He Wanted $3,500 All For His Silver Rounds

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so we do 34 of them [Music] thank you oh yeah okay yeah okay um yeah I'm just still going to some sales right now so I was trying to get done with this and get to the shop and I was gonna oh yeah several Milling bits there and other bits but uh very sizing Mills all right I'll call you in a little bit how much you want two three two three foreign that's a very nice one that's a very expensive one how much you want for your green rug okay fifteen dollars foreign because you're imagining my face ah isn't it when we buy lights they all work the other stuff so what was it 2016. is that the best you do on these huh is that the best you do on this box the box is fifty dollars at Lowe's 40. about a hundred bucks you got her tell you what how about a hundred dollars and I keep those little counters ones four bits in there what's on the bottom one yeah these right here sure just because I saw those I'm gonna be needing those selling your bikes yeah yeah so this right here I'll get it look around a little bit more okay okay there's a box of stuff thank you [Music] everybody what about these what'd you say you wanted on these uh tell us that I'll do those I'll do these put it over here what are you up to today I'm going some friends are coming from Melbourne all right well to bring a bunch you still got a lot of stuff to go okay yeah all right well I appreciate it your move goes well and everything all right we'll take it easy I appreciate you all right yeah [Music] those are all of them oh that's the things that he brought you just pop off he just slides down yeah foreign foreign files and you got one of each right so there's 62 all and you have one of these yeah well there's 60 here okay what'd you think there was 16. well this makes 62. oh okay yeah so these are all the two and a half's these are yeah which ones do you have no I think those are these are one more thank you foreign so I mean you're talking about four ounces of silver missing I mean from what we talked about the price on it um how would you be happy with I mean like it is now I would have gave you the 35 but I mean there's two missing this [Music] all right so we'll just deduct that with whatever what's up oh so we do 34 of them [Music] yeah because it would be yeah is that so you want to get the gold coin back and then pay the rest or how do you want to do it whatever works here it's up to you if you don't I don't know if you want to get it now or you needed that for something or what it's totally up to you I don't whatever you want to do I'd give you the 3400 or I can deduct that and then give it whatever you want to do I'll leave the coin here for a bit all right I'll do the 30 for you yeah all right should be right we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one fantastic all right Jonah I'll be back when I want to see what I want to get rid of them yeah we'll do something yeah we'll be here and just if it's a big thing like this maybe just give me a call before or something that way uh sure what I got here good to go appreciate it thanks guys I appreciate it yep so this is what we bought so two and a half ounce and one and a half ounces of silver since I grabbed two of them foreign okay so one's a F1 and then one's from the President's Cup so he came in yesterday but he only brought two of them but he told me he had a bunch of them he wanted to sell and I told him come back today and I would um you know do some research on them because I did pay him over silver on so they do sell on eBay periodically I mean I don't know how fast this many of them will sell maybe we'll take some of the coin show see what they'll pay there but I did pay over silver form so it looks like I knew him it's because he came in the day before and left two of them and ended up bringing these back today this is one of our one of the tools we use for checking silver anyways and gold there we're going to calculate so when you put it on it'll bring up a bracket and it's supposed to be in the middle of that bracket if it's not it'll show an arrow shooting one side or the other appreciate you all watching good morning hey how you doing Fox told me that he made it comes with all the food a big bag of food which should be there I can't sell it that way where did it all come around someone else do I need water yeah outdoor stuff no yeah but it's cold oh it's full yeah somebody is painting well you're gonna have a bunch of flaming inside the house right now I'm gonna just take that in the house two months this is like dog this is dark now [Music] okay can you do any better on that or no is that it well because it's they're selling online from a 200 bucks but what are you gonna offer me 70 75 this one yeah all right you don't have anything else like that any other tools yeah most of them as soon as I put them out this morning they were gone snap on stuff yeah put that down there you're going to leave no I'm not I'm just looking for this where's this place ah yeah do you have 25 I sure do all right okay I'm sorry oh no you're good you got five 10 15. okay [Music] all right okay all right thanks a bunch of uh DVDs what's going on everybody I want to appreciate y'all for tuning in we're gonna get to the giveaway but I'm gonna show you the things I bought in the beginning of the video first so this is what we bought right here at the beginning of the video I end up paying the guy 100 bucks for all of them it was like 58 of them or something like that that's the ones I put on most of them were like 29 bucks that's what most all these are going for is like 29.99 these would be like 19.99 so by the time we do fees shipping should make somewhere around 20 bucks a piece which is over a thousand bucks yeah they won't sell overnight but eventually they will sell and yard sales have been scarce around here man especially on Fridays is you drive around all day and not find nothing and the lighting in here sucks I'm in the process of getting LED lights so especially in the video of the people that come in I know it's not great right now but we're going to get it fixed here's actually the video I'm editing now that you are watching Big Mike still liking this flowing hair from the last video that's some stuff I just picked up right before he came in it's like 131 grams I paid the guy like 3 400 bucks that's a nice stuff there's a Lewis out there that'll be for sale soon but anyways let's get to the giveaway so here it is right here the guys from Elemental they gave me this figured I'd give it away I appreciate them and then also we have the gold coin giveaway at 2500. I think we're at like 1700 and something right now so if you're watching the videos subscribe to the channel get us to the 2500 it helps out a lot give away about a 400 450 coin but anyways here's the random comment picker get to the giveaway there's a link to the video and I wish everyone look Andrew Corb so Andrew if you have Instagram put my Instagram name right here I've had to message me if not comment the videos we'll figure it out it's just YouTube they've went away from their messaging so the giveaways are hard to you know get the people's addresses and all that to send the stuff but we'll figure it out once again I want to appreciate you all for watching until next time
Channel: PawnBroker Pickers
Views: 20,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver Rounds, PAMP, Giveaway, Yard Sale, Garage Sale, Pickers, Reseller, Resell, Froggy Flips, Cincinnati Picker, Hairy Tornado, MJ Pawn, Pawn Shop, American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Pawn, Tools, Snap On, EndMill, Gold Coin, Gold, Silver, Bought Them All, Real Silver, Fake Silver
Id: J6qjAuqJD7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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