Heartfelt Story Behind Albrecht Dürer's 'Praying Hands'

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- The Renaissance changed the world forever. It was a period in European history between the 14th and the 17th century marking the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern world. The Renaissance was a time of rediscovery or an awakening of classical literature, philosophy, and art, and opened the horizons to travel, exploration and many new inventions. But the Renaissance period is most famous for its unparalleled influence on European art, which first began in Italy, the home of many of the world's greatest artists. Today we still know and honour the greatest names in renaissance art and admire their unbelievable talents. There's Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael Botticelli, and re dura. These artists all came from Italy, with the exception of re dura. He was the greatest German artist of the Renaissance. Dura was a brilliant painter and draughtsman, but his greatest artistic impact was in the medium of printmaking of JIRA's 844 known artworks. Perhaps the most well-known is the sketching of two hands. This poignant sketch has stirred the hearts and minds of generations of people all around the world, but there's a moving story behind this ever popular piece of art that will surprise and amaze you. Join me as we follow the footsteps of of the Renaissance Sons. Many famous artists, scientists, philosophers, writers, explorers, and kings lived during the period of the Renaissance. Their inventions, achievements, writings and artworks are still with us today. Let's look at some of the events that shape the Renaissance. Michelangelo begins painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The first printing press is invented in Germany, allowing the common people access to literature. Two new continents are found North and South America. The Portuguese discover and colonise Brazil in South America, the Spanish discover Mexico and North America before advancing into South America. It's the age of pirates and swashbuckling adventure. Williams Shakespeare writes his classical works, the Protestant reformation sweeps throughout Europe. King Henry VIII establishes the Church of England and Protestant martyrs are burnt at the stake for their beliefs. Queen Elizabeth, the first takes a throne of England. The Gregorian calendar is introduced. Polish astronomer, Nicholas Copernicus publishes his book suggesting that the earth moves around the sun. The dome of St. Peters is completed in Rome. The first industrial machines are built that set off mass manufacturing and the industrial Revolution. The growth in the mining industry takes place. Leonardo da Vinci paints the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, perhaps the most well-known painting in all the world. The Renaissance truly was a time of awakening, exploration, turmoil, revolution, bloodshed and change, and has become one of the defining periods But it's the art from this period of revival and change that is captivated and entranced the world. One of the greatest of these artists was Michelangelo. He was born in Florence in 1475 and was an Italian renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who had an unparalleled influence on the development of western art. Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime. Some of his paintings and sculptures rank among the most famous in existence, probably the best known of his paintings are the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican City in Rome. It took Michelangelo five years to paint the 343 figures on the ceiling of the chapel from 1508 to 1512. But Michelangelo thought of himself primarily as a sculptor, and his two most well-known sculptures were created while he was still in his twenties. The Piata, meaning pity or compassion, was created in 1499 and represents Mary Sorrowfully contemplating the dead body of her son Jesus, which she holds on her lap. This sculpture was commissioned by a French cardinal living in Rome, and today is housed in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City. The other one is the five metre Carrara marble statue of David, the biblical shepherd boy, king and hero, and was begun in 50 0 1. Today. It can be viewed and admired in Florence, Italy. Another famous renaissance artist was Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo only received a basic education in reading, writing, and arithmetic, but because his artistic talents were evident in his childhood, at the age of 14, he was apprentice to the noted sculptor and painter, Andrea Del CIO of Florence. In CIO's workshop, he was exposed to theoretical training and a wide range of technical skills, including metalwork, carpentry, drawing, painting, and sculpting. Under the patronage of the Spheros thes, Leonardo painted the last supper in the refractory of the monastery of Santa Maria Dezi. Perhaps predictably for an individual who excelled in everything he did, Leonardo also had a gift for music. He played the liar and flute, often performing at gatherings of nobility and at the houses of his patrons. His surviving manuscripts contain some of his original musical compositions, but most of us know Leonardo for his