He was found in the street - what happened?

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a young and wealthy real estate developer the most magnetic person I've ever met with California Dreams he was larger than life turn nightmare Tim walked across the street and collapsed immediately we started a homicide investigation now a father is on a mission to solve his son's mysterious murder we have a good time line up up to the time that he was last seen and crime watch Daly is right there by his side looking for answers retracing Tim Egan's final steps the scuffle starts here and then takes place across the street yes 32 year old Tim Egan is a trailblazer it was just really a leader focused and driven when he was working on a particular venture and according to his friends and family a natural born entrepreneur he started a online business selling car accessories couple months after that that grew by the time he was 15 that grew into a large enough business where he had a daily UPS pick up at her home so he was very successful with it at 15 and 15 after college Tim set his sights on real estate development he learned everything he needed to about something he threw himself into something one at a percent and soon Tim would meet his future business partner Zach court they were introduced and this individual was starting a business redeveloping a portion of downtown Stockton as in Stockton California a city in need of a facelift after becoming the largest US city to file for bankruptcy following the 2008 real estate crash Tim had set aside a you know a fair amount of money to invest and he saw a great opportunity and together they created ten space a real estate development company Zack Court serves as president and CEO and Tim takes on the title of chief branding officer and Jasmine Leake worked right alongside the dynamic duo he had this pretty grand vision of what could be and he was willing to work every day you know hour after hour to make it happen and they are well on their way over the next two years transforming much of Stockton from blight to bliss by revitalizing properties all over the downtown area it often in national news for all the wrong reasons reporter k receipt from our Stockton affiliate Fox 40 often covered the groundbreaking work of Tim's company it's a really special place with a lot of potential and I think that's what Tim Egan saw in the City of Stockton but soon others see potential in the city too when the visionary developers catch the attention of investors from San Francisco people who are interested in maybe buying properties or getting involved in Stockton's redevelopment with their company that was the start of a very good day that tragically won't end in the worst way little does anyone know these are Tim's final hours you were with Tim the day he turned up murdered that's right Jasmine spends the day with her boss and potential clients for an afternoon of fun including food trucks and live music set up outside one of their buildings then just before nightfall jasmine leaps but Tim along with his wife Katie business partner is at court and a group of friends decide to hit the town to celebrate their potential new venture with the investors from San Francisco he was ecstatic about what had happened we like to work hard and play hard and so yeah they were out having a good time and enjoying themselves bar hot bar hopping the group of about eight friends hangs out at a bar in Stockton's Miracle Mile neighborhood then sometime after 10:00 p.m. Tim's wife - science - call it a night but Tim stays behind to chat with a friend that is until Tim got into a scuffle with the bouncer and then the bouncer then asked Tim to leave so Tim and the rest of his friends head across the street to another bar and once inside Tim said you know I really want to go and then they got up they walked outside Tim and his business partner were having the discussion outside according to the bartender and then they for some reason got into a fight according to people at the bar when the fight is over Tim's bleeding Tim was seen walking away in one direction and his business partner was walking a different way a few minutes later his business partner is accurate court yes eyewitnesses say Tim was headed in the direction of his home tragically he'll never make it and that's when our officers found him laying in the street he was stabbed California real estate developer 32 year old Tim Egan is found stabbed bleeding laying in the street it was about an hour after a drunken brawl with his business partner is that court we know that that then ended and was broken up and the Tim's business partner in Tim parted ways and what motivated the fight we do not know it is just two trunk guys we really don't need him I've asked that can he can't remember can't remember or isn't saying did you believe him or you think he's withholding information I don't know I I couldn't answer that Crimewatch Daly reached out to Tim's partner Zach Court but he declined to be interviewed for this story he has cooperated with police and is not a person of interest in this investigation tim was only three blocks from his house when he was found laying in the gutter who finds Tim there was a resident in the neighborhood that was arriving home and she found him in a strange twist of fate cops are already in the neighborhood responding to a domestic dispute at the time it seems totally unrelated to the attack on but that could all change police call for paramedics within minutes but it's already too late by the time the ambulance arrives Tim Egan is dead his family living in San Diego more than 300 miles away receives the tragic early morning phone call we were literally in a daze we were just shocked how did Tim die Tim died from a wound to the abdomen snapped the assumption is a step yes but who stabbed him and why Stockton PD begins an extensive investigation to track down Tim's murderer we just assumed it would be a matter of hours or days and nothing no arrests and after three long months the family is frustrated Tim's dad hires a private investigator but he's no outsider Jerry Swanson is a former Stockton Police Detective turned P I mr. Egan came into the office and wanted to hire us to do some additional work on it on Tim's case see if there's any new information out there and that's what we did fresh set of eyes yes P eye Swanson with 40-plus years working homicides hits the streets I'm invited along to join the retired cop and determined father as they retrace Tim's final hours that fateful night what was your first course of action well Jeff asked us to come out and canvass the neighborhood talk to people put out flyers let people know that there's a reward the first stop is the