DO THIS To Heal Your Psoriasis TODAY! | Dr. Todd LePine & Mark Hyman

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one of the key things I always ask my patients also is the component of stress not that stress causes psoriasis or stress causes autoimmunity but stress affects the immune system [Music] [Applause] welcome to this special episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy that I call house call and I'm sitting down with my colleagues at the ultra Wellness Center in Lenox Massachusetts discuss some difficult medical conditions that have amazing Solutions using functional medicine that you won't get by going to your regular doctor we're getting to the root cause of things and today I'm sitting down with Dr Todd lepine who's been one of our featured guests in the Doctor's Pharmacy talking about all sorts of conditions and has the second most popular podcast on the Doctor's Pharmacy I would say congratulations on that which is no small feat uh we've been working together for 25 years maybe 20. something like that at Canyon Ranch for 10 years and then here at the ultra Wellness Center for over a decade Dr lepine went to Dartmouth medical school he's board certified in Internal Medicine and he's certified in functional medicine integrative medicine and he's one of the smartest guys out there when it comes to understanding the body and how to heal it I've learned so much from Todd over the years as my colleague and friend and and we are privileged to take care of some really challenging cases at the ultra Wellness Center and today we're going to talk about psoriasis so welcome Todd thank you thank you Mark now this podcast is about things that matter and if you have psoriasis probably nothing matters more than figuring out how to fix it because it's what they call the Heartbreak of psoriasis yeah and the reason is it's a miserable condition where you get thick scaly plaques and irritation on your skin which itches like crazy uh and just is scarring and disfiguring and it's just a miserable disease yeah and traditional medicine doesn't really have a lot of great treatments except ones that are extremely expensive and often come with very significant side effects yeah exactly so Todd what's the general view of psoriasis and traditional medicine this General view is that it's an external Condition it's a skin problem it's a skin problem exactly it's a skin problem and it's a chronic condition and there's no cure for it that's that's the that's the the take home that you get uh in my training and um it really is not a skin condition it's a systemic condition and uh the ways in which we're treating it is really as you said very expensive and potentially very toxic um so there are lots of things uh and I think this is a a probably almost like the Paradigm um condition from a functional medicine approach is where you get so much leverage because yeah there's not one thing that causes psoriasis there's not just one case of psoriasis there's many variables we were talking about that earlier how you know there's a there's a genetic component to it there's the dietary component uh there's the environmental component uh vitamin D is you know I I I'm a big proponent for vitamin D and I have so many patients who have psoriasis who tell me that you know they get better in the summer when they go to the beach yeah and they're in the salt water yeah and they get Sunshine well that's one of the Medical Treatments is UV light right absolutely yes they do stick people under lights and do light therapy in medicine believe it or not yeah well they all I think I think they also it's an older therapy they used to use also or the Puba therapy sore lens it would inject it into you and then yeah it's like an older way but nonetheless you UV light is very very beneficial for modulating the immune system so it's it's really uh and the one thing that really uh I'll never forget this case and I don't know if you probably have seen it yourself but when I was in my regular conventional practice I had a patient who presented with guttate psoriasis and for those who don't know what guttate psoriasis is it's what happens it gives you a gut ache that's actually nice it's actually a good point so uh so g-u-t-t-a-t-e got eight psoriasis and a patient who I had treated for a strep infection strep throat infection and then like a week or two later she comes back and she's covered in these uh dime to quarter size circular psoriatic lesions and I'm like what's going on here so I you know I did a little bit of research and I found out that that is a well-known uh condition of a post-streptococcal guttate psoriasis and I treated her with an antibiotic and guess what her guttate psoriasis went away amazing because you see the strap the cause exactly exactly now the one thing that you don't need to realize is that strep bacteria is oftentimes involved in cross-reactivity that's why you know people are so so on to strep throat because if you get a strep throat in certain individuals genetically susceptible individuals they can get glomerulonephritis it damages your kidneys you