painting, the Mona Lisa. According to art experts, the Mona Lisa is the best known, most visited, and overall most famous artwork in all the world. Another famous Italian painter and architect during the Renaissance was Rafael. His work is known for its perspective, amazing and anatomical correctness and authentic human expressions. His artwork is rich in colour and has a grandeur that is a distinguishing characteristic of Raphael's paintings. His most famous painting is The School of Athens. This painting represents all the greatest mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists from classical antiquity gathered together, sharing their ideas. The School of Athens is one of four wall frescoes in the stanza Della Sign Tour in Rome. Each wall represents one of the four branches of knowledge during the Renaissance theology, literature, justice, and philosophy. This simply beautiful painting is so visually appealing and highlights the outstanding talent of Rafael. And during this same period of the Renaissance 1000 kilometres from Rome, another artist became noticed in the small town of Nuremberg. The charming town of Nuremberg is located in the very heart of Germany. It's a city of castles, cathedrals, and canals. In the enchanting old town streets aligned with magnificent half timbered houses and colourful and lively markets have taken place here for almost 700 years. The old town of Nuremberg is over 950 years old and was once a major historic centre for trade in this part of Europe. For centuries, the beautiful and prosperous mediaeval wall city of Nuremberg was also the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman empire. Between 10 50 and 1571, each successive German king or emperor of the Holy Roman empire was crowned, resided and held. Caught here. The imperial diet or a formal assembly met here at Nuremberg Castle and was an important part of the administrative structure of the empire. Even the crown jewels were kept here at this time. Nuremberg truly was a place of power and prestige, but Nuremberg was also the cradle of the and one of the most famous and talented German artists in history is recorded to have created his awe-inspiring works right here in Nuremberg Today, Nuremberg is the second largest city in the state of Bavaria and is still famous for its formidable imperial castle and the mediaeval fortifications that dominate the old town centre here in the old town is the imposing Belda church, one of the oldest renaissance churches in the city. It's located in the re Duro plots and is part of the historic mile of Nuremberg. One of the most magnificent areas in the old town of Nuremberg is the Vice Gba Gua, a cobbled stone lane with its colourful half timbered mediaeval houses nearby in the shadow of the castle is this five storied house. It is one of the few surviving burger houses or houses of the wealthy or upper social classes in Nuremberg during its golden age. It is the only 15th century artist's house in all of northern Europe. In 1971, this house was opened as a museum to celebrate the famous Renaissance artist Uras 500th birthday From his birth on the 21st of May, 1471. Dura lived and worked in this massive half timbered house for nearly 20 years. From 1509 until his death in 1528, he reached the heights of fame and fortune during the Renaissance, and here produced some of his most famous works. But his story began in the 16th century in a small village near the town of Nuremberg. Legend has it that grew up in a family with 18 children. His father re Jira senior was a goldsmith by profession and worked long hours to support his large family. Despite the family's difficult financial situation. Two Sons Re Jr. The son and his brother, Albert had a dream to be artists. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, but they knew that their father would never be able financially to send either of them to study art at the art academy. After many long discussions at night, the two boys finally worked out a pact. They would toss a coin. The winner would go first to study at the art academy. The loser would go to work in the nearby mines and with his earnings support his brother while he attended the academy. Then in four years, when that brother who had won the toss completed his studies, he would support the other brother at the academy, either with sales of his artwork or if necessary also by labouring in the mines. So it was on a Sunday morning that the two brothers tossed a coin to decide their future. Albrecht won the toss and excitedly went off to the art academy. His brother, Albert, following his promise, went down into the mines where he worked under difficult and demanding conditions for the next four years to earn money to finance his brother at the art academy. While Albert Albert toiled underground in the dangerous minds to finance his brother, Albrecht was thoroughly enjoying studying art and developing his artistic skills. His work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation. Rett etchings, his woodcuts and his oils were soon far better than those of most of his professors. And by the time he graduated, he was beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned work. Dura was in communication with the major Italian artists of his