He Tried To Break Up With His GF, but Discovered She Had a Secret Twin Sister Part 1+2 |Manhwa Recap

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The Story begins with a woman who wakes up next to our protagonist Joo shanan she had been his girlfriend for four years she got out of bed and began getting ready for work silently she left the room without waking him Joo shanan opened his eyes and talked about how he had been dating Ting Ting for 4 years eventually he made a tough decision and got out of bed he met Ting Ting in the kitchen washing dishes she asked him how he had slept she mentioned that their parents would be visiting on the weekend at that moment Zu xang asked asked to break up with Ting Ting she froze for a moment and turned off the faucet Ting Ting was confused and Zu of xang firmly repeated his request she thought he might be joking but he was dead serious tin Tain didn't respond and hurried off to work asking him to talk things out later as she rushed she tripped and their morning ended in awkward silence shortly afterward Z shanai met a woman who had already broken up with her boyfriend and asked about his situation he confessed that he had brought up the break up in morning but asked for more time he held her hands and assured her they could be together soon the woman who had waited for 2 years couldn't believe it and slapped him she declared their breakup and threw a cup at him in frustration suddenly someone yelled cut and it turned out to be a film set the main character was giving advice to the actors for the scene the actress was concerned about her Expressions so the main character provided an example that women could relate to she tried the expression and got his approval she wondered if the video would get more views but the main character wanted to leave it to fate and focus on improving the film details he wrapped up the set and encouraged everyone to work hard back at his office desk he checked his phone and saw a message from Ting Ting showing the food she had cooked for him for dinner he checked her profile picture displaying their happy moments juk shanang fell silent and shuffled around at his desk he left his office and invited his colleagues for a team Buffet but they all had other plans for the evening he said his goodbyes and returned to his office he planned to work over time as an excuse considering his abrupt breakup request to Ting Ting suddenly a power outage occurred and he panicked because he hadn't saved his project then some people with bats entered his office and he asked who they were terrified he warned them to stay back the lights came back on and it turned out to be his team members surprising him he mentioned his unsaved project and asked who had caused the blackout a woman appeared and wondered if he was going to hit hit her Joe xingang said he wouldn't do it when he saw their boss in front of him he wondered why they were working so late at night the boss then shared that Joe shang's team had reached a billion views that month everyone in the room cheered the boss approached Jo xang and mentioned that the directors had made a decision she stood behind him and when he looked up he accidentally bumped into her melons some people warned him about his girlfriend joke shanang apologized and the boss regained her composure she then announced Joe shang's promotion to the role of company operations manager joke shanang was moved to tears thanked his boss and shook her hand however the boss blushed and withdrew her hands suddenly flustered she clapped her hands to get the party started and everyone enjoyed the delicious food at the restaurant juk shanan made a toast and the party was a hit later Jo shine checked his phone to look at a photo of himself and Ting Ting he quickly downed a glass of wine and passed out the boss went for a bathroom break and joke chenang unexpectedly appeared in front of her stall he was so intoxicated that he had mistakenly entered the wrong restroom the boss fixed her stockings and listened for sounds from the other side of the door she used the toilet seat to peek outside and found joke xang leaning on the door fast asleep she opened the door and joke Shang fell on her he got up and attempted to unzip his pants the boss continued to stare as if anticipating something until she realized what was happening her scream jolted J xang who was still a bit out of it and he decided to relieve himself right there because he couldn't locate his zipper the boss told him not to do it and offered to help him unzip his pants J xang thanked her believing the boss was a man she started unzipping his pants slowly which annoyed the drunk joke xang who urged her to hurry despite her embarrassment the boss managed to assist ju Shan outside the stall she couldn't help but sigh in disbelief a few minutes later the boss helped Joe xang out of the lady's washroom Joe Shang began searching for his car keys but the boss quickly pointed out that he couldn't drive while being drunk she requested his phone to call a designated driver but Jo Xiang dozed off on the floor she was surprised that Jo xang hadn't changed much since their University days noticing that his phone was precariously tucked in his back pocket she tried to grab the phone but Joe Xiang started dreaming about driving and making advances towards his boss before long the boss assisted je shanang into a car as they got in Jo shanang tried to pull the boss in with him while apologizing to someone named Ting Ting the driver became annoyed and asked if she was part of their group the boss sighed and reluctantly entered the car as the car began to move Joe shenan grabbed the boss's hands believing she was his girlfriend and excitedly shared news about his promotion the boss felt embarrassed and clarified that she was not his girlfriend Jang then inquired if she was happy for him regarding the promotion and the boss played along saying she was proud of him Joe shanine went on to ask if Ting Ting truly loved him he was concerned because Ting Ting had requested a separate bedroom and didn't seem to appreciate the food he had learned to cook for her he worried that she was unhappy Ling with him the driver remained silent and the boss let out a sigh claiming she was jealous of Ting Ting juk shanan continued to ask ting ting to point out what he had done wrong intentionally making mistakes in hopes of provoking her into getting angry however Ting Ting refused to scold him no matter what he did he expressed his desire not to break up with her but also not to see her hurt by staying with him all of a sudden Joe Shang surprised his boss by giving her a tight hug he gently touched her cheeks and said sorry while moving closer to her but then he dozed off while mumbling about Ting Ting and wanting to take back his words the boss wanted to wake him up but refrained from doing so she tied up her hair and it was clear that she was blushing the entire time they eventually reached their destination and the boss paid the driver the driver suggested that she forgive je Shang before leaving however Jo Shang was still fast asleep the boss took a deep breath and yelled in his ear startled joke shanang searched for a blanket but ended up finding pillows instead the boss got frustrated and slapped him questioning why he was sleeping when it was time to sleep joke Shang immediately woke up and apologized suddenly he felt nauseous and the boss helped him vomit outside the car joke Shang started to sober up and realize he was a at home with his boss she sighed and expressed concern about him dragging drunk and potentially losing his promotion as a manager before leaving the boss warned J xang not to be late because her father wanted to talk to him J Shang offered to drive her home but she insisted he not keep tingting waiting and feeling jealous she also reminded him not to forget to close the door which left ju Shang feeling embarrassed since there were other people nearby he arrived home feeling anxious about knocking on the door because he wasn't sure if his girlfriend would open it he remembered their morning conversation and worried that she might have locked him out to check he attempted to use his key however Joe xang began to act like he had too much to drink and made a lot of noise surprisingly the door swung open and Ting Ting welcomed him inside joke shanan continued to act intoxicated and berated himself for acting foolish afterward he greeted Ting Ting who told him to come in right away he closed the door behind him Ting Ting sniffed him and turned turned away wondering why J Shang was acting drunk when he wasn't much of a drinker before he could share some good news with her J Shang wondered why Ting Ting appeared so composed as if nothing had occurred his anxiety grew but then Ting Ting suddenly seized his head and gave him a kiss she congratulated him on his promotion joke chenang asked her how she found out and she mentioned that his boss Minh had informed her ahead of time so she wouldn't be concerned when he came home late jenang attempted to discuss the morning's events but Ting Ting ignored him and went to prepare some tea he suggested that she rest since she had an event but she was okay with staying up late she even tidied up the house before her boyfriend returned J xang had just noticed how tidy the house was which made him realize that Ting Ting truly loved him this realization struck him when he saw the Fram photos however he couldn't stop pondering why Ting Ting was acting so composed when he brought up the idea of breaking up Ting Ting then handed in some tea and the two of of them moved to the living room out of the blue joke chenang suggested hiring a maid which left Ting Ting wondering if her cleaning skills were lacking she asked a simple why leaving ju shanang puzzled he wondered if perhaps some younger colleagues had shown interest in him after his recent promotion or if she suspected him of cheating he explained that he wasn't that kind of person but Ting Ting repeated her question why frustrated she insisted that he must tell her the real reason for the breakup after some thought team realized it had something to do with having children causing Joe Shang to almost choke on his tea she offered him tissues and then she wondered if his parents were pressuring him Joe xang blushed and denied it for the first time Ting Ting wore a sad expression and asked why Joe Shang wanted to end the relationship she told him that she could give him a child if that was what he wanted this time Joe Shang handed her the tissue box he then questioned if she was unhappy or hurt when she was with him tingting was taken back and wondered if he was still feeling the effects of alcohol he went on to describe how remarkable Ting Ting was like a diamond and compared to him she could shine even without him he explained that he just wanted her to be happy with someone else if that would spare her from further suffering Ting Ting then called him out saying that she was deeply hurt by his words seeing her in pain and tears tormented jub shanan he set down his cup and asked for some time alone joke chenang found it strange when Ting Ting asked for a private room in the rented house he hadn't set foot in it for years then he remembered someone suggesting that his relationship with Ting Ting held her back from success while he soaked in the bath he defended the idea that they could have a normal life as long as they love each other he knew this person was trying to drag a wedge between them so Ting Ting could make more money for their company Ting Ting's boss wondered if je Shang had ever seen her truly shine before he believed tingting could change countless lives acting like a guiding son something the two of them couldn't do do the boss insisted he could help team Ting shine even brighter than Joe Shan this infuriated our protagonist as he sensed the boss was also trying to break them up for personal reasons the boss then admitted he admired Ting Ting but promised he'd never use money or power to interfere in people's relationships he claimed he was only offering advice to spare ju xang from future pain and heartbreak he apologized to juk Xiang and showed him a video clip of Ting Ting crying unexpectedly during a company party sh exclaimed that he'd never hurt Ting Ting the boss then trailed Ting Ting and found her in tears while gazing at the Moon he felt envious of whoever had caused her pain and pointed the finger at Ju shinan j Shang tried to brush off the boss's words but they stuck with him however he was clueless about what he might have done to hurt Ting Ting as he drifted off to sleep in the tub Ting Ting attempted to pull him out but hold on another Ting Ting appeared The Ting Ting dressed in office attire wondered if Joe sh had slept she checked on him and couldn't believe he was sound asleep she called her friend who had just arrived and invited her in poking juk xang who didn't react her friend convinced her to have some fun with jup Shan and they turned him into a bubble