad now [Music] I will never stop being your dad something between Peter and I is still there it's it's just it's unresolved I get it you and Peter have like a special connection [Music] I'm the person you're looking for [Music] you can break [Music] you know I meant what I said about you traveling continuing to take your beautiful pictures all over the world I think that would be I think it'd be great and when you come back if you come back well like face it we don't know each other that well but I think it's pretty obvious that I'd like to get to know you a lot better I have a question okay I have a question first [Music] if you want to get to know me better what do you think about tagging along I never thought of that you'll get sick at me like everybody does my mind we'll see there you go I just set it up so you can practice jumping [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is so nice great picture Lisa said we have to make pictures of her family that she oh is this the man in the moon no that's Dada that's where he said he'll be [Music] ladies and gentlemen up next we have a platinum bowl there he is platinum bow is a near perfect horse in terms of confirmation disposition and Talent eight hundred thousand dollars sold 800 000 Platinum boat eight hundred thousand but you have a good sense of horses especially when they're all worked up like this one was what can I say I'm a natural Logan I just got off the phone with your caseworker your father didn't make parole he was denied I'm sorry [Music] Logan wait I just realized I've never seen you on a horse can you ride uh I mean probably not I've never tried it no all right you want a lesson okay okay okay that's it that's it Slow Down slow down we don't need to be going fast what all right I hope that you didn't cancel your wedding because of anything I said no of course not Peter lots of other reasons yeah right I should probably start by saying that I sent it after a few glasses of wine so it was just the wine talking yeah no I didn't say that okay well did you mean what you said yes I meant it does that scare you [Music] Jessica cook will you marry me yes Tim I will marry you Jack [Music] you're basically my best friend so I was wondering if you would stand up for me being my best man I'd be honored [Music] Jessica in you I have met my match I love you can't wait to see what our journey together will be [Music] thank you thank you honey awesome congratulations I'm building him a bar shoe this should help with his arthritis pain [Music] not the first one he's told me that wow who's this name's blue I figured we could use another horse around here with some cow sets [Music] the thing is is I Like You Blue but I don't think the feeling is mutual so if I already like you I guess it's up to you to find something you like about me good boy blue good boy [Music] I ever tell you that that has been went best school and then went on to college to become a vet yeah told me all about that you know he uh says I remind him of them you do you know she can do anything you put your mind to do it too all right like I'm gonna get to go to college why not have you ever even thought about it why would I you know I'm gonna go find Ty's College course books and you can see how many amazing options there are for you but only if you finish high school you should never give up do you I don't first I'd like to say what a difference Clint made to my husband Ty Borden you changed his life completely turned it around I want this to be Ty's Legacy and deep in my heart I know that Ty would be thrilled to do his part how'd you like to move out of the group home and bunk in here at the center really yeah but I'm actually offering you a job okay but there is one condition that you finish High School in Hudson all right hello honey congratulations we just saw the race it was beautiful absolutely amazing to our future the Second Time Around The Best Is Yet To Come hey there we go sleep it's your first day of kindergarten tomorrow I'm a little scared it's okay to be a little bit scared but I think you are going to be just fine Hindi look I'm falling stars make a wish [Music] happy to be back glad that my parents were back together but when we're in Vancouver it just doesn't feel like my home I feel out of place yeah a country mouse in the city no not like why would you say that I don't know like I said it's hard to explain hope I'm not interrupting not at all I found something I thought you might find interesting what's this no these belong to your GG Lindy you know the notebook she was always writing in she must have filled a hundred of them just like these ones [Music] thank you sometimes I look out the window and I see a place where the blue sky goes on forever sometimes I look out across the pond and I wonder will it ever feel the same again well have they posted it yet oh oh I what's taking so long hold on they just updated the page I passed I'm gonna graduating congratulations I got a phone call this morning Carl and I were approved that's great news I mean what do I know about being a parent I'm a workaholic I I basically live here I shouldn't have a kid I'm not qualified no one is qualified to be a parent you just just do your best I'm I'm terrified you should be okay being a parent is the hardest thing I've ever done is also the most rewarding you're gonna be a dad [Music] okay sweetheart I love you I'll miss you have a good day okay bye here oh you're backpack [Music] and There She Goes [Music] that was amazing mommy it was going so fast you know your mom used to go really fast around barrels too I want to be a bear eraser too hey Dad you look good so good to see you hey come on what happened I messed up I I didn't even know how to say it okay go just be honest fix it while you can go [Music] Shane [Music] Shane Shane [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all your fault I I played a part in it too no I'm not gonna let you take any blame I'm the dad it was my responsibility you know it goes both ways I'm a grown-up I let this happen too many steps we take in the future we take together okay I know a great Steakhouse yeah of course you do hey what do you say okay okay all right let's let's do it I have some news of my own um in eight months give or take there's gonna be three of us okay okay careful I will throw up [Music] Fen Amy hey hey it's it's been months yeah I just uh just got back into town to know then again it would have been good to know that you left in the first place I want you to have a look at this because I think I've got something really good there's something going on between you and Finn Carter you'll be honest with me now I like him and he likes me we're staying in touch and I don't know if there's a possibility of something but I I kind of hope there is can you tell me that Finn's trustworthy can you tell me he's reliable because from what I've seen he's selfish and careless where is he now anyway I thought you'd be halfway to Kindersley by now it's hard for me to talk about what happened yeah I get that I was driving the car I should have got my friend home safe I'm sorry jeez uh Jay's dad got sick last year I need some help around the farm so that's why he went back there and he got better I came back but he's having another operation and uh you need to be there yeah I'm gonna miss you I miss you too [Music] okay you should go yeah goodbye [Music] my love for you grow stronger every day Lou we raised two incredible children together yes we have [Music] although we have had our our challenges um through the ups and the Downs through it all you have always been My One True Love and my best friend come here do you think Now's the Time you know to tell her that I'm running for that this election no and I can't even believe you're considering it I mean running against Lou is going to ruin your friendship and you know that I disagree Lou is very level-headed you know I completely forgot I tore that book to shreds in a fit of anger all right you should go to Brussels you have to you think it's meant to be all I know is that some things happen at exactly the right time will you come with me I don't know I feel like this is something that you got to do on your own I love you I love you too babe [Music] Amy there's something I want to tell you the way you're raising windy alone and with such Grace I couldn't be more proud of them [Music] I love the group [Music] [Music]
Channel: Heartland
Views: 510,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heartland, Heartland Season 13, episode preview, first look, coming soon, #iloveheartland, horses, horseback riding, CBC Gem, CBC, heartland preview, the journey so far, series recap, full series recap, amber marshall, michelle morgan, chris potter, shaun johnston, jessica steen
Id: ZG27zjFqxwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 59sec (5339 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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