can get rheumatic heart disease yeah you can get um pandas syndrome pediatric autoimmune neurodevelopmental uh strep infection so you get this like OCD and behavioral type uh conditions uh and then you can get all psychiatric issues cardiac issues kidney issues everything right exactly and deadly absolutely so so strep bacteria play I think probably are one of the key players in some cases of psoriasis in patients absolutely yeah well that you know that is fascinating so essentially this is seen as a skin condition that's inflammatory and the treatments are using powerful anti-inflammatory drugs including steroids a lot of them are topical steroids oh it's topical but they use very strong ones that get absorbed and they realize the pressure on adrenal glands and have long-term consequences and and in the skin because they're very very powerful they're not like the over-the-counter hydrocortisone these are really high potency uh fluorinated uh steroids and they get absorbed into the system they do decrease inflammation but they thin the skin and you get you know uh skid breakage of the skin and such so there's even though they're creams they're systemic side effects to them absolutely yeah you know I I um I also see that that uh the the drugs that are being used now that are promoted on television are these very expensive we call them immunosuppressants they called tnf alpha blockers yeah or biologics that yeah every fifty thousand dollars a year and they they they can be effective and help people for sure but they do lead to immune suppression especially this type of covid if you're if you're on one of these drugs you're much more likely to have your immune system not work when you get an infection exactly and there are times you know when there are some patients I have seen some patients uh with you know either rheumatoid arthritis or significant psoriatic arthritis which is psoriasis to the next degree where you're developing a systemic symptoms of joint inflammation sometimes you do have to use the biologies to more or less put out the fire for a period of time absolutely so it's not as though I'm against uh biologics there's this time and a place for everything but those are sort of the last ditch you know that's like okay you know break the glass pull out the emergency fire extinguisher and put out the fire well you know it reminds me of this case I'm going to share for a minute which is a little girl came to seems probably like four at the time and when she was little and this is this is really how we think differently in functional medicine because in functional medicine we see this like you said it's a systemic problem that happens to affect the skin and if you're treating skin it's just putting you know topical stuff on that doesn't really have systemic effects or get to the root cause so functional medicine is always about the root cause and this little girl when I looked at her history born by C-section not breastfed so already you know she's got a reduction in her healthy microbiome formation because going through the vaginal Canal populates the gut with bacteria that are healthy breastfeeding provides these oligosaccharides that are essentially non-digestible food for the good bacteria and so the kids already set up her problems then got ear infections antibiotics it's layered on and then developed this horrible psoriasis you know at a very young age like a year old skin was just covered with it and the kid was on and off steroids antibiotics for skin infections often if the psoriasis is bad it'll break down the skin the skin will get infected and you get this vicious cycle and this girl ended up on one of these drugs these biologics the suppressor immune system because she had it all over her body and she ended up in the Intensive Care Unit wow with sepsis for a month and the reason she got sepsis or overwhelming systemic infection was because her immune system was suppressed on the drugs and it was a suspicious cycle so parents came to me were desperate and this little girl was so sweet she had really head to toe psoriasis it was it was not your normal kind and and she went to the bathroom in my office and she was screaming when she went to go pee because the peeing her because she had all over her vagina yeah this kid was just a mess mess and I'm like well you know let's start with the basics uh diet and and and also helping her gut get sorted out and I I think for for most people with inflammation in their body or an autoimmune disease the the main thing we look at is the gut and for this little girl um I started with an elimination diet gluten dairy and gluten you know if I look at psoriasis probably one of the biggest factors absolutely so I got rid of the gluten got rid of the dairy cleaned up her diet got rid of the sugar and stuff and and because of all the antibiotics and steroids the immune suppressed and I gave her in any fungal just on an assumption because there's a lot of evidence that yeast plays a role or fungal infections play a role that's why they use sort of anti-fungal shampoos for scalp psoriasis or dandruff and I