covered Masterpiece the colleague in the office suggested moving Joe Shang so he wouldn't get sick as they lifted him up one of them complained about his weight while the other blamed her sister for being weak after sitting in the office for so long with Z shanang peacefully asleep on the bed dead tin ting began to wonder what he had said to her earlier her sister assured her that Joe Shang didn't cheat and that it had nothing to do with a child issue as tingting pondered the reason for the breakup Joe Shang suddenly started sleeptalking and hugged her the one wearing casual clothes gave her sister a signal to leave the room so that she could have some private time with Juan Tintin couldn't help but feel sad the next morning Joe shinan woke up to Gentle touches and discovered Ting Ting beside him he quickly hugged her and apologized Ting Ting was puzzled about what she had done wrong in a serious tone J xang asked tingting to let him know if she ever felt burdened by him he wondered why he was in bed and tingting explained that she found him asleep in the bathtub so she carried him to bed J shanang was skeptical but Ting Ting insisted that she was strong J shanang then questioned whether he had been sleeptalking and tingting confirmed that he had mumbled nonsensically in both English and Chinese a apologizing to her and promising to bring her happiness joke shenan couldn't believe that Tintin was acting as if he hadn't mentioned the breakup team teen glared at him and said sorry she admitted they had been selfish because of stress and pressure from others joke shanang was confused when she used we but Ting Ting quickly told him he must have misheard her they soon left and Ting Ting drove her company's car joke Shang thought a simpler car suited her better he was impressed by how hardworking Ting Ting was and her above average Aver intelligence she had one of the highest positions in the country and managed hundreds of employees helping the company make billions seeing her boyfriend's gaze Ting Ting wondered if something was on her face Joe xang said he just wanted to look at her which made Ting Ting laugh Ting Ting then mentioned her mother gossiping about their neighbor's relative joke shanang was surprised that Ting Ting was into gossip she said it could damage a person's reputation joke shinan got excited and asked her to continue as it could be material for future short film tin Tain got embarrassed and told him not to invade people's privacy joke Shang playfully warned her not to keep things to herself or it would mentally bother her Ting Ting then told him that the person had one wife but later found out she had been two different people all along J shenan burst into laughter and called the husband an idiot to which Ting Ting agreed just then juk Xiang received a call and learned that they had run out of backup manuscripts he assured them he had some extra ones at home Joe xang then asked ting ting to go back home she agreed but suddenly stopped the car looking worried she asked Joe Shang why they needed to go home and he explained the situation tingtin got concerned and pulled over she suggested he go straight to his office and she would call for a car to deliver the manuscripts J xang disagreed saying he knew where the manuscripts were and that he would go back home tingting was in a difficult situation she had declined Jo shang's suggestion J shanang was confused conf used about what was going on and why Ting Ting was acting strangely he became upset and told ting ting to leave first but she offered to give him a ride home after a brief pause Joe Shang wondered what was bothering her Ting Ting began driving but accidentally hit the brakes instead of accelerating she became flustered which only made Joe Shang angrier he urged her to start driving but tin ting took out her phone to contact her sister losing focus on the road as they approached a truck Tintin froze and Joe Shang quickly grabbed the steering wheel they narrowly avoided a collision with the truck and joke Xiang scolded tingting for her recklessness he couldn't believe she was using her phone while driving and confiscated it tin teen reluctantly handed over her phone it was the first time he had raised his voice at her and she looked upset joke xang smiled thinking it was a part of being in a relationship soon they arrived back home and Tain rushed to the front door as if she were in a marathon she insisted on opening the door for ju Shang which struck him as odd suddenly tin ting stopped abruptly and joke xang found her behavior strange he asked if she was keeping something from him but she claimed there was nothing to hide and ran off at the door Ting Ting attempted to knock but ju xinong stopped her pointing out that there was no need to knock when they were outside he took out their house key and tinting became nervous a delivery person unexpectedly appeared saying that someone had ordered food to be delivered to the house joke shanang was shocked suddenly the door swung open and Tin Ting's twin sister emerged to collect her delivery this left Ting Ting Frozen in place the delivery person asked for a five-star review and the twin sister agreed while rubbing her eyes Tain Tain looked down and joke shenan gazed at the twin sister in disbelief the twin sister was equally surprised the twin sister had attempted to close the door but juk xingang burst through seeking an explanation Ting Ting then tried to slip away but Jo shinan caught her he yelled at her to shut the door which was the second time she' heard him shout he instructed her not to run and she followed his command while Tain Tain waited in the kitchen Joe Shang knocked on the sister's room and asked the other one to come out the twin sister exclaimed that no one was inside but he informed her that he had already seen everything the twin sister huddled in her cluttered room enraged je Shang declared he would wait outside even if it took forever the twin sister seemed worried but ultimately she removed the lock from the door joke Shang then opened the door and saw the inside of the room for the first time in many years he spotted a chalkboard with his photo in the center and some pictures of the twin sister himself joke shanang sifted through the mess and found a random leg poking out from under a blanket he sighed and Ting Ting noticed him grabbing her sister's leg joke Shang pulled the twin sister out of her hiding place and accidentally scraped her cherished melons she got hurt and jenang told her to get up the three of them then confronted each other with xang wearing an angry expression however he didn't know how to react facing two Ting Tings in front of him he had asked Ting Ting for an explanation but the twins both tried to answer at once joke shenan clarified that he was calling Ting Ting and one of the twin sisters tried to say something joke Shang gave her a stern look and she began to cry seeing her sister cry Ting Ting then admitted that they were both ting ting to Jan this Revelation surprised him but his phone started ringing the Two Sisters told him to answer it and he picked up the call this sudden development surprised him and he told the person he was talking to that he would be there soon after work he asked the twins for an explanation and told them not to run away the sisters obediently nodded simultaneously joke Shan grabbed one of them thinking she also had work but the one in casual clothes mentioned that it wasn't her turn to work Z shanang was left bewildered and looked at the other sister who seemed angry for some reason she dragged him away and he warned both of them again not to escape on the way to work Jud shang's heart raced due to the unexpected events he didn't fully grasp what had happened but he felt like his ordinary life had suddenly changed later at the media company juk Shang rushed in and handed the hard dis drive to D Singh he instructed him to print everything and select the most interesting content for the next advertisement D Singh thanked J Xiang but mixed up his title J xang playfully tapped di sing's head and gave him more instruction he also provided additional guidance TOA Pang this caught the attention of his colleagues who began Whispering about ju shang's sudden transformation and his absence from the meeting J xang overheard their conversation and locked himself in his office he lit a cigarette and wondered which of the twins he had asked about the breakup he regretted coming to work that day suddenly Min Hoy entered his office and Joe shanan was taken back he hastily put out his cigarette men thought that Joe Shang might still be feeling the effects of alcohol as he seemed lost in thought joke shenan quickly made up an excuse saying it was his first time drinking so much wine Min who gave back Joe shang's car keys and said thank you Joe shanang wanted to thank her too but minu insisted they were both equally grateful then J xang tried to say something and Min we noticed he seemed a bit strange he scratched his head in frustration and asked minui if she fully understood Ting Ting minui was surprised and started acting shy when she she saw her embarrassment J xingang asked her why she had come to visit him she told him that her father was looking for him which surprised J Shang Min exclaimed that she had mentioned it the night before she pushed ju shanan forward and accidentally bumped into him she asked him not to embarrass her later soon they both arrived at the Chairman's office and J shanang nervously greeted Min who's father the chairman told him not to be tense and asked him to take a seat as they sat silently in front of him the chairman prepared incense one WID of it and joke chenang suddenly felt more at ease minu recognized the scent her father had lit the chairman then reminded her to call him chairman while at work leaving her with no choice but to comply she whispered to juu Shang that her father always acted that way suddenly the chairman mentioned how minui often talked about ju Shang which made his daughter embarrassed he heard about how hardworking J shanan was and J shanan attributed it to menu's leadership the chairman admitted that he had no idea about the current state of the company and hoped that the new generation would lead it to a better future he asked joke shanang to work harder and Joe shanang responded as a dedicated employee should the chairman then brought out a rare tea obtained from a unique Tree on a remote Mountain Joe chenang respectfully accepted the expense of tea the chairman had noticed his daughter's gaze fixed on Jude Xiang and began discussing her strengths and weaknesses joke xang then listed men who's good work habits and positive qualities which made her feel embarrassed joke shinan went on to say that their group wouldn't be successful without her Min was surprised to hear such praise from J Shan and he made it clear that everyone felt comfortable with her around the chairman was surprised that minu was skilled at managing people however her bad personality and short temper drove people away leaving her single joke xang then remembered that many guys had asked Men We out during their University days but she always turned them down men who got upset because they were discussing her personal life instead of work the chairman then asked if x Shang had a girlfriend Jo shanang was taken aback and struggled to answer this angered minu as she felt her father was prying into people's privacy seeing his daughter's intense gaze the chairman could only sigh before Jo shanang could say anything the chairman tried to set up his daughter with ju shanang minu stepped in and informed her father that J shanan was dating yeting whom she had introduced to him the chairman remembered yain for her impressive skills and wondered why J xang was different from her he noticed J shang's anxiety Min seeing him silent told her father not to compare the two joke shanang realized that Min didn't know about the twins the chairman told his daughter that he wanted to hear from Joan J xang tried to say something but hesitated recalling something from that morning after a long pause minu broke the Silence with a short cough J Shang then explained that working separ L was better to get to know each other better the chairman listened as XO xang claimed that they had a clear understanding of each other and had some surprising experiences minu was pleased to see J xang talking the chairman noticed her reaction which flustered minu she urged her father to end the small talk because they had more work to do the chairman laughed and remarked that a good man should have his own career He also mentioned that he had a long conversation with ninu and convinced the company Executives to invest in them surprising ju Shan J xang then glanced at minu who abruptly told him to get back to work he stood up and walked away from the two of them minui continued to watch Joe Shang as he left until her father got her attention he informed her that her uncle would be visiting but Min declined to discuss