He Thought She Was In A Coma, So He Started Clapping (Movie Recap)

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while this girl was in a coma she could experience everything starting things off we get a chance to admire the snow coated scenery while mia our soon to be komato's friend reflects on beethoven's dedication to music even when losing his hearing yep he became a composer after that that's like a youtuber losing his sense of humor or having none to begin with anyway mia introduces her family there's her father danny a band member turned teacher and her mother cat a groupie turned travel agent and at last there's her little brother teddy who wants coffee relatable cats shows us a newspaper headline about a local band turns out they know the guy denny's excited for the band's next gig while mia looks quite somber i wonder why if you miss each other it's okay to reach out oh she got dumped they get ready to head out for school but a radio broadcast announces it's a snow day so school is out forever heck yeah my dudes cat calls into work pretending to be sick so she can spend the day with her family wholesome mia steers deep into the newspaper and we're in a flashback yeah prepare for a lot of those meet adam the guy in the newspaper and the front man for an up-and-coming band in portland and there's mia playing her heart out on the cello alone adam checks her out wondering if she can work the skin flute half as well as she can play the cello then kim mia's friend enters the room and drags her off to lunch oh my god he's totally into you they gossip and kim is a stalker later adam makes his move on mia immediately sending her into a nervous frenzy i see you like yo mama me too smooth then adam invites her to see a chalice perform live before kim butts in i'll see you guys later based better be nice to you don't worry mia kicks ass yep same actress gets you a girl who can do both back in the present the family plans to take an impromptu trip to their grandparents farm mia hesitates as she's waiting for the result of her juilliard audition come on we're not going to see you after college and we'll let you pick the music in the car guilt and bribery are the glue that have held parents and teenagers together for generations i think for most kids it's belts and sandals and occasionally you're dead leaving for milk and never coming back during the ride mii reflects on how she turned out despite being the product of two punk rockers and we're back in the past we can see her dad playing on stage with his band the nasty bruises embarrassing i know cat attends a show while holding mia this shouldn't be legal fast forward a bit and one day at school mia shows interest in playing the cello and since she has cool parents they hire a teacher for her but they're only able to afford renting the instrument mia becomes enamored with the cello and practices every day i love her but i'm about ready to stab my eyebrows out well wouldn't it be more pragmatic to stab out your ears one day denny sits outside mia's room as she practices cam walks up and then he reflects on how mia plays out of pure love for the music unlike him who picked up music to pick up girls relatable one day denny bikes home with mia's very own cello meanwhile in the present and on the way to the farm tragedy has struck however mia wakes up unscathed weird she looks for her family and ends up finding her own body shock fills her as the paramedics report on her condition her body is lifted up and dragged off into an ambulance she follows along desperate for answers before we cut back to the past we see mia nervously preparing for her first day with adam he arrives and immediately impresses denny by knowing he was the lead singer of nasty bruises they head out and adam remarks at how cool her parents are so they tell me at the live performance adam scores a win hand holding let's go you dirty dog outside adam points out how strange it is that she ended up as a shy classical music girl when her parents are rockers yeah we've been over this let's move on me inquires as to wife all girls she chose him because i like to watch you play you're so into it and you're beautiful bingo right answer later adam invites me into one of his banned shows he sings away while locking eyes with her the entire time only try this if you're good looking backstage mia fails to fit in then adam gets invited to an after party want to come not here adam what oh um i mean i have a curfew perfume did i stutter adam returns home and me reveals she's a little jealous of liz adam's bandmate now look i see your concern we do have a lot in common we're both into girls feel dumb now don't you adam goes in for goodbye kiss but then go have fun wait you don't have a curfew oh um you know i'm feeling under the weather okay before adam leaves cat invites him to dinner on sunday once he's gone mia rups you know that was wrong she storms off and kat wonders why she's being this way she shouldn't be scared of those guys they're basically us exactly in the present me arrives at the hospital she tries to ask for her family's whereabouts however she's a ghost her body is sent to the operating room and if you live if you die it's all up to you that's entirely false but okay then mia sees her dad's body being sent to a different operating room and we flash back to sunday dinner denny calls out to mia with adam and toe she's happy to see him and her mother is proud the day is going great as adam effortlessly gets along with me as family and friends suddenly mia gets stung by a bee and bravo alright you gotta return the favor later just not on my hand whoa later that night mia receives a text message from adam and goes out to her balcony surprise he's here adam climbs up and shares he had a great day and admires me as family he shares that his own family isn't intact and that he's used to being alone you're not alone not anymore kill me already me is way ahead of me too soon she gets tired of looking at her own organs and decides to look for her family she notices kim and sprints towards her leading her to her grandparents who are talking to a social worker denny and me are being operated on and teddy is unconscious but alive fading back to halloween mia asks for fashion advice from her mom she wants to go as a cool rocker chick to fit in with adam's crowd adam pulls up rocking that 18th century drip the pair meet up head inside and then adam goes off to get the show started suddenly a spooky skeleton appears good one come on at least give me your phone number this man is an intellectual and a scholar after the show me and asks adam if he likes her better is rocker chick the you you are now is the same you i was in love with yesterday the same you all be in love with tomorrow that line is sure to seal the deal bingo adam takes her to an abandoned shed romantic one day this will become a spot for his band to rehearse and record but for now it'll be a place for them to hug tightly for about five minutes on average well that's a good time to cut as any mia's body is back from surgery and nurse davis is by her side another body arrives but it isn't her dad's or her mom's mom was doa dad died on a table oh no mia is devastated memories of her parents flood in as she breaks down then she sprints off to find teddy the last person she has left thank god she finds him alive with her family friend willow her grandparents enter the room and break the sombre news everyone is shook mia runs off once more and notices adam rushing to the hospital she runs to her body in attempt to wake herself up