gotta I put her on this program I got a call from the father a couple of weeks later and uh how's she doing and he said she's almost completely cleared her skin completely cleared within like a few weeks wow uh and then she did really really well for a long time and then her scalp just never recovered and I said what is she eating well she's having gluten-free oats and I'm like I think you know oats even though they say gluten-free are often cross-contaminated or not perfectly gluten free and so I got her off of that and her scalp cleared and the kids fine and so this is a case where you do something really simple and when I and when you get an incredible result by fixing the root cause and when I did her testing she did she had terrible gut microbiome on the stool testing she had elevated antibodies to gluten we use not just a regular Celiac or anybody who has we look at 20 different proteins that are in wheat and gluten and we look at antibodies against them and she just lit up like a Christmas tree yeah so I was like wow this is the worst I've ever seen and yet well she got better so fast by dealing with the right cause right well that that's yeah that that's the kind of case that really sticks in your head and and the one thing about psoriasis as I think also it's it's you know people view it with people who have it it's one thing if you have like a couple lesions on your elbows and they're hidden it's not a big deal but for people have really bad psoriasis it's pretty much like having leprosy I mean really you just you you pretty much don't want to you know expose your skin you don't want to go out bathing it's embarrassing it's embarrassing all right and people think it's contagious you know it's it's all these you know these little myths about it and and it definitely has I think a psychological toll for people who have really significant psoriasis absolutely there's a there definitely is that that psychological uh component to it you know and you see these advertisements where you know I think there shows people like by the pool with you know taking their their biologic so that they can you know now go bathing but you know you got to take this expensive expensive toxic medications just to jump in the pool are you you and I are old enough to remember a time when there was no advertising for drugs on television right right and and what these advertisements do is they work and the Studies have shown that 40 of the time when the patient goes to the doctor and says hey Doc I saw this ad for blabbity blonde TV can I get that drug right they're like sure yeah so these are working and that's why they spend billions and billions of dollars on these ads yeah uh and it's it's wrong because in functional medicine there is an incredible Pathway to help these patients do you have any other cases that come to mind oh yeah yeah absolutely I just I had a recent uh a case where and this was like a very interesting case because the patient had a little bit of a perfect storm for uh uh getting setups for psoriasis the patient developed a lot of strep throat infections in her 20s so all of a sudden she's developed lots of strep for whatever reason maybe you know contamination from her kids or uh whatever and then was put on a variety of different uh antibiotics and then uh after uh the birth of one of her children she had a cholecystectomy because she developed gallstones yeah her gallbladder out gallbladder out exactly gallbladder out and there's actually some really interesting evidence about the role of the bile acids in psoriasis is really quite interesting and that's what sort of triggered it and then then the sort of add fuel to the fire the patient was on guess what appi acid blocking proton pump inhibitor you know the purple pill right yeah exactly so and that's we're going to talk about in the next uh podcast so this patient was a little bit of a setup for a perfect storm for developing uh psoriasis then also had some stress uh in in their life and then also one of the other things that you see in psoriasis in some patients is metabolic syndrome if you're overweight if you have pre-diabetes that's another potential risk factor for uh developing uh psoriasis um and then uh originally the patient had a very call had a vitamin D level originally that was in the single digits yeah it should be like 40 or 50 and you're saying it was like less than 10 less than 10 less than 10 which is very very rare so this is I get on my I get on my soapbox here because um this is my my one of my things that I'm really I just love to talk about this is that a low vitamin D level is not the problem it's a symptom of the problem so okay so so that so vitamin D is a biomarker for Sunshine exposure we talked earlier about the use of sunshine and ultraviolet light which you get through sunlight exposure so yes sunlight can cause skin cancer It's associated with you know photo aging and wrinkles and all that kind of thing so excess amount of sunlight and sunburn is not healthy for you but healthy sun exposure is really really beneficial cover your face and put a hat on yeah put sunblock