it further the chairman then mentioned the company's financial troubles and asked her to return and help Min paid little attention to his words and left thanking him for his role as chairman however she assured him that that she would address the financial issue shortly after we find her main character working diligently overseeing short films and potential projects in a meeting he argued that the recent drop in views and likes on their latest video was due to the script he insisted on revising the scripts but a team member mentioned the cost given their limited funds because the series was intriguing joke Xiang decided to approach minui for financial support fatigued jenang returned to his office and saw Ting Ting's nickname in his contacts he reminisced about their University days recalling how she was always cheerful and Lively suddenly a realization struck him as he thought about their time together he pondered something but found it unlikely instead of sending a message to Ting Ting he deleted it and expressed his frustration with Emojis a moment later he noticed Ting Ting's typing status flickering on and off assuming she was nervous dick Singh invited him for a meal but Jo Shang declined because he was waiting for ting Ting's response dick Singh had previously claimed that he had secured his favorite and Joe Shang had asked him to save some for him he continued to wait for ting Ting's response he took a sip of his coffee and then his phone rang opening the messages he found Ting Ting's bold selfie with her curtains wide open for everyone to see this surprised Juke shinan and he inquired if someone else was with tin ting he anxiously stared at his phone waiting for a reply Tain responded with a cute message saying she was unsure about what to do joke Shan chuckled and advised her to have her meal anticipating an explanation later D Sing called him again and joke shenan got up he noticed a message from his computer it was Ting Ting asking if he had eaten already joke shenan explained that they had just been chatting and Ting Ting was surprised by The Coincidence joking that twins must think alike joke chenang realized that this was The Ting Ting who was at home she also send a selfie which made joke xang realize that Ting Ting had a habit of sending selfies when she had done something wrong he asked where she was and this Ting Ting seemed offended suggesting they switch roles joke shang's mind suddenly wandered into filmmaker mode and he assumed this other Ting Ting was a time traveler from the future leaving Ting Ting speechless with others inviting him for a meal J Shen told tingting that he would have a long chat with the twins later he suspected that this explained why she was always so energetic each day he recalled the gossip Ting Ting had shared with him while she was driving and ber himself for being an idiot leaving his office Jo xinong discovered that there was no food left Xiao Pang and D Singh were blaming each other and minui appeared asking why they were arguing joke shanang was surprised to see minu in the office so late she mentioned that it was the same for the others and the awkward atmosphere made everyone else excuse themselves minu noticed that Joe Shang hadn't eaten anything and he explained that he was on a diet however his hungry stomach made a loud growling sound and minu couldn't help but burst into laughter she had invited Joe shenan to join her because her dinner had been delivered and she couldn't finish it by herself J xang initially tried to decline saying he could manage but his growling stomach gave him away and minu couldn't help but laugh she wasn't worried about him but about the new manager fearing they might faint which could harm the company's progress and cause losses she insisted she was responsible because J Shang was still officially on the clock after J shang's stomach growled for the third time he accepted min's offer joke shanan watched shyy as minui brought out the food she handed him a Bento Box that made him wonder where it came from because it looked very delicate he asked minui how it tasted and he started getting feedback as if he were Gordon Ram even suggesting not ordering from the same place again minui felt hurt by his comments and wondered why he wasn't eating she said she would eat his leftovers Joe chenang refused to be the first to eat and insisted that Min should have the leftover they playfully competed by pushing the Bento toward each other until their faces were inches apart they both got embarrassed and decided to share the Bento however Min Hoy ended up with only a small spoonful of rice and greens and Joe shanang couldn't believe she was eating so little minu claimed she was on a diet which made J xang assume she was doing it to impress a man it was clear he was being dense frustrating ninu in her frustration she slammed the Bento cover down she began telling J xang not to be become overconfident because she had treated him well she instructed him to go work and earn money for the company joke shanang was momentarily at a loss for words and exclaimed that mini had finally revealed her true intentions he couldn't believe that minui had planned to use him for her benefit since their college days minu laughed and said that J shine was valuable to her J shanan continued to eat and Min asked him not to take her father's words too seriously joke shanan paused and said that her father didn't know about their relationship ship he suggested that she find a man since she had been single for a long time he asked about the type of man she was interested in so he and tingting could help her Min playfully hit chuk shanan with her Chopsticks and told him to mind his own business she teased him just like they did in their University days Min who got a little upset and claimed that she had no shortage of admirers she insisted that she could have a boyfriend whenever she wanted she playfully threatened to tell Ting Ting a thing or two joke Shang then started being more polite to minui and continued eating minui was annoyed and got a bottle of water for him joke shanang was surprised and accepted his boss's offer after finishing his meal Jan left minu in an irritated tone told him to get back to work she began clearing the table and realized that pouring away the remaining water would be a waste she thought about going for an indirect kiss and checked if anyone was nearby nervously she put the bottle tip to her lips imagining ju of shanine kissing her how however the embarrassment overwhelmed her later meanwhile Joe shanang was discussing a project with another employee when Dick Singh suddenly entered his office he exclaimed that their original video had been copyrighted by others who had more views joke shanan told him to stay calm and let the legal department handle it Dix sing was angry because their competitors were essentially stealing views and fans joke Shon told him not to get upset as there were always solutions to problems they finally calmed down and left the office joke sh then realized that his work was essentially the same but with more departments to manage dealing with video details and issues was enough to make him feel exhausted he suddenly thought about the twins just as he was starting to relax he suddenly felt frustrated and checked the time he grabbed his bag and left his office then he approached minu the boss smiled and scolded him for leaving work early joke Shang tried to mention Ting Ting but decided not to and went back to work later Joe shanang drove back home unable to shake the image of the twins from his mind he was both excited and scared to get home he wondered what to say to them especially after they claimed to be both his Ting Ting he had many questions about what had happened that day suddenly a driver informed him that his car had been stuck at a green light for two cycles and people were getting annoyed joke shanang could only apologize when he finally arrived home and nervously unlocked the door he found the twins enjoying snacks in the living room they had been on his mind all day Jo chenang expressed his worry about talking to them but the twins ran to him asking him not to be angry their smiles immediately calmed him down they insisted that he sit down and they finally started discussing the matter they sat up straight and encouraged Joe Shang to ask any questions he had their openness surprised him he became flustered when they acted so seriously which made the twins laugh at him joke shinan got angry with them and they fell silent again but when he saw the two Ting Tings in front of him his heart started racing he coughed and one of the twins offered him a cup of coffee joke Shang grabbed it in the wrong way quickly let go because it was hot and ended up burning himself in a very silly manner he screamed in pain and the girls could see he was hurting they hurriedly grabbed some tissues and worked together to help him something that shouldn't have risen had now definitely risen the girls asked if he was okay but J shanang scolded them for not warning him that the cup was hot the two girls blamed each other until they realized that their play thing was burned one of them suggested checking on him and tried to remove juk shang's pants jenang stopped them and rushed to the washroom to cool down his injury while he was tending to his hot dog he noticed that the girls were just as nervous as he was when he attempted to change his pants the girls handed him a new pair in perfect sink the twins laughed at him but ju shang's seriousness silenced them he couldn't believe he scolded himself after hearing some gossip all one of the twins laughed the other guy got angry because they had discussed when to tell J Shang however the other twin found it amusing that J Shang scolded himself J Shang asked them to stay on topic but he also started laughing one of the twins complained that Jang only knew how to shout at them not laugh and playfully hit him with a pillow she blamed Jo shanang for not figuring out for a few years she asked her twin sister to say something because it was the first time joke xang had shouted at them however the other Ting Ting also burst into laughter based on how the yellow rabbit presumably a nickname for one of the twins referred to the other the Blue Rabbit was the older sister suddenly Joe shenan got serious and asked to settle things first then he inquired whether the two of them had carried him to bed together the twins confirmed that They Carried him together because y Shang was heavy like a pig from the start they washed him and were shocked at how dirty and wasted he was they even complained about how smelly he was because of the wine joke shenai mentioned that he had been happy in celebrating however the younger twin complained that he had soiled his pants too much making it hard to wash they even showed how they played with him in the bath while he was sleeping the twins started blaming each other joke xang wondered why they weren't as quiet as usual the twins fell silent and turned away from each other J Shang suddenly thought of something and approached the twins he checked them one by one mouth nose and even the Deep Abyss beneath their shirts when he started checking their legs the older twin got mad had the younger twin then mentioned how men like him must be excited to see them as toys now Joe shine couldn't see any difference he then started to think that some random Wormhole had happened making the twins confused he wondered if the two had split like how you best do he slapped himself and tried to calm down he then tried to think harder and realize something telling the twins to wait he then seriously assumed that some cloning technology was related to them he continued staring at the twins with suspicion the older twins suggested Ed waiting for X Shang to process everything first he continued wondering what to ask the twins the younger twin wondered if x Shang had become crazy due to the shock the older twin then claimed that it was nothing Fantastical but rather a simple reason the younger Twin Side and started narrating a story of twin sisters who would wear the same clothes and hairstyles and play with the same toys the sisters studied like normal students until most people around them kept claiming that the two really looked alike J shine agreed that it would be strange if twins didn't look alike he then realized that the two were twins finally the older one agreed and mentioned that the sisters realized one day that there was no need to take two exams joke shanang wondered if the two cheated the younger twin then laughed and exclaimed that they were both smart they took advantage so they wouldn't waste one person's life joke shenan couldn't believe her logic and suggested that the two should study instead the younger twin then mentioned that if they became one they would have an additional free Day joke Shang asked them to stopped talking nonsense but he realized something the older twin confessed that they acted as one person joke xang raised