HEAL ~ Sleep Meditation ~ Heal with this UNBELIEVABLE POWER

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welcome to dachshund this meditation was made to help you with the physical and emotional healing that you need many people do not realize that it is truly our own body and mind that contribute the most to the healing process even when we take medication given by a doctor to help with an illness it is the body that transforms these chemicals into useful tools to heal even the most modern medicine has not been able to figure out how to kill a virus in the body the only thing that can kill that virus is our own body it has become easy to depend on some type of medicine to cure our illnesses and because of this we have lost touch with the fact that we can heal ourselves now this meditation will help you remember this fact it will show you how powerful your body and mind truly are at healing by using this meditation you will gain the ability to focus your intentions on healing you will focus your powerful subconscious on healing yourself do not worry if you fall asleep during this meditation your subconscious mind is most comfortable and open to suggestion when you are unconscious in a sleeping state you may be asleep but your subconscious mind is busy at work following this meditation every night will make the body and mind a powerful force of healing now these last few minutes before you sleep the timer you are in between being awakened asleep it is the most powerful time for you to focus on the healing of the body your subconscious mind will take this information and use it for the next eight hours of sleep so make sure you are comfortable and ready for sleep you will be guided down through this meditation into a relaxed state until you are fully asleep follow along with the meditation as long as you want if you feel tired just let go and feel free to fall asleep your subconscious will take over from there now I want you to start by taking a deep breath in and let it out just preparing now the body in the mind letting them become relaxed to begin the process of healing as you take another deep breath in continue to focus on relaxing the body and breathe out take another deep breath in letting go completely of the thoughts in your mind and breathe out just let your mind take a break for a while no need to think about anything at this moment now you can breathe however you please but still focusing on the breath entering and cleansing the body and the breath exiting the body along with all that is no longer needed you notice how letting go of everything you no longer need feels relaxing and comfortable with every breath in and out you release all the muscles in the body letting go of the muscles in your legs letting go now of the muscles in your arms and hands letting go now of the muscles in your abdomen and chest letting go relaxing the muscles in your neck now letting go relaxing the muscles in your face the jaw the cheeks of the brow all completely relaxed as your body is now limp and loose so comfortable now becoming more and more sleepy opening up that door now to your subconscious mind still awake and aware as you now begin to have access to your subconscious just before you fall asleep with your body and mind now so relaxed you can now access the universal energy you can see now with your mind's eye this energy is flowing down to you this universal energy is so powerful as you feel it entering the body it can be used for anything that you please and tonight just before you fall deep asleep he will be using this energy to heal I want you to focus your intention now on the part of your body that needs healing at this moment whether you have a physical pain or ailment or you are experiencing emotional pain just focus now on the place in your body that is feeling this pain it is okay at this moment to focus on the pain you are able to bear this pain now because you know it will soon be healing now I want you to take that universal energy that is flowing into your body I want you to take that energy and focus it directly on the point of the body and needs to heal focus now on how this energy is allowing your body to heal you are now using the universal energy to heal yourself as you continue to focus on the healing you notice how the pain is exiting the body through the breath as you breathe out so does the pain and all that remains now is the healing power of your body and the universal energy you begin to notice how wonderful it feels now that you are healing the body you have the power you have always had the power to heal and you are using that power right now to heal your body continue to focus now on how this energy you have created is flowing and healing the body now now as you listen to these affirmations you can continue to focus on the healing of the body the healing of the mind you can repeat these affirmations or you can find yourself falling into a deep deep slumber just let go and let your subconscious decide I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body and body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my sub conscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect inspector I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the West of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my sup conscious mind is now a tool for healing or healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect inspectors I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am I meant with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention I'm healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly my subconscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream stream Ida's serve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body and body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only myself conscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am I meant with my body's ability to heal to you I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention and I'm healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my sope conscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I did serve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to you I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly my subconscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed the healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams Ida's serve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself i heal my body and mind with love and respect i sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to you I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my sub conscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed the healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect inspector I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly soundly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention and I'm healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself i heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my sub just mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to you I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect inspector I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself i heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my sub conscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed the healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed the healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I'm focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I did serve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly loudly my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself i heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my conscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment of iron for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see how see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect inspectors I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed Lee healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and it's doing so right now right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body my body is full of joy joy and vitality eyetality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of streams I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to you I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see I'll see that I am being completely healed healed I am now healing healing I have the power to heal to heal I believe in my body's innate ability to heal itself feel itself I heal my body and mind with love and respect I sleep soundly only my subconscious mind his mind is now a tool for healing for healing I am now I am focusing my intention intention on healing healing my body knows how to heal itself itself and is doing so right now my body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe my body is full of joy joy and vitality gratitude and peace peace flow through my body my body like a clear healing stream of stream I deserve to heal to heal I create an environment for health and healing and healing I am in alignment with my body's ability to heal to heal I am so grateful now grateful now that I am healing I am healing I can now see see that I am being completely healed you
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,445,489
Rating: 4.4685307 out of 5
Keywords: healing, healing meditation, meditation, guided meditation, universal energy, dauchsy, dauchsy meditations, heal while you sleep, sleep meditation, sleep guided meditation, meditation for sleep, subconscious, healing power, manifest, manifest healing, sleep heal
Id: ty6MKNLnqAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 43sec (8023 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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