Heart - These Dreams (Live In Seattle)
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Channel: HeartVEVO
Views: 36,674,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heart, These, Dreams, Eagle, Rock, heart vevo, heart these dreams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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And especially Ann Wilson, doing it through a bank of fog in every music video.
Here's Nancy Wilson in a recent podcast episode sharing funny, relatable stories of strange, sometimes awkward, experiences from across Heart's career. She basically says they've lived through every scene in This Is Spinal Tap. It's a fun listen.
Definitely the 1980s version. These Dreams and Alone are two of my favorite songs.
Hard rocking please!
70’s version
May be hard for some to believe, but I like both
My favorite is, What about Love. Great opening and solid throughout. I just learned the other day, on Fast times at Ridgemont high, when Brad, (Judge Reinhold) is at the stop light in his pirate uniform and the lady he winks at starts laughing is Nancy Wilson.
I prefer Alone.
All of it.