his voice and called them crazy the older twin couldn't believe J xang also said the same thing and cried the younger twin got mad at J xang and exclaimed that even if the world was against them he should defend for them jenang felt apologetic but he claimed that it was the normal reaction he then wondered how their parents thought of their act they then mentioned how their father scolded them and brought them to the mental hospital for a checkup Joe shanang was glad he was not the only one going crazy over the twins he then wondered how the two escaped the mental hospital the younger twin got mad and called je Shang crazy instead she explained that their thought process was more advanced than others and called the others old for following the old ways she exclaimed that they just liveed to make things possible she then ordered X xang to scratch her feet and the older twin also asked the same joke shanan called their feet smelly but the Loud younger twin claimed that they were not the twins called him evil and even planned to kick him out J xang tried to calm himself and finally understood why Ting Ting felt unfamiliar all these years he then though about something and asked them if he was dating the two of them from the start the twins confirmed and the younger one exclaimed how lucky joke shanang was to date two girls unlike others joke chenang suddenly got serious and asked who he kissed first the twins fell silent until the older one confessed by raising her hand while the younger one scratched her head Joe then talked about the deed they did in the ho for the first TL the younger one then raised her hand Joe xang finally found out why Ting Ting's menstruation period schedule was weird the older twin wanted to say something the younger one noticed it and began accusing her older sister of falling in love with Jud Shan claiming they were the ones on the losing side the older twin then said the younger one had also fallen for Joe Shan but the younger twin insisted she was just dragged into it this led to to a frustrating argument with various reasons thrown in joke shanan was puzzled as to why they started arguing and both twins blamed him at the same time everyone fell silent due to the awkwardness after the truth came out he tried to speak but ended up stuttering and the younger twin told him to get to the point the older twin suggested giving Joe Shang some time to think as he seemed unsure of what to say he wanted to clear up the misunderstanding to avoid losing Ting Ting but got nervous when the twins glared at him Joe sh asked what the person from the gossip would do if he had two wives and everyone fell silent except the younger twin who brought out Joe shang's pet chicken which was recovering from Burns she blamed Joe xang for insisting on returning home that morning Joe shanang was taken aback when the younger twin suggested hiding everything forever the older twin tried to intervene but J Xiang and the younger twin continued arguing the older twin made another attempt to stop them but they ignored her and kept blaming each other until she couldn't take it any anymore and punched both of them the usually quiet older sister finally shouted at the top of her lungs putting an end to the argument the younger twin claimed it was the first time she had argued in four years and didn't know how to stop in joke xang admitted the same this left the older twin dumbfounded and she burst into laughter joke xang and the younger twin also joined in the laughter a neighbor complained about the noise and J Shenyang apologized J Shenyang noticed that they had bothered their neighbor so he apologized to the twins for bringing up the breakup and for arguing he stumbled over his words again and the twins waited nervously to hear what he was going to say he scratched his head while they anxiously anticipated his words with a big smile Joe shanang asked if the twins would keep Ling with him this surprised them and tears welled up in their pretty eyes joke shanang suddenly became flustered the girls explained that they had always long to hear those words the younger twins scolded joke xang for realizing it so late since they had always always lived in fear and anxiety because of him the older sister also held on to juk Xiang and apologized for lying for so many years now that they were more at ease Jang suddenly remembered that they hadn't eaten yet the twins went to the kitchen to make some food but Jang stopped them because he wanted to cook for them the older twin assumed that J xang was hungry J xang then reminded them about how he used to cook for them back in University he wanted to prepare a meal for them and the twins requested two different tofu dishes an argument started over tofu and it got more heated than the previous ones joke xang intervened and decided to cook both this put an end to the argument J shanang could really see that the girls were Twins and remembered being unsure whether Ting Ting liked prawns or not the two girls could only blush joke xang told them to relax and watch television together later he asked them to chop some onions and the twins debated over who would do it the dull days in the House suddenly became vibrant with everyone cooking and eating together before going to sleep Joe Shang still felt like the whole situation was surreal however he couldn't forget the video where he had seen Ting Ting crying the Twins then entered the room leaving ju Shang flustered he knew the Twins were up to something and the older twins suddenly blamed her younger sister the three of them sat in silence on the bed until the twins each took one of ju shang's hands the younger twin had exclaimed that they had always wanted that moment to fulfill their wish joke Shang feeling confused found himself pinned down on his bed by the twins the older twin asked if je Shang didn't want to sleep with them joke shanang just didn't expect them to be so forceful suddenly the older twin got offended and the younger twin started biting Juan the older twin got worried and blew on the bite marks then she told them to go to sleep because the other two had work the next day later that night juk shanang woke up and discovered that the twins were missing he then noticed them near the window crying and apologizing because they didn't have have a choice joke shanang was surprised and woke up he looked on both sides inside realizing it was only a dream he went to smoke because the dream had bothered him morning came and Joe shanan woke up to see the older twin preparing breakfast Joe shanan froze at the sight of her and remembered his dream the older twin got worried and asked if ju Chang was okay but he claimed he wasn't fully awake yet he went to the bathroom but the younger twin was using the toilet and casually told him to wait for his turn he couldn't imagine the twins coming out of the bathroom at the same time breckfast was ready and they all sat at the table while Joe xang still couldn't believe the situation he had experienced he then realized something and asked who was really the oldest and who was yeting while munching her food the younger one tried to tell ju Shan but the older twin stopped her she wanted J shenen to figure it out himself as punishment leaving him stunned to the point that he spilled his cup of milk just then JW got two messages from minui and the twins wondered if minui was rushing their boyfriend he told the twins not to worry because he worked perfectly the younger one reminded him to be careful with his colleagues since he had been promoted he praised the younger twin for being experienced in Social matters the older twin suddenly got jealous and claimed that she was the same joke shine playfully agreed while hugging the Twins then he left for work and the twins saw him off J shanan arrived at the office beaming with a smile that caught everyone's attention he noticed his colleagues gossiping and he playfully threatened to give them a hard time if they teased him following that he asked D Singh to gather everyone for a meeting during the meeting he inquired about the new advertising campaign featuring the celebrity and Lee ER with shiao Pang sa Pang proudly displayed a printed copy of leer in a seductive pose alongside their product however Min Hoy instructed them not to publish it yet even though they had already informed the media and advertisers joke shanan questioned the decision and decided to speak with minu directly meanwhile Shia Pang voiced concerns about rumors regarding the company's Financial instability joke xingang remained silent and made his way to Min hu's office there he found Minho engaged in a heated phone argument with someone she requested a face-to-face meeting but the other party couldn't make time for it leaving her frustrated after ending the call Joe Shang asked her what had occurred following a brief pause minu informed XO xang that they needed to prep prepare for a sudden business trip although he might have panicked upon hearing about the trip earlier his thoughts were now consumed by thoughts of the twins he tried to put tinting out of his mind temporarily but minu sudden shout snapped him into action he hurried towards the door where they both tried to open it simultaneously in the process J xingang stumbled and accidentally grabbed Min hu's ample chest minu didn't comment on the incident and asked Joe shenan to help her out he inquired again about the project but Min told him they would discuss it on the way later in the car minu dropped a bong shell on J Shan the celebrity and Lee air wanted to cancel their contract leaving him shocked joke Shang couldn't believe it when the other party suddenly changed their minds Min said she didn't know why they were on the way to meet them since signing with her was the only way to save the company joke shanang couldn't help but get upset at hotti celebrities like her then he realized something and asked Minh why she brought him instead of the business manager minu thought for a moment and said that J shanang was a lucky charm J shanang was surprised he didn't pay attention to the road and almost got hit by a truck the protagonist almost got icec for the second time he abruptly stopped the car and said that Min hu's explanation wasn't sufficient mini then said that they always won during University days when she was with him J Xiang said it was because of menu's leadership but minui doubted he knew about it J shanang was left confused and N told him that she brought him alone to increase their chances of success since he knew all the details about the project joke shanang replied like a good subordinate which made minu laugh seeing minu smile joke shanang wondered who would be the lucky guy to marry her minu told him to stop teasing her or she would spill some tea to Ting Ting joke shanan apologize knowing that men would always be interested in minu since University minu claimed that she didn't know about it J shanang knew she was clueless because he was the one who listened to those who got their hearts broken minu realized that jenang had sacrificed for her and he confirmed that he still would joke shenan got curious and wondered what type of man ninu liked he promised to help her find a good man along with Ting Ting however minu suddenly fell silent joke shenen then reminded her that he would always take her side no matter what happened minui wondered if je Shang had already made up with ting ting J shanang was surprised that minu knew she then mentioned how sad he looked days ago and how he suddenly became happy this morning J Shang couldn't believe it was so obvious minu asked again if they had made up and J Shen shyly confessed that they did mini then reminded him that Ting Ting was her best friend and she would fire him if he hurt Ting Ting J xang nervously said that he wouldn't dare making Min laugh out loud the two soon arrived at the airport while they were waiting for their flight Joe shenan was worried about how to set up a meeting between his and Ting Ting's parents he decided to text Ting Ting about the upcoming business trip with n and asked her to arrange a hotel for their parents he also sent the same messages through another messaging app however minu noticed him copying and pasting messages between apps and this made Joe Shan nervous minui claimed that she only saw him open the app and not the actual message joke shanan was concerned that their secret might be exposed so he sighed and quietly mentioned that he was sending messages for both his and Ting Ting's parents Men We overheard and asked if Ting Ting's aunt and uncle were really coming she started to suspect that something might be going on J xang quickly explained that they were just traveling around after retiring but minui was worried they might arrange a wedding and they would get married suddenly both messaging apps alerted at the same time and Jo shanang checked them this made Min white angry because she thought he was showing off that he was in a relationship she told him to finish his personal matters so they