Heartland Cyclone 4006 Orientation

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hi congratulations on your new rv we're really excited for you please make sure before you're signing that you bring the following items with you if you're a cash buyer please make sure that you bring a cashier's check no personal checks at time of signing or you may bring actual cash if you're a finance customer please make sure that you bring proof of insurance listing your specific lien holder if you need that information please call us ahead of time also make sure that you bring all valid driver's license of all persons that will be listed on the title if you have a trade that you're trading in with us please make sure that you bring your 10-day payoff as well as your title and all persons who will be listed on the title of that trade arrive 30 minutes early before your appointment time so we can properly inspect your unit and also make sure that you have the fridge on and running prior to arrival if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 810-686-0710 thanks so much have a great day hello this is michael chavin's rv center here to congratulate you on your cyclone 4006 toy hauler i'm here to show you around it show you how to use a few things get the best out of your camping experience let's start by talking about arriving at the campsite i'm hooking your hitch up right now a couple things i want you to take into consideration your slides get this big slide on your campsite [Music] then around here on your off camp side you got your other side so park accordingly so you can utilize facilities make sure these slides come in and out unimpeded preferably nothing hanging over top of them and i want you to think about where your power and water connections are going to be the power's going to be all the way here to the rear of the unit conveniently stores inside there power to bring it in then your docking station is in this storage area here [Music] so park accordingly so you can utilize facilities at the campsite what's your park leveling system here on the front you're holding both buttons to turn it on hit hitch height to bring up and down your hitch hook your hitch up [Music] once you've once you've got your hitch unhooked go ahead and hit auto level and it'll bring out down all your auto leveling systems once you've got unit level we'll hook our power and water up again your power cord is here at the back 50 amp service at the end of your 50 amp service if you need it will be a new convenience pack is a 50 to 30 amp dog bone we call it and then on the end of that should you need a 30 amp to 110 adapter if you need to plug in at home got your power hooked up let's go ahead and do our water so again up here at the docking station over here to the left right here's your inlet you're simply going to set it whatever you want to do is set it winterize right now turn this over to city fixtures now we're on city fixtures we can go ahead and hook up our hose first and foremost a water pressure regulator this water pressure regulator is going to reduce your water pressure to 40 to 50 psi protecting the lines in your unit i always use this one putting fluid in your unit pick up your water pressure regulator hook up your hose make sure this is set to city fixture but don't turn our hose on yet let's go back here to your hot water heater all we're going to do at this point is make sure our drain plugs back in may have left this out from the last time you were camping draining your hot water heater get that in there nice and snug and you can turn your hot water heater from in on from indoors what you want to do is you want to go to the farthest hot water away from this and open up your tap once water is coming out of there it's not going to be hot yet but you'll be able to know that your hot water heater is full then you can shut off your tap and turn on your hot water heater now let's say we're going to go camping and we're not going to use the city water we're going to use potable water go ahead and go back up here i'll leave that down for now kind of hard to do one-handed here you're gonna hook it up to dry camping just point it up to dry camping put your water in the same place to treat your hot water heater the same way just remember when using potable water dry capping is when you're going to want to turn on your water pump don't turn on your water pump if you use the city water it's already pressurized here you can do a tank fill and down here to winterize this is where it was set as a winterizer unit [Music] all right we got our water hooked up our power hooked up let me walk you around the rest of the outside of the unit show you a few things cable satellite hookups you hook up for your water there's a spray port for an outdoor shower down here's your black tank flush we'll talk about that when leaving the campsite another cable inlet 110s your water pump you can turn on your water pump here or from indoors remember only do that when you're dry camping and a little docking light here's your pass-through storage is your dog bone from 50 down to 30 and then you're 30 down to 110. you see these hoes we'll talk about that shortly off the front here here's your propane tanks [Music] one on the side one on the other great tank number one there's your handles for that and your waste water your black tank in your gray water we'll dump them down there there's your low point drain it's draining out water as we speak sewer outlet connection that's where we'll hook up our sewage when we're dumping station your hot water heater this should furnace heat release if you're running your furnace you're clear of this it'll get rather hot separate black tank flush for your other sewage line and your handles for pulling those this is your fueling station an emergency shut off for that and here is your fuel pump right there unleaded tanks again your power this event from the inside you can push that out to vent your garage area your ladder just pull release these cotter pins and pull this out towards you go up and check your seams i recommend twice a year caulk as needed we will open up your garage here shortly come around to your campsite your separate entryway for your garage your your awnings you're going to want to run them out until the flap falls down to 90 degrees once that falls down you know you're out far enough these are access to the back of your fridge [Music] the outdoor kitchen here holds up on that magnet up there just got to lift it up high make sure that's on there you don't want that falling on your head and your griddle here flip this over and turn it