Mother of the Bride Passes Away | Daughter's Wedding at the Hospital

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I just wanted my mom to be there but I knew there was no chance of her being around Friday so we decided to a wedding together in the hospital [Music] that was the best decision I could have made [Music] that was the last day though I Spit back while she was alive responsive [Music] [Music] this moment is the anchor that holds your past or your future together today you are beginning a journey together that will last the rest of your lives and like any journey there will be amazing experiences on mountaintops today hopefully being one such experience sometimes you will walk through valleys and have trouble finding your way but no matter where you go and no matter how long the journey is or how difficult the person beside you will make your journey worthwhile that ceremony to me is more important Dan any other day of my life cuz it was the last day I added my mom and it was the first time that I got to marry you [Applause] we got both the very best and the very worst day of our lives [Music] [Music] do you well how did we meet Kelly and I had met in college she was in the story next door to my fraternity and so we were friends were the same friends so we were always in the same room but we never like would call each other to say hey let's hang out so whenever college ended then you know he went this way and I went that way and you know that was it until ran into each other at a wormy dog [Music] and then we were in love you got mushy [Music] and I will marry you again tomorrow use to I'd used every time Kayleigh and Keegan her together it's nonstop laughter so on our on our first date on our way back I remember being so embarrassed by like you know what I'm just gonna go for it do you want to hear Sophia there are two the funniest people individually and further compliment one another one they are together give or take like three Li Jie's remember there's a okay mr. Keegan then I guess I will take you to my house and then if you want to have some wine or something then I will be nice I mean like I can't ever forget that if you haven't ever had a chance to experience Sophia you definitely should know what it's like you know what I think I love her no I think that like humor is our way of like just like getting through life because it's not easy like no matter who you are and I mean obviously we've been like adult super special circumstances but you have to laugh Oh what [Laughter] it was my 15th birthday actually when my mom had her very first surgery [Music] she had been doing great she had been in remission all signs you know pointed to her being in great health June of 2011 my mom was rediagnosis the same anaplastic astrocytoma she was rushed to surgery and they removed what they could but she got a staph infection and in her brain and so she had a second surgery in July every time she went into the hospital it was different it was you know there it was like it just something would chip away at her something was harder for her every time she went into the hospital 2011 was probably the hardest year for our family until we got to 2017 for richer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and health as long as we both shall live as long as we both shall in March of 2017 I got a phone call at work and my mom called me and said I'm not doing well [Music] the doctors couldn't do anything the doctors in Tulsa we're the same ones that had treated her before we had all of our faith in them and they come back to us and they just said I'm so sorry there's there's nothing that we can do [Music] her surgeon dr. michael shara had pioneered a surgery it required an awake craniotomy so that surgery was performed on May 10th of 2017 [Music] after she got out of the hospital after that surgery she she moved in with me and not only did she moved in with me my 17 year old sister moved in with me and Keegan couldn't have been more supportive of that decision so it was that moment that not only did I know that I you know obviously I knew that I loved him but it was at that time that I knew that he could handle the struggles that I knew were coming and we're willing to he was willing to make the sacrifices that I was willing to make for my mom and our family Keegan's unconditional love for Kayleigh was evident from the beginning it was evident in the way he looks at her with adoration supporter and off her crazy ideas including - no question and makes her laugh until she ugly cries I never thought there would be a man totally deserving of Kayleigh slap but I can truly say the keygen is that man [Music] [Music] my dad had been taken to the hospital by ambulance and that they found out that he had broken his back at that point diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called multiple myeloma that affects your bones [Music] I had known I wanted to propose for quite a while you know I tell her like hey let's go to the beach the whole time like she just on her phone or surfing oh it says that there's a lot of seals oh it says sharks eat seals oh it says white sharks eat seals and so like the whole time we're on the beach like hey come here there's too many squirrels over there and so we're finally like you know I get down to one knee and I proposed and like she just like oh yeah she's looking for seals but oh no idea