Head Cheese Banh Mi. #banhmi #giothu Banh mi Giò thủ Vietnamese Charcuterie Pt. 2

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brawn or otherwise known as head cheese is one of the oldest forms of charcuterie dating back to the middle ages welcome to cooking with chef tuan and today we're going to be making something super cool now i was at the asian grocery store the other day and i saw a pig's head for sale which i decided to buy and today we're going to be making head cheese with it now there is no dairy there is no cheese in this what it is it is a terrine made from the meat from the head now this video isn't for the squeamish or the faint of heart because there will be a pig's head in it but we're gonna create something super delicious and super old school dating back to the middle ages all right but before we get started go ahead give this video a thumbs up like and subscribe and let's get started now as usual all the ingredients will be listed in the description box down below now if you are squeamish i suggest that you turn off the video or turn away right now because this is the pig's head that i got from the store now head cheese is very easy to make all you need is a stock pot big enough to hold all your ingredients so you have your mirepoix and the entire head and here we have some pink curing salt now when you're making charcuterie or sausages and whatnot hearing salt is kind of important you know it helps prevent or slows down spoilage by bacteria and fungus the main and most important reason for using nitrite curing salt is to prevent botulism now as you see i just added enough water to cover everything and then turn it up to a simmer and let this go to a medium boil for about four to five hours until everything is really nice and tender you can see just how tender everything is i mean it's literally falling off the bone now just remove all the meat from the stock pot onto a seat tray and let that cool for a bit so it's easy to handle and you want to let the stock reduce by a third and while that is going on you can go ahead and shred the meat as you can see the pink curing salt has turned this a nice vibrant pink color which is natural and what comes to mind when you think of sausage or pastrami or corned beef and this pieces right here comes from the jollo which is where guanchali comes from so as you can see i shredded all the meat and chopped everything up into little nice bite-sized pieces i'm gonna add about a capful of vinegar just to help cut through the rich porky flavor i'm gonna divide the meat into two portions because one i'm gonna make a traditional head cheese and then another a spicy head cheese which is what you see here now you don't have to make a spicy version if you don't want but i put in about a tablespoon of cayenne a tablespoon of dried thai chili peppers a tablespoon of chili powder white pepper this is garlic powder and onion powder and then i'm gonna put in some stock just enough to wet this through to get all the ingredients and all the spices mixed evenly and just give this a quick taste and then once it's done i'm going to put this into a plastic lined little bread tin that i have or you can use any kind of mold if you have terrine molds that's awesome or if you want to roll it up into a torsion that's awesome as well but whatever way works for you i will put down a link for these pans if you want to have them in the description box down below now this recipe gives me enough to have four of these pans so two are going to be spicy and two are going to be traditional non-spicy and as you can see all i'm doing is just scooping the meat into these molds lined with a plastic and then putting enough stock just to cover it because when this cools in the refrigerator overnight it will gelatinize and it will hold everything together to make a beautiful basically a pork loaf and here i'm just adding some fresh chopped parsley just to add some green and color some vibrance to it and then just top it off with the stock now all these will be wrapped up and put in the refrigerator for at least 12 up to 24 hours just to solidify and everything to come together one restaurant that i used to work at back in the day we used to bring in whole animals and do head to tail cooking so you know head cheese sausages terrines is a great way to use up every part of the animal to make sure that nothing goes to waste and here as you can see we have a beautiful loaf of hedges or bronze whichever you want to call it and you can see the curing salt has created a nice pink hue i think this is a very very sexy dish and i could eat this all the time i mean one i love pork two i love charcuterie how can you go wrong all right let's try this [Music] awesome so that was the traditional version that we had now we're gonna slice into the spicy version that we made oh yeah see the chilies the spices nice red color all right let's try the spicy one look nice heat not too overpowering not too overbearing but it lets you know that it's there this is going to be both of these going to be great in a bun me sandwich which i'm gonna make with this and just look at how gorgeous our head cheese turned out one traditional loaf and one spicy now you can slice this as thick or as thin as you want you can go ahead and eat it in a sandwich or just put it on a meat and cheese board or just eat it by itself either way it's all delicious all right guys so there's many ways to enjoy head cheese in vietnam boom i knew i wanted head cheese and i knew i wanted to make a bun me with it so here we go we're all about making dreams come true right so i made this bread this morning while the head cheese was finished setting up guys it looks so great there you go it's time to really taste all of our hard work the head cheese you taste all the pork the all the porky goodness i mean we cooked it for about five hours so it's really soft and tender and the spicy one that we made there's a little trace of heat to it i think you lose it once you start adding more stuff like bread and all that stuff but i think the next time i'm gonna make it i'm gonna add more spice because i really want it to be spicy but yeah man look at all that porky goodness on the inside i have a previous video where i made the bread the pate and i'll link all that down in the description box below so you guys can make yourself this too if you want so guys thank you again for watching go ahead smash that like button down below it looks just like this subscribe to my channel i'm gonna continue eating this sandwich guys be safe out there and as always [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Chef Tuan
Views: 9,828
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Keywords: #headcheese, #brawn, #charcuterie, #pork, #banhmi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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