time, including Rafael and Da Vinci, and was soon being ranked with the other famous Renaissances artists. After four years, the young and talented artists returned to his home village and the Jira family held a festive dinner to celebrate re's success and triumphant homecoming. It was a time of special food, togetherness, music, and laughter. Albrecht was even given the honoured position at the head of the table. During the celebration, Albrecht stood and proposed a toast to his beloved brother Albert. Thanking him for the four years of sacrifice in the minds that had enabled him to fulfil his ambition to study at the art academy and become a world renowned artist. And his closing words were, and now Albert, blessed brother of mine. Now it's your turn. Now you can go to Nuremberg to study and pursue your dream to become an artist, and I'll take care of you. All. Heads turned in eager expectation to the far end of the table where Albert sat to everyone's surprise, he was shaking his lowered head from side to side as tears trickled down his tied and worn face while he sobbed and repeated over and over, no, no, no. Finally, Albert Rose and wiped ve tears from his cheeks. He glanced down the long table at the faces he loved, and then holding his hands up close to his cheeks. He said softly, no brother, I cannot go to the art academy in Nuremberg. It's too late for me. Look what four years working in the mines have done to my hands. The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once. And lately, I've been suffering from arthritis so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a glass to return your toast much less make delicate lines on parchment or canvas with a pen or brush, no brother. For me, it's too late. I will never be an artist. What heartbreaking words, Albert's dream of becoming an artist was smashed. The story goes that Elbert Dura walked to his brother's chair and gently held his brother's nulled and broken hands, those hands that had given him a chance, a future while they're in the family home. Alre quietly rose early one morning to continue one of his artworks and found his brother kneeling in prayer with his hands class. He was so moved by his brother's N Hands that he decided to sketch those hands to pay homage to Elbert for all that he'd sacrificed for him. Elbert's, juror painstakingly drew his brother's abused hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched upwards. He called his powerful drawing simply hands. But people around the world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and renamed his tribute of love, praying hands. Nothing is known of Albert J's life afterwards, but if it weren't for his love, generosity, loyalty, and commitment, then never would've been an albe. Jura and the masterpiece praying hands. Perhaps you're familiar with Albe JIRA's famous work, praying Hands. And when you look at this touching print on blue coloured paper, you can feel the depth of emotion in each line in the pen and ink drawing today, the original praying hands, the constant reminder of the sacrifice Albert made for the success of his brother is kept at the Albertina Museum in Vienna, Austria. But what is so special about the praying hands? Two hands pressed together and fingers pointed up in many countries is a gesture of thanks, request and greeting. Two hands also inspire sentiments of hope, praise, gratitude, reverence and respect. But primarily it's a symbol of praying and a lasting reminder of its importance and power. So what is prayer? Well, in a nutshell, prayer is talking to God as a friend. It's a simple act that can take place any time and anywhere. It opens up a channel of communication with heaven. It's asking God for help and guidance and strength, and then trusting and believing that he will hear, answer, and provide in much the same way that you trust a good friend to answer and provide in your time of need. Pray can help to relieve your burdens and fill you with peace. Pray can strengthen you for the tempest and challenges ahead and help place your trust in God when the going gets really tough. So let's look at a few simple steps we can take to make prayer a more meaningful part of our lives. Step one, talk to God as a friend. We need to realise that prayer is simply opening our hearts and talking to God as we would to a friend. Tell him about your joys, hopes and desires. Tell him your deepest fears and the earnest longings of your heart. Then we move on to the simple ABCs of prayer, ask, believe, claim. Let's consider each of them quickly when we pray. We need to ask God for what we need by laying our hearts open to him. So step two is ask God. We need to ask for what is important to us. Step three. We need to believe that God hears our prayers and is promised to answer us. Step four. We need to claim the promises that he has given us in His word, the Bible. Step five, we need to pray in the name of Jesus. In John chapter 14 and verse 13, Jesus says, and whatever you ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the sun. Step six. We should make a time and place for prayer each day. It's always good to start and close the day with prayer. Then we're more likely to be in an attitude of prayer throughout the day. And it's also helpful to have