back upside down and sets on there for your griddle your quick connect lp right here connect that up to it your outdoor fridge plugs in out here just reach up here and pull that down be sure to lock this when you're not camping some valuables in there over here your other low point drains you want to drain on the other side for your potable water outdoor speakers there's a rug for your garage area your hot water bypass when you winterize the unit cable 110 out here if you want to set a tv and some lighting right above that lighting and shuttle off so you can try to see it is your is your battery disconnect that'll come in later important later when we talk about your carbon monoxide detector that shuts off all the battery power to the unit over here your propane back here your regulator simply point it toward the tank you wish to be using and open the tanks up on the front of your unit get your hitch all hooked up here inside here's your hydraulics and your battery [Music] up above here get some storage and below that your generator that about covers everything on the outside let's go take a look inside your unit let me show you how to open up your ramp here you can put a padlock on these highly recommend if you get your toys in there remove these same way on both sides and one person can actually bring this down a nice spring here comes down nicely if you want to use it as a ramp just simply remove these cotter pins up here pull this side out show you where these lock in at this one you have to bring it in at a little angle straighten that like that that locks right on there [Music] the other side out [Music] repeat the process on this side just bend this so you can get that to catch right in there straighten up let's just set that on there and you've got your deck you have your big sliding doors here for your patio that must be locked from the inside that's how you set this deck up we'll close that back up for you again once once you pull that out of there pull back on this a little bit and that will release that from there [Music] there it goes hold your front end bring this side in first fold this over you can velcro this closed as well for travel and repeat the process over here to remove that simply press down on this excuse me lift up over here bend this in a little bit that'll release that from there [Music] and pat it in again fold it all the way in inside your door [Music] sometimes you have to lift up on this a little bit velcro that in same thing there and just simply lift up your deck just remember as you're coming in just want to keep an eye on your cables make sure they stay tucked in something on the other side cables are all in [Music] and lock up your deck all right let's head inside all right so coming up inside your unit the first thing i'd like to mention is your firing attacher make sure that you and everyone is camping with you knows that the fire extinguisher is located at the entry doorway also you have to go away some lighting coming inside your unit now that button was lighting for your pantry your nordical fridge around that real quick simply turn it on here now it's set up to auto if you see it but it shows a gas and electric to the left right now it's running off gas now it's on auto now it's on electric now it's just on gas so auto means when you're plugged in you're running off electricity as soon as you unplug that data will switch over to gas over here change your settings one through nine nine be in the coldest hold that in for a second here now shut that off coming around into your kitchen here turn some lights on you have a control here for a vent to open up top and a band to turn on make sure you close that fan up over here to your stove simply turn it to light hit your spark and when your gas is on it'll light up down here same way set this to light self-explanatory microwave you do have a two two level exhaust here and a light come around into your living room here you have what i call parachute pull simply pull up on the handle here that'll recline your cd you do have to use your feet to put it back down same type of lighting over here or seating over here usb ports in the end over here is a sleeper simply grab a hold of the front here pull it towards you lift it up a little bit there we go you just say quickly it turns into a bed i'm going to reverse the process to put it back up i want to lift up in the middle here a little bit push it all back and just that quickly back to a sofa over here's your television turn that on don't know if we're getting any channels in on indoors here pull that your sound system turn your sound system on right there change your sources okay it's on bluetooth right now if you get your tv sound dvd auxiliary see it all changing there in the a lot of different corner wherever you turn it on this is where your music's playing settle out there there's your television try to change channel here not gonna pick up too much indoors here but tv does work shut that off fireplace not just for looks anymore yeah i get all these different pretty colors on here but the biggest advantage of this is if it's chilly in the morning or evening heat's actually on right now turn that on here um instead of using up your gas use air electricity to get it warm in here just to get it toasty in here in no time at all coming up into your hallway here and override for your one touch panel start up here with the one touch panel so you want to go back to the main main button here keep hitting the back button until you get back to the main button main control panel here we go back to the home you can control your awning from here your generator your leveling system your lighting your monitor panel slide you can control everything from here or a manual override all down here so these are interior lighting this is your weingartz satellite system more light lighting here down here is your slide in and out your awning extend remember your awning you only want to run that out until your flat falls down to 90 degrees and you know you're out far enough and more lighting this is your inverter showing where your power is coming from back up here let's go to our generator turn that on and it just kicked on so let me go outside and let you hear that running real quick [Music] your generator in here very nicely [Music] go back inside to our control panel looks the wrong way go back up here back off and shut that off and your generator just shut off you can also control all your lights your slides from here lighting touch the lighting you can change all your lighting through the whole unit this is right of that here's your