Heal Your Body. A Guided Meditation To Heal Your Body and Relieve Chronic Pain.

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hello my name is jess shepherd and today or tonight depending where you are right now we will be doing a healing meditation for all those suffering from some physical condition in their body or brain you may find this gentle meditation relieves pain and dramatically changes your body and the way you think about it you may also recognize quite quickly that your level of suffering is significantly diminished or vanishes completely it is also possible that full recovery may ensue especially if it is repeated many times i know from experience that your body can heal itself i've also seen this in many clients that i've had the privilege and pleasure of working with over the years it is natural for your body and brain to self-heal we are born this way when you have a wound or cut your body goes about healing itself internally or externally our physical bodies are made to self-heal often it is only our own beliefs our points of focus or internal blocks or barriers which are all mind-made that prevent our body from recovering quickly and naturally science has shown that old cells are dying every day and new ones are replacing them so why is it that we have dysfunction and pain in the body that can last for long periods well the answer lies firstly in consciousness and awareness and then in the messages we are giving our bodies our cells may be new but if we are continually programming them with the same dysfunctional information over and over again then the energy will continue to repeat the same level of functioning it will continue to vibrate at the same frequency additionally our bodies are physical indicators of our internal state of well-being if our emotions or thoughts are heavy and hard this will get transmitted over time into a tangible expression in the body if there is pain in the mind or heart it will eventually be expressed in the body somewhere this is your body's way of trying to heal itself by showing the feeling to allow it to be seen so you can gain wisdom and more love for yourself any pain or suffering you are experiencing in your body can be viewed as a divine and wonderful messenger that is helping you to see something usually a feeling caused by a belief that you have pushed down rejected hidden or avoided so there is a balance that we need to reinstate inside your psyche and body that allows us to fully acknowledge all parts of ourselves as being loved and accepted helping us to move closer to the core truth of the light that we are then to align to a new vision the choice to focus on our well-being and to keep returning our attention to the bliss of this instead of repeating the creation of dysfunction so when you're ready please find a comfortable position placing your hands in your lap on your knees or wherever is comfortable for you and gently close down your eyes taking your attention to your breath as it easily flows in and out of your body [Music] with every inhalation feel the air as it fills your lungs expanding your chest and moving all the way down to your tummy with every exhalation feel all the air moving out of your body become aware of every breath you take and the sensations inside you as you breathe deeply we will all breathe together now in and out for five seconds each also with a pause at the height of the inhalation and holding again after all the air is released here we go breathing in for the count of five inhale one two three four five hold for five one two three four five exhale two three four five hold one two three four five inhale two three four five and hold two three four five exhale two three four five and hold out two three four five and breathing in two three four five and hold two three four five breathing out two three four five and holding out two three four five last time breathe in one two three four five and hold two three four five and breathe out two three four five and hold out two three four five and breathing in and out normally [Music] now focus on the area in between your eyebrows feel the space there imagine turning your attention around 180 degrees and looking back at this area in between your eyebrows good now take your attention to the area of concern that part of your body that is in pain or suffering we are now looking directly at the main area of concern that you have right now as you look at this part of you i would like you to start repeating with me i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you looking deeply within this part sending your love to it i totally love and accept you just as you are i totally love and accept you just as you are i totally love and accept you just as you are i totally love and accept you just as you are feel yourself accepting this part exactly as it is right now loving it no judgment no requirement to change or to be different there is nothing wrong with you [Music] we are not trying to fix anything [Music] everything is perfect and exactly the way that it is meant to be right now just accept yourself fully as you are with love in your heart this part is expressing itself in the only way it can for you to take notice of it [Music] it is trying to help you see yourself so give it your loving accepting attention repeat with me and as you do send your loving light energy to this area i love and accept you i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you i totally love and accept you okay so we are here to recognize in this moment that this magnificent part of yourself has been trying its best to show you something it is attempting to make you aware of some pain you have pushed away perhaps some belief system which speaks of feeling unloved not worthy not good enough not seen or safe or secure allow yourself in this moment to open and listen to its message with loving acceptance sit with it and ask it how it has been feeling just as you would sit with a child and listen to them sharing their feelings sit with yourself and allow yourself to express all that it has been feeling [Music] we allow space for full expression now [Music] you may wish to probe further by asking and what else have you been feeling we allow space for full expression now [Music] to to [Music] and now ask this intelligent part of you what is it representing what belief do you hold that is causing pain or suffering just listen to it now let it show you or give you insight into an aspect of yourself