on your face but the rest of your body get exposed to healthy Sunshine absolutely so and then in the winter you know I personally will take vitamin D uh during the fall in the winter because you're not going to get it if you live north of the Mason-Dixon Line you're not going to get the the healthy Sunshine but I push back on the top because I see patients in the summer thank God I'm not taking my vitamin in the summer and you know they think it's fine they're just out walking but you need to have full body exposure for 20 minutes between 10 and 2 above you know above and and if you live below Atlanta you know you're yes it's tough to get and and I think it's only in the summer but people don't aren't getting that exposure so they're often low in the summer the other and the other clinical Pearl to this Mark and I learned this from another doctor who was she practiced down in Mexico and she used to see a lot of people in Mexico with low vitamin D and in fact oh they got plenty of Sun down there well lo and behold on on your skin is sebum which is a waxy substance and that that seba material uh is a cholesterol derivative and you have to have healthy oil on your skin to get photo activated by the ultraviolet light so guess what what do most people do every day that hot soap and water all the time and now it's one thing if you're outside you know you're digging in the dirt and you really get dirty but most people don't need to be bathing in hot soap and water every day I mean you can you know bathe with a soap and water to your your uh the the private parts in your your armpits but we over base so guess what we do we wash off that healthy oil on the skin which prevents the synthesis of vitamin D that's a clinical Pearl that's good because see I I only use soap and water on those you know private parts as you say and the rest I just water exactly I don't actually wash my body with salt exactly and I you know there are some people that exactly so so vitamin D again is a biomarker for uh the the sunshine exposure and there's a great um uh video which I oftentimes uh will have my patients watch uh it's on YouTube uh I would highly recommend everybody go to it it's a two minute video it's called the indoor generation I don't know if you've seen it yeah it's fantastic and it talks about how we as uh human beings spend most of our time clothed and indoors yeah and it uh it actually has an effect on the immune system yeah it has effect on our uh immune system uh indirectly because of sunshine lack of sunshine vitamin D and it's a it's a really it's a great visual uh about trying to uh get ourselves outside in fresh air and sunshine hey everybody it's Dr Hyman thanks for tuning in to the doctor's Pharmacy I hope you're loving this podcast it's one of my favorite things to do and introducing you all the experts that I know and I love and that I've learned so much from and I want to tell you about something else I'm doing which is called Mark's picks It's My Weekly Newsletter and in it I share my favorite stuff from foods to supplements to gadgets to tools to enhance your health it's all the cool stuff that I use and then my team uses to optimize and enhance our health and I'd love you to sign up for the Weekly Newsletter I'll only send it to you once a week on Fridays nothing else I promise and all you have to do is go to Dr forward slash picks to sign up that's Dr forward slash pics p-i-c-k-s and sign up for the newsletter and I'll share with you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier and better and live younger longer now back to this week's episode you know I just uh listen to your talk and and you know the problem with traditional medicine is we don't have a methodology to navigate to the cause of the problem and we have the ability to diagnose something based on what it looks like where it is in the body and the pathology and that's what we follow so psoriasis is a diagnosis that tells you the name of what's wrong with you but doesn't tell you the cause exactly right and so you can have psoriasis but it could be four or five different things like gluten yeast and microbiome issue the strap the you know heavy metals all kinds of issues that the people aren't vitamin D issues genetics genetics right so so we have to really navigate for that particular person what the cause is and and it's different for different people I just show one more case then I want to talk about how we work up the cases so this was a patient who came to see me who had psoriatic arthritis yeah same thing yeah which means their joints get destroyed so it's not just the skin but it's starting to affect the joints it's an autoimmune issue and these drugs are getting expensive and she had all these other issues that she complained about so she goes to dermatologist and he's like okay I'm going to treat your psoriasis and psoriac arthritis and the rheumatologist gives her the Rheumatology drugs but she also had terrible bloating and irritable bowel and reflux and she was on acid blockers and she was struggling with bloating after eating and bacterial overgrowth and she had