no idea which it should have I totally should have known totally should have known but yeah we have talked about getting married in 2019 and I remember telling him I it's so important that my mom's there it it's she has to be there this I I never thought that she would meet the man that I'm gonna marry and now I have the opportunity for her to be there to see me marry the man that you know was totally made for me it was more important that we had the people that we cared about there so we moved it up to October and we're both born in October we like fall October is our favorite month and so we're like why not [Music] it was the Sunday before the wedding and I knew that something was wrong it ended up being that her tumors had grown so significantly that she couldn't talk anymore so it was Wednesday that the Keegan and I had like sat down and talked about what we were gonna do with the wedding because if it were up to me we wouldn't have had the wedding on Friday [Music] can you see me can you close your eyes if you can hear me yeah thank you for coming I'm so happy that you could be here today so I I'm so glad that we we got to do that and I'm so glad that she got to be there and even though she couldn't say anything she couldn't speak she could blink her eyes and she could she could she was crying and during the ceremony and she you could tell that she didn't want to be in the position that she was in but you could tell that she was so glad to be there too Kaylee and Keegan stand now before those that they love and that loved them those that have raised them taught them supported them and shaped them because of that they are able to stand now across from each other to take the limitless wealth that you have all given them in spirit and now return it not just to you but to the memory of those past and to the hope for those yet to be you [Music] she was the one that totally insisted on this super long veil [Music] it blew in the wind and I just walking down with my dad felt her presence too [Music] we placed my mom in hospice care yesterday and as much as I wish that she could be here anyone that got whipped in the face by my veil you that was that was a hug from her because the long cathedral veil was her choice and so you you can consider that a hug from her remind them to nurture each other with mutual love honor and respect let the spirits live within each other as they learn from one another may they grow stronger as individuals and closer as a couple I learned later that it was during the ceremony that she began the process of passing and we asked us all of their precious name of Jesus amen [Music] I think that was my mom she was there with us I kidding take you Kaylie be my lawfully wedded wife [Music] - haven't old from this day forward better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live Keagan you may now kiss [Music] [Applause] [Music] god blessed us with two wonderful children and Keegan has managed to marry a beautiful wonderful woman Kaylee and we are so blessed to have her join our family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] most of you here tonight know that these two of their age have faced more than most people 20 years older than them and they've done it together and I believe they will continue to do that and I believe everyone here tonight would join me in saying that we are behind you 100% we love you and we wish you the very best congratulations to the bride and groom [Applause] [Applause] [Music] never ever would I have expected to leave the wedding early to go say goodbye to her so I get to our room okay she's she is so gone but she's she's like also holding on [Music] and I remember us standing there with her saying you know we're here or here it's okay you can go you can go she had already taken kind of like those steps in in the process of death of okay you know there's no turning back and she did that during our wedding ceremony at the same time [Music] she was supposed to die when I was 16 years old and 28 look for me in the in the people I have nothing left and if you cannot live without me and let me live in your eyes your marvel in your accent yeah love is not dying people do so then all that is one after me is well we all have our moments and you are like the perfect piece of like calm and this crazy life that we've been given I just feel like so grateful that not only do I have you but like our whole family gets you and none of us deserve like your like love and jokes and like ability to quit I think we quit and your ability to to just bring so much pieces whatever we might face we don't desert read backwards because everyone gets it after see [Music] I'd like to thank Keegan for being exactly what I needed and exactly this moment and I could not have made it through this week without you and I am so thankful to have you for forever and all the little gingy babies [Music] [Music] you are good my heart [Music] you you
Channel: Leslee Layton
Views: 2,456,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wedding, daughters tribute, sad wedding video, emotional wedding, mother of the bride passes away, mother of the bride, oklahoma wedding video, emotional wedding video, wedding videos that will make you cry, wedding video emotional, emotional wedding moments
Id: BG3h4ewEbBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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