could talk about work joke shanan continued chatting with both apps and they started to gossip about the celebrity who caused the sudden business trip they kept chatting until one of the twins mentioned how copying and pasting saved joke shang's time confused he wondered what was going on he then received a selfie from the younger twin showing a laptop with both messaging apps open at the same time minu couldn't believe the couple was joking around and blamed J Shang for leading her best friend astray J Shang noticed his boss had been watch watching the whole time and got upset because his privacy had been violated she reminded him to hurry since the announcement to board the plane had been made she told him to get on the plane and Joe Shang had no choice but to comply on the way to board the plane he asked for clarification about the messaging apps the younger twin admitted that they both logged into the two accounts but the older one was too busy to reply this time joke shanan got frustrated because they hadn't informed him of this Arrangement the younger twin blamed him for not asking about it and and told them to go ahead and board the plane leaving the matter about their parents to them joke shanang received their agreement and a playful smack on the head from minu she scolded him for flirting during working hours and seemed irritated because of the couple's flirting through chatting so yes minu appeared to be somewhat jealous in this situation on their way to catch the flight minu pulled Joe shanang aside and scolded yting about their business J xang then asked his boss to release him commenting that he looked like a slave minu finally realized they were causing a scene when an old woman advised her to spare her husband embarrassment in public blushing menh let go of Joe Shang feeling embarrassed she urged him to hurry and blamed him for the awkward situation joke Shang couldn't help but sigh seeing ninu behaving just like before once on the plane joke chenang reminisced about minhui from their University days back then she took on a leadership role dedicating her time to improving their group joke shanan drifted into memories but Men We Know noticed and asked about it he explained he was thinking about their University days minu feeling nostalgic stretched and remarked how it felt like a long time ago even though only two to three years had passed Joe Shen agreed finding it interesting that his former leader was now his boss J shanang pointed out that he was always around her and minui questioned if that was a problem teasingly jenang said he felt unlucky which made Minho angry she moved closer making Joe xang smile and he playfully confessed that he was actually lucky because working under her was both steadfast and enjoyable menu giggled blushing at the remark at that moment Ting Ting called jub shinan our main character thought it was the one related to work and spoke carefully to her to avoid raising suspicion from minu minu watched joke shanan with a stad expression Ting Ting wondered if it was truly urgent and joke Shan confirmed they were on the plane Tintin then mentioned that she had just finished her meeting and assured ju Shang that she would take care of their parents while holding someone's personal data Ting Ting mentioned that the girl on it was a tough one and told her husband to be careful jenang thanked tingting for their good work Min noticed that jenang mentioned Ting Ting in the plural and started complaining about their constant flirting joke shenin explained that he was acknowledging the good work of both Ting Ting and ninu as they were both working hard minu asked to talk to tingting and Joe Shang quietly warned wared Ting Ting Min exclaimed for them to stop flirting and Jo chenang handed over his phone Min scolded tingting for distracting Joe Shan during work hours she wondered if they were intentionally trying to make her feel jealous Ting Ting denied it saying she was concerned because J xang hadn't prepared for the sudden trip she questioned if minu would let J Shang who might not have suitable clothes meet a famous celebrity men realized that she too was dressed casually the situation shifted as Ting Ting criticized Min for always rushing things and suggested buying clothes after they landed joke Shan confused looked for an explanation and minu responded with a glare minu eventually gave in promising to buy Jo Shang some clothes Tintin wished them luck and offered to help gather information minu couldn't believe tin Tain was spoiling him and J xingang claimed he was always a casual guy who focused his brain power on work this angered minui who expressed regret for matching him with Ting Ting comparing it to a flower stuck in a Dun Hill she then dragged jok Shang and insisted on picking out an outfit for him a while later Jang emerged wearing a new outfit but the employees and minu looked at him strangely minu developed a headache when Joe schang questioned the quality of her fashion sense especially since his hairy leg was drawing attention she blamed the clothes not her fashion taste and then realized the size was incorrect blaming ju Shan for his long legs minui had been busy helping XE xang try on various clothes until she started to complain she couldn't understand how Ting Ting effortlessly chose outfits for Juan realizing they were short on time Jo chenang suggested seeking Ting Ting's assistance minu agreed and Joe Shang quickly grabbed his phone for a video call however he hesitated concerned about potential conflicts between the two sisters in the midst of his uncertainty minu took charge and dialed ting ting J shanan could only hope that the sister at work would answer the call minui connected with tingting and soon discovered she was at home confused minui and a nervous y Shang pondered the situation minu wondered about Ting Ting's attire during work hours upon realizing this Ting Ting hurriedly excused herself asking them to wait minu speculated if Ting Ting brought sleeping clothes to work and Joe shanang hastily fabricated an explanation minui uncertain questioned whether that was the case adding to ju shang's unease when tingting returned she questioned if they had been talking negatively about her joke shanang denied it and Ting tting jokingly said her husband was a coward and asked why they called joke xang explained the clothing dilemma Leading Men whe feeling embarrassed and tingting burst into laughter tingting clarified that finding the right size wasn't the only concern she advised getting a size larger for J xang as it would suit him better playfully she also suggested Min buy her husband new socks due to his allegedly smelly feet a claim joke Shang strongly denied shortly after Ting Ting inquired about ju shang's looks minui expressed regret for requesting ting ting to coordinate her husband's outfits and presented ju shanan in a more fashionable attire Ting Ting then exclaimed that it required considerable time and effort for them to assist je Shang in choosing his wardrobe even expressing frustration about the shopping process she continued to voice her complaints minu then asked her to stop complaining to her and gave the phone back to ju shanan Ting Ting attempted to complain more but minu informed her that they were running late and assured her they could discuss her concerns later she concluded the call and handed the phone back to ju Shang afterward she paid for the clothes J shanang attempted to pay for them but minui reminded him that they were on a business trip so the company should cover the expenses the two reached the tea house where they were supposed to meet someone one time passed slowly and they sat there in silence an hour went by but the person they were waiting for still hadn't shown up joke shinan was frustrated because they had rushed to get there minu told him to calm down reminding him that they were in the middle of a war the person they were waiting for was a very famous celebrity minui advised XE xang to see the waiting as a test if the celebrity wanted to work with them she would eventually arrive joke shanan commented that the celebrity was different from the image portrayed in advertising and posters in response Min informed him that the celebrity was more cunning than people thought and urged him to observe and learn Joe shanang agreed quickly and Min Hoy chuckled mentioning that she wasn't teaching him for free she would extract the fruits of his hard work later joke shanan joked that he was already squeezed out and any more would make team Tain presumably someone else involved Mad Men Who countered saying that normal people wouldn't even have a chance to be squeezed by her and joke Shang should be thank ful suddenly J Xiang turned serious and thanked minu for everything this surprised minui who wondered what had gotten into him joke shenan used to tell her about his experiences after he graduated he wandered through different companies because of Bad Bosses minui was the one who offered him a place where he felt his efforts and time weren't wasted he felt sincerely thankful however minu feeling awkward insisted that she only hired him because he was easy to manage she claimed she wasn't kind at all joke xang started to say something but abruptly changed his tone promising to work hard for his boss minui she responded by saying such promises wouldn't get him a salary raise unexpectedly someone who expected them to be angry was surprised to see them acting affectionate Joe Shang and minui turned around and saw a girl minui irritated asked the girl about her intentions the girl just smiled playfully she approached Jo xang and complimented his looks expressing her liking for his clothes and enjoyment in seeing new things J xang professionally greeted her but the girl unexpectedly grabbed his hand noticing J shang's Meek demeanor she jokingly remarked that minu would soon overpower him joke shanang mentioned having a girlfriend leaving minu speechless the girl then speculated if minhu was considering being a mistress finding it intriguing for social media attention she believed that it could Garner numerous likes and Views confused joke Shang listened as the girl suggested he could gain millions of fans and followers in a month with his face seeing the girl flirt with ju Shang minui couldn't take it anymore and told inlay to stop teasing them and Le questioned if minu was admitting that J xang was hers frustrated minu asked if en Le only came to tease and instructed Jo Shang to pay attention in response Joe schang promptly straightened up like a corporate employee and leg giggled apologized and then sat down proposing to discuss the main topic joke shanine had Gul nervously beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he witnessed firsthand how andl used her womanly assets to climb the ladder in the online industry and Le instructed them to talk quickly since she had another scene to shoot J xang and minhui sat down and discussed the contract they had agreed upon Min pointed out that J Shang had worked hard for half a month putting in overtime to design everything as inlay had requested things took a tense turn when ninu slammed her hands on the table questioning why in Le had violated their contract and Le with a smirk reminded her that she hadn't actually signed anything so it couldn't be considered a violation minu urged and lay to consider integrity and noted that the company had invested a lot of time resources and funds in her and Le dismissed her plea asserting that as a budding online celebrity with her team she aimed for more money and benefits minu argued that collaboration was the best way forward emphasizing that inla and her team wouldn't progress without them and Le with a smile revealed that they had already found someone offering better terms and benefits leaving juk xang and minu feeling defeated amid menu's frustration over in Les's actions she suddenly caught the scent of tea and Joe shanang suggested she' drink it to calm down feeling embarrassed about losing her composure minu reached for the tea all while and Lee observed the unfolding drama with interest minui reminded and led that scammers were everywhere and her company wouldn't be one for her and Le acknowledged that she could be a bit Nave but she also recognized her own value she explained that someone familiar had offered her something and she found it hard to reject when minu asked for a solution andless suggested they meet up and she would sign whatever would satisfy Min hu's concerns minu warned enl that her company might not hesitate to replace her but enla playfully dismissed the idea saying she'd be unlucky if that happened the meeting was set for the next day which made men we upset she told ju Shang to leave with her and en Le in a playful manner Bid Farewell to ju Shan outside J Shang tried to talk to mini but she was really angry jenang then quietly followed her minu noticed J shang's silence and accidentally stepped into a sewer covers Gap joke shanan was there to help her and noticed her broken