Hearing God’s Voice Is Easier Than You Think - Bill Johnson | Bethel Church

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have you ever just thought of somebody you wanted to call or maybe swing by and visit it wasn't no thundering voice from God it's just you know he just oh I should call them and you call them and you find out it was a miracle moment that God actually directed you you see Jesus made a statement he said my sheep know my voice what what does he mean by that there's a familiarity to the voice of God to the life of a Believer so much so that there are times where I would have thought it was simply my desire and I find out afterwards it was actually the voice of God living immersed in Christ puts us in a place where we constantly are hearing that familiar voice [Music] everyone in this room that is born again you are born again because he spoke you listened and responded none of us found God he found us yeah yeah it's like it's like running from God through this forest and you trip over a rock and you look up and he's looking at you and and you say I'm so glad I found you that's basically how all of us got saved we we ended up with seeing that there was only one reasonable option and it was to give ourselves to him and and so anyway all of us are alive because we heard him speak and we responded the holy spirit is the central person in our life and every Triumph every Victory every enablement every bit of grace everything that we experience in this life and following Jesus is there and it's active because the holy spirit is in our life the holy spirit is God on Earth everything about our life either succeeds or fails because of a relationship with him I'm not referring to an emotion although emotions are included I'm not talking talking about feelings although feelings are included it is a relationship with a person this Christian Life is a relational Journey and it is a relationship with God on Earth who is the Holy Spirit who perfectly represents Jesus who completely and perfectly manifests the will of the father I've been fighting for an an adequate illustration and I've not yet come up with one maybe I will by next week when I won't need it but uh but right now have you ever you know just going through life and somebody says Oh What a Beautiful song you didn't even know a song was playing but as soon as they mentioned that song you could hear it right I mean it wasn't it wasn't made up in your mind you could actually hear it but you weren't aware of it you became your awareness became heightened to that sound when somebody mentioned it maybe you're just going through life not thinking of anything and somebody says why do you smell that and then you weren't smelling it before but as soon as they mentioned it go yeah meat or or other things but but me primarily yeah barbecue thank you Jesus all right and somebody mentioned all of a sudden yes yes I do smell that you become you have a heightened awareness what I'm looking for is for us to have a heightened awareness of the presence of God I've had certain things happen to me through the years where I became unusually aware of of him and it's terrifying and wonderful all at the same time and I don't want to live any other way heightened awareness it's not imaginary it's not it's not that it's oh it's like Jacob said in uh when he had he woke up from that dream he said God is here and I didn't even know it sudden heightened awareness to a reality that existed before he was aware the Holy Spirit lives in you he's also called paraclete the one called alongside to help so the whole point is I would like today to just help with a heightened awareness of God on Earth that I have actually received as a down payment of an inheritance now I don't understand that there was ever a mind-boggling thought as the fact that God gave us himself as our inheritance and the initial payment is the holy spirit himself the down payment he's called down payment Ephesians the down payment of our inheritance Lara Randolph made a comment years ago he said if God is as big as he says he is he shouldn't be that hard to find with someone that large in my life should not be that hard to discern and if he is I must have my heart and mind anchored in things that are very inferior that have deadened what he has created in me as a capacity to recognize him all right amen Bill good point all right uh he uh Hebrews Hebrews Ephesians let's just go through the books about Romans Romans chapter 8 I was I meant it the first time Romans 8. uh we're just I'm going to kind of Bounce Around the chapter so we're not going to read the whole thing I actually this morning as I was reading over this I said oh my goodness we easily could do three or four weeks in this chapter because it is so pregnant but we'll just uh skim over maybe uh seven eight nine versus something that nature all right verse 1 of Chapter eight there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit verse 14. as many as are led by the spirit of God these are the sons of God now go back to verse 1. there's therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit those who are in Christ walk according to the spirit that is the testimony of scripture those who are in Christ the evidence of my conversion is that I don't live according to carnal values fleshly uh carnal expressions and values but instead by the Holy Spirit himself my life with Christ is Illustrated because of a partnership with God on Earth the holy spirit it's Illustrated it is measurable and he goes on to say that those who are led by the spirit these are the sons of God the reason I want to hit on this for just a moment we're actually going to spend more time later in the chapter but the reason I wanted to hit on this for just a moment there's some there are certain subjects in in in the gospel that sometimes that feels to me like they have been elevated so high that they are they are unreachable and being led by the spirit is one of those and it is not it's your nature to be led by the spirit have you ever have you ever just thought of somebody you wanted to call or maybe swing by and visit it wasn't no thundering voice from God it's just you know you just oh I should call them and you call them and you find out it was a it was a it was a miracle moment that God actually directed you you see Jesus made a statement he said my sheep know my voice what does he mean by that there's a familiarity to the voice of God to the life of a believer so much so that there are times where I would have thought it was simply my desire and I find out afterwards it was actually the voice of God there's such similarity living immersed in Christ puts us in a place where we constantly are hearing that familiar voice I I don't mean overly familiar in a wrong sense but that familiar voice it's not the Thundering voice from the outside it's that cry from the inside and the Beautiful part about this is the more we learn to yield ourselves to this work of the Holy Spirit the more walking in the spirit so to speak is normal and natural it's it's the normal reaction to a given situation one of the conversations I've had with people of late has been to how do you know how do you know what to do in a given situation because sometimes there's a Biblical principle that you let's just say uh there's a need sometimes there's a Biblical principle of generosity and sometimes the biblical principle of of helping them uh to earn what what they have there's there's biblical basis for both how do you know what to do the only way you can know is is recognize the mood of the Holy Spirit it's his voice it's his mood it's his how is compassion leading you how how is he directing you to express life and it's this it's this relational Journey where it is our nature to illustrate faith it is our nature to illustrate this life with Christ faith is another one of those exalted subjects where people just don't think they can live by faith when it's actually your nature to do so it's our nature in Christ yeah I'm so glad that you watched this video I do pray that it's a great great strength and encouragement to you and I've got a verse that it really is My Cry for all of us and it's Psalms 20 it's verse 4. may he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans that's my prayer that's my prayers that this would be the season of rich rich fulfillment thanks for joining us
Channel: Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Views: 154,578
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Keywords: bill johnson, bill johnson 2023, bill johnson sermons, bethel church, hearing god, how to hear god, gods voice, hearing gods voice, holy spirit, romans 8, how does god speak, awareness, presence of god, hearing god is easier than you think, empowered, miracles, bethel miracles, bill johnson ministry, BSSM, bethel, jesus christ, church, sermon bethel, bill johnson ministries, bill johnson bethel, bethel tv, bethel church redding, Christian, God is good, BJM256, B2J5, 25BJM, BJ25, 25BJ
Id: gzhXi9JdWoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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