depression and she had pre-diabetes and she was overweight and she was inflamed everywhere and she was depressed and she couldn't sleep I was like she was a mess and I'm like okay well what's going on well her one of her most bothersome symptoms was this terrible bloating after eating yeah which we call sibo or bacterial overgrowth we've talked about it on the podcast essentially the bugs grow in the small intestine if you eat food and then they ferment it and it blows up and you you feel like you have a food baby well I treated her with an antibiotic to clear out the bad bugs I gave her any fungal to clear out the yeast and I rebuilt her gut using what we call the 5r program in functional medicine which is a gut restoration program and I gave her basic multivitamin vitamin D and fish oil not a whole lot of stuff probiotics you know get her gut healthy and she comes back six weeks later and she's lost 25 pounds her depression's gone she's sleeping she's got no more bacterial overgrowth no more reflux no more heartburn she's off her drug she's like she I didn't tell her to stop the biologic she was on for arthritis she stopped it her psoriasis was gone her arthritis was gone her back she'll ever goes everything was gone in six weeks and I'm like it it may sound like a miracle but it's not a miracle it's just using the right strategy in the right map to figure out what's wrong with the person and we do this over and over in functional medicine so if you're out there suffering from the Heartbreak of psoriasis or eczema or acne all these skin conditions they're systemic conditions that we have to think about the cause so Todd tell us how do we figure out in functional medicine what the root cause is what are the tests that we do how do we look at Patients differently and let's get into what we do to treat them yeah so some of the testing that I like to use uh is looking at gluten sensitivity as you mentioned before we'll do the testing where we check for the antibodies against gluten and the breakdown products of gluten so gluten is this big long protein and proteins are made up of amino acids and they have to get chopped up and uh the test that we do which is the cyrex testing and it looks at a whole bunch of different protein fragments of gluten the gluten protein and that shows antibodies to this that's I think a very very valuable test the one caveat is that if patients are on immunosuppressant medications or steroids you may get a false negative test yeah or if they've been taking immunoglobulins which is like uh for different disease yes they can get false positives yeah yeah that's true so that test is very helpful and then testing for uh intestinal permeability uh the test that uh I really got leaky gut leaky leaky gut so in my my explanation to patients patients what is leaky gut okay very very simple just imagine you have a screen door in your house and a screen door lets the air in right but it keeps the mosquitoes out yeah and when you have leaky gut your screen door has holes in it and the mosquitoes yeah that's that's essentially leaky gut that's the best way to understand it I mean it's more complicated than that but I use a coffee filter I'm like you've got coffee filter that's in the coffee but not the grinds but right same idea same idea same idea and uh so the leaky gut test is really good because what it does is it checks for the antibodies to zonulence so zonulin is this molecule Alessio Fasano did a whole bunch of research fantastic Harvard expert on Celiac yeah Harvard on Celiac and the connection between Celiac and all different kinds of autoimmune conditions so when your body uh has leaky gut it produces zonulin and over time zonulin uh uh can cause antibody formation to the zonulin so when you have antibodies designed and it tells you that over time you've had long leaky gut exactly and you can have transient leaky gut like every time anybody even if you don't have Celica anybody who eats gluten will have transient leaky gut your Zion levels will go up but then they come down but when you have antibodies to the zonulin that's when you really know that's more of a chronic kind of infection and then the other and you don't have to have Celiac by the way exactly so you could just have gluten sensitivity yes this whole phenomenon of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is very real and affects millions and millions of people and it's linked to all sorts of conditions including a lot of autoimmune diseases and it's a it's a spectrum illness because I've had patients who had no symptoms for the throughout their life and all of a sudden they develop full-blown celiac disease yes you know you've seen that I'm sure of course many times and that's and that's probably related to yes there's a genetic component yes there's an exposure component it's probably also related to the microbiome because the microbiome is also tied in with Celiac that's right too so it's it's really interesting and then the other part of the leaky gut test which I really like is checking for antibodies against the LPS or lipopolysaccharide these are