stiletto it was completely shattered mini took off the other styletto and walked Barefoot she went to a trash bin threw her styletto and cursed loudly attracting the attention of some passers by as men we tried to convey to juk Shang to find something J Shang assumed she wanted to find an internet cafe and he quickly found one minu was impressed that he understood her and joke shanang mentioned that he had been following her for many years whenever men who he faced major troubles she would always bring him and ting ting to an internet cafe turning them into Pros eventually minu wondered if she was bothering them but je shanang didn't hear her and suggested playing any games she wanted minu couldn't help but smirk and chose a game as she moved forward she accidentally stepped on the wrong foot and fell to the ground J shanan wanted to assist her but minu insisted everything was okay she began to walk away but J Shang noticed that she was pushing herself he took hold of his arm and asked if she could lend a hand because the shoes he had on didn't fit well minui was initially surprised but then scolded him for not mentioning it back at the store joke shanang just grin fo isly Min declared that they would go back to the store after playing some games later at an internet cafe in a shooting game a player called someone an idiot for looting in the open he then noticed how J shanang smirked through the scope and soon got destroyed by minu the two were really into the game and were surrounded by many enemies a grenade was randomly thrown at them but it bounced off min's character is that even possible in the game but minu said it was a bug minu then dealt with the enemies and told her teammates to rush however they lost the game minhui claimed that ju shang's game skills had dropped joke shanang blamed minu for always charging in like a mad woman and reminded her that it was always Ting Ting covered for them minu said dominating enemies with her Aura was a strategy joke shanang sighed since minu played the same and remembered how the three of them along with Ting Ting had a formation he then wondered if eating chicken would be refreshing minu slammed the keyboard and left joke xang followed suit but he noticed that minu was getting attention for walking barefoot he suggested buying some shoes first since he was worried about perverts looking at her legs menu had been wondering if she would get attention solely based on her attire joke shanang assured her that she would always be in the spotlight regardless of what she wore his words made minui blush and she playfully scolded him for acting foolish the two decided to go to a mall where minui finally found a new pair of shoes jokes sh on question why andless suddenly wanted more profit and considered if a rival company could offer better terms meanwhile Minh pondered if the new shoes suited her joke shanine couldn't believe they weren't strategizing for the business yet but menu insisted on leaving it to fate once X shanang confirmed that the shoes looked great on her minui quickly paid for them and mentioned they were meeting someone when jenang inquired about the person Min revealed it was someone who had betrayed the company shocked J Xiang asked who the culprit was Min disclosed that it was the business manager and joke shanine questioned the motive behind such an action minu reminded him that only she J xang and the business manager knew the company's secret weapon and conditions fearing that enl might not sign a contract with them the Brash celebrity raised the price and demanded better terms joke Shang then asked why minui suspected him of betrayal in response she ordered him to slap himself and surprisingly Joe Shan complied minu laughed and dismissed him later at a coffee shop minui and Jo Shan met with the business manager J xang felt disgusted upon seeing him the business manager then asked them what they would like to order but Joe Shenyang had already started acting hostile toward him the business manager tried to calm things down and asked Minh why he was called claiming he was still busy scouting online celebrities an angered minu attempted to raise his fist but J xang stopped him H then glared at the business manager wondering how much rebate he would get from Inlet the business manager paused from drinking and claimed that it was Trade Secrets joke shanang couldn't believe the business manager had betrayed them the business manager then mentioned how the world moved fast citing how many short film companies joined the trend and soon went bankrupt joke shenan reminded him that their company was working day and night to stay afloat because of that Trend the business manager admitted that it was thanks to Jude Shang that the company reached the top rank ranks in the entire country but argued that they lacked creativity he also stated that everyone worked hard to earn money and that anyone wanting to start a company should seize any chance minu interrupted wondering if the business manager would still have the opportunity if they let go of enl the business manager had a surprised look when minu asked her question he thought it was strange because he knew minu wouldn't just abandon the company and the people she cared about J shanang attempted to intervene but minu stopped him and instead threw a cup of water at the business manager she insisted that she now understood the kind of people who could comprehend someone like the business manager those who stood by him and those who sneakily lurked in the shadows to spy she affirmed that he was correct she wouldn't give up on everyone and the company the business manager calmly wiped his wet face and glasses with tissues but suddenly joke shinan punched him joke shinan called him trash for resorting to dishonest methods to make money the business manager calmly picked up his broken glasses and mentioned how he needed to replace them already he then told minu that she was a very loyal follower and he invite her he wondered how she had trained X Shang angered Jo Shang tried to punch him again but minu stopped him Jo Shang exclaimed that he really wanted to punch the guy but minu warned him that it would be a loss for both him and the company if he punched the business manager she then took Joe shang's hand and put it in front of the business manager's face she claimed that they had worked together for many years and they would help and trust each other she emphasized that the business manager wouldn't face such issues if he chose a better path the business manager could only click his tongue minu then tried to leave with Jud Shan but juk xang still wanted to teach the business manager a lesson in the end they left as if Jude Shang was raising the middle finger leaving the business manager conflicted mini and J shanang hurriedly left and J shanang instructed Min to wait Min not noticed she had been holding Jo shang's hand tightly and released it she wondered if je Shang was upset with her for stopping him surprisingly Jo Shang thanked her for preventing him mini smiled and wished that Ting Ting was with them so they could all enjoy the nearby Beach together she remembers the time when the three of them went to sumon for a vacation J xang said he couldn't forget about it suddenly Jo xiang's phone rang and he looked surprised when checking a message minu wondered what was wrong and J Shang asked if he could go back to the hotel to take care of something personal minu asked if it was urgent and joke xan confirmed it minu told him to go ahead and reminded him to make a plan together later joke shanang was concerned about his boss's leg but minu said she could still kick ju Shan with it joke Shan left on his own leading n sitting alone on a bench later at Shaman airport joang anxiously waited for something or someone suddenly someone called him by his nickname it was was Ting Ting J shanang was puzzled about why she came and Ting Ting claimed that she missed him J xang asked her to tell him the truth and tinting got upset saying that her company had suddenly arranged a business trip to caman for the next day she said her sister was still packing which is why she came early joke shanang remembered that Ting Ting's company didn't have any connections to suan and tingting assumed they were meeting a new supplier joke shenan kept pondering and questioned why tingtin came early tingtin called dense and insisted that she missed him she mentioned that in the past she wouldn't have dared to come out of her room and flirt with Jud Shan J shanang scolded tingting worried that they might expose themselves to others Ting Ting told him to be quiet and blamed him for making her miss him and for making her his girlfriend J shanang accepted it was his fault and wondered if Ting Ting could find someone else Ting Ting called him stupid and explained that there were other people interested in her J Shang mentioned that he still had something to discussed with ninu Ting Ting assumed that the business talks failed seeing ju shang's disappointed face Ting Ting suggested going back to the hotel since she wanted to stay beside him after their discussion Ting Ting wanted to party with him joke Shang sighed and stopped walking Tain wondered if something was wrong Jo shanan worried that minui might find out about them Tain reassured him saying there was no need to worry reminding him of how they had lived so far they soon took a tax passing by gang Island joke Shang reminisced about their vacation there surprised at how much progress they had made in society tin ting taken aback asked for J shang's thoughts he laughed held tin Ting's hand and said he felt fortunate to have them with him understand how you felt Mr Taxi Driver I feel the same way Ting Ting had quickly pulled in Ju xang and planted a kiss on his cheek she giggled and stayed close to him noticing the spot where Jo xang accidentally took her first kiss he insisted it was unintentional and promised not to repeat it tin Tain upon hearing this got upset and pinched him in response Joe sang playfully pinched her cheeks claiming that every kiss they shared was a first for him tinting couldn't believe how smooth Joe Shang could be he laughed mentioning they were creating romantic scenes making it easy to please her this annoyed Ting Ting and she bit him joke shanan was surprised by her action tinting was just happy that she could freely without fearing exposure as Ting Ting was about to get closer to jup Shang his phone started ringing it was Ting Ting from home despite ju shang's warning Ting Ting snatched the phone and initiated a video call the young Ting Ting appeared on the screen and wondered if the older Ting Ting had already reached Simon she pondered where they were and the older Ting Ting displayed how close she was to ju shanan the older one assumed that the younger Ting Ting had picked out Joe shang's clothes J xang then questioned why the younger Ting Ting hadn't stopped her sister fearing that they would be discovered the younger one insisted she had tried to intervene the older one then asked the younger one to fetch her swimsuit the younger one reminded her that they were going on a business trip not a vacation however the older one argued that they hadn't taken a vacation since they graduated and that they didn't need to keep their secret hidden anymore the younger Ting tting giggled and agreed to bring whatever she could the older Ting Ting then mentioned bringing the striped panties she wore during during her first time her words made J xang feel embarrassed even the driver seemed uncomfortable J xingang scolded them for talking about such things in public Ting Ting then reassured ju shinan telling him not to worry since no one around knew them the younger Ting Ting said goodbye to continue packing and the call ended joke shenan looked more tired than before suddenly Ting Ting touched his thighs and wondered if he was getting excited joke shanang was flustered and exclaimed that he only came to examon for work later at a hotel in ch J Xiang and Ting Ting felt sweaty as the elevator moved when it stopped people poured out the elevator closed and opened again J Shang and Ting Ting looked around cautiously they sneaked around while jenang warned Ting Ting not to be seen by minu Ting Ting pouted insisting she wasn't foolish they paused in front of the door next to min's room and Jo shanang handed Ting Ting his car key Ting Ting wondered why they needed to be sneaky when there was nothing to worry about at that moment a door burst open and ninu emerged she looked to the side and saw J Xiang acting strangely wondering why he was acting sneaky she tried to figure out what he was up to jenang insisted it was nothing but Min attempted to enter his room she was certain someone was inside since yo xang was blocking her way she speculated if he had brought a girl into his room joke shanang denied her assumption claiming he wasn't that kind of person minu skeptical stomped on ju shang's foot prompting him to move aside upon opening the door she