that has been unexpressed allow it to be seen right now open your awareness to the message the belief that it holds that is keeping the pain in place we allow space for insight to happen now [Music] no okay when you feel you have understood what this part of your body has been feeling and the deeper insight into what belief is holding the pain in place now we thank it thank it as the profound messenger that it is helping us to heal our emotions our life and lift us from any fear or unhelpful behaviors [Music] say to the area and mean it thank you to you one for expressing yourself for showing yourself to me thank you for being authentic and sharing your message with me [Music] thank you for helping me to grow to expand and love myself i hear you and i see you and i will not push you away again [Music] i will always and only love and accept you now that we have acknowledged this part of ourselves we can see the blessing and wisdom that can be gained the messages it was showing you was it based on false information you gathered from programming or perceptions of disconnection was it based on a point of view that was limiting or containing you was the belief based on a program which spoke of not enoughness fear lack or limitation this is a false belief that your ego created to keep you safe in society and family bless it for trying to help you to [Music] survive but you are not your pain who you are is beyond pain and you no longer need to live in survival mode with awareness you can see the truth you are magnificent and unlimited you are a divine and profound spirit expressing itself in a human body there are no mistakes and you are not bad it is safe to be you it is safe to express yourself you can trust that you have got everything you need that all your needs will be met trust that you are loved as a divine spark in perfect happening this is the truth that the pain or suffering has been sent to show you through the ego's affliction you are loved you are worthy and enough just as you are now we speak directly to your super conscious super conscious connected to the infinite source of all that is your higher self the all-seeing and knowing wisdom that exists within you we ask you to go to the area of concern and collect any energy any thoughts feelings frequencies or vibrations codes or colors that are not in alignment with the truth of your profound magnificent soul we speak directly to your super conscious and ask it to collect any residual related beliefs to transmute and transform all of them in the divine's brilliant and powerful light we accept the wisdom of this powerful messenger talking directly to your super conscious to collect and transform this information into something that is in alignment with your soul's truth and for that new information all codes colors frequencies and waves of vibration to be placed in this area we watch as the super conscious changes the frequencies and information to reflect the beliefs and feelings that are loving and kind that are a true representation of the brilliance that you are [Music] you [Music] [Music] we watch as the space around the area is also changing the new light codes morph the space around you making it bright and luminescent [Music] super conscious transform the master cells in this phenomenal body to reflect the truth that you know the health and vitality that you know the sensational well-being that you know we can see how you are filling this area with your light and love we can feel the overflow as it spills out of this phenomenal human being and is shared with all those around them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so what is the new message the new belief that is based on the magnificence of you and a loving universe that is always supporting and nourishing you make a new statement now by filling in the blank with your new feelings that align you to your soul's truth i am [Music] we can see the deep and profound realizations and emotional healing taking place in the heart and mind we can see how you have cleaned their energy and made them new whatever is in their highest good we can see this happening now whatever understanding realization or perception that is required let it be conscious and understood right now [Music] allow the miracle to happen as a perception of self shifts towards the light of the truth the truth of your spirit that is one with the creator align to your soul's truth now [Music] now we watch as you are plugged into the wellness that is always available in the universe see yourself in a pillar of light this light connects into every cell of your body filling it with health well-being vitality and youthfulness [Music] [Music] it is always here revitalizing you keeping you strong and healthy well and nourished trust yourself you are always in this pillar of light and if you ever notice that you are thinking or feeling outside of this wellness pillar you can easily and gracefully put yourself back take a deep breath breathe in your health and vitality breathe it in [Music] breathe in the light breathe in the love that is always present breathe deeply [Music] as you feel every cell in your body every atom of energy is connected to this stream of wellness [Music] [Music] the music will continue for another 30 minutes if you wish to remain here in this space [Music] otherwise you can enjoy being in the pillar of light as you gently open your eyes [Music] this is jess shepherd from rising higher meditation thank you for spending these moments with me my love and appreciation flows out to you so [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] me uh [Music] you [Music] hmm um [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to [Music] no [Music] so um [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Rising Higher Meditation ®
Views: 708,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guided meditation, meditation, meditation music, Alignment, awareness, Sleep music, Relaxing music, chill out music, Yoga, Healing music, Healing, guided meditation for alignment, Law of Attraction, Meditation for beginners, Meditation for Anxiety or Depression, Mindfulness, chakras, health, Positive Affirmations, Mind Reprogramming, Energy Healing, Affirmations, Change thinking, Program Your Mind, Affirmations for Abundance, Abundance, love
Id: EpgusOQUlmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 41sec (4481 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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