the Coatings of the gram-negative bacteria in the gut these are like bacterial toxins exactly they get absorbed endotoxins exactly and then make your immune system react and your immune system does not like these things they don't it's like when they when it sees the uh the gram-negative endotoxin it says okay full steam ahead we're gonna like really try to uh uh counteract this and that's where you get this real systemic inflammation I mean that's essentially what you you know you talk about sepsis I mean that's when you get sepsis you're getting uh bacterial uh endotoxins in your bloodstream and then you get a full a full uh cytokine storm that's yeah exactly yeah it's incredible so we'll look at uh antibodies against gluten against things that relation leaky gut look at Cross reactions to other proteins that are in your food whether it's dairy or other grains which are really common so what happens is the gluten often opens the door yep literally the leaky gut and then all these other food proteins leak in and your body starts to react to those so you get an ambitious cycle exactly I'm getting rid of the gluten and healing the gut can usually help reverse a lot of that but it's it's a big issue then we also look at stool testing right so why are we looking at poop for the skin exactly that's a good it's a good point so yeah so the microbiome and you know there's a it's interesting because you know you know what is a healthy microbiomark that's that's you know what is it what is we call a ubiosis you know it's it varies it's a very interesting concept and what do we call dysbiosis what is a you know uh what is an unhealthy microbiome yeah I also want to write a book called paleo poop paleo poop right which is right what is the what is the indigenous microbiome exactly what is this that we actually had as we were evolving exactly yeah absolutely there's no autoimmune diseases there's no psoriasis in Hunter gather yeah yeah there's no autoimmune disease exactly right there's no allergies yeah right to some degree you know just like you know there's a there's a museum not a museum but a uh it's a research institute that actually has in uh in Cold Storage all the seeds of the world yeah yes and I think that we actually need to freeze good poop I agree we may be running on a good point we need to go to the Amazon and find that paleo poop exactly that's odds on we really don't know even what the total healthy microbiome looks like and it can change very quickly depending on your diet if you're coming vegan it looks one way if you go paleo at least another way so it's very quickly exactly and and the thing about it is that the the microbiome is a dynamic it's not a static uh process it's it's always changing and there are a variety of different companies out there that that do testing um the test that I like and right now that I think is probably the clinically uh most beneficial one is the GI map test because it does quantitative PCR um it's a great test it's not a perfect test and there is no perfect test out there there really isn't there's a lot of like controversy over like what tests there's you know there's all different ones there's the biome one and the um yeah there's a whole bunch there's a whole bunch of them out there and they all have their their role um but I I think that the quantitative PCR which is very very sensitive and the the thing the key thing about that particular test is it's so sensitive it'll pick up a bacterial DNA which which may or may not be significant like oftentimes sometimes you'll see like they have RNA right yeah yeah RNA um and it'll pick up um bacterial DNA that that you know let's say you at a hamburger and it's a little bit raw you might have a little bit of interior and hemorrhagic E coli and it may come up on the stool test but does that mean you have an infection from it no right but I'd rather have a test showing me lots of data and then I can use my clinical judgment to say okay what's what's going on here um so and some people uh don't know how to really read the test in my opinion because they overread the test you need to read the context um and I think that as time goes on the stool tests are going to get better we're going to have you know more clinical utility of them uh and and again we're still we're just in the infancy stage of learning about the gut microbiome so we do Foods engineering testing gluten testing stool testing vitamin D the other thing I would think about is heavy metals and there's a subset of patients who have autoimmune disease that have heavy metals because these compounds are toxic and they're immunotoxic at very low levels yeah so it's not you have to have a toxic load of this but it may just trigger an immune response so often I've helped patients looking at their heavy metal load so we do maybe challenge tests and other approaches so now we've got the data we're looking at their gut we're looking at food we're looking at Vitamin D we're looking at Metals maybe look at other factors you know what what do we do for these patients how do we start to treat these patients what is a