a special place for our personal prayers, a place that we dedicate to prayer where you pray and when you pray can determine how you pray. For example, having a quiet, solitary time and place can help you to open your heart to God more freely. Step seven, get rid of the sins in our lives. It's important to remember that God lays out conditions for answering our prayers. In Psalm 66, verse 18, the Bible says, if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord Ask God to forgive our mistakes and give us the power to avoid making those mistakes again. God wants us to live by His principles because they are best for us and ensure our happiness and wellbeing. Step eight, obey God's law. The 10 Commandments. When we're in harmony with God, when we follow him and obey him and keep his laws, God can hear our prayers and answer them more readily than if we were separated from him by sin. Step nine, forgive others. We need to choose to forgive those who have harmed or hurt us just as God forgives us. Part of being in harmony with God is receiving forgiveness for our sins and choosing to forgive those who have sinned against us. And finally, step 10. We need to pray that God's will be done. We can choose to recognise God's wisdom and choose to place our trust in him. This is a powerful catalyst for effective prayer and placing our trust in the will of God. And above all, we need to persist in prayer and combine our prayers with action. If at first your prayers don't seem to be heard, then persist. Keep praying and make sure you act. Take all the necessary steps that are within your power to hasten the fulfilment of your prayers. For example, it's not enough just to pray for those in need. We need to roll up our sleeves and do our part to meet their needs as well. Prayer requires an open heart, a surrendered will, a persevering spirit and willing hands. Let's not wait till we are out at sea, tossed and blown in a tempest to pray. May we make prayer our first resort and not our last. So here are our 10 steps to a powerful prayer life. One, talk to God as a friend. Two, ask God for what you need. Three, believe that God hears our prayers. Four, claim God's promises. Five. Pray in the name of Jesus. Six. Have a time and place for prayer. Seven, get rid of sin in our lives. Eight, obey God's law. Nine, forgive others. And 10, ask for God's will to be done. So there they are. 10 simple Bible steps to our powerful prayer life. These simple steps will make our prayer lives richer, your prayers more authentic, and provide us with a genuine faith grounded in the promises of God's word. The power of prayer can change your life, so why not start implementing and using them today? If you would like to find out more about relying on God and how to use the power of prayer, then I'd like to recommend the free booklet we have for all our Incredible Journey viewers Today it's the popular booklet reaching out to God in prayer. How to Pray. This inspiring booklet will guide you through the simple steps to a powerful prayer life. This booklet is our gift to you and is absolutely free. I guarantee there are no costs or obligations whatsoever. So make the most of this wonderful opportunity to receive your free gift today. - Phone or text oh four three six triple three triple five in Australia, or oh 2 0 4 2 2 0 4 2 in New Zealand, or oh 7 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 6 in the United States. Or visit our website, TJ tv, or simply scan the QR code on your screen and we'll send you today's free offer, totally free of charge and with no obligation. You can also write to us at GPO box 2 7 4 Sydney, new South Wales, 2001, Australia or PO Box, 7 6 6 7 3 manaca Auckland, 2 2 4 1 New Zealand or PO Box Triple 8 7 1 7, Atlanta, Georgia, 3 0 3 5 6 usa. You can also email us at info at TJ tv. Don't delay. Call or text us now, - If you've enjoyed our journey to Nuremberg, the home of the famous artist, Albert Jura, and our reflections on prayer, then be sure to join us again next week when we will share another of life's journeys together. Until then, let's pray to the great God of heaven who hears and answers our prayers. Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the privilege of being able to communicate with you and talk to you as our friend. We are grateful that you care about us and want to establish a relationship with us. May we realise the importance of investing time in our relationship with you, and ensuring that we make time to pray. Please bless us and our families. We ask in Jesus' name, amen.
Channel: The Incredible Journey
Views: 14,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, the praying hands, praying hands story, renaissance periodization, albrecht dürer, albrecht durer, art history, dürer, fine art, prayer, vienna austria, albertina museum, albertina, museum, German painter, Germany, Nuremberg, German Renaissance, Europe, Italian artists, Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, Leonardo da Vinci, printing press, painter, printmaker, theorist, pen-and-ink drawing, Betende Hände, Study of the Hands of an Apostle, Dürer's brother, drawing, documentaries
Id: SJZiVfp4Awg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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