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[Music] hello friends welcome back to our Channel so in the previous session we have seen the mid sort the sorting taking one of the sorting technique so we have covered various sorting techniques that is bubble sort selection sort insertion sort and the mid sort now in this session let us have a look on one who sorting technique that is heaps so in order to implement this heapsort we have to follow two properties one is so we have to brother pain that must be complete by the day another one is it should follow the heap order it should follow the heap order these people means aim we can have two nice ladies max heap and Minnie so what is meant by a max heap so first of all what is when they are complete binary tree complete binary tree so here we have to follow that means we have to he himself daily means first one as root left and then right firstly we have to follow the same order second one so every element I mean every node should have two chains except the last cleaner except the last level so in every level each node should have touching right so if it is if it satisfies these two conditions we can call it as a complete binary next max-heap what is not my max it here the parent element parent node should be greater than change then sorry delete and replace root node with the list change I have to follow these two things in order to max you so pain notes should be later than the channel notes next then delete and replace them with the wrist chain next here's a quite opposite parent node should be less then chain nose delete and replace root no the lease not last last change right so this will be happy and here deleted load will be placed at last position here also same did good will be placed at last position right so these are the complete binary tree and I keep on right so complete binary tree means we have to follow while inserting the elements that is root left right and every node should have to children's except the last level and maxeen the hypotenuse max if I'm with you coming to the max if the parent node should be greater than the children door and after chilling this one delete and replace the roof load with the last node and the deleted node will be placed at the last position of the air right here also in the min-hee the pineapples into the maxi that means fairy node should be less than the change nodes and deleted replace a room node with the last change mode and the deleted node will be placed at the last position in the end in right so we have to follow all these things while performing the heapsort so let us take some elements and perform the so let us take some elements let it be 40 60 30 10 20 50 so let these are the elements we are considering and we need to get the output as 10 20 30 40 50 60 so first let us draw the tree so let us take root node left node right node again left not right not left node so this is a complete binary tree because except the last level so there are two levels level 1 and 2 except the last level that means second level every every level is having two children right see this will call it is only for now this is a complete binary tree okay now we have to apply the max heap max you this is a complete binary tree so max heap means we have to check whether the parent node is greater than the chance coming from the bottom see coming to this left chain and 2860 so here 60 is the parent for 1020 where 60 is greater than 10 and 20 so no change will be upper coming to the right III 30 and 50 so here the children is having the 50 child is having the 50 node and the parent is having the 30 node here 30 is less than 50 so we have to swap these two elements now let us write here 40 60 50 10 20 30 right now okay go to the upward so 40 40 is the period for work 1650 so here 60 is greater than 40 so Chinese having the greater element then the root so just swap these two so 60 40 50 and 20 so if you observe here so this is the vaccine this is the maxi because every parent element is a greater than the child elements so here 40 40 is greater than its change 10 and 40 so 15 is greater than its change 30 and 60 is greater than exchange 40 and 50 now right on the elements in an array so 60 40 50 mm 20 30 so these are the elements now after changing the maxim what we have to do the maximum element I mean the root element should be deleted and it must be replaced with the last inmate so this must be replaced with the last statement so here we have to apply the same right and place and place the root element at the last position so 60 here 30 here 40 50 and 20 right consider this one 30 40 50 brother hey brother thing so 34 other - st 30 40 left right okay left okay right right no transcendence maxi this is called a maxi is it a maxi see 40 is a period of 10 and 20 which is greater than 10 min 20 right next 15 it's like having no chair on elements so go to the top level 20 30 is a parent for both 40 and 50 where 50 is greater than 30 so child element is having the greater value than pen so swell so this will be written as 50 40 30 10 20 right so this is in the maximum this is in a magazine because the parent element is having greater value than the child elements now right here so here already this element is in a sorted order see right here 15 14 13 and 20 and 60 right so here the hoop element should be replaced with the last statement so I said it is 40 here right so this will be swear 50 so sorry it has been strapped so 20 40 30 10 50 and 60 see he left the two events are in a socket under the two elements are inserted right now brother brother 3 for this one so root element is 20 last element is 40 height element is 30 left element is 10 so easy to the magazine see here the 40 is a parent bone M is a child not for these inner than 10 this this level it is right so 30 is the parent node it does not have any children 30 side coming to the first level 20 is a paramount for 40 and 30 ways forties greater than 20 so swap here sub 40 20 30 can write so if you observe here NC 20 is greater than and it is right that is a pair is known witches are having a zero children so it is right and the comp level 40 is the parent for twenty eight thirty volts 40 is a greater than so this is in maximum now thickness is 40 will the last element and move this 40 into the last word third position so right of the elements 14 2013 10 50 60 openly these 5060 are in sorted order sad this forty beat em so that we will help 10 20 30 40 50 and 60 so if you have severe the three events the last two three elephants are in sorted order now tomograph brother for these three enemies so root a bit is 10 left element is 20 right element is 30 so yes it is Maxine see there is a parent for both 28 30 where thirties is a greater element which is in a chain position so swag this one so 30 the left element will be 20 and 10 now right um here 30 20 can write 14 15 and 60 so already 40 50 60 are sorted over right now replace this by last time and I mean the roof road with last element so here are 7 is 10 so we will get 10 so here we have to swap this one so this one so 10 20 30 40 50 and 60 so last the four elements are you sorry huh right replace this one now the retriever this too so fruit low-risk and China responding so it is also by related because it's the last level so 20 he'll tell his parents that part is same with 20 is never than 10 so we have to apply oil so this will be right down on my pointy and let's change this 10 now replace the last element I mean the greater element so here we can write here so 20 so 2010 30 40 50 and 60 so already all these elements are in sorted order so 28 10 so just swam because the last I mean the root load should be replaced with the last element and it should be placed in the end in the last position of their right so 10 20 30 40 50 and 60 so all these are in sorted order and right on the tree only and will be then this I would not place this in a day so that we will get 10 20 30 40 50 and 60 where the events are in sorted order so we can get all these things so this is the first step this is the second step this is the third step this is the fourth one and this is one fifth one and this is the sixth one right so this is the first first one this is the second this is the third this is the fourth this is the fifth and finally this is the sixth so hope you understood so we have to follow the two properties that is first one we have to draw the three such that the complete binary should satisfy the compute binary and second one is we have to follow the heap order that is mini Pam maxi if we consider the max max heap the resultant will be the elements in ascending order if you consider the mini him the elements will be descending order so maxi mini difference we have seen that is the parent element should be greater than its chain limits when we consider the maxi min here the parent element should be less than the pair channel elements and after achieving the maxi we have to replace the root node with the last node and inside this root node into the Erik at the last position right so for every iteration from every iteration the last element the highest segment will be sorted so here we have seen the example and the working of hitching keeps on so hope you understood this procedure of heaps on don't get confused right so if you are having any doubts regarding these sorting techniques feel free to post your doubts in the comment section so that definitely I will try to clarify out your doubts so I think I am very clear so hope you understood this session all right so if you realize those fertilizations like positions share my sessions with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to our channel so thanks for watching thank you very much
Channel: Sundeep Saradhi Kanthety
Views: 67,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3lj-euktmOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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