functional medicine approach oh what one of the key things I always ask my patients also is the component of stress not that stress causes psoriasis or stress causes autoimmunity but stress affects the immune system it affects everything else exactly yeah exactly so I always get a handle on how much stress you are you having in your life and also how was your sleep those those two things um if you're not getting good sleep and if you're under stress that's like throwing gasoline on a fire yeah and and you're not going to fix the issue until you address a good circadian rhythm and you also address a person's uh stress and lifestyle those are those are key things to because uh that's not going to cure your you know your autoimmune condition but I can't tell you the number of times that I've had a patient who had an autoimmune condition that was triggered by a very stressful event a divorce loss of a job loss of a child you name it stress alone can cause leaky gut absolutely yes yeah even in healthy people exactly absolutely yes yeah so you know as you said you know you address diet and you know the low-hanging fruit are things like gluten dairy sugar what about yeah I I don't even paleo diet for people who have significant autoimmune conditions the AIP diet I think is probably the go-to what is that that's where you eliminate uh gluten uh sugar grains uh Dairy and uh beans beans yeah like well in lectins lectins are another thing that potentially can play a role in some individuals causing leaky gut nuts and seeds and eggs even are taken out yeah so if you're really an extreme situation the idea isn't to be extremely restricted your whole life but to remove all the things that are potentially a trigger for a short time see what happens if your skin clears up then you can start adding things back exactly the nuts yeah the eggs are the nitrates that you know all those things and see what happens yeah the important and the point of an Elimination Diet is not to eliminate all those foods for the rest of your life because a lot of people say well I can't do that well I tell them well let's do it for like two months and let's see what happens and it's sort of like you know cleaning the Slate is is basically decreasing the immunogenic load to the immune system via the gut most of your immune system is in the gut so when you're eating these Foods it can trigger the immune system it can feed the the bacteria not only are you eating the food but the bacteria are eating the food so it's not just eliminating the foods but it's also feeding the good microbiome lots of polyphenols and fibers and right and we talked about that earlier about the acromancia and you know the acromancia uh uh uh Shake If you will using polyphenols to increase that and it's a protective type of bacteria so again and then eventually you can then start adding in those Foods the one food that I'll never add in if somebody has a gluten sensitivity I just like that's it that's it I tell them it's Kryptonite don't don't like that don't go near it yeah don't go so we do that but then not just eliminating food but then we have to repair the gut so and how do we do that well you repair the gut uh use it can use food also uh ghee can be also very helpful uh bone broth uh with uh which is high in collagen peptides um you can also use butyrate um butyrate is probably one of my favorite go-to things nowadays yeah our body produces butyrate so when we eat a beneficial fibers uh High fibers will actually get broken down and the body produces butyrate but some people don't have those bugs that produce the butyrate so you can actually use butyrate in supplement form and actually some convention Interventional uh or integrative doctors have used butyrate enemas for people with uh ulcerative colitis and Ultra proctitis absolutely so those are things and glutamine can be helpful aloe can be really beneficial and probiotics and prebiotics probiotics exactly yeah sometimes we also use medication to clear out all the bad guys I call it the weeding seeding and feeding program because if there's a lot and particularly in psoriasis I think you know people are cautious about fungals like Diflucan but but you know I I've used this for 30 years it's extremely safe drug I really knocked would have had that one complication people get some die off one patient I think had with another doctor in our practice had a liver issue and tried it and it made the liver issue worse but if your liver is okay yeah it's really pretty safe drug and it can be profoundly effective in a subset of patients are you talking about diflucans yes yeah Diflucan yeah I mean the one thing with that is is is I think drug drug interactions so if somebody's not on any drugs they're they're much less likely to get complications uh if you like I said if you have underlying liver disease you've got to be very cautious but if you're not on any other medications and there's no underlying liver disease it is quite safe yeah I mean people are afraid of antifungals because when we're in training you and I back in the day there weren't a lot of these newer