discovered Ting Ting squeezed behind it completely hidden from her view minu scanned the room and noticed something on the floor a questionable service contact card concerned for ting tang minu declared she would keep an eye on ju shanang he accepted the scolding about the card while shielding Ting Ting Jo Shang said he wasn't that kind of man and questioned if she and Ting Ting would still believe him if he had been like that from the start minu that it was better to be careful to avoid such situations and took responsibility for ju shang's actions since she brought him along J xang then said goodbye to Min closed and locked the door J xang and Ting Ting sighed in relief and shared a laugh Ting Ting hugged him saying they almost got caught Joe shanan wondered if what they were doing was wrong Ting Ting playfully bit his ears and said the secret would stay between the three of them joke shanang mentioned he still couldn't believe his situation tinting then then suggested making things even more exciting and Jo xingang asked how Ting Ting approached him and kissed ju Chang they were both breathless and tinting said she would take a bath joke Shang told her to smell nicer and tinting got upset thinking she must be stinking J shenan hugged her and asked her to be quick Tintin told him to lie on the bed while she undressed as J xang was undressing Minh shouted from the other side of the door asking about the girl's voice she heard the two became anxious as minu asked joang to open the door tingting didn't know what to do and Jo Shang told her to hide tingting started hiding but juk xang stopped her because her shoes were still on the doorstep the knocking continued and juk xang told minu to wait after Ting Ting grabbed her shoes J shanang opened the door for minu minu noticed a topless yuk shanang making her flustered in questioning why he looked like that she scolded him for opening the door while being topless joke Shai explained that he Was preparing to shower when minu called him minu returned the clothes J Shan wore in the morning suddenly she remembered hearing a girl's voice and J Shang claimed she must have heard wrong minu could see that J xang was still not good at lying minu had stepped forward making X Shan flustered feeling responsible for ting ting she pushed him aside minu looked around until she found the room where a TV played a Japanese a getting flustered she wondered what Jo Shang was up to Jo Shang insisted that minim must have heard the girl's voice from the video minui called him a disgusting pervert and regretted introducing him to tingting Jo shanang argued that most couples watch such videos and even Ting Ting had watched them together with him minu was speechless J xang told her she would understand once she started dating someone Min who got mad and swore never to watch such things she left J shang's clothes behind blaming him for teaching inappropriate things to Ting Ting as men n departed jenang felt tired already at that moment ninu noticed how ja shanang covered the back of the door jenang realized he was in trouble minu looked at him with disbelief and tried to see what was behind the door she asked him to move but juk xang refused minu then kicked him aside and swung the door open instead of Ting Ting she found a cockroach J xang insisted he would never cheat on Ting Ting and mentioned that almost all the guys were watching the video she had seen earlier frustrated Min we left the room closing the door but not totally closed since he could see the Cockroach pass through a gap in the shower room tin Tain was thinking about whether Min Ho had already left she said she was really scared J shanang insisted it was because of his plan but Ting Tain kicked him for revealing that they used to watch adult videos together J xang seized this moment to playfully share his fascination with feet making Ting Ting feel embarrassed she pulled juk shanang up and he noticed her blushing Ting Ting Sugg justed they take a shower together and Joe Shang agreed making Ting Ting happy minui had returned abruptly because she had mistakenly taken the wrong bag to her shock she found her best friend and employee hugging each other while only half naked minu was surprised at seeing the two being touchy feely in response Ting Ting insisted that minui saw nothing and quickly fled to the shower room joke shanang urged Ting Tain to open the door but minu feeling foolish witnessing the scene called out to both of them the two stood in front of her like trained soldiers she asked for an explanation and the two silently kneeled in front of her Ting Ting with teary eyes tried to say something minu sighed and asked Ting Ting why she was hiding from her Ting Ting then asked minu to listen first she glared at juk Shang and asked for support J shanang abandoned the ship and minu told tinting to stop tricking her she wondered why a busy body found time to visit shyan tingting claimed climed that she missed minu but her best friend doubted her since she was just hiding tingting then said she wanted to surprise her and glared at Ju shanan j shine agreed claiming they were discussing how to surprise minu minu wondered if that was really the case making the too frightened she noticed their suspicious Behavior and the couple couldn't say anything Min sighed and handed ju shang's clothes to Ting Ting Ting Ting promised to reimburse her later but minu insisted it was unnecessary since it was part of the impromptu business trip the couple exchanged glances men informed them they had 1 hour and expressed disappointment at seeing Ting Ting picking up bad habits from Joe Shan Ting Ting chuckled and whispered to Min that she would teach her someday minu claimed she wasn't interested and left instructing them to have dinner together before closing the door alone now the couple exchanged glances once more Ting Ting checked the door and locked it this time they sighed and Ting Ting expressed ress regret for hiding joke xang then picked up Ting Ting and carried her telling her to get started since they only had an hour Ting Ting was taken back and asked him to be gentle and quiet the two began flirting unaware that minu was still behind the door listening to them the three of them had gone to a food stall near the beach where the waitresses were quite attractive minu asked Ting Ting once again why someone as nosy as her had come to Simon tin Tain then admitted that she was actually on a business trip scheduled for the next day but she had arrived early to meet them joke shanang was curious about why a tech company would send someone on a business trip tingting wasn't sure about the details due to some changes and she was suddenly assigned to suon without much information despite the uncertainty she was happy to reunite on a trip reminiscent of their University days minu then brought up how Ting Ting could be quiet or mischievous at times even suggesting jokingly that she might be two people joke shanan dropped a piece piece of meat suddenly which confused the girls he said it was just a slip but Tain Tain warned him not to be clumsy Tain Tain then thought about whether J xang was causing problems at her company and minu said she was always keeping an eye on him minu threatened J shanang with a salary deduction that he was messing things up Joe shanang didn't want to risk it since the equipment they used was expensive and he promised to take good care of it strangely Ting Ting seemed jealous and wondered if ju Shang cared more about the equipment in them joke shanang denied this and Min noticed Tintin referring to herself and minu as people who also needed care Min asked tinting not to involve her in their lovers quarrel after the grilled Seafood got cooked Jo shingin shared some with his boss J Shenyang then asked Ting Ting if she wanted a prawn and minu couldn't believe that he didn't know what Ting Ting didn't like after such a long time joke chenang reminded her that Ting Ting was a two-sided person just like she had mentioned ear earlier and he needed confirmation tin claimed she wanted to eat everything including prawns so she was the one who enjoyed eating prawns joke xang then placed some prawns on a plate and began peeling off the Skins he offered it to Ting Ting but she preferred to be fed by him as they sweetly fed each other minu couldn't help but feel jealous and trembled With Envy at that moment minui and ju Shang Heard a Voice they recognized asking why they were hanging out together to check if they were right they glanced to the side and saw en Le who was shooting a promo video for the food stall all of a sudden enle spotted Ting Ting and got curious about her Ting Ting dismissed enle but then enle surprised Everyone by sitting down beside ju shinan Ting Ting couldn't figure out why she was bothering them andless said she wanted to have dinner with them and Men warmly welcomed her however menu used to threaten her insisting that she sit beside her or face the consequence of being treated alone later and love playfully told her not to be so serious and quickly moved to sit next to Min expressing how hungry she felt Ting Ting sitting beside ju Shang pouted and Le then casually asked Jo Shang for some scallops causing him to blush and start cooking for her Tain Tain not pleased within Le's presence scalled and Le noticing min's expression smiled mischievously as if planning something as the scallop sizzled in the pan and Le began praising X Shang curious he asked joang how he had met his girlfriend before he could answer Ting Ting covered his mouth and scolded in love for prying into someone's private life and Le ignored her helping herself to a scallop she urged everyone to enjoy the food joke xang playfully pushed Ting Ting aside making her annoyed Ting Ting then requested squid to be cooked and and le as if in competition made the same request the two of them devoured their food eagerly making Min laugh Jo Shang ordered more seafood and everyone happily indulged in their dinner and Le had exclaimed about how full she was and worried about her weight tinting told her that no one had asked her to join them men we asked them to simmer down and sought support from ju shinan Ting Ting claimed that she only wanted to spend time with minui and J shanan as in l wondered what would happen next mini suggested that they needed to rest suddenly and Le proposed playing a game of Truth or Dare team Tain and Je shinan declined since it was getting late and Le then offered to tell them who had offered better condition than them she wondered if they were scared and Ting Ting snapped minu then asked the waiter for the bill later at the beach ju Shang tingting and nin Hui sat down to reminisce memories J xang recalled the time when they had played Truth or Dare during their student trip Min laughed saying it was thanks to her that J Shang managed to pursue Ting Ting Ting Ting claimed that she wasn't easy to pursue J Shang then confessed that it was all thanks to minu minu was was glad that J xang was thankful at that moment enl approached with some cans of beer and barbecue J xang and minui fell silent andl placed what she brought on the table grabbed a can of beer and drank it down she then declared the beginning of their game and snapped some Chopsticks the person with the shortest stick had to answer questions while the rest stayed silent and Le decided to draw first and Ting Ting objected surprisingly andl intentionally pick the shortest stick catching every went off guard joke sh unquestioned if it was allowed and enl was okay with it she encouraged them to proceed and Ting Ting started flexing her Knuckles tin Tain requested and lay to make a promise since they didn't have lie detectors and love vowed not to tell lies or else she wouldn't get a handsome boyfriend for Life the adults were annoyed and Ting Ting escalated things physically and Le argued that it was a big deal for her since she liked handsome boys Ting Ting argued that emlay was just pretending and suggesting a consequence like never finding true love joke shanang and minu thought it was too extreme surprisingly and agreed to Ting Ting's suggestion and made the promise she then urged them to start asking questions tingting inquired about which company offered her better conditions and Le went completely silent ttin proposed a dar's punishment and spotted a dodgy looking man nearby instructing enl to kiss him for 30 seconds witnessing the man's inappropriate behavior joang and ninh were shocked and concerned and lay called Ting Ting a bad person and Ting Ting blamed in love for proposing the game and L requested a beer and Jo Shang handed her one she downed the beer and playfully asked Jo Shang to start counting Jo xang had suddenly become shy and Ting Ting immediately warned her to stay away from her belongings and Le decided to leave and went to kiss an elderly man the old man was surprised and onlookers began recording videos and taking photos when the timer hit 30 seconds J Shan told and L to stop andless stepped back from the old man who