bar with Tim and his business partners at court and the small group of friends came to celebrate a potential investment deal maybe after two two and a half hours there was an argument between the bouncer I believe in Tim and then so Tim was asked to leave and that may have been his latest video 10:45 then Tim reportedly heads across the street to another bar the bartender claims he and his business partner stayed for about 20 minutes before leaving and for some reason they've got involved in a scuffle and that won't understand started here and went out into the street and then it was broken up shortly after Tim is over there after the scuffle and and then what he starts to walk home Zach and the friend went that way next door and Tim was seen walking down the street in that direction which is the direction home so we followed the same route Tim took home that night to the location where he would end up dead Terry how do we know that Tim walked here and his body wasn't dumped he walked from the east to the west and we know that because he rounded the corner down at Madison and poplar around a small grocery store neighborhood store they have a video camera surveillance and Tim was caught on that surveillance but as p.i Swanson finds out this surveillance video isn't the last time Tim will be seen that night did you clean any new information from when you went in canvass the area yes we did we we talked to a lot of neighbors and Swanston uncovers explosive new evidence in the form of two eyewitnesses there were two people sitting out on their porch that saw Tim walk by they toe Swanson that Tim looked disheveled and appeared to have a wound on his head they spoke to him real briefly hey are you okay he said he was and he kept on walking but minutes later Tim won't be okay we'll be dead then Swanson discovers something that stops him in his tracks remember that call that brought cops to the neighborhood the night Tim was stabbed maybe it wasn't so unrelated after all is this the source of the domestic dispute call that actually had brought the cops to the area where they discovered him that's what I understand yes neighbors tell appeai Swanson that after Tim's body was discovered a woman join them on their poor and just who was this mystery woman turned out to be the lady from the domestic violence call and neighbors say she goes on to tell them a disturbing story about her boyfriend and Tim the lady said that she that the boyfriend was in an altercation with Tim across the street and he walked over to this location collapsed and apparently died here he just seized up and laid down her words that Tim just seized up and laid down mm-hmm according to Swanson this information is a game-changer for the investigation it indicates that these two people if this lady was telling the truth about being there with her boyfriend that they were on scene about the time that Tim was murdered or the Tim collapsed Swanson says he can now prove this couple the two people involved in the domestic call are the last two people to see Tim alive he points to the police logs from that night they're in black and white it's a shocking timeline of events at 129 a.m. Stockton police officers arrive on Poplar Street responding to a domestic disturbance call then at 154 a.m. the logs show cops respond to an unresponsive male who turns out to be Tim Egan is happening around the same exact time when Tim is walks through the neighborhood according to the police logs these two incidents were less than thirty minutes apart and mere feet away happening on the very same street coincidence Sims coincidental at least but when p.i Swanson attempts to talk to the couple in question nobody knew who they were that's right no one knows their names and making matters even worse they moved out of their apartment shortly after Tim's murder despite not having the couple's names or a known address Swanson keeps digging with some further investigation with property management the address who was living there at the time we came up with the name for the names of the people that were after that the persistent p.i finds the couple's photos on Facebook along with a new location they had moved to Nevada so they moved out of state yes in a totally separate incident crime watch daily has uncovered this same couple has been involved in another domestic spew involving a knife the woman was arrested and accused of cutting her boyfriend with a meat cleaver investigator Swanson tracked down that couple and shared his findings with former colleagues at the Stockton Police Department they've been receptive yes and recently the detective has gone over there and interviewed both of them what he found out I don't know but I would like to know what cops found out from this mysterious couple now living in Nevada so I pay Stockton PD a visit we're going to go inside see if we can meet with their public information officer to determine if anyone can come out here and just give us some comment on the investigation the status I'll see what happens shortly thereafter stopped in public information officer Joe Silva meets me out front for an interview somebody out there knows something right somebody out there definitely knows something and could it be the couple in Nevada there was definitely that incident that occurred and our investigators have been working with the involved people trying to piece together exactly what they saw and what they heard but at this point it still hasn't generated any type of new information that would help us find and identify a suspect in this case according to police the couple in Nevada neither the man nor the woman are considered suspects and have never been charged in connection with Tim's death despite the frustration in trying to find his son's killer Tim's father continues to push for answers I think somebody saw something somebody knows something I know your show has millions of viewers and I know that and I hope that one of those those viewers is the right person the family is now offering a $40,000 reward until Tim's murder is solved his loved ones are having a hard time living with the heartbreak what do you miss most about him everything I think when I when I see my my godson's Tim's two nephews and I realized that they're only gonna know their uncle two stories and two photos and it's just not fair anyone with information about the case is asked to call CrimeStoppers at one two oh nine nine four six zero six zero zero
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 2,291,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tim Egkan, Crime Watch Daily, True Crime Daily
Id: VabPUp_YsPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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