anti-fungals there was the old one called amphotericin which we call the amphoto terrible because it had terrible side effects but now the new ones are not so bad so we we also may have to go deeper than that even maybe looking at heavy metals and detoxification so we really have a systematic way uh and and believe it or not if you if you really focus on your diet and clean up your gut uh it often goes a long way and you can do this on your own without even seeing a doctor Yeah by following the the the instructions we gave or looking at some of my books like the 10-day detox diet which provides that kind of anti-inflammatory diet so I'm really kind of excited that that people can have hope for psoriasis because when I see someone psoriasis I get so excited yeah I'm like slam dunk you know this is this is what we got in functional medicine some things are harder like some things are harder to treat for sure cancer or other problems but this is one of those diseases in functional medicine that people should just not suffer from this absolutely acne eczemost psoriasis all these things are skin conditions that are starting as systemic problems that show up on the skin and you can't just lather it on the skin and hope it's going to work exactly and then also the the whole aspect that it's not you know psoriasis can lead into psoriatic arthritis which really tells you it's not a skin condition you really shouldn't be seeing a dermatologist in my opinion for psoriasis so if you're if you see an inflamologist yeah right that's a psychoneuroimmuno endogonologist like us well Todd this is great so for you listening out there if you know anybody if you've been suffering from psoriasis or skin conditions have hope because using this way of thinking functional medicine we can really help these patients tremendously we shared a bunch of cases some of them are pretty extreme and and they do well so we we at the ultra Wellness Center here have been doing this for 15 years before that we all were at the Canyon Ranch together for another 10 years before that so we we literally Decades of Decades of experience with these kinds of problems and we'd love to see you we're doing all virtual consults now so people don't have to travel here and they can do it over zoom and we can really help you with remote uh consultations and testing and working up what's going on and helping you so I I think for those of you who are interested we're here to help and we'd love to see you so I think Todd you are just one of those incredible thinkers in functional medicine you teach all over the world not anymore all over Zoom maybe right not like teaching from my office up in my house uh and I'm just so thrilled that we get to have these conversations about problems that are causing so much needless suffering and now we can really solve them so thank you for joining us again on the Doctor's Pharmacy if you love this podcast please share with your friends and family on social media leave a comment we'd love to hear from you tell us about your issues and how you've maybe found a way to help them and show everybody else what can be done and subscribe wherever you get your podcast and we'll see you next time on the Doctor's Pharmacy all right great thank you Mario I'll just I'm gonna end right there because um it was really a wonderful uh video on YouTube This is called the big Pharma rant you probably have seen it no with Bill Bill Maher it's a really good one and and he basically he ends it by saying you know because in functional medicine what we do is we try to get patients better yeah so that we don't see them anymore yeah I mean it's like I'm trying to put myself out of business it's true okay and what he says is there's no money in healthy people yeah and there's no money in dead people but you can make a lot of money in really six people are chronic who keep seeing you they spend fifty thousand dollars a year on you know uh medication right absolutely yeah always true but you know it's true we definitely have the problem where we see people we get them better and then we don't hear from them yeah and then and then you know what happened and then well you know five years later they call about something else oh I was totally better I'm cured I don't know why I'm fine like I just talked to something like that yesterday it was like oh wow that's awesome yeah yeah it is so anyway thank you for joining us in the Doctor's Pharmacy thanks okay [Music]
Channel: Mark Hyman, MD
Views: 509,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adult acne, dr. mark hyman, functional medicine, gut health, gut microbiome, healing psoriasis, health care (issue), health podcast, healthcare science (field of study), healthy foods, healthy lifestyle, healthy living, healthy skin, mark hyman, mayo clinic (organization), psoriasis, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic arthritis, skin, skin problems, the doctor's farmacy, the ultrawellness center, todd lepine, ultrawellnness center
Id: -uD9r6ia9A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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