meanwhile adam tries to rush in but i assume visitations are restricted to immediate film come on guys she's running low on those back in the past adam's band has been playing more and getting recognized he's even got record labels taking notice and mia's doing well herself playing at a college festival despite still being in high school but it's not all rainbows and sunshine they're finding less and less time to be together as their past diverge maybe we could get a place together it actually sounds kind of perfect after mia's impressive performance she chats with her family about going to juilliard it's the best there is true as that may be she remains hesitant afterwards she picks her father's brain about why he gave up his music ambitions you didn't have to give up something you love so much just for us but i did in sweetheart that adventure played its course and then i started a new one with you guys sometimes you make choices and sometimes those choices make you the cello was a choice that made me yeah that's what i'm saying man apply already add a girl later mia asks adam about the band's future plans but she hesitates to tell him about juilliard at home mia practices for her application insecure she takes a slight jab at punk music this is serious music i can't just fool around you little sh nonetheless her family supports her through the grind i thought the last one was amazing oh i'm gonna be so sad when you die nah there's no way he doesn't make it anyway adam's band hits the road for more shows but mia stays put because of school we get to her and kim having coffee before mia gets a call from adam babe we were just offered to deal with the record label the call-outs prematurely without a proper goodbye leaving mia in shambles god i hate this at home oh a letter from juilliard mia is invited to perform a live audition in san francisco we cut to adam's band practicing for a show when mia sneaks in to drop off some food she scurries off but adam notices her he catches up and she reluctantly reveals that she applied to juilliard and got an audition where you go that's cool yeah he's less than thrilled later me attends his show and notes that he's really coming into his own as a performer hey man a-bomb hell of a nickname suddenly milk truck arrive she requests an autograph to which adam giddily bestows upon her bosom meanwhile a visibly irked mia walks off afterwards adam and the gang are preparing to leave for a different show but not before we commence with some arguing this is about you ditching on our plans you're a liar mia suggests they keep it long distance but adam counters it's like dating a ghost boy do i have news for you anyway adam storms off upset that mia won't uh completely ditch her dreams for him and his stupid rocker vibes after their fight a single day has passed and mia is losing her just wait till you lose your whole family yo that's not funny on day two adam pops up in mia's room while she was away he broke into her room and decorated her ceiling with a replica of jalori hall so she won't be nervous during her audition adam tries to make peace mia flinches away two days adam two whole days you can't do that to me adam explains that due to his family he's used to being abandoned relatable so he got scared about losing her moving on he presents her with a cello guitar bracelet as a birthday gift in response and there we go again okay audition time now that the ceiling is a familiar sight this will be a breeze mia plays her heart out as her grandpa watches on the ride home he commends her for her incredible performance you know i really regret not encouraging denny about his music i won't make that mistake again what you did up there was magic then mia visits adam and catches him practicing a new song they talk about her audition and mia confesses that she killed it adam still seems torn but they both agree to celebrate after asking adam why he didn't write a song about her mia becomes indecisive about attending juilliard however this time adam is far more encouraging about her leaving i mean you'd do the same for me i mean i kind of already am you're always gone because of your shows you tell him mia back in the present ghost mia follows kim to the rooftop where adam is you know i loved her from the moment i saw her playing cello and now it's all gone i'm such a dumb stupid idiot then in an act of pure stupid idiotness kim helps adam distract the guard so he can go into mia's room we really need someone down here damn she's really selling this adam approaches mia's lifeless body when i just i just wanna feel you touch me what the hands off come on adam gets dragged out and nearly kicked out but runs into willow who comes bearing more bad news mia panics and rushes to teddy's room he's gone the doctor explains to her grandparents that teddy had an epidural hemorrhage whatever that is they did everything they could mia collapses with grief as it all sets in a heavenly light appears as mia's body begins to fail on her she's rushed in for another surgery okay let's get back to happy thoughts me and adam are celebrating new years they once again reevaluate their future mia remains open to a long distance relationship and adam well that she goes home and upon being greeted by her family and friends breaks down into tears cat comforts her as mia reveals that's over with adam you're supposed to break up with someone because you're not in love with them not because you're completely in love with them okay ken advises her that there's no clear answer any decision she makes comes with a win and a loss as her mother she'll support her no matter what after the surgery mia's grandfather watches over her finally letting his feelings out after thinking long and hard he confesses that denny quit the band to fully support her and teddy no surprise there he quit the band and sold his drum kit to buy his first jello her grandfather pleads with her to wake up and fight but understands if she can't i want you to know it's okay numerous people visit her even lives with her girlfriend but no sign of adam yet then kim shows up and sits to talk with her best friend encouraging her that she still has a family she reminds me of her happiest day we flash back to labor day a time before her fight with adam a time when all her family and friends were together at night they decide to light up a bonfire and jam it out eventually denny and adam bring down mia's cello and encourage her to play a nervous mia declines no way i'm playing for you guys not for us with us she gives in and it's not long before she's having the time of her life finally feeling like she's found her scene looking on from above is ghost mia who can now time travel very cool she zooms back to the future or rather the present and walks around the hospital she notices the beautiful scenery outside and prepares to embrace it but then she hears beethoven busting in the background she goes back to her room to find adam playing her some music also apparently he broke into her house again and stole a letter a letter from juilliard you got it i imma wake up now but actually he finally wrote her a song and it moved her soul literally back into her body so happy ending sorta wow we're almost at half a million subscribers thank you and thank me
Channel: Minute Movies
Views: 1,270,846
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Keywords: movie recap, movie trailer, movie clips, movie review, movie explained, minute movies
Id: oZiD9c88veI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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