had been hitting on her but she rejected him and Le then returned and asked for her phone insisting that the 30 seconds had passed and that it was her first kiss the couple was shocked by this Revelation and joke xang apologized however and Le reassured them saying it was fine because the old man had offered to recommend her to his rub of nerds everyone was taken aback by her unexpected Behavior feeling excited and L encouraged them to continue the couple fell silent but minui started praising in Le saying she had peaked her interest and love felt the same way the night continued and the group kept pling Truth or Dare at one point inla felt a bit disappointed that she didn't draw the short stick Joe Shang also didn't get it but Ting Ting ended up with the shortest one since minu had the longest stick it was now her turn to ask questions J Shang mentioned that things would have been more relaxed if it was just the three of them King Ting got a bit worried and in Le asked her to take an oath first Ting Ting swore mimicking the oath and Le had taken earlier making Joe shanang nervous Min noticed his reaction and commented on how the couple had been acting strangely lately she thought they were hiding something from her the two went silent and Ting Ting started acting flustered and Le then reminded them to decide on the Dare punishment joke xang suggested a milder punishment since it was Ting Ting's turn Minh pondered and the couple became anxious eventually minui came up with a dare she recalled the time when they played games on the beach team team didn't lose even once the couple got more anxious while enl was getting excited joke xang thought that this game was risky for the twins worry Ting Ting signaled to juk Shan for help she wondered what to say since she can't lie seeing the two kept signaling each other menu wondered what they were doing the two fell silent until Ting Ting stood up to do the Dare Challenge and led just smirked at them worried Joe Shang wondered if minu could change the challenge but minu refused tinting claimed it was a piece of cake and claimed that she was still the same she then told Ting Ting that she was not hiding something on purpose and would definitely tell her in the future the two came into an agreement in the end Min told her to quickly finish it and Ting Ting ran quite a distance she stood in front of the crowd and shouted Team Rockets quote from Pokémon like she was both Jesse and James people started filming her and praised her for doing it well she thanked her audience and love found her amazing and felt it a waste that Ting Ting was not an online celebrity joke shanang was amazed since it was the same Ting Ting felt embarrassed and snatched the bottle of wine and drank it by herself minu stopped her and told the couple to stop acting stupid kids watching them and Le found it interesting and suggested to continue the game everyone agreed suddenly Ting Ting celebrated since it was her turn to ask and thought of doing something bad she she asked who got the shortest stick and found out that it was n minu claimed tin Ting's menacing smile was scaring her tinting recalled how meni kept dodging questions before and it was finally her chance to ask something she always wanted to ask juk shanan wondered what it was meanwhile en Le was getting excited and told Min to swear minu started hesitating en Le reminded her that both she and Ting Ting had gone along with it she whispered to minu that it was her turn now after thinking for a moment minu sighed and pledged the same thing as the others tinting then asked minui what kind of guy she liked despite receiving numerous confessions since her University days minui suddenly felt anxious and Ting Ting proposed a dare she suggested that minu confess who was the first guy on her contact list minu quickly checked her phone and discovered a contact named stupid a tin Tain wondered who it was and minu promptly hit it and love mischievously smiled and glanced at at ju Shan she told minu to Spill the Beans minu then shared that she had always been alone since her parents were busy with work she studied and worked hard for them however even as a university student they still didn't give her time to spend with them J shine noticed her sad expression and minui claimed she only wanted someone to eat talk and laugh with while saying those words she could only think of je Shan minu desired a person who would always be with her and J xingang stared at her with concern and remarked that min's request seemed hard to fulfill and jokingly assumed she might be single forever minu told her to let it be if that was the case surprising Jud Shan on the other hand Ting Ting started crying and quickly hugged minui she declared she wouldn't let minu be alone and promised to be with her forever even living with her minu sighed and smiled wondering what was up with Ting Ting's expression their scene suddenly turned romantic and enl began to wonder if ju Shang was getting jealous Jo shingan claimed he already knew the two too well Min teased that her time with Ting Ting was far longer than the couple's time together J shanang couldn't say anything and minu laughed Like a Villain everyone continued drinking leading juuk xang feeling defeated he was surprised that the girls quickly hit it off and found it a bit intimidating the game continued and Ting Ting wondered aloud why it was her turn joke xang celebrated because it was his turn to ask a question Ting Ting got the shortest stick and noticed y shang's expression she wondered what kind of dirty things he was thinking minu told her not to threaten her boyfriend to go easy on her but tin didn't care and told him to bring it on however she still threatened her boyfriend if he embarrassed her Joe shanine didn't say anything yet and and Le gave him another bottle Tintin got mad and claimed that no one would care for him if he got drunk and Le offered to bring him to her room if that was the case and Ting Ting turned violent minu laughed and jok Shenyang side he wondered if he should ask about the video where Ting Ting was crying then he chugged down the whole bottle and decided to ask a question for the Dare punishment Ting Ting had to shout out loud to the crowd that she was a pig Ting Ting got mad joke shenan claimed he was her Pig so they should be the same kind and Lee objected since he was obviously going easy on his girlfriend joke Shang then started his question and asked Ting Ting if she recalled his decision to be with her for the rest of his life and the second half of his life had begun Tain Tain was surprised and wondered why J xang was bringing it up as J Shang tried to continue he recalled the sight of Ting Ting crying he sighed and asked if Ting Ting felt happy at that certain time he called her his question confused Min joke shanang was curious if it was obvious thinking about Ting Ting in the video and love found the question simple and complained just then tinging repeated joke shang's words asking him to say the same thing every year minu noticed something making him less suspicious joke xang anxiously looked at his girlfriend Ting Ting said it was a line from a movie claiming it would make her happy and wondering if J Shang felt the same joke xang then realized the crying Ting Ting wasn't the one in front of him it must be the one at home Ting Ting asked what was wrong and J Shang promised to continue saying those words for her Ting Ting was happy and told him to keep his promise joke shanan wondered what he did to make the other team team cry so much minu stared at the couple being affectionate and Leia reminded them they were playing truth or dare not flirting and suggested making the game more exciting she got annoyed and said the game should be more thrilling throwing a beer toward minu and they shared the drinks tin Tain seeing them chugging down beers wondered what happened she joined them and Joe shanang warned not to drink too much tingting complained about the embarrassing question J xang asked J shanang continued pondering the issue tingting and insisted on continuing the game despite her initial protest seeing her boyfriend lost in thought Tintin wondered what J xang was thinking she had told him to stop daydreaming and continue the game joke shenen then agreed to continue the game and L wondered what was good with a daydreaming man like him Ting tting got mad and grabbed ju Shan claiming that she wouldn't know unless he was used however she asserted that enl wouldn't know if since she wouldn't have the chance and Le got speechless and ninu laughed out loud they then continued the game while listening to the waves and surrounding a bonfire joke shanang was safe but enl was not she was then forced to kiss a random person again the man left in tears due to happiness for the next round it was en Le's turn to ask or Dare minu minu was then forced to undress and show her brassier and chug down a bottle of alcohol the again continued and Joe Shang became the sacrificial lamb next he was subjected to becoming a sand sculpture and even got weird features and L stabbed a twig in a certain area and Ting Ting scolded her minui then noticed the twig trembling and Joe Xiang looked like he was dying the girls started laughing at him the night continued and more people came to the beach the girls continued enjoying the night Joe shanan was glad to get some relaxation but he was still feeling uneasy on the inside Tintin told him that she wanted to sleep while hugging him joke shenan wondered if he was feeling weird because of the alcohol Ting Ting then sleep talked that she and her sister were happy and lei and minu were surprised to hear her words J shanang was surprised and quickly covered Ting Ting's mouth claiming that she tended to talk nonsense when she was drunk however the other girls doubted it and Le then crawled towards them expressing her desire to hear more J xang panicked and told her to stay back minui grabbed and Le's arm to stop her and L questioned whether minu being a media person was not curious at all Min gripped and Le's arm too hard and en Le gave up up on asking the situation became awkward between the two and it was the first time joke xang had seen ninu act like that suddenly a drunk Ting Ting rejoined the drinking and Jo Xiang wondered what they should do about them minu checked her phone and told them to go back and Le asked for another round but minu ignored her tingting agreed that it was only one night and they should enjoy and play more and Le cutely begged for one more round causing Joe Shang to get a headache since he and nin still had work to do suddenly Tintin wondered if enl didn't have friends en Le was surprised and fell silent admitting that she didn't have friends at all her mood changed when Ting Ting put her feet on in Lay space joke shanang scolded Ting Ting for drinking too much and told her to apologize since Ting Ting wasn't listening joke shenan confiscated the bottle and Ting Ting apologized joke shanang sighed and padded Ting Ting's head and Len noticed how minu looked lonely she suggested one more round and promised to answer any questions she asked if it was fine and everyone agreed in the end the game continued with another round and N hoi ended up with the shortest stick and Le taking her turn glanced at minu who was starting to feel a bit nervous and L pondered about what to asked and eventually inquired about what minho's favorite person looked like reminding her to swear before answering nervously minu looked at the excited couple trying to say something however and lay interrupted urging her to wait because the D punishment hadn't been mentioned yet and Le then instructed mined to pull down Jo shang's pants tingting protested claiming joang was hers but and Lee insisted that minu had to decide leaning toward minhu she emphasized that nobody would know if she told the truth men we stood up suggesting they clear the trash before leaving the couple obediently followed behaving like well-trained soldiers as everyone picked up their trash and Le wondered why the couple always did what Min said joke Shen explained that minu was always quick to help whenever they needed something and Le surprised looked at minu in the meantime tinting expressed her love for minu referring to her as a reliable sister minu noticed Ting Ting's words joke xang tried to cover it up by saying that Ting Ting and minu were like sisters Ting Ting got upset and and Le was pleased to hear that they considered each other as sisters Men We scolded them for chatting around and the couple apologized for their silly Behavior that's it for today's video give it a like And subscribe for more Recaps see you next time
Channel: Manhwa Galaxy
Views: 62,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, manga, manhwa, manga recap, manhwa galaxy, harem manhwa, harem manga
Id: ohgyR3NXo1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 30sec (6030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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