thermostat change the mode to cool we'll listen for your ac to kick on and it did you notice we shut this ac off it'll shut off quickly now your furnace just kicked on when you shut your furnace off that will take a couple moments to shut off the fan coming into your bathroom here just want to mention here is where your 110 with gfci resets at maintain your plumbing keep an eye on your plumbing over the years you are bouncing a house down the road you want to make sure that everything has a wiggle loose come back into your bedroom here you have an adjustable bed which is just from over here what i want to point out is make sure that you are all the way reclined before you close this slide closet back here with one tabs and usb ports also make sure that this is secure when traveling it will lock up here make sure that doesn't move you have your own thermostat back here in the bedroom and your lighting well it covers everything up in here let's go back here to your garage we've already opened the deck up for you just want wanna see all these controls up here your slide room your awning for back here your bed lift up and down and all of your lighting do you have another sound system back here we're gonna go ahead and bring your bed down now we've taken the cotter pins out but i'll show you where to put your cotter pins in once this bed is all the way up there's two little holes right there you have four cotter pins put it in each corner and that'll hold the top bunk up let's run these down real quick show you how far they come down this is also prepped for a television back here prep for a washer dryer and your own thermostat as you see the top bunk will stop at a certain point your table for in between these two seating areas stores up there as this gets to the bottom okay it leaves you plenty of head room once that stops simply lift the front of these and fold them over if you do use it for a bed put these feet down and roll that back do the same thing on the other side set your table up in between them and now we'll go ahead and hit lift and we'll run this back up do you see you have speakers back here your ac a separate uh fire extinguisher of course all your tie-downs way these vents work is you simply push out on them gives you a vent for in here you got a few uh fueling fumes run the wrong way i'm gonna run this back up all right so our beds all the way back up here's the lock that i told you i couldn't get in these doors because that was locked there's a ladder that lifts out get up to your top bulk area and if you need the extra storage simply open this up and it's going to give you a little bit more room to put some things in here lock that back away that about covers everything inside let's go ahead and close up the unit and act like we're leaving the campsite so what i'd like to do is come in here and shut off all the lighting come to my control panel show off the garage ceiling light off just shut off all the main lights in the unit that way i can walk through and see all the individual ones that i have to shut off let me do that real quick so i've shut off all the lighting except for what i can control here i want you to go through and make sure your bed is up all doors are closed all drawers are closed nothing's going to impede your slides from coming in and you're simply going to hit in open it up so you see a little better here [Music] sounds like it's starting with your bedroom slide [Music] once that's in we'll go up here back out of lighting we're gonna go two slides bedroom slides in go to main slide and retract main slide is moving in it tells you that right there that's going to bring all of your other slides in [Music] see they come in rather quickly make sure all your drawers and doors are closed steer clear this while you're standing here in the hall [Music] and we're in go ahead and shut off our main lights here and head out of the unit [Music] so coming outside your unit you want to make sure this exterior door is all the way open before you lift these steps up into the doorway kind of wet right now so i don't want to pull that handle back and set these right up inside the doorway remember to lock and deadbolt your exterior door lift this handle up and fold it over your door and you're all set for travel normally our slides will be in at this point we're still cleaning up in there so i'm gonna leave that closed captioning not available you how to do that real quick you're just going to come right back up here if you're out of leveling system again hold down both buttons until this turns green after you've hooked up your hitch hit retract all and that will bring up all of your auto leveling system if you're using potable water we'll go to that low point drain right there and open that up it comes to our hot water heater we're gonna lift up on this valve that's gonna dump all of your hot water out [Music] once that's done be sure to close this otherwise your door won't close and then you can pull your drain here you can close this while that drain is still draining excuse me it's going to take two hands there and head on up to the dump station at the dump station you can start at either one of these two or outlets you have two over one here in the back first thing we'll pull is that black handle in there once that black handle is done or once it sounds like it's no longer draining leave that black handle open again with your water pressure regulator hook up your sewage hose leave it open hook up your water pressure regulator again and turn your hose on leave that on for good five minutes that's gonna wash out your black tanks get all that nastiness out of there close this up close your black handle and remove that [Music] next you're going to come up here to this holding tank hook up your sewage hose there come up here and pull your black handle now after you pulled your black handle for a while you're gonna come to this black tank plush leave your black handle open again hook up your hose at the dump station and run that for a good five minutes wash out that black tank unhook that hose close your black handle and pull your gray handle now your gray tank's gonna be your cleaning waters your sinks in your showers that's gonna clean your sewage hose out for you you can store it in a nice sanitary place again we thank you guys so much for your purchase of this cyclone we hope you enjoy it for many years to come happy camping
Channel: TradeWinds RV Center
Views: 1,331
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: abbRT-8ul0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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